Ubuntu :: "Most Frequently Used" Section Of Apps Menu Has Vanished

Jun 2, 2011

The other day, the "Most Frequently Used" section at the top of the apps menu (Unity) just disappeared and has not been seen since. I don't think I did anything to cause this, and I've been unable to find any way to restore it.

I'd just got used to working with it and I'm finding it frustrating now it's not there.

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Ubuntu :: Hidden Mimized Apps \ Reach Apps That Minimized Them Self And Are Not Shown In The Top Menu?

Apr 30, 2011

Some minimized apps no longer appear in the top menu and by that are no longer accessible.For example firefox with the minimize addon or Jungel Disk backup service.How can I reach apps that minimized them self and are not shown in the top menu?

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OpenSUSE :: 11.3 Desktop Menu Has Vanished?

Nov 15, 2010

I normally run 11.3 with the desktop "folder view" but thought I would try something different - I think it was the search and launch view. After playing with it for a while I wanted to change back but found that right clicking on the desktop no longer launches the usual menu. If I change to "netbook form" rather than desktop, the menu is there, but even rebooting has not fixed the problem.

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Ubuntu :: Purple Colour Of Ambiance Menu Vanished

Jul 20, 2010

when i first installed 10.04 the colour of the background colour of menu shortcuts was purple. e.g. the highlighted part of the menu you get by right clicking on the desktop was purple. this was with the ambiance theme that is the set default with 10.04.since the last few updates, i realised that this purple colour background has disappeared ! now, the background colour of the highlighted menu is off white which is the default setting of the radiance theme.so what's happening and how do i get the purple colour again ?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Immutable Section Of HDD + Differencing Section?

Jul 8, 2010

You maybe know that VirtualBox has an "immutable" feature for HDD images. I.e. setup the system, if the stuff is in place, you can set the image to IMMUTABLE to prevent any changes to the image. Differences are written to a separated image. So on the next boot you'll see that all the (unintended) changes are gone and the "old" system is up & running again. I run an old SuSE 10.3 on a write-protected SD-IDE-Adapter. Changing and playing with RPMs is a mess due to around 50 changes I had to do to make that work. Is there any option to mount an SD-card as RO and having all the changes written to e.g. /dev/sda3? To make it clear: I thought about something like a RAID-X system, but could not find any description on how to setup a raidtab.

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Ubuntu :: Having A List Of MOST USED APPS In The Main Menu?

Jun 8, 2010

get a list of most used apps at the bottom of the application menu. Also documents, why not.

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Ubuntu :: Removing Icon From Apps Menu?

Jul 16, 2010

I recently uninstalled Epiphany, but the icon for it under Applications > Internet is still there. Is there any way I can remove it?

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Ubuntu :: Duplicate Apps In Context Menu?

Jul 23, 2010

As in the attached screenshot ... how come gedit and gvim show up twice in the "Open with ..." options? Can I tidy this up?

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Ubuntu :: Install KDE Without Adding KDE Apps To Menu ?

Nov 19, 2010

Is there a way to install KDE without adding the KDE apps to the normal gnome menu ?

Last time I had both installed, the menu ended up being a bit of a mess.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Change Menu Icon Next To Apps Tab In Certain Themes

May 10, 2010

I have become very restless and irritated while trying to change the icon next to the applications tab on my top panel (I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Desktop). I've tried multiple methods and have had no luck. I've used the Ubuntu Tweak option for changing the icon. It didn't work. I've attempted taking my custom one and changing it in the directory itself but I can't figure out how to change the permissions to allow me to do this.

I've used the terminal to replace the icons but once again I was not given permission. I've spent hours trying and trying to get this to work and I'm stumped. Now to note the problem of this only being for a certain theme. I changed the theme from my custom theme (the one I want to change that icon for) to the Ambiance theme. I opened up Ubuntu Tweak and tried using the simple icon changer button...it worked. I had just d/led updates for it so I switched back to my custom theme to try it and nothing.

The custom theme I'm using is this
Controls: snow-leopard-mac (i don't remember where i d/led this)
Colors: N/A
Window Border: Mac4Lin_GTK_Aqua_v1.0
Icons: Mac4Lin_Icons_v1.0
Pointer: Default

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Ubuntu :: Reduce Menu Text Font Size For (all) Apps?

Jan 13, 2010

I would like to reduce the font size of all menu entries in all common applications (e.g. Terminal, Firefox, File Browser,...).

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Fedora :: Right-click On KDE Workspace For Apps Menu?

Mar 25, 2011

I've been mostly using XFCE for a long time, but I'm finally giving KDE4 a serious try. Overall I like it pretty well, but there's one thing I like in XFCE that I can't replicate in K: I want to be able to right-click on the desktop to bring up the full apps menu. On XFCE the default behaviour is that right-clicking anywhere on the desktop background (anywhere not on a window, basically) will bring up the full "Start" menu with all the app categories, preferences/settings, etc. (I put "Start" menu above in quotes because I know that's really Windows-specific terminology. So no need to give me crap about that, kids.) Right now, when I right-click on the desktop in K I get a small menu with Konsole, Run, Activities, and Desktop Settings. What I want to happen is a full launcher menu like I have on the panel.

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Fedora :: Adding Apps To Application Menu In F15?

Jul 7, 2011

I have just installed VirtualBox under F15 and would like to start it from the applications window instead of from a terminal as I am now doing.How do I add it to the applications menu?

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OpenSUSE :: Menu Font Colour On GTK Apps In KDE

Jul 24, 2010

Opensuse 11.3 with kde 4.4.xx

Having a problem with the menu font colour in GTK apps (firefox & thunderbird).

All menus in all other apps have the correct font colour (black) but as you can see in this screenshot the font colour is white for thunderbird.

The only way I can find to change the text to black is to change in Configure Desktop > Appearance > Colours The setting for "selected text" to black.

Now I could be wrong - but I am pretty sure this should not be the setting that effects the menu colour in GTK apps.

Here are the colour settings I presently have

how to correct this? Did not have this issue in 11.2

Using QTCurve window style Have also set GTK Style and Fonts to use QTcurve and KDE font settings.

I do remember QTCurve in Opensuse had a button to apply its settings to KDE3 & GTK apps but this is not present in the QTCurve version on 11.3

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Software :: Synaptic Apps Don't Appear In Main Menu?

Apr 5, 2010

I'm using Linux Mint 8 Helena, and from time to time keep installing apps from synaptic.= However, many times the apps I install do not appear in the Main Menu. I've even tried going to the "Main Menu" options in the Control Center, but do not see the apps unchecked anywhere there - I've even tried restarting=

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Ubuntu :: Some Apps (vlc, Tweetdeck, Iplayer) Dont Allow Transparency In The System Menu?

Jun 6, 2010

In ubuntu I noticed that some apps (vlc, tweetdeck, iplayer) dont allow transparency in the system menu. This isn't a massive issue, although I'd like to know if it is possible to enable transparency, and keep the uniform look.I've tried changing the icons within the application, however it often refuses to open afterwards

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OpenSUSE :: Use AMsynth And Many Synthesizers On 11.2 - Don't Show Up In Apps Menu

Oct 2, 2010

When I try to use AMsynth and many synthesizers on OpenSUSE 11.2, they do not show up. I know I have installed it, but I just do not know where to look for them. They don't show up in my Apps menu.

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OpenSUSE :: 32-bit Apps On 11.3 Don't Display Readable Text For Menu Items

Jul 3, 2011

On My OpenSuse 11.3 box, all my 64-bit apps correctly select Western font for menu items, file selection etc.. But my 32-bit apps like Adobe reader and 32-bit version of Firefox display unreadable text for mouse right click, file save and select etc, as if they are trying to use an invalid font or character encoding.C how I configure 32-bit apps to use Western character set, and to find what it is actually looking for ?

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Debian Multimedia :: MPlayer No Longer Listed In Apps Menu After System Update

Aug 3, 2010

MPlayer was working just fine last night, but today I'm having problems which may be due to me performing a system update. I noticed that MPlayer was no longer listed in my Applications menu and I no longer had the option of opening videos with it. However, I now had Gnome MPlayer which must have been installed with the update because I never installed it. Whilst going through Synaptic, I found that the MPlayer GUI had been removed, so I re-installed it. However nothing happened when I attempted to open videos with it.

When I tried to use it through the terminal I got the error message:
mplayer: relocation error: mplayer: symbol codec_wav_tags, version LIBAVFORMAT_52 not defined in file libavformat.so.52 with link time reference

I found a bug report on this very problem here [URL]. The conclusion was that the person filing the bug report was using a version of ffmpeg not found in Debian and that he'd need a version of MPlayer built with his version of ffmpeg libs. I'm assuming that this is also the case with me, however I'm not sure how to go about finding a build or simply building a version of MPlayer with whatever version of ffmpeg that I'm using. For reference, I'm using Squeeze.

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Ubuntu :: USB Notification Vanished?

Oct 2, 2010

When i plugged anything into a USB port (mp3 player, camera hard drive etc..) I had a notification come up asking what program I wanted to open the device with.

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Software :: Gnome With Associated Applications For Registered File Types / Cant See Apps From "open With" Menu When Right Click To A File?

Oct 6, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 10.04 with Gnome 2.30.

I remove the applications which i don't use from main-menu. Now i can not see them from "open with" menu when i right click to a file.

Also it will be very nice if Ubuntu can show me on the "open with" menu the possibilities of applications which can open properly the file type which i want to open. I try to configure with ubuntu-tweak's "file type manager" but it is not possible to configure all of file types. I think Ubuntu's applications must to know which applications has to show for which file types. And i don't know how to do that. I need an application like this : url

I get a new user from the same OS, and i see that the same problem still there... For example many many compressed files, audio or graphic files are not associated with vlc or gimp.

I try to configure from system files of gnome but it is very complicated.

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Ubuntu :: The Top & Bottom Menus Have Vanished

Jan 25, 2010

I have just booted my Ubuntu Karmic and got to the login part and the top & bottom menus have vanished. Any thought as to how i get them back, short of doing a clean install. I had just installed startupmanager, but dont know if that caused the problem or not.

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Ubuntu :: Missing Folder - Seems To Have Vanished ?

Mar 14, 2010

I have been experimenting with Ubuntu and created a folder a couple of days ago, and messed around with the permissions so that only 2 of us had access to the folder. Must point out that i am a newbie to Linux... so in all likelihood, I screwed it up. Today when i went to search for the folder, it seems to have vanished i tried searching for it, but came up with nothing, i even searched for some of the documents that i have in that folder, and also came up with nothing.

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Ubuntu Installation :: MBR Seems To Have Vanished / Grub Gone

Sep 5, 2010

I had just gotten dual boot to work yesterday (had tried both OSs and they both worked). Then I went into Ubuntu to install apps. When I was done, I tried to load windows again and it told me there was a problem that needed to be fixed with the recovery disk. I put it in, it fixed the problem and windows started. Then I did some routine windows updates and now the MBR seems to be gone.I have to restart by holding off for 5 secs. Is there some way to restore the grub from the Ubuntu live installation disk?

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Ubuntu :: Openoffice.org Document Vanished?

May 13, 2011

My father saved a document in openoffice.org on our Ubuntu computer, but it seems to have vanished. There is no icon in Documents (where he said he saved it) other than a zip file which doesn't have it in it. The only place I can seem to try to open it from is in OpenOffice itself under "Recent Documents", but when i click on it, it says "filename.odt does not exist", and i cannot right-click to open it with another word processor. I don't have backups enabled I noticed in OpenOffice's settings, but surely the document is somewhere! I checked in the trash but it's not in there. It's very important and he spent hours and hours on it, it would be terrible to try to write it again. I am very unfamiliar with the Ubuntu operating system as I myself have Windows 7,

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Ubuntu :: Window Title Bar Has Vanished?

Sep 1, 2011

[URL]... Screenshot above kinda explains what's happened, I have no window title bars so cannot move windows, or close them without going down to the bar at the bottom and right clicking which is very very inconvenient. I was playing with options in CompizConfig, which is what I think caused the problem, but I can't find a way to reset it to defaults at all so I'm kinda stuck with it.

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Ubuntu :: Rsync Warning - File Has Vanished ?

Mar 24, 2010

I'm always getting this error when I run the rsync command:


when I try to navigate the file:


it gives


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Ubuntu :: Nvidia-settings Vanished After Update

Mar 28, 2010

For some reason the nvidia-settings configuration utility entry vanished from the menu after an update, the problem happened again after a recovery via a clonezilla hdd image also after an update, has anyone got any idea's as to recover the entry and how to stop this issue arising in the future?

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Ubuntu Installation :: System Vanished After New HDD Installed

Apr 9, 2010

Running solo Ubuntu 9.1 on current AMD-965/MSI_gd70 desktop. Recently I upgraded hardware ( new ram/2nd hdd/temp-probe ) on this kit. All function appeared nominal and all hardware appeared in BIOS. After adding a new line in /etc/fstab to conjure-up my new 650-G sata I rebooted. I can access **nothing** on my system .except FireFox and THAT because I have a FF_icon on my desktop. The system boots, and std Gnome GUI appears, but excepting *LOGIN* none of the tool-bars have any function whatsoever.I cannot reach the command-line.

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Ubuntu :: Top, Bottom Window Toolbars Have Both Vanished?

Sep 19, 2010

I turned on my computer today and logged in only to find discover that both toolbars on the top and bottom of my screen have disappeared.This is problematic as it has become impossible for me to connect to the internet without the wireless toolbar at the top of the screen, and as well I no longer have the ability to select different windows without alt+tabbing. I didn't modify my system in any way to the best of my knowledge, nor was I messing around with my desktop config. Luckily I can still access my applications (including the Terminal) by right clicking, but it's still a less than ideal setup.

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