Ubuntu :: Lucid Freezes Workaround Query

Oct 8, 2010

I have the issue described in [URL]... Workaround A allows me to boot, but to make changes permanent, the above suggests I run the following command: echo options i915 modeset=1 | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/i915-kms.conf sudo update-initramfs -u But when I do this I am told that the 'u' parameter does not exist in tee. There are only 'a' or 'i' parameters.

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Hardware :: Centos 5.5 System Hangs / Freezes Up More Frequently - Workaround This?

Aug 10, 2010

I recently installed centos 5.5 on a new system, details below. All worked fine for a couple of weeks, then the system froze up. No network access, no keyboard/mouse, blank screen. Had to reboot. Happened again about a week later. Then started happening every couple of days, then daily, and today it happened three times.

I see nothing unusual in any of the logs. The freezing does not seem to be correlated with any particular activity. Happened in both gnome and kde. While it's up, everything seems to work fine. I looked on the intel site for a new driver for this chipset but didn't find a linux version. I tried different versions of this same kernel (PAE, centosplus etc) but have not tried an older kernel.

I installed memtest86 (with yum) but when I try to start it from grub, the screen goes blank for a few seconds, then it reboots. Can't get it to start. Tried a bootable memtest86 cd that worked before (couple of years ago) and it wouldn't boot from it (bios is set to boot first from cd). Maybe this is a strong hint?

My next steps are to burn a new cd of memtest86 and try that. And/or to start removing ram to see if any of them are the culprit. In the meantime I'm asking if any of you have had similar problems with this architecture, or have other suggestions of things I could try. I don't have pieces of hardware lying around that I can easily swap in and out, unfortunately. If all this fails I'll try FC13. Any advice on whether or not you think that might fix the problem would be appreciated, before I go to the trouble.code...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lucid / Hardy Triple Boot Query

May 28, 2010

I'm currently running Hardy and XP in a dual boot setup. I want to install Lucid but don't want to overwrite my working Hardy partition and am worried by the number of reported problems with Grub2. XP is currently taking up all of my first hard drive. Second hard drive is : Hardy, then swap, then separate /home. After a bit of research, does this sound like a good plan ? ...

- Use gparted from the Live CD to shrink my Windows partition (then make sure XP still boots OK )
- Create a new partition after XP on drive 1
- Install Lucid in this new partition, using Advanced option, and tell it use my existing swap and home partitions on drive 2 (with no format, of course)
- Write Grub to this new partition
- Boot Hardy, and edit grub manually ( or use StartUp Manager, will it detect Lucid and add it as an option ? )
- Reboot and get options for Hardy, XP, and Lucid.

Does that sound correct, especially the Grub bits? When I'm happy that Lucid is OK I'll probably install Grub from it to the MBR.

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Sometimes Freezes On Boot

May 29, 2010

When I boot I occasionally get a screen text. Always different. After unplugging everything and waiting for 30minutes I can but again. I think it has to do with my USB-HDDs both which are buffulo external disk drives. what causes this and how to fix it?

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Freezes When Restarting Netbook

Apr 30, 2010

I just finished a fresh install of Lucid netbook remix on my new Sony Vaio netbook. Everything seemed to go fine until a restart was required after installation was complete, when the monitor went black and the netbook just hung. The only way I could restart was to manually power off and on again. The installation seems to have completed fine and everything works after boot up. However, the netbook continues to freeze if I select restart from the power options. I know its not critical, but it is annoying. Does anyone have any ideas on how to solve this?

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Freezes After Updates Installed

Jul 14, 2010

Running fine for a couple of weeks now, my Ubuntu Lucid install on a Sony laptop Vaio VGN-N21E went through some updates an hour ago. After the updates were installed, I shut the laptop down. The shutdown was slow but graceful with no errors. Now, when I try and power back on, I get errors about CIFS stating that the network share I map to could not connect. Also, that the network could not connect. I usually connect wirelessly and had no problems until now. It lets me log in but freezes after I see my desktop. No cursor or keyboard response...no response to CTRL+ALT+DEL...I can only manually force shutdown....

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lucid Freezes During Install

Aug 6, 2010

I'm trying to install Lucid to an older PC, but it constantly freezes during the setup. Most of the time I can't even select whether I want to install or to try the OS, but sometimes I get past that. Once I got to the point where the installation was copying the files to the hard drive, but it froze once again at 5%. The PC's config is: 1,8 GHz AMD processor, 768 MB DDR1 memory, 200 GB HDD, ATI 9200 VGA and a DVD drive. According to the minimum reqs for lucid this should be more than enough, yet Lucid froze once while in Live CD mode. Should I try an older ubuntu version? Or could this be something more serious, ie hardware issue in which case you guys can't help.

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Freezes On Lucid - Can't Minimize Or Maximize

Jun 23, 2010

experiencing a lot of desktop freezes on Lucid. it goes fine for a while then i cannot minimize or maximize Sometimes i can open a new window from the top but often not

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Ubuntu :: Ubu Karmic 2 Lucid Upgrade Now Random Freezes / Fix It?

Apr 26, 2011

1st post @ LQ. Ubuntu user since 2007ish. Lots of PC experience... now vexed by upgrade from 9.10 Karmic to 10.04LTS Lucid.

The problem: random freezes whenever I boot into Lucid as user through usual Grub menu. The freeze sequence is: 1- screen stops, 2- mouse pointer freeze w/ no effect on click but moves freely and keyboard is useless, 3- screen blacks out for about 30 seconds and then returns but is unusable and 4- constant HDD activity for about 5-10 seconds. I have waited several minutes for a recovery of some sort but no dice. I reboot via on/off or reset button. Ubu deletes 2 inodes and then I'm off and running again.

If I boot through the recovery console there are no problems at all. The recovery console sequence: 1- select recovery from Grub menu, 2- at recovery menu select drop to root command prompt, 3- give root password, 4- enter 'gdm' at console prompt, finish boot up in my only user desktop (not root.)

I have not been able to find any log files that show an error message, but I'm not so tech oriented that I would necessarily know one if I saw one. Through many hours of browsing posts describing Lucid problems @ UbuntuForums (one of which has over 1,000 responses) I have found my '.xsession-errors' file (attached) is full of data.code...

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Freezes On Boot During Purple Loading Screen

Jun 29, 2010

When I try booting my computer under Ubuntu, it freezes whenever it gets to the part of the purple loading screen (with the Ubuntu logo and the red/white dots indicator). I won't load any further, but I can still turn it off by pressing the power button. Has someone else got this problem? Ubuntu was my main partition, and I don't have any practical way to make a hard install.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Lucid Lynx Desktop Edition - Random Freezes

Sep 18, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx Desktop Edition and most of the time I get these random freezes and then I have to turn off my computer and reboot it back on. It's getting really annoying because I am constantly downloading huge packs of data and it freezes and then I have to start re downloading...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Lucid Freezes With Compat Wireless Patch

Nov 23, 2010

I've got an atheros ar9287 based card with the ath9k driver from the base install of lucid and I installed a compat wireless patch via this thread: [URL]... to fix the issue of the card being stuck on a given channel when using aircrack. Now, my system freezes up after about a minute or two. If I leave the wireless card off, everything runs fine no problem. I uninstalled the compat wireless driver via the readme just make uninstall in the compat-wireless folder, but I still get the freezes. So I assume it has something to do with the patches. I have no idea how to remove the patches. Can anyone help me with this or is there a way to get everything up and running so the original problem of being stuck on a channel is fixed?

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Ubuntu :: Lucid X Freezes - Turning Off Visual Effects Decreases Frequency

May 8, 2010

I have not seen a fix posted yet. I am running Lucid standard Ubuntu on 1000HA with Intel GMA 950 graphics. I periodically have keyboard and mouse freezes. It seems turning off visual effects decreases the frequency of the problem but does not solve it. I turned on the keyboard map of control-alt-backspace and I am able to restart x when it freezes. I am running kernel 2.6.32-22-generic which if I read things correctly includes fixes for x memory leaks.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error Loading "OAFIID:GNOME_NetstatusApplet" - Freezes Windows In Lucid?

Apr 29, 2010

After a fresh install of Lucid I found this error on my screen "the panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_NetstatusApplet" do you want to delete it?" I kept pressing no and having a completely worthless system. The programs were all opening in the left corner with no controls to move or close them.

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Ubuntu :: Bug Report (with Workaround): Kmenuedit?

Mar 26, 2010

There is an issue with kmenuedit. It was complaining that it couldn't write to /home/usuariokubuntu/.kde/share/config/kmenueditrc. But even running it with sudo, the behavior was strange (the applications weren't saved at the menu, and everything was very slow - like taking 40 seconds to create a new item at the menu). It seems that the problem was that the file /home/usuariokubuntu/.kde/share/config/kmenueditrc was setted as owner and group as "root". I've changed the ownership and the group of that file to the user owner of home (in my case, usuariokubuntu), and it is working fine now. So, I would life to report this, so developers can fix the issue. I've upgraded a completely clean instalation of kubuntu 9.04 to 9.10, so I don't know if the issue also happens when directly installing 9.10.


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Installation :: Ubuntu 10.04 Slow Boot From (hd 0,0) / Workaround It?

May 27, 2010

My 9.01 worked fine since upgrading to 10.04 i find the boot process hangs for about 30 secs displaying
'boot from (hd0,0)
Starting up'

I have googled this problem and the only thing i could find is that disconnection the dvd drives sorts it! but i cannot find a workaround.

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Ubuntu :: Maverick Meerkat Bug Workaround Not Working?

Oct 14, 2010

Workaround for: GPG Errors: If you get the following error message:Quote:W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used.GPG error: http://extras.ubuntu.com maverick Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 16126D3A3E5C1192W: Failed to fetch http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/Release Run:

gpg keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com recv 3E5C1192
gpg export armor 3E5C1192 | sudo apt-key add -


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Ubuntu :: No Keyboard Or On Screen Input - Any Workaround?

Aug 8, 2011

Running natty. Main user account. In Ubuntu & Ubuntu Classic, both gnome, no keyboard or on-screen keyboard input. Compiz & metacity both bad. Mouse okay. Other user accounts okay. KDE okay.

Tracked problem to /home/{user}/.gconf/desktop/gnome/session/required_components/%gconf.xml. Removed file, problem goes away.

File contents:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<entry name="windowmanager" mtime="1303412016" type="string">

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Ubuntu :: Thunderbird 3 Smart Folders Not Saving Changes / Possible Workaround

Jan 7, 2010

I recently upgraded to Thunderbird 3 using the ubuntuzilla script. One of the great new feature is the so called 'Smart folders' which lets you view all of your mail from different accounts in one list. Since I have set up automatic rules to sort mails from different people and mailing lists in different sub-folders I wanted to include these in the list too. However very time I tried to get Thunderbird to include sub-folders from my different accounts, the settings would reset itself - but now I think I might have found a fix:In your Thunderbird folder find the folder called 'smart mailboxes'.Right-click the file 'Inbox.msf' and select 'Properties' (I think it's called this i'm on a Danish system)Go to the 'Rights' section (again this is what I think it's called) Set your own rights to 'read' only, exit Open Thunderbird Right-click the Smart folders Inbox and select 'Properties'.Choose the folders you want to include, remember to check 'Match all messages'

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Connection Not Working In KDE / Workaround It?

Feb 2, 2010

I recently installed KDE in my ubuntu machine. I would like to try it out for a few weeks at least, but networking is not working at all.

I somehow managed to find the network settings and it shows no connections, wired or wireless. When I log out and log back in with gnome, my wireless gets connected automatically.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 3G USB Modem TechFaith Unstable Workaround

May 2, 2010

I have an USB 3G Modem to access broadband internet.The USB 3G Modem is a flying angel from TechFaith company.The modem works fine under Windows XP. The USB 3G Modem propose a data partition with an automatic installation of its driver and software. When I plug the device to the 9.04 Ubuntu workstation it mounts the data partition, but does not find the 3G modem device. I search the internet to find a solution, and the only working solution I found is the following. However, this solution is not stable, after some minutes the device is dropped (no more ttyUSB). I can not use the same process to enable the device.


su -
eject /dev/sr1
modprobe -v option
echo "1d09 1026" >/sys/bus/usb-serial/drivers/option1/new_id


I used the wizard to configure the braodband access (Brunei/B-mobile). It works for somes minutes, and then the connection drops, the /dev/ttyUSB desappears and I can not redo the process.I have to enter the commands in a root shell, the sudo command will not enable the device. Why it does not works with sudo?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lenovo X201 Workaround That Works?

Aug 22, 2010

Finally got my Lenovo X201 up and running by combining a couple of different workarounds suggested for the graphics driver problem that is plaguing so many. This works on my X201 3249CTO, running BIOS version 1.17, with Ubuntu 10.04.1 (kernel version 2.6.32-24). I have tested it to differing degrees with all four relevant installers (32- and 64-bit, desktop and alternate).

STEP 1. Add "xforcevesa i915.modeset=0" at install. When you first start the desktop installer, you should see "ISOLINUX..." in the upper lefthand corner of the screen, followed by a couple of white logos at the bottom of an otherwise blank screen. As soon as you see these logos, press the space bar to get the advanced install menu. If you are using the alternate installer, you will get the install menu automatically.

--Make sure "Install Ubuntu" is highlighted. Press F6. You should see the install command line near the bottom of the screen, plus a popup menu with additional options. Pres Esc to close the popup menu. A cursor should appear at the end of the install command line.


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Ubuntu :: Workaround For Keyring When Auto-Login Is Enabled?

Apr 8, 2011

I'm trying to find a workaround for the keyring requirement when auto-login is enabled.Here's my setup:I'm primarily using my Linux computer as a server, for Git, FUPPES, OpenVPN, etc. Because of this, I do everything remotely from another computer (Windows 7). Most tasks I need to do I perform through SSH, but sometimes I use VNC to see the desktop, since some things are just easier with a GUI.My problem is this: I have auto-login enabled, because of how I use the device. However, when it first boots up, I'm unable to connect with VNC unless I physically go to the computer and type my password into the keyring pop-upDoes anyone know of a way around this? Is there a way for me to input my password into the keyring through SSH, by invoking libpam-gnome-keyring somehow? I've tried to locate this application

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Fedora :: Can't Start OpenOffice 3.2 / Workaround This?

Sep 29, 2010

I am newbie to Fedora.
I have installed Fedora 13 to my ASUS 1015P EEE PC netbook.
I have installed OOo_3.2.1_Linux_x86_install-rpm-wJRE_en-US.tar.gz using the installation manual from OpenOffice.org, however, when I clicked on Applications --> Office --> OpenOffice 3.2 Base/Calc/Impress or anything, nothing happened. The system still runs as normal, but nothing is opened.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Boot My N210 Samsung Netbook / Workaround This?

Nov 3, 2010

I bought this netbook yesterday & thought of installing ubuntu netbook 10.10 on it.

I booted with windows & started the install using WUBI.
The wubi setup was started but then after copying files it told that some error occurred.

I though that I will deal with it later and left the wubi installed.

Now, when I rebooted after sometime, I am thrown to the code...

My netbook also has Hyperspace installed that comes with netbook. I provided that in case it is caused because of that.
Now what do I do? I didnt do anything wrong and still ubuntu messed up my system

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Optimus Workaround Idea For Playing Through HDMI

May 14, 2011

I've been waiting for nVidia for too long or any genius for me to get things working about my ASUS N53JF and this Optimus tech on it.My brother has a FULL HD 1080P waiting for me Is there a way I could get HDMI through his tv without paying for another laptop or nettop or media player.I saved the original HD image with Windows 7 that came with it but oh my. i don't want to come back to Windows.I've been in Ubuntu since Lucid Lynx (that was on my Sony VAIO VGN-AW120D, now waiting to be repared - no money for the reparation broke).

I thought that I would insert the Windows 7 HD image each time I go visit my brother but do any of you have other solutions .. workaround? I mean stable solution, i've heard that Optimus is no where near what Windows 7 can do with this technology Optimus workaround idea for playing through HDMI.

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Debian Configuration :: 100% CPU Usage While Idle / Workaround It?

Apr 13, 2011

I just installed Debian 6.0 IA64 on my HP zx6000 and it pegs the CPU's when doing absolutely nothing but sitting at the desktop. I searched around on Google and found that there is a bug report: 537572. I was just wondering what the status was on that. Is there currently a fix or workaround?

zx6000 specs: 2 x 1.50GHz Intel Itanium 2 (Madison 6MB), 8GB of PC2100 ECC, 73GB 10kRPM SCSI, NVIDIA Quadro4 900 XGL 128MB.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Vimeo Fullscreen Playback Doesn't Allows Me To Get Back / Workaround?

Nov 4, 2010

Once i get full screen playback i can't go back while playing vimeo videos. Can't alt+tab, switch desktops, escape, f, ctrl+f, f11. Only ctrl+alt+F<number> works and there I can kill chromium process to kill vimeo.
(posted on chrome bugs already, but maybe anyone has this issue too?)
Anyone knows fix or workaround?

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Debian :: Can't Get Adobe Air On A 64bit System To Work / Workaround It?

Nov 29, 2010

I'm trying to install Adobe Air on a 64bit Debian system but just can't get it to work. All the instructions I can find on the net are for Ubuntu and I've tried to modify them for Debian but with no luck.

Is there a write up for installing it anywhere around?

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Debian :: Etch, Logon Prompt : Access Denied - Workaround?

Mar 1, 2010

I have a Debian etch system I haven't fired up for about a year because the mobo went bad.I had one user setup, I hammered it with all my normal passwords and finally got a prompt that said 'Access Denied'So my understanding is that I figured out my PW, but for some reason this user doesn't have access anymore.Is there a workaround for this? I am just trying to retrieve some files from the drive I don't have a problem formatting it.

Also I tried hooking it up to a windows machine:I loaded Ext2 IFS, it recognizes the drive, but says it can't load it - something to do with the headers being closed out improperly, and basically said I would have to boot it in linux then try it in windows.I tried this after I got to the linux logon prompt (the bootloader had scanned the drive because it hadn't been scanned for x amount of days), this didn't help Ext IFS read the drive.

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