Ubuntu :: Make Nautilus Always Launch With - No-desktop Option?

Nov 5, 2010

If I am using LXDE or another non-Gnome desktop and want to use Nautilus as the file viewer it needs to be launched with the --no-desktop option (so nautilus does not load it's desktop image under the other DE).

I know there is a way to make it so whenever nautilus is launched it will not load the desktop (even if you do not pass the --no-desktop argument) but I do not recall how I did this last time! I believe it was a gconf value. Anyone know what this setting is/how I can accomplish what I am looking to do?

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Ubuntu :: Draw Desktop Icons At Launch With Nautilus In Openbox?

Mar 7, 2011

I am using Openbox, i would like Nautilus to handle the desktop, which it does nicely, but i would like it so it draws the desktop at startup. So far the only way i have managed to do this is by adding "nautilus &" to the "autostart.sh", however, this, of course, launches an instance of the nautilus file browser.Can anyone help me to get Nautilus to draw the desktop automatically at startup without having to first launch the file manager?

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Ubuntu :: Cant See Desktop Icons And Nautilus Option "show Desktop" Is Not Writable?

May 25, 2010

Well, as described in the title, I can't see the desktop icons, and the "show desktop" option under "gconf-editor >apps>nautilus>preferences" says it's not writable...
I tried deleting the nautilus configuration folder, and the gnome configuration folder...

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Ubuntu :: Make Pcmanfm Draw Desktop Instead Of Nautilus?

Aug 9, 2010

How would I make pcmanfm draw the desktop instead of Nautilus?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Launch Nautilus By Any Means?

Sep 1, 2011

I'm using Natty x64 on an Lenovo Thinkpad x120e. as of yesterday, I am unable to launch Nautilus by any means, whether command line or from desktop icons for my computer. I've tried in Unity as well as classic desktop. Here is the message from command line

nabeel@x120e:~$ gksu nautilus
Initializing nautilus-gdu extension

Initializing nautilus-open-terminal extension The desktop flickers, then no nautilus I am able to run and use file manager with no problems. I already tried re-installing nautilus in synaptic.

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OpenSUSE :: Command Option: Launch An Application Minimized & Add To System Tray

Nov 30, 2010

1. Is there a command option to launch an application minimized?

i.e. in terminal

firefox -minimized [URL]

That opens firefox but does not minimize...

2. Also, is there a command option to add the application to the system tray?

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Ubuntu :: Nautilus - Desktop Flashes All The Icons On The Desktop A Couple Of Times

Mar 25, 2011

EVERY SINGLE TIME when I try to close the Nautilus File Browser (ie when I go to my Documents folder), the desktop flashes all the icons on the desktop a couple of times (for a sec you would see no icons on the desktop) before everything goes back to normal.

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Ubuntu One :: Uncheck The Sync Option In Nautilus, The Loader Next To It Spins Endlessly?

Dec 16, 2010

I have been having some issues with Ubuntu One. I am running Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick. For some reason, Nautilus tells me that Ubuntu's default Videos folder (there is data in this folder) is synced on Ubuntu One when it is not. I have checked on the Ubuntu One website, and the site says the Videos folder is not synced (Ubuntu One's website does not show the Videos folder under "my synced folders"). When I attempt to uncheck the sync option in Nautilus, the loader next to it spins endlessly, or Nautilus gives me an error that it can not sync the folder.

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Ubuntu :: How To Make Amarok Launch Faster

Apr 26, 2010

I need a command to tell the alarm to start the playback of amarok on the morning, I also need a way to be able to see lyrics in amarok, and last, any tip on how to make the amarok launch faster? is takes like 5 min!
Amarok ver 2.3.0
Ubuntu karmic koala

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Applications :: Missing Tree View Option In Nautilus File Browser?

Sep 15, 2010

In the left pane of Nautilus File Browser, I can only display directory and file names. I don't have the button at the top of the pane which allows me to select an alternate view such as Tree view.

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Ubuntu :: Make Skype Launch During The System Startup?

Sep 12, 2010

I know usually, on other systems, skype automatically starts. But not on my Ubuntu. How to make it to start?

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Ubuntu :: Launch System From Desktop?

Feb 6, 2011

I have the new gnome ubuntu desktop installed on virtualbox but because that I only have 512mb of ram I have to share the amount of ram they use. That makes ubuntu very slow and I cant play video's on ubuntu because of the lack of video memory again, so is there anyway I could boot ubuntu from my desktop but instead of my windows vista and ubuntu running it will only be ubuntu running so It can get all the ram,video memory and that stuff? I need a answer quick because I have to be installing this program that takes up alot of ram on windows and I need to get to my work on open office on ubuntu!!!

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Ubuntu :: Make A Script That Specifies How Much Ram To Launch Minecraft Server

Dec 25, 2010

I want to make a script that specifies how much ram to launch minecraft server with, so far I have:Code:read $ra
java -Xmx$raM -Xms$raM -jar minecraft_server.jar noguibut I knowthat that won't work because there is the M at the end of the variable $ra, is there a way I could make this work? I believe that the M at the end is required to specify the measurement unit.

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Freezes When Launch Certain Applications?

May 26, 2011

I have installed Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal. I'm using the Gnome desktop (Ubuntu Classic) instead of Unity.

My problems is, when I launch certain applications, most of the time LibreOffice ones, Ubuntu desktop freezes.

When this happens the desktop becomes unresponsive to the keyboard. However the mouse pointer can still be moved around. Everything on the screen will freeze including panels and their items.

This happens only when an application launches.

I have already set up a shortcut key combination so that Ctrl + Alt + Backspace will perform a session restart. But when the above mentioned problem occurs, shortcut keys do not work (so I can't just do a session restart). So there's nothing to do other than restarting the laptop by holding the power button down.

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Ubuntu :: Launch Compiz With Classic Desktop?

Jun 20, 2011

My machine ran Compiz perfectly on 9.04. it's too old to run Unity.

I've switched back to Classic Desktop - how do I get Compiz to run automatically? At the moment, I'm opening a terminal and running

compiz --replace

When I go to System -> Preferences -> Appearance, I don't see the "Enable Desktop Effects" option that I used to. Is there any way I can get this back?

I'm using the NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (version 173)

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Ubuntu :: Won't Boot - Desktop Doesn't Launch

May 28, 2010

I'm new to Linux, trying it out as an alternative to Windows. I have created a bootable pendrive which had been working, but when I rebooted the 'Ubuntu' splash screen was larger, blockier than normal, then I am presented with a purple screen with nothing on it. Not sure if it is frozen, cannot do anything at this stage, desktop doesn't launch.

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General :: Make A Launch Command Set Focus To An Already Running App Instance In Ubuntu?

Feb 11, 2010

I'm using a program called easystroke to invoke commands from mouse gestures - typically to launch an application. 'gnome-terminal', for example. If I already have a gnome-terminal window open, and I invoke the gnome-terminal gesture, I'd like to be setting focus to the already running instance, rather than spawn a new instance, which is of course what happens now. (I am actually more interested in this for my gmail chrome app shortcut, and other larger apps.)

I'm very new to ubuntu and linux in general, but I was hoping there might be a nifty command I could wrap around my launch command that would produce this behavior. (I'm imagining some kind of singleton app list keeper program that consumes my command line, checks if it's already in the list, transfers focus to the running process if it is (and if that process is still running), or else spawns a new process and then adds it to its list using the the command line as a key.)

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Ubuntu Installation :: When Launch Firefox / It Takes Over All Screen / Desktop

May 1, 2011

Wen I am on the desktop I have to put the mouse on the top bar in order to see File, Edit,View, Places, Help.when I launch firefox it takes over all the screen/desktop.Is this the way unity supposed to be ?

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OpenSUSE :: Launch Application In Desktop N When Booting

May 24, 2010

This has probably been asked about before.... I would like to start apps in desktop 2, 3 and 4. To start apps during boot, I use two different methods: The .xinitrc file in /home/dan works fine under: "Add your own lines here..." Startup Applications in Gnome | System works well as well. Here, I can enter nautilus /dir and nautilus starts up just fine in that directory. But as I mentioned, I have yet to find a way to direct the program to run in a different desktop other than #1.

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Ubuntu :: How To Make Nautilus Faster

Jul 12, 2010

One of the most common tasks I perform is browsing for files. I have always wanted my file manager to be lightning fast. That is, I open it and it loads directories instantly. No waiting, just opening them right away. This remained always a wish, as in Windows and Ubuntu on a variety of machines I always see that it takes a little while for the program to load directories. I am not talking about folders with thousands of files or anything special. However, I have seen others who have Windows (XP in this case), and their Explorer opens right away. Browsing folders is very much instant.

Is there any way to achieve the same in Nautilus? The other computer is not very modern or super fast, at all.

I have a laptop with SSD drive which I hoped would speed up this process, but this is not the case. On both my laptop and desktop I often see the 'loading' symbol, and files often appear after the folder view has opened (they just appear all of a sudden). This happens with folders I rarely visit but also with folders I often open.

How are others' experiences? Can Nautilus be instant? Is this a configuration tweak or hardware issue?

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OpenSUSE :: VNCserver Desktop Launch - Fail On KMserver

May 15, 2010

OpenSUSE11.2 (x86_64)
KDE 4.3.5

My normal windowing operations are fine. I have no problems running parallel kde desktop sessions (1 user, 1 root), switching back and forth with ease. I have been able to get vnc remote connections to work, but the only desktop environment I can get to run twm. When I try to start kde it fails with:

startkde: Starting up...
kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/lib64/libkdeinit4_klauncher.so
kdeinit4: Communication error with launcher. Exiting!
Communication error with KInit.
startkde: Could not start ksmserver. Check your installation.

Which is weird because:
> which ksmserver

I have this in my .vnc xstartup:
xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
xsetroot -solid grey
xterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" &

I've read several related vnc threads. It appears to me I have a more general X11 setup failure, but at this point I'm lost.

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Ubuntu :: Make Ctrl-L In Nautilus Permanent?

Jun 7, 2010

I came across very useful nautilus keyboard shortcut Ctrl-L - change view of location bar to display full folder address but can't find an option to make this changed view permanent. where can i find it? i don't mind editing config files

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Ubuntu :: Make Nautilus As File Manager?

Dec 13, 2010

I have, in fact, stated my problem correctly. I want to make Nautilus as the default File Manager in KDE. I use GNOME on other computers, and don't like the feel of the KDE file manager on my PC. I looked online but most "solutions" are for the other way round and in either case, didn't work for me.

I tried changing the 'inode/directory' file association to Nautilus but it didn't change anything. What can I do ? (I have GNOME as a DE here too .. But I would like to know how to change the association in KDE as well)

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Ubuntu :: Can't Make Nautilus Autoopen My CD / DVD - Sort It?

May 19, 2010

I can't have autorun of data or video DVDs and CDs in Lucid. The system simply just won't open the disk in Nautilus. It is such an annoyance that I can barely bear.
I've even added the CD and DVD in fstab, but no use. Since those assholes replaced HAL with DeviceKit, I have to open the removable media manually. I've set the behavior of Nautilus to browse media upon insertion but no use.

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Ubuntu :: No Option To Boot / Make It Possible?

May 8, 2010

I'm sorry to post so much, but every time I solve one problem another comes up! xD

Anyways, I created an install CD for the newest Ubuntu, and the CD works. I used it to install Ubuntu, but when I went to reboot to complete the setup, it just went back to Windows normally. Then when I booted from the CD directly, bypassing Windows entirely, my monitor displayed "No sync" and refused to display anything until I turned off all power to the computer and restarted into Windows normally.

How can I make it so that it will boot to Ubuntu?

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Debian Multimedia :: How To Launch Desktop By Startx As Normal User

Jan 27, 2016

As a long time FreeBSD user, I consider give Debian a try upon the arrival of my new laptop. However, seems I couldn't launch desktop environment by simply typing startx on console as on FreeBSD. I can start desktop through a display manager like lightdm on Stretch, which is quite easy and straightforward, but I still prefer the "startx way".

I setup Debian Stretch on Virtualbox (4.3.43) using official debian-installer, login as a normal user, and install xfce4 via Code: Select allsudo apt-get install xfce4. The installation of xfce4 was very fast and it also introduced xorg related packages here. Then I edit my $HOME/.xinitrc as follows:

Code: Select allexec startxfce4

I typed startx to expect Xfce desktop but got the errors complained instead: [URL]....

while the xorg.0.log had the following contents: [URL]....

So, I failed to start xfce4 by startx as a normal user and had to install and start lightdm to go into desktop, but when I login as root, it worked and launched Xfce4 by startx without any problem. I couldn't figure it out now.

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OpenSUSE :: Launch Bar Only Show Programs Open On The Current Desktop?

Apr 27, 2011

I'm using Opensuse 11.3 with KDE 4.4.4. When using the task switcher, only programs open on the current desktop are visible. I think it would be handy to have the Launch Bar work in the same fashion.

Is it possible to have the Launch Bar only show programs open on the current desktop?

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Debian :: Could Not Launch Application 'user-dirs-update-gtk.desktop'

May 2, 2011

I have this message in the syslog from squeeze:


May 2 21:18:19 squeeze x-session-manager[1732]: WARNING: Could not launch application 'user-dirs-update-gtk.desktop': Unable to start application: Failed to execute child process "xdg-user-dirs-gtk-update" (No such file or directory)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Make A Live-USB Containing Among Others Both Desktop I386 And Desktop AMD64

May 1, 2010

I want to make a live-USB containing among others both Ubuntu desktop i386 and Ubuntu desktop AMD64. How do I go about this? I tried using unetbootin, first adding i386 and then amd64, but that failed. My computer with an athlon II did manage to boot, and showed it had booted into the 64-bit version (ram shown was 3.9 GB, i386 goes to about 2.7 I think), my wife's computer with a pentium 4 did not manage to boot, got to a black screen. I think this is because casper has issues, being overwritten (I'd seen something to that effect somewhere), and thus only the latest version added being booted (in this case amd 64).

I'm under the impression that the startup disc creator included won't help, nor won't the multicd.sh script, so how do I circumvent the issues?

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Fedora :: Launch Application With Root Privileges From Gnome Desktop Shortcut.

May 12, 2010

I have a java program that needs to be launched with root privileges (from an account that doesn't have root privileges) from a desktop shortcut. The command would look something like this: java -jar /file/location/whatever.jar I've searched and searched and can't figure out how to do this. EDIT*** I would like it to pop up and ask for the root password before it launches the application.

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