Ubuntu :: Machine Will Not Boot After 10.04 Upgrade

Apr 21, 2010

I upgraded from Ubuntu 9.10x64 to 10.04x64 today (figuring I'd get in before the rush tomorrow). I rebooted, got past grub, and all I got was a flashing cursor... To get a better idea of what was going on, I edited the line I was booting in grub ('e' on the line) and removed the "nosplash quite" options. The machine began to boot and I got the standard stuff that you'd expect to find in kern.log. The system then mounts my drives and that's it, no more output at all. If, however, I plug in a USB device I do get the USB plugged in kern.log message, but the machine never boots into Ubuntu.I'd really like to not reload the machine, it isn't a horrible problem as /home is a separate partition, but I have a lot of stuff I'd hate to have to reinstall. Does anyone have any ideas on how I might get into my installation?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Make Machine To PXE Boot Windows From Another Machine Having RHEL5.2?

Jul 23, 2010

I want to make my machine to PXE boot windows from another machine having RHEL5.2. I know the procedure to PXE boot linux, but I want to know is it possible to PXE boot your client machine with windows XP.

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Hardware :: Machine Will Hang Before It Gets To The Ubuntu "boot" Screen With The Dots That Show Progress As The Machine Boots?

Oct 1, 2010

I have a roughly 3-year old PC that I put together from parts (listed below) that has been running great with various flavors of Linux as the sole operating system. It is currently running Ubuntu 10.4. A couple of months ago, it started to have intermittent problems booting. The machine will hang before it gets to the Ubuntu "boot" screen with the dots that show progress as the machine boots. If I look at the power on messages from the BIOS, it fails at different points in the process - sometimes during the memory test, sometimes during the search for IDE drives. It fails about 2 out of every 5 attempts to boot. It sometimes takes 2-3 tries at booting before it actually works. Sometimes when it does boot, the Ethernet jack doesn't work and I see errors in syslog about there not being a carrier.

There are no syslog entries when the machine does not boot.The machine is plugged into a UPS. The UPS indicates that it is running at 13% of capacity at 123V/60Hz. I'm in the US.Once the machine boots normally, it will stay up without issues for days.I've checked the 4GB of RAM (I added 2GB to the original 2GB several months ago) using the memory testing application on the System Rescue CD and no errors were found.I've replaced the motherboard battery, which seemed to help for a few weeks, but then the problem returned.I've checked the hard drive for errors using the SMART diagnostics tool in System -> Administration -> Disk Utility and buy running fsck.The interior of the case is not very dusty and all the fans appear to be working.Are there things I can do to investigate and fix this issue other than starting to replace components - starting with the motherboard and the power supply?The parts of the machine:

CPU INTEL|C2D E6850 3G 65N 4M R - Retail (Qty=1, Price=$279.99)
CASE ANTEC|P180B BLACK RT - Retail (Qty=1, Price=$114.99)
MB GIGABYTE GA-P35-DS3L P35+ICH9 - Retail (Qty=1, Price=$111.99)


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Ubuntu :: Upgrading To 10.04 - Boot Without CD - Get Dumped Into A Busybox Shell After Machine Fails To Boot

May 3, 2010

I was upgrading our lab's dhcp server to Lucid and it totally died. I have it running on a Debian recovery cd right now. I ran into a bug in gtk which I seem to have fixed, but now I have more serious errors. If I boot without a CD, I get dumped into a busybox shell after the machine fails to boot. From the live CD, I tried dist-upgrading again and it dies trying to build and install rsyslog with a broken pipe error. I am at a loss as to what to do from here short of reinstalling (which is the last option as this server has a lot of custom configs on it)

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup A PXE Boot Can Boot A Machine From The Network

Aug 23, 2010

I was wondering, how much hassle would it be to setup a PXE boot so I can boot a machine from the network.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Machine Slowed Down After Upgrade?

Feb 19, 2011

I upgraded laptop from 10.04 to 10.10. Now the machine seems to have slowed down. How do I fix this one?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Print From Windows 7 Machine After Upgrade From 9.04 To 9.10

Jan 12, 2010

I just upgraded my ubuntu machine from 9.04 to 9.10 (64bit). I have a HP Photosmart 8250 connected to the Ubuntu machine and it is shared out to all the Windows machines. I had to delete and reinstall the printer on the Windows XP machine and they seem to be working fine now. My Windows 7 machine sees the printer, but says it cannot connect to it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Possible To Test Upgrade In Virtual Machine?

Apr 30, 2010

I'd like to upgrade to 10.04 from Karmic but want to make sure it will leave me with a working system afterwards.
I figured a good way to test it is to create a disk image with dd and then try upgrading in VirtualBox using that image. The idea is that if it is successful, it'll probably be successful on the real machine too.

The only problem is my home partition, which is >1.4 TB. I don't have that much space left on any other hard disks. So I would like to somehow exclude certain directories in /home (or the entire partition) from appearing in the image.

Is this even possible? Or does anyone have any better ideas?

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Ubuntu Networking :: After Upgrade, Machine Accessible By Ip, Not Host Name?

May 14, 2010

I have just upgraded to 10.04 (not ideal I know, thought I would give it a go). Now the machine is only accessible via its IP, not host name. I reinstalled Samba, but still not working

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Ubuntu Installation :: Gdm Won't Start (reboots Machine) After 11.04 Upgrade?

Apr 30, 2011

I upgraded to 11.04 yesterday, and now gdm refuses to start. It actually reboots the machine, so it goes into an infinite loop of reboots if left alone. This happens even if I choose the previous kernel I had been using in grub. Safe mode allows me to boot to a terminal, and a USB flash drive boot still works.Is there a way for me to dig into the logs to find out what is causing this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade Of Machine With Separate Home Partition?

Jul 16, 2010

I will be helping a friend upgrade from 9.04 through to 10.04 LTS, and I am aware that the machine was installed with a separate home partition. I know a clean install is an option however I am tempted by online version upgrades with the thought that any apps they are using will be carried over. Is this a realistic hope? I know that medibuntu for example does not survive a version upgrade.

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CentOS 5 :: How To Upgrade ClamAV On Dell Machine

Apr 21, 2010

I am running Zimbra 5.0.2 with ClamAV and I need to upgrade clam anti virus. It's for a Centos 5.4, Dell PE 2950 machine. On their Wiki for upgrades at [URL]. They recommended either of the Red hat versions - Redhat 5.x 32-bit or the Redhat 5.x 64-bit. Are there any known problems using either of these two versions on my Centos machine? Also, want to make sure, I am assuming I need the 32 bit version, is this correct? I am asking because in the past I have learned sometimes it's better to not go with the RH versions on Centos, can't remember where I heard that, so I want to make sure before I do the install.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Upgrade BIOS For A Pure Machine?

Dec 9, 2010

I'm attempting to upgrade the BIOS in an ASUS 1005HA netbook. The netbook runs SuSE 11.3, and no other OS. All the BIOS utilities on from ASUS are Windows or DOS based. ASUS has a utility titled afudos that apparently flashes the programmable ROM. Running afudos using the dosemu utility suggests that one needs to create a DOS boot drive, execute afudos during a reboot with the new ROM image located on the drive.

How does one accomplish said task on a netbook without a floppy disc drive? Do I create a bootable DOS USB flash drive that contains just afudos and the new bios flash rom upgrade? And if so, how does one do this? As a side issue, it looks like all the major motherboard vendors do not support Linux. That is, all the motherboard drivers require Windows or DOS.

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Debian :: Update One Single Thing On Machine Without Apt-get Upgrade?

Jan 27, 2011

i wonder how i can update one single thing on my debian machine? without apt-get upgrade. lets say i just want to update my awstats install but not my php install, or my kernel version but not someting else, how can i do this ?

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Networking :: [debian Squeeze] Logging In With SSH Using Machine Name After Modem Upgrade?

Jul 25, 2011

I got a new dsl modem/router today and now for some reason I can't login into an ssh session using putty and windows using the hostname of the debian box. I can login using the ip though. Also, it seems I can still access the debian box via samba/windows explorer using the host name.

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Hardware :: Upgrade The Two Disks On Machine BUT In Case Backup Image Does Not Work

Feb 20, 2010

I've a question in regards to RAID, im new to the whole RAID thing. Okay, my question. I have a machine with RAID 1, and I'd like to upgrade the two disks on this machine, BUT in case my backup image does not work, is it possible to power the machine off and re-insert the original disks back in and be rocking and rolling without a prob?

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General :: Grub Boot Loader Installation In Dual Boot Machine After Windows 7 Installation?

Mar 23, 2010

I had a dual boot machine with fedora 12 and windows vista and I could use grub boot-loader to switch between two. Few days ago windows got corrupt and I have to reinstall it. I put windows 7 now and as usual it erased grub. So to reinstall I put the fedora 12 installation CD on and followed some usual setup steps. When I got the command line I issued the command "grub-install /dev/sda" (sda not hda because It showed bunch of sda, sda1..) but surprisingly it said grub command not found. I remember doing it before while it worked fine.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Boot The Machine

Mar 16, 2010

I've tried every possible boot variant that is humanly possible and my machine for the life of it will not boot into linux. Ubuntu i386 likes to freeze right at the Logo and progress bar Ubuntu x64 gets all the way to gnome, but it's only a desktop and cursor gParted loves to spout "NTFS Volume version 3.1" while telling me it can't find its own files to load from. Tried both CD and DVD media and varying levels of speed gives the same results.Trying any of it from a LiveUSB boot gives me "Boot Error".Something I noticed is that my drive itself tends to stop reading the CD/DVD at the point of hang. No spin-up and my HDD light flickers at 1 sec intervals.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Get The Machine To Boot A CD

Jun 23, 2010

Our crappy system support forces us to use red-hat. Yuck, its so outdated and prone to failure. They will not give me root access and I cannot get the machine to boot a CD as I cannot get into the bios to change the boot order to boot off an Ubuntu CD. Is there anyway I can get the machine to install ubuntu as a dual boot or wipe RH?

Trying to do SW development without root...so much for academic freedom.

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Ubuntu :: Quite Long Boot On New Machine?

Jul 12, 2010

considering the claims on the ultra-fast-boot in new Ubuntu versions, I think my 1-2 minutes boot on a brand-new laptop (SONY Vaio CW2C5E) is quite slowish. I noticed that before the Ubuntu splash screen comes up, the screens stays black for 30 seconds with a blinking cursor. I also found a 20-second gap in dmesg which I can't explain:

[ 0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuset
[ 0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpu
[ 0.000000] Linux version 2.6.35-7-generic (buildd@crested) (gcc version 4.4.4 (Ubuntu 4.4.4-6ubuntu2) ) #12-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 9 21:54:03 UTC 2010 (Ubuntu 2.6.35-7.12-generic 2.6.35-rc4)
[ 0.000000] Command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.35-7-generic root=UUID=fe1a051b-27ef-43bd-88c8-fbfd8f3d4e7f ro quiet splash


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Ubuntu :: Boot Partition On An Old Machine

Dec 11, 2010

I've done a lot of searching on this but haven't found a concise solution to my issue. Maybe there isn't one. A little history first: I installed using WUBI. I had already shrunk my Windows partition (using Windows disk management) and created a partition for Ubuntu and for swap space. I thought WUBI would give me a chance to choose the partition for installing but I was mistaken (I should mention I'm a bit of a n00b).

Anyway, after running Ubuntu for a while from the WUBI install I did an Ubuntu update and GRUB got corrupted. I had to use my Windows XP disk to repair my MBR. No big deal. But at this point I decided it was time to do a REAL Ubuntu install on the partition I'd created for it.

Now we get to the part where I have issues. I think I need to create a boot partition for GRUB somewhere in the very early part of the drive. This is because my machine is old and has the BIOS issue where the boot sector must be in the first 1024 cylinders of the drive. Of course, Microsoft has taken that space and I don't know how to insert a new partition without hosing my Windows install. I also have a large data partition that I don't want to lose. It's SDA5 in the list below. I think there's also an issue with the number of partitions I have. I think I can only add logical partitions.


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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Won't Boot On 64 Bit Machine?

Apr 8, 2011

I've tried two Ubuntu 10.04 (64 bit) disk. From two different sources. Neither one will boot on my computer. It has a AMD Phenom II X6 six-core processor, 8GB PC3-10600 DDR3 SDRAM, and a ATI Radeon HD 5570 graphics. It will get to the Ubuntu splash screen with the dots under it. Stays there till my monitor goes to sleep. I've used two other Linux disk Mint and Zorin. Both of them will boot from their disk. I've tried to install Ubuntu without booting into the live DVD. Same thing happens. I was wondering if there was something I could do to get it installed on my computer?

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Machine Failing To Boot?

Jun 1, 2011

had a really good reliable machine going with 10.10, but for some reason upon powering up this morning is failing to boot. Any ideas on how to fix this problem greatly appreciated, i have already tried dropping to root shell un-installing reinstalling the gnome desktop but that doesn't appear to be the problem.

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Ubuntu :: Possible To Use Live Cd To Boot On Windows Machine

Feb 19, 2010

is it possible to use a live cd to boot on a windows machine then scan with clam av if so how would you load AV, would it be possible to have AV on the same cd or would a seperate usb work? & not install it but use via cd/usb

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Ubuntu :: Live CD Of Version 10.04 - Does Not Boot On The Machine

Jan 1, 2011

I've made a Live CD of version 10.04 on a machine running 10.04 (amd64). The disk works fine on another machine but does not boot on the machine that created it. The CD/DVD is new and works for other things so I don't think it is this. The Live CD gets to the ISOLINUX screen but instead of "Loading" the screen goes blank and the system shuts down. I've tried everything I can think of (remember the disk works fine on another machine).

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Installation :: Install Ubuntu On XP Machine That Won't Boot?

Feb 1, 2011

I haven't used Linux/Ubuntu before but I feel the time has come!

My parents Windows XP Dell machine won't boot (says it's corrupt, stops itself before windows loads). It's been dragged down by virus/malmare lately and is fairly sick.

I'm no Windows expert and can't seem to fix it, but I thought if I install Ubuntu for them they'd be alright, get them away from Windows for good�.but can anyone tell me in very simple terms the procedure I need to go through to install Ubuntu.

I can download Ubuntu now on my machine and burn it onto a CD or put it on a USB stick.

I'm especially keen to know how to ensure I retrieve all their data (mostly photos...they do have back up system but I've no guarantee it's actually be working lately).

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 - New Partition On Dual Boot Machine

Feb 11, 2011

I have 10.10 installed on a Compaq laptop and want to set it up as a dual boot machine. I'm not sure how to 1) set up another partition 2) set up the dual boot and 3) install my second operating system. I'm sure that this is a pretty vanilla thing to do and am frustrated after trying to find out how to do it for a bit now.

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Ubuntu :: Get The Machine Back To Being Able To Boot Into Windows Without Any Prompts

Jan 8, 2010

So I needed to remove linux from a dual boot, single drive setup I had going. Without thinking I was in Windows XP and formatted the linux partition I had created. After trying to reboot the computer I receive a Grub 1.5 Error 17 rightfully so.

I am having a hard time finding a solution... All I need to do is get the machine back to being able to boot into Windows without any prompts.

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Ubuntu :: Karmic 64bit Boot Hangs With 4GB In Machine?

Feb 19, 2010

I have Karmic 64 bit installed, originally with 2GB of memory. The motherboard will take up to 16GB, and I decided to double to 4GB. When I put in the 4 memory sticks (1GB each) and reboot, it gets past grub2, to the ubuntu "circle" symbol, the screen blacks out and that is it. No desktop, no further action that I can tell from the box, just a black screen. The video feed to the monitor, from what I get with the power light is gone and no activity on the drive.

If I take out one of the memory sticks, it boots happily up with 3GB and runs fine. Put the 4th back in, same behavior. I tried swapping out the old memory, putting in the 2 new sticks, everything works fine. Add in the other two (the old ones), the problem shows again. I thought I might be the last memory slot, so I removed the one from the 3rd slot, works fine. All in all, it works fine with 3GB, but hangs on boot with the 4GB.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 8.04 - Gain IP Address At Machine Boot

Mar 9, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 8.04, and I am able to access my machine via SSH, but I only want the log in screen visible on the machine itself, yet still able to work with the SSH. But to do this, I have to log in, get the IP address, log off, then log in via SSH. How do I make the machine receive an IP address during the boot-up!

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