Ubuntu :: Lucid - How To Configure For XIM/.XCompose

Jun 21, 2010

I would like to configure Lucid for use of XIM and the .XCompose file. I have done this successfully on prior versions of Ubuntu and even systems that were upgraded to Lucid. However, I cannot seem to get a fresh Lucid install to setup for use of XIM and the .XCompose file properly. Has anyone successfully set this up on a clean Lucid install?

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Ubuntu :: .XCompose File Not Read?

May 17, 2011

I need to debug my XCompose settings, as currently they are not being loaded. What system reads the Compose files? At what points does it re-read the files? How do I induce it to? There are a number of Compose files under /usr/share/X11/locale/[LOCALE]/Compose. What configuration determines which of these files, if any, is read? Where is the syntax and semantics of the Compose files defined? What error log will contain errors relating to them? Where can I find the search path for Compose files? How/where can I see currently loaded shortcuts?

Note: I posted this a while ago here but got ignored, so I'm trying again.

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Ubuntu :: .XCompose File Not Read In 11.04 GNOME?

May 1, 2011

Under 11.04, using the fallback GNOME 2 environment, I am trying to set up my Compose key. I have a sample set of shortcuts in `.XCompose`:

james@thoth:~$ cat .XCompose
include "%L"
<Multi_key> <Right> <c> : "↻" U21BB # CLOCKWISE OPEN CIRCLE ARROW


Things I'd like to know to debug this:

What system reads the .XCompose file? At what points does it re-read the file?

Where is the syntax and semantics of the .XCompose file defined?

What error log will contain errors relating to it?

Where can I find the search path for XCompose files?

How/where can I see currently loaded shortcuts?

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Ubuntu :: Configure Xorg.conf File In Lucid?

Jun 8, 2010

All I need to do is get my screen resolution to 1024x768, I can currently only get 800x600 and that's unacceptable for school. I created an xorg.conf file in Lucid and it does in fact refer to and use it. what led me to believe that is when I looked in the mirror and noticed smoke slowly rolling out of my ears! After replacing some of that smoke with a cigarette I decided to make this thread. As I said, I created the xorg.conf.new file with:

sudo Xorg -configure from recovery mode. And then moved it to its proper place with:

cp /home/william/xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf

And that nested it right where it needs to be. X does in fact use it as confirmed by my Xorg.0.log.

Now I have an xorg.conf file, but am quickly becoming overwhelmed with information as to what to do. I've tried to create mode lines with xrandr, which gave me new settings, but I was unable to use them. Obviously the EDID info. is not being read because there is no mention of clock speed, Vsync or Hsync in my Xorg.0.log either. I have tried many things and really don't have time to spend all day at my computer, at least not with this issue. I'm in school and have to focus primarily on that right now. I will give what info I know is relevant starting with my monitor specs:

Dynex DX-LCDTV19
vertical resolution: 720 p
aspect ratio: 16:10
screen refresh rate: 60hz
comb filter: 3D/YC digital


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General :: Configure LAMP Environment On Ubuntu10.04 Lucid System

Jun 28, 2010

I am trying to configure LAMP environment on ubuntu10.04 Lucid system.I am writing the output & attaching files of output of different issues. PHP is not running,I cant figure out why its not working. To add this issue I would like to inform you that nanoweb server is working{I can see the page in web browser"It Works"}.Also MySQL is working fine. To summarize Linux-->Apache/Nanoweb but no bridge between MySQL--X--> PHP. guide me for right direction,how to approach this problem as i am unable to crack this common problem.


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Ubuntu Installation :: How Stable Are The Lucid-proposed And Lucid-backports Options In The Software Sources Settings

Oct 11, 2010

Ubuntu 10.04 how stable are the lucid-proposed and lucid-backports options in the software sources settings?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Procedure For Updating From Lucid Beta 2 To Lucid LTS?

Apr 30, 2010

What's the procedure for updating from Lucid Beta 2 to Lucid LTS? Is it just "apt-get upgrade"? Or would I be better off with a clean install?

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Switch From Lucid 32 Bit To Lucid 64 Bit

May 9, 2010

I recently upgraded from Karmic to Lucid via the Update Manager. I would like to upgrade further by switching from 32 Bit to 64 Bit. I downloaded the Lucid 64 Bit ISO and wrote an install disk. When I reboot the computer with the install disk nothing happens.

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Ubuntu :: Bash: ./configure: No Such File Or Directory When Run The Command ./configure --prefix=/usr

Apr 4, 2010

I am trying to follow this tutorial below so that I can get Text to the right of icons on the GNOME desktop. [URL] Everything so far has worked fine, except when I get to step 3 where I compile Nautilus. When I try to run the command ./configure --prefix=/usr It tells me bash: ./configure: No such file or directory

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Ubuntu Installation :: Configure Autoclicker In The Terminal - "bash: ./configure: No Such File Or Directory?

Mar 19, 2011

I found a tool made for Ubuntu called Xautoclick. I downloaded it and it is called "xautoclick-0.30.tar.gz" The installation notes say "tallatBe sure you have the proper development packages for your distribution installed (i.e. something like xserver-xorg-dev, gtk2-dev, et cetera). After that, run:

./configure make sudo make install" I have no clue what to do... I typed in "./configure" in the terminal and it says "bash: ./configure: No such file or directory?

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OpenSUSE :: Configure / Syncing The Conduits Through The "Configure Kpilot" Menu Item

Feb 8, 2010

kpilot worked just fine with my Palm Tungsten T3 on OpenSuse 10.3. I recently upgraded to 11.2 and have had numerous problems. It took me a while to get the hardware talking (documented in another thread), but now the sync is proving to be problematic. A hotsync happens - and I can also sync fully with jpilot, but the sync isn't going anywhere. I'm hoping to sync with kontact, but it's impossible to tell as kpilot hangs whenever I try to configure the conduits through the "Configure kpilot" menu item. When syncing, the log complains of missing conduits:

Version: KPilot 5.3.0 (KDE 4.3.0)
Version: pilot-link 0.12.3
Version: KDE 4.3.1 (KDE 4.3.1) "release 6"
Version: Qt 4.5.3

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General :: Installing Hudson In Centos 5 - Manage Hudson By Using Configure System And Configure Options?

Aug 9, 2011

I have tried to install and configure Hudson in centos distro version 5.Installed hudson with tomcat by deploying .war files.after configuration was completed, builded a project.It displayed build was completed successfully.but I was not able to download output of build.

So I rechecked configuration,found that i havent set artifact file pattern to archive. how to set artifact file pattern and how to get build output. how to manage hudson by using configure system and configure options.what is the correct way to configure public hudson?.

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Software :: Lucid-wx Instead Of Lucid ?

Mar 23, 2011

I recently installed Ubuntu 10 and when checking the version using system|about it says:


You are using Ubuntu 10.10 - the Maverick Meerkat - released in October 2010 and supported until April 2012. Now, I run some shellscripts and they check the distro. lucid-wx is not in supported versions but lucid is. Where can I change the lucid-wx to lucid?

Is it somewhere in a textfile or so? I cannot find it in /etc/issues or using man -n of man -a or so.

Also, it is not mentioned in /etc/lsb-release.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installation Of Tar.gz - Get To The ./configure Step It Says "bash: ./configure: No Such File Or Directory"?

Jun 5, 2011

I want to install a program from this website http:[url].... and i download the option " hydra-6.3-src.tar.gz".i tried following the instructions on this page: https:[url].... but when i get to the ./configure step it says "bash: ./configure: No such file or directory"

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Ubuntu :: Sudo Xorg -configure" And "sudo Xorg --configure" Both Return "xorg Command Not Found

Mar 28, 2011

Alright setting up a friends netbook, display has been a little iffy (slow. glxgears is giving like 100fps). Couple issues: xorg.conf doesn't exist (i know thats typically not an issue) and "sudo xorg -configure" and "sudo xorg --configure" both return "xorg command not found."

glxinfo say that its using Mesa for the software rasterizer and that the driver is from mesa. lspci says the VGA controller is from Intel. I'm thinking xorg is defaulting to vesa for drivers, but I need to know how to change that to the open source intel driver

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Ubuntu :: Can't Log In To Lucid

Jul 6, 2011

I just tried to log into my Ubuntu Lucid machine, and I get the login prompt, but when I try to log in, the screen goes black for a few seconds and then goes right back to the login screen and I get a warning about my Gnome power manager defaults not being set correctly.

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Red Hat :: ./configure --enable-mysql The --enable-mysql Does Not Work: Configure

Sep 23, 2010

I am trying to install the IDS component barnyard2 on RHEL 5. I am following the snort enterprise insall document by Patrick Harper. For installing barnyard, after the tar command it says to perform a ./configure --enable-mysql The --enable-mysql does not work: configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --enable-mysql --with-mysql does work. Is there a difference? Next, using --with-mysql, I get a failure at the end:

ERROR! Libpcap library/headers (libpcap.a (or .so)/pcap.h) not found, go get it from Open Source and Linux Forums dot tcpdump dot org TCPDUMP/LIBPCAP public repository or use the --with-libpcap-* options, if you have it installed in unusual place. Also check if your libpcap depends on another shared library that may be installed in an unusual place I do a find / -name libpcap* and get:


How do I tell the configure to use one of the above? I don't understand how to use the --with-libpcap-* option?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Burn Lucid 10.04 Iso CD

Apr 30, 2010

I've burned iso CDs for 8.10, 9.04, 9.10, Linux Mint 5, 6, 7 with Brasero. In addition I've burned music CDs with Brasero. It has worked well for me. But now I can't burn a 10.04 iso CD. I REALLY want to get a CD burned so I can install Lucid Lynx.

don't suggest I try kb3, Gnomebaker, or some other burner.. Brasero which always worked before.

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Cd Not Approved?

May 2, 2010

I had ordered for a Ubuntu 10.04 CD on 27th. It's still not approved...can any of you say why.... I have received 3cds from ubuntu previously by ordering. It takes about 1-2 days to get the approval....why is it so late this time?

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Ubuntu :: Making A Lucid Iso With A Few Little Changes?

May 2, 2010

I want to make an iso for some friends [and maybe friends of friends] that aren't all that tech savvy, so I want to change a few things to the original Lucid iso. First, I want the option to install Lucid out of the boot menu [but the other options should ideally stay]. Second, I want to include the ubuntu-restricted-extras so they can immediately try it out and see that it also plays video/audio etc.

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Does Not Recognize RAM?

May 3, 2010

I just upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 this morning and half of my RAM is not recognized!

Specs: Pentium 4 2x 2.80GHz, 1001.6 MiB RAM (should be 2x this), Ubuntu 10.04.

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Ubuntu :: Etherape Won't Run In Lucid

May 12, 2010

I have just updated to Lucid, and all seemed to go well except for one issue. etherape won't start when I run it as root. When I start it with a normal user, it starts OK, but I cannot access eth0 which I want to monitor. From the command line: peter@trinity:~$ sudo etherape


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Ubuntu :: Cannot Shut Down Lucid

May 14, 2010

I cannot shut down Lucid on the roper way, only from terminal with "sudo poweroff".

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Ubuntu :: 10.4 Lucid Not Recognized ?

May 14, 2010

About two weeks ago I upgraded from Karmic to Lucid. The upgrade went fine, everything works wonderfull, except maybe for Wine but am still figuring that out.

What I find a bit strange is that on the boot-up screen (where I get the choice between the different OS's on my two hard-drives) I still see Karmic listed on the partition where I upgraded (see attachment: on /dev/sda1).

When I boot-up, I first get this message: Mounting: mounting none on /dev failed: no such device

This stays about 20 seconds on screen after which Lucid starts up and gives me the log-in screen.

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Not Booting To X?

May 19, 2010

Since today, I cannot start to X anymore. Grub loads, I let it start, then after a while screen goes black, stays black, puter not responding at all, screen goes to power save.

I can boot to safe console though but not start X there either.

So far I tried Memtest (no errors found) and apt-get update and upgrade. SafeX doesn't work.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Install Lucid

Jun 2, 2010

I have an old laptop that I want to install Lucid Lynx on from a flash drive but when i try to do so all I get is a blank screen after I select the language and the option to install.

Intel Celeron M 1389 MHz
120 GB HDD
Intel i855GM chipset

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Ubuntu :: Sun Java 6 JRE In Lucid?

Jun 6, 2010

I'm trying to install Sun's Java6 JRE since IcedTea isn't cutting it for me. Perhaps I'm going insane. If not, I've suddenly lost faith in my favourite distro. [URL]. Tells me that there aren't any Sun packages anymore.
sudo apt-get update
apt-cache search jre | grep sun gives nothing
apt-cache search java | grep sun:

sunflow - rendering system for photo-realistic image synthesis
sun-javadb-client - Java DB client
sun-javadb-common - Java DB common files
sun-javadb-core - Java DB core
sun-javadb-demo - Java DB demo
sun-javadb-doc - Java DB documentation
sun-javadb-javadoc - Java DB javadoc
cat /etc/apt/sources.list: .....

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Ubuntu :: Tint2 And Lucid ?

Jun 17, 2010

I installed Tint2, and the icons that normally appear in Gnome-panel's Indicator-applet do not appear in the system tray of Tint2. I mean volume control, battery, etc.

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Ubuntu :: Anyone Using Winwrangler On Lucid?

Jun 26, 2010

Apparently is not supported on lucid for some reason. I went and installed a jaunty package i downloaded from launchpad. It installed ok, including dependencies and all, but it's not working. I went and check the config file and notice that it was not even created.

I want this small app really badly. Would anyone help me to fix a workaround or point me the direction to a working package?

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Ubuntu :: Getting Into Grub In Lucid?

Jul 5, 2010

I have been struggling to get into Grub during boot. No matter how many times I reboot and hit the "esc" key.. runs right past Grub and into the splash screen. Every blue moon it will catch the esc and I get the grub menu. I have fixed my original issue by reinstalling the ATI support, but would like to know of any similar issues with Grub.

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