Ubuntu :: Logical Partitions Within Software RAID?

Oct 4, 2010

So, over the next couple of days I'm going to be building a new file server based on Ubuntu with three 2TB drives (and possibly a pair of 500GB drives I already own) in RAID 5 using mdadm. I'm under the impression that I would be able to add the 500GB drives using mdadm; while all drives need to be of the same capacity for hardware RAIDs, software RAIDs are able to work with different-sized volumes. Is this correct?

i right in thinking that mdadm presents the RAID as a drive which can then be used like a single drive would be? create a logical partition within the RAID formatted with HFS+ which can be used for network-based Time Machine backups for a few Macs in my house.Now, this is where I particularly show my ignorant side: is it possible to create a logical partition with a variable size? Similar to how a virtual hard drive works with some virtual machines; a "drive" may take up to 200GB, for example, but is only as large as the amount of data it stores. If it is possible, is this only for certain partition formats?

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Fedora :: Boot Can't Access Ext4 Partitions On LVM Logical Volumes On RAID Array?

Feb 8, 2011

i have a fedora 11 server which can't access the ext4 partitions on lvm logical volumes on a raid array during boot-up. the problem manifested itself after a failed preupgrade to fedora 12; however, i think the attempt at upgrading to fc12 might not have anything to do with the problem, since i last rebooted the server over 250 days ago (sometime soon after the last fedora 11 kernel update). prior to the last reboot, i had successfully rebooted many times (usually after kernel updates) without any problems. i'm pretty sure the fc12 upgrade attempt didn't touch any of the existing files, since it hung on the dependency checking of the fc12 packages. when i try to reboot into my existing fedora 11 installation, though, i get the following screen: (click for full size) a description of the server filesystem (partitions may be different sizes now due to the growing of logical volumes):


- 250GB system drive
lvm partition rest of driveVolGroup_System


except he's talking about fake raid and dmraid, whereas my raid is linux software raid using mdadm. this machine is a headless server which acts as my home file, mail, and web server. it also runs mythtv with four hd tuners. i connect remotely to the server using nx or vnc to run applications directly on the server. i also run an xp professional desktop in a qemu virtual machine on the server for times when i need to use windows. so needless to say, it's a major inconvenience to have the machine down.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: ERROR: Bad Logical Partition 6: Enlarged Logical Partitions Overlap

Aug 22, 2011

After fixing drive partition numbers, I got the following error from cfdisk: Code: FATAL ERROR: Bad logical partition 6: enlarged logical partitions overlap Press any key to exit cfdisk However, I can see all my partitions with fdisk and gparted, I can mount and use all of them.I used the following guide to fix the drive numbers order: Reorder partition drive numbers in linux | LinkedBits Does somebody know whet is cfdisks problem and how can I fix it?

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Hardware :: Change Primary Partitions To Logical Partitions AND Migrate Their Data?

Mar 28, 2010

I've installed Arch Linux onto my Western Digital SATA drive.I love it, best ever, however, I need the fglrx proprietry driver for better 3-d performace, and decided to create a new partition. I decided to install Linux Mint.Sadly, in all my noobishness, I forgot about the 4 primary partition limit (oops!) and as I have /, /home, swap, and /boot partitions (all primary) already installed, I have run into a bit of a problem.I resized my /home partition (almost 500GB) to about 225, and was then told I have over 200GB unusable space. Is it possible for me to change at least 1 of my primary partitions to logical partitions AND keep all the data intact (AND edit the arch configuration so that it'll still work) so I can install a second linux? I sincerely doubt it

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Ubuntu Installation :: Change Primary Partitions Into Logical?

May 9, 2011

I have first installed Windows7 to sda2 (sda1 being the MBR). Then I installed Ubuntu as follows: sda3 /boot, sda5 swap (sda4 being the Extended partition), sda6 /, sda7 /home. So far so good. Windows and Ubuntu worked fine. I also planned to create another partition for data and two more partitions for Arch Linux. And here is the problem.I just assumed that the Extended partitions were created logical but actually they are also primary. So, as things stand, all my 7 partitions are primary and I cannot create any more partitions.I must've erred somewhere during the Ubuntu installation. Is it possible ti change the Extended partitions into logical, without affecting all the stuff within? Any ideas? Otherwise I will have to delete everything after Windows and install Ubuntu again, making sure that I create logical partitions in the Extended part

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General :: Cannot Create Logical Partitions Without Errors

Jan 14, 2010

I have run into a Gparted problem that I am not familiar with. I've never seen it before.

I cannot create logical partitions without errors or not at all. I have two choices:

1) not checking 'round to cylinders' - I will get an error* and it will not partition

2) check 'round to cylinders' - it will partition but I will also obtain 4MB of unallocated space (each time)

This applies to Primary partitions, too, I think. At least, #2 will happen.

Imho, this is ridiculous. Why would I retain 4MB of unallocated space? In other words, the two choices above are not choices.

The error message doesn't explain much if anything either. *"Unable to satisfy all constraints on the partition"

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General :: Why Are Logical Partitions Preferred Over Primary

May 9, 2011

So I noticed while using guided partitioning that most distro installers will attempt to create a logical partition for the root file system besides the swap and /boot on the HDD. Why is this the case? Why does the partition for root file system have to be logical and not primary?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Remove The 10.04 - Unmount Any Logical Partitions Having A Number Higher Than 5?

Feb 24, 2011

My partition table is as follows:

sda1 - WinRE - Something Windows uses
sda2 - Windows7
sda3 - Data


I need to remove Ubuntu 10.04 and so I therefore need to remove sda5 and sda6, right? Upon deleting sda5 in Gparted it tells me to "unmount any logical partitions having a number higher than 5".

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General :: Cloning Logical Volume And Swap And Boot Partitions?

Feb 28, 2011

I have a RHEL4 system with 2 250GB physical volumes. There is a boot partition that is outside LVM and 2 logical volumes (swap and root) within a single volume group. This volume group bridges the 2 physical volumes.

I would like to clone this system onto a single 1 TB physical volume that will replace the 2x250GB currently in use.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Number Of Partitions / Logical Volumes Can Create Using Partman-auto Recipes?

Mar 2, 2011

Is there a limit to the number of partitions/logical volumes you can create using the partman-auto recipes? If not, any thoughts on why my preseed using the values included below results in only a /boot partition and logical volumes root, swap, and user? Is there another way to achieve putting /, /tmp, /var, /usr, /usr_local /opt, etc on their own logical volumes with preseeding?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Merge Ubuntu & Swap Into Extended / Logical Partitions

Jul 17, 2010

I have a dual boot on my laptop between XP and Ubuntu with a storage partition.that gives me total of 4 primary partition


I now want to add a OSX to my laptop in tripple booth. I did shrink the windows partition and now I realized that all my partitions are primary and cannot create a new one with the space I shrink from windows.Is it possible to merge ubuntu and its swap into extended/logical partitions so I can create a new primary for Mac OS X?

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CentOS 5 :: Add New RAID Volume To The Existing Logical Volume?

May 7, 2011

I have a system with a 2TB RAID level 1 installed (2 x 2TB drives, configured as RAID1 through the BIOS). I installed Centos 5.5 and it runs fine. I now added another 2x2TB drives and configured them as RAID1 through the BIOS.

How do I add this new RAID volume to the existing logical volume?

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Ubuntu :: Hardware RAID Showing As Seperate Partitions After 10.04 Upgrade?

Sep 27, 2010

I have been trying to upgrade my server to Ubuntu 10.04 since it has come out, but I hit a roadblock with my hardware RAID I have two JBODs that work perfectly in Ubuntu 9.10 x64 - but show as seperate, unformatted partitions (one per hdd) in Ubuntu 10.04 x64. Here's the relevant portion of my fstab:

UUID="1fac4a2c-6a2e-4278-bab4-c7179c8720ee" /media/Motherload ext4 exec,auto,async,rw 0 2 #4TB-ext4-/dev/mapper/pdc_cabedbfaef1
UUID="31f1f023-e6a0-4b5e-b9d9-0a46011e7fa0" /media/Fry ext4 exec,auto,async,rw 0 2 #3TB-


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Debian Configuration :: Mixing Partitions In RAID 5

Mar 21, 2011

I have 2x 1.5TB hard disks and I'm going to buy a new 2TB drive soon. First though I just wanted to check that I could partition off the first 1/4 to 1/3 of the 2TB drive (leaving 1.5TB or more free) and install Debian to that part, then use the remainder of the disk in combination with the 2x 1.5 TB drives in RAID 5? i.e. can you mix whole drives and with partitions from other drives in RAID 5 and/or is it best to just stick with complete drives for the RAID array?I only have room for 3 drives in the small mATX case that houses my NAS device and I want to maximise storage capacity and minimise expense.

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General :: Create A RAID Set Up And Merge Partitions?

Aug 7, 2009

I have three hard drives in my computer That I want to make RAID 0. All of them already have partitions and data on them. What I want to know is if I can, without losing data, add the disks to RAID and then merge the partitions? All the partitions are of the same type. Or would it easier/better/possible to do this with LVM? Even if I'd have to shrink partitions and copy data to a new LVM one to get it set up properly, would it be better than RAID 0?

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General :: Slackware 13.1 - RAID Using Whole Disks Or Partitions

Aug 17, 2010

I use slackware 13.1 and I want to create a RAID level 5 with 3 disks. Should I use entire device or a partition? What the advantages and disadvantages of each case? If a use the entire device, should I create any partition on it or leave all space as free?

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Server :: How To Resize Software RAID Partitions?

Aug 24, 2009

Googling tells you how to resize RAID partitions but not how to resize the underlying disk partitions. In my particular case, I initially sized a RAID array way too large - and when I added another disk to the array, I decided I was wasting too much space.I shrunk the file system, then "grew" the array (/dev/md2) to the smaller size, and resized the file system again to fit. However the actual disk partitions (/dev/sda2, /dev/sdb2, etc.) are still the original size - they are just mostly unused space.As I understand it, the superblocks are at the end of the partition. I believe this means the end of space used by the array on each device, so that the superblock moved to a lower block number when I shrunk the array. However it also means that I need to get the new physical partition size correct to avoid clobbering the superblock.

Is there an easy way to get any partition editor to shrink the physical partitions to the new array size?If not, is the superblock included in the space allocated to the array so that the next partition can start in the very next block, or is it added after the array so I'd need to allow some space for it?

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CentOS 5 :: Install HW RAID Partitions As /dev/md Instead Of /dev/mapper/isw?

Feb 4, 2010

I am trying to setup a H/W RAID-1 matrix but I am unsuccessful. I am trying to get partitions installed as /dev/md0, /dev/md1 but it keeps going for /dev/mapper/isw...The reason is that I have R1Soft backup and it needs to hook the partitions as seen in /proc/partitions from /dev not /dev/mapper/isw. I have tried to boot the installation with various options but nothing!

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Debian :: Setting Up A RAID Array With Multiple Partitions

May 23, 2011

I need to set up a RAID 1 array on Squeeze. I have 3 partitions: sda1 is root, sda5 is home, and sda6 is swap. (sda2 is the extended partition containing home and swap. This was a clean installation, so I don't know what happened to sda3 and sda4...)

All the information that I've been able to find recommends doing something like this:

mdadm --create --verbose /dev/md0 --level=mirror --raid-devices=2 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1

Do I need to type a separate command for each partition, or is there a better way to do it? Also, should I use the UUID instead of the dev names?

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Fedora Hardware :: RAID 0 With 4 Hard Disk - Adding New Partitions?

Jul 27, 2010

We have a server with RAID 0 with 4 hard disks on it each 250 GB. Linux kernel must find one hard disk named: /dev/sda with 1TB capacity. right? And also we have 2 partitions on sda: sda1 and sda2. We want to add another partition but we don't have enough space.

Now the problem:
If we add another hard disk and run
fdisk -l
Will the /dev/sda space incremented automatically so we can add new partitions or we must do something?

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Server :: Mdadm: Rebuild A Software Raid From Drives With Existing Partitions?

Apr 24, 2011

Its from a Synology Box with 3 disks, which one is damaged. But this disk wasnt in use.Take a look on the raid-size of 493 GB - and the both available disks with 250GB..)
On the others there were a linear raid. during this damaged disk the synology-device tells me, that the volume was crashed.But it look like, that this disk was not mounted into this volume.Quote:

DiskStation> mdadm --detail /dev/md2
Version : 00.90


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Ubuntu :: Mount Partitions "raid Autodetect"?

Jan 11, 2011

I have an Iomega Home Media Network Drive (small, cheap, NAS) [URL] Recently the controller died and it will no longer connect to my network. Before I take it to our local electronics recycler, I'd like to recover the data from the drive. I removed the bare drive from the NAS and plugged it into my Ubuntu 10.10 PC. I see the following:


I believe the sdb2 is the data partition I want to mount, but it appears to be part of a RAID array. The NAS only contains one drive, so is sdb1 the other part of the RAID array? If I look in the system partition of the drive I see in /etc/fstab: # line needed for quotas, noauto makes mount -a skip it so nasmon can mount it correctly /dev/sda2/nethdd/mkswxfsdefaults,noauto0 0

But I have never heard of type "mkswxfs", nor has googling returned any information. I assume I need to create a RAID array out of sdb1 and sdb2 but I am new to this. Also, on the system partition:


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Ubuntu Servers :: RAID-5 Recovery (spare/active) / Degraded And Can't Create Raid ,auto Stop Raid [md1]?

Feb 1, 2011

Could any RAID gurus kindly assist me on the following RAID-5 issue?I have an mdadm-created RAID5 array consisting of 4 discs. One of the discs was dropping out, so I decided to replace it. Somehow, this went terribly wrong and I succeeded in marking two of the drives as faulty, and the re-adding them as spare.

Now the array is (logically) no longer able to start:

mdadm: Not enough devices to start the array.Degraded and can't create RAID ,auto stop RAID [md1]

I was able to examine the disks though:

root@ mdadm --examine /dev/sdb2
Magic : a92b4efc
Version : 00.90.00

mdadm --create --assume-clean --level=5 --raid-devices=4 /dev/sda2 /dev/sdb2 /dev/sdc2 /dev/sdd2
As I don't want to ruin the maybe small chance I have left to rescue my data, I would like to hear the input of this wise community.

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Debian :: Install Debian Root Into Software Raid Partitions Sda2 And Sdb1?

Mar 2, 2011

I got two harddisks, sda and sdb. Is it possible to install Debian root into software raid partitions sda2 and sdb1 leaving all other partitions 'normal' (not-raid)? do partitions sda2 and sdb1 need to be exact same size and position?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installer Won't Recognize Partitions - Error Message Saying Partitions Over Sized

Mar 22, 2011

I used Ubuntu before, without problems but since the 10.04 version it won't recognize my partitions. I formated my laptop and partitioned it, installed Windows 7 64bit, which I need for my work, and wanted now to install Ubuntu 10.04/10. I then used GParted to check my Harddisk and it is having troubles to recognize my partitions, too while Windows finds them. GParted is giving me an error message saying my partitions are oversized. I am still in the beginning of my Linux experiences and so I don't know what to do. I have two 250GB harddisks (how Windows recognizes them),


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Ubuntu Installation :: CD Doesn't Detect Partitions But No Apparent Overlapping Partitions?

Mar 3, 2010

Xubuntu 9.04 installation CD not detecting any of the current partitions. This all started when I reinstalled windows XP a few days ago.After, the computer wouldn't boot into GRUB and would boot directly into windows.Other threads have dealt with a similar issue, that of overlapping partitions causing libparted/parted/gparted to detect the whole drive as unallocated space. The problem in these threads seemed to be a corrupted partition table, in which the partitions overlapped with each other. So of course I checked the output of fdisk -l for overlapping partitions, but I don't see any obvious overlapping partitions. I've noticed that the partition that used to be linux swap isn't showing up in the partition table at all. I might just be missing something simple here and would like another set of eyes to help me figure this one out. Does the problem have anything to do with the partition table being out of order (ie. not in order of what regions they cover on the drive)? From the liveCD I've run


sudo fdisk -lu
sudo sfdisk -d
sudo parted /dev/sda print

and have received the following output:


ubuntu@ubuntu:/mnt$ sudo fdisk -lu
omitting empty partition (5)
Disk /dev/sda: 60.0 GB, 60011642880 bytes


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Ubuntu Installation :: Order Of Partitions For Root / Home And Swap With Respect To Windows Partitions?

Feb 9, 2011

I am installing Ubuntu on the same hard drive as Windows 7. The partitions of Windows 7 have already occupied the left part of the hard drive. From left to right, the Windows partitions are one partition for Windows booting, one for Windows OS and software installation, and one for data which is planned to mount on Ubuntu. I was wondering how to arrange the order of partitions of root, home and swap, i.e. which is on the left just besides one Windows partition, which is in the middle and which is on the far right?

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Ubuntu :: Mdadm Raid + GRUB = Not Booting - Error: Unsupported RAID Version: 0.91

Jul 18, 2011

I have a raid5 on 10 disk, 750gb and it have worked fine with grub for a long time with ubuntu 10.04 lts. A couple of days ago I added a disk to the raid, growd it and then resized it.. BUT, I started the resize-process on a terminal on another computer, and after some time my girlfriend powered down that computer!
So the resize process cancelled in the middle and i couldn't acess any of the HDDs so I rebooted the server.

Now the problem, the system is not booting up, simple black with a blinking line. Used a rescue CD to boot it up, finised the resize-process and the raid seems to be working fine so I tried to boot normal again. Same problem. Rescue cd, updated grub, got several errors: error: unsupported RAID version: 0.91. I have tried to purge grub, grub-pc, grub commmon, removed /boot/grub and installed grub again. Same problem.

I have tried to erased mbr (# dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/sdX bs=446 count=1) on sda (ide disk, system), sdb (sata, new raid disk). Same problem. Removed and reinstalled ubuntu 11.04 and is now getting error: no such device: (hdd id). Again tried to reinstall grub on both sda and sdb, no luck. update-grub is still generating error about raid id 0.91 and is back on a blinking line on normal boot. When you'r resizeing a raid MDADM changed the ID from 0.90 to 0.91 to prevent something that happend happened. But since I have completed the resize-process MDADM have indeed changed the ID back to 0.90 on all disks.

I have also tried to follow a howto on a similar problem with a patch on [URL] But I cant compile, various error about dpkg. So my problem is, I cant get grub to work. It just gives me a blinking line and unsupported RAID version: 0.91.

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General :: Migrate An Installed Ubuntu System From A Software Raid To A Hardware Raid?

Jun 29, 2011

migrate an installed Ubuntu system from a software raid to a hardware raid on the same machine? how would you go about doing so?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot - Win 7 And 10.10 On Raid 0 - No Raid Detect

Nov 26, 2010

I have installed Ubuntu on my m1530 since 8.04 and currently dual boot Win7 and 10.10. I would like to dual boot on my PC, but I have run into a problem. I am not a pro at Ubuntu, but this problem I can not solve by reading forums like I have in the past.

I realize this is a common problem, but I have noticed people having success.

I have a M4A87TD EVO MB with two Seagate drives in Raid 0. (The raid controller is a SB850 on that MB) I use the raid utility to create the raid drive that Windows7x64 uses. I have 2 partitions and 1 unused space. Partition 1 is Windows, partition 2 is for media, and the remaining unused space is for Ubuntu.

I am running ubuntu-10.10-desktop-amd64 off a Cruzer 16GB flash drive that was installed via Universal-USB-Installer-

My problem like so many others is that when I load into Ubuntu, gparted detects two separate hard drives instead of the raid. I read that this is because kpartx is not installed on 10.10. I then went in LiveCD mode and downloaded kpartx from Synaptic Manager. Gparted still reported two drives. I opened terminal and run a few commands with kpartx. I received an error. (Forgive me I didn't write it down, but I believe it said something about a communication error. I will try again later and see.)

Currently I am reflashing the Cruzer with a persistence of 4GB. I am not familiar with this process, but I understand that my LiveCD boot will save information I download to it. I decided to try this method because I was going to install kpartx and reboot to see if this made a difference.

I am looking for any suggestions on a different method or perhaps someone to tell me that the raid controller or some hardware isn't supported. I did install ubuntu-10.10-alternate-amd64 on my flash drive, but fail to get past detecting my CD-ROM drive since it's not plugged in. If this method is viable, I will plug it in. I also watched the ..... video were a guy creates Raid 0 with the alternated CD, but it wasn't a dual boot and didn't use a raid controller from a MB.

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