Ubuntu :: Menus In Lucid (Gnome) Disappear

May 4, 2010

I recently did a fresh install of Lucid on an HP Pavilion dv6 Notebook PC laptop. At least once a day the main menu and context menus(desktop) in gnome stop working (They will not drop down/ appear). This includes all menus in gtk apps but not menus in not gtk apps such as firefox. I have an autohide panel at the top of the screen for my main menu, shortly after the menus stop working (but never at the same time), the panel wont unhide and the workspace swtcher applet stops working, this corresponds to when the buttons on the panel I can still see (at the bottom) stop working. When the workspace switcher applet goes, so to does the ability to switch using hotkeys (ctr alt left/right).

Suspending then resuming the laptop usually fixes these problem. Sometimes however 2 suspends are needed to fully fix the menus. It is possible for the context menu on the desktop to be working after a suspend, but not the main menu (but not always). A second suspend/ resume fixes this. I also noticed that this happened one of the times I booted a lucid release candidate live CD on my machine. I'm not sure but this may have something to do with the fact that I installed using a release candidate live CD instead of the proper release. (I have done all the updates).

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Ubuntu :: Context And Tool Bar Menus Disappear In Firefox?

May 31, 2011

This has been happening sporadically over the past month. I thought it was a problem with 10.04, so I upgraded to 11.04 and it is still occurring.I can't seem to pin down a cause or something that I do to make this happen.Every so often, I will lose the ability to see right click context menus and I am unable to click on the menu buttons. Rather, I can click on the menu names (file, etc), but no menu comes down. I cannot use the keyboard to bring down the menu (alt-f, etc), but I can use keyboard shortcuts to do specific actions (ctrl-t, etc).I was using Firefox 3.6 and now I am using 4 and it is still occurring.

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Lynx 10.04 Live CD -- No Boot Menus

May 6, 2010

I just downloaded the Lucid Lynx 10.04 LTS Install CD for the desktop. I am concerned that I have downloaded the wrong ISO or that the CD that I burned is not behaving properly. Unlike all of the other Ubuntu "Live CDs", this one doesn't offer you a choice of what Ubuntu does at Boot-up. There's no menu that asks what you'd like to do. This CD doesn't give you choices like:

- Test Drive Ubuntu without making any changes to your computer
- Install Ubuntu
- Test CD for Errors
- Test Memory
- Boot from Hard Disk

Instead, this CD just boots right to a Gnome desktop. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but it turns out the the CD is performing some actions behind my back that I don't like. All that I wanted to do was to check the CD for errors to make sure that it burned properly. I didn't want it installing on the system where I was doing the burning. Instead of giving me options at boot, the CD automatically loaded Gnome, and then proceeded to mount all of the drives on my system, and then attempted to establish connection to IP address I didn't like that. Luckily my firewall is secure enough that it stopped this unauthorized outbound data traffic dead in its tracks. I used reverse DNS to look up the owner if IP address Here's what I found:


IP Information for


Is this a Live CD, where you have some options about what to do at boot-up, or is this only an install CD? This information isn't clearly spelled out on the download page. this LiveCD taking control of my computer, mounting my drives, and then establishing contact with Canonical Ltd., without even giving me a menu option before doing so.

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Ubuntu :: Skype With Dark Menus And Blank Tooltips On Lucid 10.04?

Jun 23, 2010

It took me a while to find a post that solved my problem, so I thought I'd try to make it easier for others with the same problem to find the solution.If you are using Skype with a dark themed lucid lynx 10.04, you may find that your Skype menus appeardark and unreadable, and that tooltips (when you move your mouse over a contact) appear pale and unreadable. You can find the solution here:

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Ubuntu :: No Menus On 10.10 Gnome?

Nov 19, 2010

I updated my Ubuntu 10.10 yesterday with Synaptic but didn't reboot until this morning. I can log in normally but that's it. I get a nearly blank screen with my selected wallpaper. There is no menu bar at the top of the screen (Menus for Application, System, etc; clock, cpu load, weather, network applets) and no taskbar at the bottom of the screen. I was able to get Firefox going by opening the one icon I had for an automatically mounted filesystem and going to "Get Help Online" in the Help menu. I can do little else. If I right-click on the screen, I get the menu to make folder, make document (which works), but the change background item doesn't run.

I can't switch to a terminal with Ctl-Alt-F7 and I can't see any way to open a terminal in Gnome without the Application menu.

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Ubuntu :: Parts Of Gnome Panels Disappear Randomly?

Mar 25, 2011

upgraded from Lucid to Maverick, panels lose pieces randomly then come back just as randomly. sometimes i have to right click on them other times they just come back after a few minutes on their own. enable desktop effects even though my driver is working fine. and if so is this a driver issue or an xorg issue or a kernel issue and how can i trouble shoot to find out and fix?

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Ubuntu :: Upper Gnome Panel And Docky Will Disappear Randomly?

May 2, 2010

I've noticed that my upper gnome panel and Docky will disappear randomly. I've deleted the lower panel. The last time the panel and Docky did this, I was using Rhythmbox and Google Chrome. Tooltips will still show on Docky and the panel, and I can still select things; however, the buttons are invisible. Is there a way to prevent this from happening?

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Debian Multimedia :: Gnome-panel - After Every Log In It Disappear ?

Apr 6, 2011

I've noticed strange behavior of gnome-panel. After every log in it disappear - it's not killed, it's working but seems like completely transparent so i have to touch it twice to get it back. It's 2.30.2 ver of panel.

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Ubuntu :: Karmic - How To Backup Gnome Menus

May 6, 2010

I have customized the gnome menus. I would like to backup them, to share them with a friend. Wich config file should I backup ? I tried with ~/.config/menus but it didn't worked ... (maybe I did something wrong...).Do you know if there is any file that we can edit with an text editor to configure menus instead of using the application ? The files in .config/menus are quiet obscure :


but I don't understand how alacarte-made-x refers to an exact menu...

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Ubuntu :: Menus Transparency Partial In Gnome

Nov 6, 2010

When I set menus to be transparent, only part of them are as in this screenshot.

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Ubuntu :: Gnome 3 - Some Windows Have Old GTK+ Style For Menus?

Apr 26, 2011

So I'm having a weird issue with Gnome 3 in Ubuntu 11.04 64-bit (daily-live 4.25.2011). Anyways here's the issue, some windows File Menu bar is like the classic GTK style and doesn't look anything like the other windows, even though its an updated version. For example this happens on Gnome Terminal (3.0) and Empathy (3.0) and Nautilus (3.0) and a few others, but Firefox is fine, etc.

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Ubuntu :: Customize Default Gnome Menus Bar?

May 9, 2011

I would like to edit my gnome menus bar so that it has 6 icons on it that point directly to different app's - the idea is that these settings are stored into /etc/skel so that each time a new user is created it will contain the custom apps on the bar that i added earlier

cp -r /home/myusername/.gconfd /etc/skel
cp -r /home/myusername/.gnome2 /etc/skel

this works in as much if i remove the (menu Bar) panel from the menus bar then on new users being created that is cloned, great i thought i have sust it, but now adding the shortcut's to the bar and going through the same above process it is still a blank bar the icons are not shown.

are the icon references stored somewhere else am i missing a directory that i need to copy ?

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Ubuntu :: Applications Disappeared From GNOME Menus?

Jun 19, 2011

my problem is that the Applications menu is empty and Preferences and Administration no longer appear under the System menu.I'm running 11.04 and I use Ubuntu Classic because I prefer the GNOME interface. The other day I was trying out various audio/multimedia players so I was installing and uninstalling several programs with the Software Center.

I started to play a CD in Audacious when the system crashed. The screen went dark but the computer kept running. I ended up doing a hard reset. Everything booted up normally and everything seems to run fine except my GNOME menu is messed up. The Applications menu is empty and Preferences and Administration no longer appear under the System menu. (I realize I can get to these through System Settings but I want the menus back) Furthermore alacarte will not run so that I can edit the menu contents.

I've tried using one of the old menu versions in /home/dan/.config/menus but they are all outdated and I cannot edit them. It also doesn't bring back Preferences and Administration.I've tried reinstalling alacarte and that doesn't do anything.I've tried using other panel programs like Docky and AWN but I have the same menu problem.I also tried resetting the panels to defaults but that doesn't fix the problem.

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Fedora :: FC12 Gnome Menu Icons Disappear?

Nov 19, 2009

I have noticed in my pc (i386) and my ps3 (ppc64) under FC12 gnome 2.28 that some icons from some menus doesn't always appear, like in:

Places: Connect Server | Search for Files
System: all
"User name": all

Is this some sort of bug? Or I have done something wrong?

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Fedora :: No Menus On Any Gnome Applications 12

Nov 27, 2009

I recently installed Fedora 12 and none of the Gnome applications have menus.

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Debian Multimedia :: GNOME CD Icon Doesn't Disappear After Ejecting It

Mar 6, 2010

This problem showed after fresh installation of Debian Testing (image is dated at 1 march 2010). When I want remove cd I click button on device but the icon is still at the desktop and in the nautilus too (in the left sidebar). I have to remove it manualy from nautilus or desktop ( option: eject ). This problem shows with packages like gnome-mount or gnome-volume-manager ot without them.

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OpenSUSE :: Gnome Do - Compiz Causes All Windows Title Bars To Disappear

Mar 25, 2009

So I've been testing Gnome Do and I now want to activate docky. To do that I have to activate the desktop effects, so I installed drivers for my graphics card which work fine. But I have an infamous issue with my compiz which causes all title bars of windows to disappear. Is there a solution in which I can activate docky and still have my title bars?

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Ubuntu :: Gnome -- No Panel, Menus, Etc. (No Default User Directories)?

Nov 4, 2010

When I select "Ubuntu desktop" from gdm, I get a blank screen (with wallpaper) and no evident functionality. The mouse pointer is present, but I have no panel or desktop menus. The file .xsession-errors contains the following:

/etc/gdm/Xsession: Beginning session setup...
No default user directories


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Ubuntu :: Menus Deformed And Warped In Unity And Gnome-Shell

May 1, 2011

So instead of risking a borked upgrade, while wanting to try something new, I installed Unity (from a guide somewhere) and Gnome-Shell from Ubuntu Tweak.Well they installed and run fine. The problem is this: Many pop-up menus, right-click menus and volume icons and such are warped and deformed. There is a diagonal line running through the box and the text is all slanted and "wrapped around" this diagonal.

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Debian Multimedia :: Creating Sub-menus In GNOME?

Jul 22, 2011

I recently changed from Ubuntu 11.04 to Debian 6.0 and I'm having some trouble editing the applications menu. If I use alacarte to add sub-menus to the Games menu they appear in Applications>Debian>Games rather than Applications>Games. So I tried to do it the manual way. I created .desktop files for all my games and put them in ~/.local/share/applications here is an example:

[Desktop Entry]


But none of my new sub-menus or menu entries in sub-menus appear in my menus or alacarte. I also tried using just categories in gnome-applications.menu but that didn't work either.So what I have at the moment is all my games in one long list, what am I doing wrong?

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Fedora :: All Gnome Windows The Menus Disappeared

Feb 4, 2010

i did a fresh install of fedora 12 with gnome 2.28 i dont know what i did, but i only installed stuff from the standard repos. but since yesterday i have no more menues on the top of all gnome windows and programms the icontoolbars are there but not the menues above from all applications, only firefox got his toolbars and menue.

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Fedora :: Remote Shutdown From Gnome Menus?

Aug 7, 2010

I have a server with Fedora 13 installed and vnc-ltsp-config set up for remote desktop access. Seems to be working fine for everything I need, and with KDM instead of GDM, I'm even able to log in as root to Gnome.Which leads me to the problem. Logging in as root and I get the shutdown menu options in the Gnome "start menu". Log in as anyone else, no shutdown options. Logging in to the console as any user and I get the shutdown options.I want to enable the shutdown options for all users remotely. How can I go about doing this?

And I know someone will say "that's a bad idea". Don't worry, this is a small server at my mom's house I set up for her to run some web proxy filtering with Dan's Guardian and Privoxy. Since I'm typically logging in remotely from home using VNC of some flavor, I'd rather be able to reboot or shutdown through the menu (just more "natural" to me). I know I can shut down through the command line, but that's just too much work.

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Fedora :: 14: Gnome Desktop : Sometimes Menus Are Not Clear

Nov 24, 2010

Recently I have upgraded from Fedora 13 to Fedora 14 using preupgrade. Everything is working fine except menus on Gnome desktop. Sometimes menus are not cleared. They just hang on the desktop infinitely.

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Software :: Bad Font In Firefox MENUS (only) In Gnome

Jul 3, 2010

Somehow I manged to mess up my firefox menu fonts.I'm running ubuntu 10.04, updated as of this posting's date.Please see the attached picture of FF (ugly, thin, menu font) alongside OpenOffice (normal menu font) on the same gnome desktop. Interestingly, FF looks little better on the screenshot than it does on my monitor. Something is seriously wrong.

Symptoms:It is only the FF menus that are affected, not the content of the pages that load, or the menu I get when I click on the window title bar (Maximise, Minimise .... Close)
No other applications are affected - all their menus are normal.
No other users are affected - their FF has normal menu fonts. So I am thinking it has to be some file in ~ that is messing this up.

I liked KDE3, but it seems that is history now, and KDE4 is not for me, so I moved to gnome. I am still getting used to it, but it's functional.All was well until I installed the KDE4 desktop, because I thought I'd "give it another try". I logged into KDE4 and ran it under my own username. I managed to open firefox, but that was about it. I logged out because although KDE4 is pretty, it's still useless for my needs.So I went back to gnome, and that's when the problem with FF first appeared.My mouse-pointer cursor has also changed. Instead of a "clockface" spinning when something is waiting, I now have two small circles orbiting an invisible point. No big deal, though it might be relevant.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: VLC - 11.4 /w GNOME - Open Video File - Sound And Subtitles Disappear

May 7, 2011

I have problem with VLC player. The problem, from the image below, appears whenever I open video file. I click Ok, and a everything is ok, until I jump to another time sequence, when sound and subtitles disappear.

Terminal log:

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Fedora :: Menus Files Hidden (Gnome Terminal / Nautilus)

Jun 19, 2010

I install some package, I don't know what and now my menu file of all gnome-terminal, nautilus its not show, someone know what is the packet to do this? The firefox have menu ok, only the applications like gnome-terminal hide the menu.

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OpenSUSE :: Find Gnome Main Menus Especially The Mint Menu?

Jun 12, 2011

what are the main menus available in gnome and where can i find them. I am a fan of openSUSE but i dislike its menu coz it doesnot have more applications displayed within the menu(opens a new window instead) So can nyone tell me where can i find gnome main menus especially the mint menu?

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General :: WINE GNOME Menus Won't Show Up After Re-install Of WINE?

Dec 18, 2009

Lot of questions about WINE... When I'm done I'm going to make a HOWTO so that others can do what I did It's hard work, but I'm nearly done.The last problem I'm having is the WINE menu on GNOME won't show up after a install of WINE from a .deb package (it usually does). This was after I compiled WINE from source and removed it with "make uninstall" and "rm -rf /.wine".So now I installed the WINE from a deb package and the Wine menu entry is not showing up.I've tried re-installing Wine and rebooting my PC but nothing seems to work.

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Can't Login To Gnome

Jul 3, 2010

After installing updates, a can`t login to Gnome. I see only purple screen. I was googling for it for several hours, but nothing helps me. pressing ctl-alt-f1 just before login, i can start gnone-panel as root. this brings me full functionallity, but only as root (and login screen is still there - on the desctop)

Things i`ve allready tried :
reinstall gnome-panel, gnome-session
killall gnome-keyring-manager just after login
have enough disk space


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Ubuntu :: Update Gnome In Lucid To 2.32?

Oct 27, 2010

if there any possibility to update Gnome in Lucid to 2.32? I can't go to Maverick because my Graphic Card Issue

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