Ubuntu :: Kubuntu 10.04-nettbook / Doesn't See Wireless LAN

Oct 2, 2010

Despite setting up wireless at home very easily, I find it difficult to set up when in a internet cafe. Using manage connections I have tried to add and scan but it does not find wireless lan, when I know the lan is present.Wireless is enabled but am I missing a step

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Ubuntu Security :: NX Bit Doesn't Work In 64-bit Kubuntu

Feb 21, 2010

I'm using kubuntu-9.10-desktop-amd64.iso live (booted via grub2 loopback directly from iso on hd, in case that makes a difference). Processor is a E2180 which according to the Intel website supports the NX bit. I've enabled the option "Execute Bit Support" in the BIOS. /proc/cpuinfo shows both nx and pae in both flags lines. But dmesg says "Using x86 segment limits to approximate NX protection".

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Ubuntu :: GUI Doesn't Always Start On Startup (Kubuntu)

Mar 13, 2010

A lot of times when I start up my computer, instead of the graphical login screen I'm brought to a CLI login. If I log in and do "startx," it'll start KDE, but sound doesn't work and the shutdown/restart options disappear. (The logout option is still there.) It's inconsistent; sometimes it'll start the GUI and sometimes it won't. I have yet to find out what causes it to work right and what causes it to bring me to the CLI. When it doesn't work, if I run "shutdown -r now" or "shutdown -h now," it'll start the GUI as the computer is shutting down. I've tried Ctrl+Alt+F7 when it's brought me to the CLI, but it didn't do anything

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Kubuntu Doesn't Display Properly / What To Do?

Feb 26, 2011

I have an Apple iBook (ancient I know) and whenever I boot from the Live CD (Kubuntu 10.10) it boots up in 800x600 (as far as I can tell that's what it is). This would be a problem however it simplely leaves a huge black column on the right side and has a partially duplicated desktop below it.
When I go to display settings it won't let me change to a higher resolution (1024x768 is what the iBook natively runs at).
This is an iBook G3.

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Hardware :: Kubuntu Doesn't Recognize All 4gb Of Ram

Aug 19, 2009

i have an Acer Aspire laptop, 4GB of ram, with Vista and Kubuntu installed (dual boot). When checking my computer properties in Windows, it does say that i have 4GB, but Kubuntu's system monitor says that i have only 2.9GB.

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Ubuntu :: Kubuntu 10.4 Screen Brightness Slider Doesn't Have An Effect?

Oct 8, 2010

I ran Kubuntu 10.4 from the Live CD and from the start The screen was automatically set to be as dim as possible, but in the power manager the brightness is set to be as bright as possible. Moving around the slider doesn't do nothing, and when I click the battery icon in the tray, it shows another brightness slider that's set to dim as possible, when I move it around it has no effect and just goes back to where it was when I close the popup window. Right now I'm running from the livedisk on an IBM T42 thinkpad laptop.How do I fix this, is it a hardware issue, I've had problems with my graphics card in the past with compositing in X/Ubuntu.I've found some text files for the backlight, they're all set to 0 which I believe is the problem, however even though I'm running the File Manager as root with kdesudo and the permissions are set to read and write for the owner, who is root, I can't save any changes.

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Fedora Installation :: FC10 Grub; Kubuntu Doesn't Boot?

Jan 20, 2009

I am trying to boot kubutu from FC10's grub. FC10 is in MBR, installed kubuntu without grub. Is that a problem for me now? I mean, should I need to install kubutu grub in order to boot from FC10 grub? I tried with these methods but nothing works:

title Kubuntu 8.10 Linux
chainloader +1
title Kubuntu 8.10 Linux


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Ubuntu Networking :: Getting Wireless Setup In Kubuntu

Nov 23, 2010

I am a new Linux user and Maverick Meerkat happens to be my first Linux system i installed. Setting up wireless was pretty easy in GNOME as it displayed my wireless system and i just entered the WEP key and i was all set.I decided to install KDE. After i installed KDE i wanted to setup internet There. However the KNetwork manager is not as friendly as Network Manager. It does detect my wireless router, but after i enter the WEP key it does not get connected.

It was asking me all sorts of question like SSID which i did not use in GNOME at all and neither do i know that information.I tried wcid network manager but removing network-manager and knetwork manager.wcid did get connected to my wireless but it was unable to acquire my IP address. (please do note that both k-network manager and wcid network manager work well with wired internet connection). Could you please help me setup internet in KDE? the truth is internet responds better in KDE than GNOME for my computer somehow.

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Ubuntu Networking :: KUbuntu 10.10 Does Not Recognize Wireless

Feb 8, 2011

I have recently bought a Toshiba Portege R700-15Q and installed kubuntu 10.04. A similar problem happens with kubuntu 10.10 booted from USB stick. I am a long-time linux user but not experienced with fixing problems. The wireless network is not enabled and it appears that linux does not know that there is a wireless capibility. This is both with and without an ethernet connection at boot. The wireless light on the computer is lit up, but when I go to Manage Connections the wireless and mobile broadband tabs are greyed out so can't be accessed.

iwconfig gives "no wireless extensions" for lo, eth0 and pan0.
lspci returns "Network controller: Broadcom Cooperation BCM4313 802.11b/g LP-PHY (rev 01)"
lshw -C network returns "*-network UNCLAIMED", along with a block of other information which does not indicate a problem to me.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connecting To Wireless In Kubuntu Lucid?

May 14, 2010

I'm having trouble connecting to our home wireless network in Kubuntu Lucid. I was hoping someone here might be able to help. I can connect with no problem in Ubuntu and Xubuntu; I'm having difficulty in Kubuntu only. It might just be me being unfamiliar with the KDE network management app, I don't know.

1. I click on the network icon in the system tray, and choose "manage connections". I click on the "wireless" tab, and click "add".

2. I enter the name of our network in the SSID field (our router doesn't broadcast its SSID; however, if I click "scan" the neighbors' wireless networks do appear in the list) under the "wireless" tab, then I go the "wireless security" tab, and choose "WPA/WPA2 - personal" and enter the password. I click OK.

3. Now when I right-click on the network icon and choose "create network connection", the new connection for our network that I just made shows up in the list, but it has an icon showing a pen on paper instead of the broadcasting signal icon that appears next to the neighboring networks. It also says my connection is "insecure", even though I chose WPA and put in the password. (Neighbors' networks do say WPA, WEP,etc.)

4. I select my network connection that I created above, and click connect, and nothing happens. No connection is created. how the KDE network app works; I've used mostly XFCE and GNOME in the past, but I've heard good things about Kubuntu Lucid and really would like to take it for a spin. However, this computer has only a wireless connection, so I really need to get it working.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Internet Gone Since Upgrade To Kubuntu 10.10?

Nov 6, 2010

Since I've upgraded to Kubuntu 10.10 I've lost my wireless internet. In Windows 7 everything's fine, but in Kubuntu wicd keeps giving a "Unable to get IP address message".

Here's some output:

dmesg | grep wlan0
wlan0: associate with **:**:**:**:**:** (try 1)
wlan0: RX AssocResp from **:**:**:**:**:** (capab=0x411 status=0 aid=2)
wlan0: associated
wlan0: deauthenticating from **:**:**:**:**:** by local choice (reason=3)


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Ubuntu Networking :: Getting Wireless Broadband Working In Kubuntu Lucid?

Jun 7, 2010

I've just completed switching both my laptop and desktop from Ubuntu 10.04 to Kubuntu 10.04, all seems to be working well, except that I can't get my Virgin Mobile HUAWEI E160E wireless broadband modem working. I used to have it working flawlessly in Ubuntu, I've used the smae step as described in this post: [URL] that worked for me with Ubuntu, but the Wireless Broadband tab is greyed out under the manage connections dialog. I'm running the 64-bit version of Kubuntu BTW.

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General :: Desktop Doesn't Show Any Icons In Kubuntu / Reset To Initial Stage When I First Installed?

Dec 2, 2010

I installed kubuntu few days back. By clicking blindly I lost my desktop - I mean it is working fine but there are no icons on the desktop and there is no task bar with list of programs.

How can I reset to the initial stage when i first installed?

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Networking :: Unable To Activate Wireless In Kubuntu 11.04

Jul 5, 2011

i installed kubuntu 11.04 on my hp-g62 laptop and i'm using a wireless router to connect to the internet.. but i'm unable to use the wireless network. So i would like to know as to how to enable the wireless settings in kubuntu?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Dual Boot Kubuntu / Win 7 (64bit) - Wireless Drivers?

Jan 3, 2011

I dual boot windows 7 and Kubuntu on my laptop, my wireless card works on windows 7 no problem, and luckily the company also has a linux version of the driver. My question is, how can I install packages on kubuntu without a wired internet connection, and what packages should I download to be able to install the driver on kubuntu without getting errors?

My wireless card is Realtek 8192CE.
Here is the download page for the driver, in case I missed something.
I am dual-booting Kubuntu/Windows 7 x64bit.

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General :: Connect To A Hidden Wireless Network On Kubuntu?

Mar 11, 2010

How can I connect to a hidden wireless network on Kubuntu? I have 9.10 64bit installed, and have the information for the network (e.g. SSID and key) because I've already connected to it on Windows.

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General :: How To Locate Menu For Wireless Connections In Kubuntu

Nov 11, 2010

How do I locate the menu for wireless connections in Kubuntu (KDE?)

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General :: Kubuntu 10.4 Is Not Connecting To Wireless Network On Thinkpad T43

Dec 5, 2010

I'm using three different UNIX OS's.I have used gnome on my laptop for most of the time I have had it and I decided it was time for a change in GUI,I am wanting to use KDE but I can't get it to work with my laptop I have tried mandriva 2010.1 spring and that one was slow and it kept dropping my wireless connection.So I got rid of that in tried Kubuntu and now it will not use the wireless.Ubuntu and Ubuntu SE and the live version of super gamer can all connect it's just Kubuntu and mandriva

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General :: Kubuntu 11.04 And Broadcom BCM4311 Wireless Not Working?

May 18, 2011

Yet another Linux newbie with wireless problems I'm afraid. I saw some postings that appear very similar but I don't have any Linux experience and don'h to make uncontrolled changes to the environment without expert advice.Background: I have an old laptop (HP Pavilion dv9000) with Vista installed and a troubled history (overheating motherboard failure), so I put it on the shelf and replaced it with a new Windows 7 laptop (Dell Studio 1555). But I have been intrigued by the Ubuntu reviews and thought I would dig out the old laptop and install Kubuntu 11.04 (replacing the 2 Vista partitions with a single Kubuntu partition).

Kubuntu installation was easy and I am impressed by the Kubuntu interface, but I soon noticed that it was not detecting my wireless router, which works fine for everything else (Dell, Sony Bravia TV and also an internet radio). The wired connection is okay (using it now) so I guessed the problem was Kubuntu notognising the Broadcom BCM4311.The network interface tool shows the wired connection but the Wireless tab is greyed out.I also installed Wicd Network Manager but that just confirmed what I knew.I noticed other threads have asked for the lspci and lsusb details so here they are:

00:00.0 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation C51 Host Bridge (rev a2)
00:00.1 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation C51 Memory Controller 0 (rev a2)


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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Internet Drops Frequently With Realtek Card On Kubuntu 10.04?

Feb 11, 2011

I'm using Kubuntu 10.04.2 LTS on a Bangho laptop. Kernel 2.6.32-28-generic i686. My card is: Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8187B Wireless 802.11g 54Mbps Network Adapter iwconfig wlan0 gives me:

wlan0 IEEE 802.11bg ESSID:"Default_WLAN"
Mode:Managed Frequency:2.442 GHz Access Point: 00:06:4F:8D:B9:AF
Bit Rate=1 Mb/s Tx-Power=20 dBm
Retry long limit:7 RTS thr: off Fragment thr: off


Usually when this happens, for 10 or 20 seconds it appears to be connected (i.e. the heart symbol is there) but I can't ping google or my router, then it "realizes" it's disconnected. It takes one or two attempts to reconnect successfully by pressing the "active" button. Meanwhile throughout the disconnections and re-connections the signal is very strong (98%).

I had the same problem with my old access point, at first I thought it was the cheap/old hardware, so now I bought an "ENCORE ENDSL-A2+WIGX2 | ADSL 2+ Modem with 4 Port Wireless Router". The problem persists only with a stronger signal.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Kubuntu 4.10 - Installing PCI Wireless Mymax MWA/PCI-150N (Chip RT3060F)?

Aug 19, 2011

Good afternoon, I have a PC with Kubuntu 10.04 and a PCI Wireless Mymax MWA/PCI-150N RT3060F chip, I am not able to install, configure the system, I downloaded the driver on the site [URL]... php? s = 2, RT3062PCI/mPCI/CB/PCIe (RT3060/RT3062/RT3562/RT3592) and follow the procedures but it still fails, the card comes up in the connections but no signal scans.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Belkin Enhanced Wireless USB Network Adapter - Windows Wireless Drivers App Doesn't Work

Feb 3, 2010

I have a Belkin Enhanced Wireless USB Network Adapter Model # F6D4050 v2. The drivers are for windows but the windows wireless drivers app doesnt work. I see a tutorial for a linksys that appears to have the same chipset, but I am not sure if any of the steps need to be modified, also my kernel is a bit different. Here is my kernel:


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Hardware :: Get Compaq CQ40 616tu Wireless Work In Kubuntu 9.10?

Feb 4, 2010

I recently installed Kubuntu 9.10 in Compaq CQ40 616tu laptop. To connect to internet, the only option i have is via wireless. But the wireless tab is found disabled in it. How to enable it and get it work?

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Ubuntu :: Wireless Works But Windows Wireless Doesn't?

Jul 11, 2011

I recently re installed everything so I could dual boot. Well my wireless on my Ubuntu works but my wireless on my windows doesn't. I used my Toshiba recovery to re install some of the programs like Intel proset(wireless program) well it finds my router and everything but the connection is limited. When I click repair it doesn't work and proset finds my ip addresses but i don't know why it doesn't connect.

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General :: Kubuntu Wubi Finds Wireless And Says Connected. Can't Load Pages?

Nov 6, 2010

I have Kubuntu installed under windows 7. It finds my wireless connection and says i am connected. even with a wired connection it does the same. When i go to the web browser and try it out. says problem with connection. will include some pictures of "iwconfig" and others.

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General :: Install Telstra Bigpond Wireless Broardband - USB Plug In - On Kubuntu

Jun 10, 2010

I have installed Kubuntu 9.04 on my ex Mandriva USB swing device and after a shaky start all works ok (at this point i have removed the windows hard drive and using the USB device)

Now i need to use the Internet, I have a Telstra Mobile Bigpond wireless broadband USB device which is great for windows, but i want to use it on kubuntu if i can.

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Knetworkmanager Detect Wireless Network But Doesn't Automatically Connect

Apr 17, 2010

at start, knetworkmanager detect wireless network, but doesn't automatically connect - I have to restart it to make it work properly. Instead, it gives that error:


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Debian :: BCMxx - Wireless Isn't Working - NetworkManager Doesn't Even Detect A Wireless Card

Jul 14, 2010

I just got myself a Dell Inspiron 1440. And decided to install my favorite distro Debian. I got the installation to go with no issue and all seems to be working fine. However the wireless isn't working. NetworkManager doesnt even detect a wireless card. I followed the instructions here and installed the b43-fwcutter and then issued the modprobe b43 and modprobe b43legacy commands. Then I issued the iwconfig command and this was the output.


Also, I've been doing some research and found out about some file located /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules. So I looked in mine and found out that only my eth0 is added.


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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Wireless On Compaq Presario R3000 Doesn't Work

Nov 8, 2010

Sorry for repeating the same old complaint but there doesn't seem to be a common fix: Wireless does not work on my Presario R3000 although SUSE 11.x lists the hardware in the Hardware Information list and the hardware is turned on. Network Manager doesn't display any wireless networks in SUSE while Win 7 can see 4 of them on the same machine. Ubuntu has no problem either

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Broadcom 4311 Doesn't Seem To Recognize Wireless Card

May 3, 2011

when it comes to openSUSE but I am earnestly trying. I installed the openSUSE OS on my HP dv6000 laptop, but it does not seem to recognize my wireless card (which is a Broadcom 4311).

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