Ubuntu Installation :: Lucid Failing To Power Off - Reboot

Apr 29, 2010

Well, this new issue when installing the new lucid relase iso seems to be closly related to my previous bug report refering to suspend and hybernate failing to power off, freezing at and of suspend/hybernate preperation. now what happens... installing ubuntu lucid 64bit, all gos perfect. finally i get the window begging me to reboot. i click reboot. window finsihes its work and disapears. that's it. screen is frozen with its purple background. no ctrl+alt+del, nor anything else works. only reset button. so it failed ro reboot like it fails to pwoer off for hybernate or suspend. on same machine this does not happen with karmic. it is a soley ubuntu lucid problem. any suggestion how to track that down? p.s. in my original thread and bug report i provided a pm-suspend.log that went all good till the last statement "powering off".

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Ubuntu Installation :: Failing To Upgrade From Lucid To Meerkat?

Nov 21, 2010

I have upgraded this system 3 or 4 times from Lucid to Meerkat without any problems. After a nasty update to my Natty installation I have re-installed Lucid and am upgrading to Meerkat, then on to Natty again. However when I try to upgrade I am getting the error below.


2010-11-21 14:01:39,632 DEBUG running doUpdate() (showErrors=True)
2010-11-21 14:01:40,265 DEBUG openCache()
2010-11-21 14:01:40,265 DEBUG failed to SystemUnLock() (E:Not locked)


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Ubuntu :: Lost Power During Lucid Lynx Installation

May 1, 2010

While leaving my laptop to install the upgrades, I hadn't noticed how the power cord had slipped loose. When I came back my computer must have shut off due to battery loss. When I booted up my computer again, I couldn't boot up Ubuntu under any of the kernels, -20,-19, etc. I get cryptic messages such as "unable to enumerate USB device on port 2," device not accepting messages," and "device descriptor read." i definitely intend to recover my data. I had been upgrading from 9.10 to the latest version of lucid lynx.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lost Power While Upgrading To Lucid From Hardy?

Aug 8, 2010

I tried to upgrade my kubuntu 8.04 LTS to Ubuntu 10.04 LTS as given here. Actually I wanted to upgrade to kubuntu. The download completed successfully. However,while upgrading the power went off and left the computer in bad state. Now I see multiple two entries for both

kubuntu 8.04.4 LTS, Kernel 2.6.24-28-generic
kubuntu 8.04.4 LTS, Kernel 2.6.24-28-generic (recovery mode)

in grub. Since I am not that familiar with ubuntu(in general linux), I would like
When I tried to boot in first two of these I get the following error message and it remains in command-line mode.

libudev: udev_monitor_new_from_netlink: error getting socket: Invalid argument
[ 20.839013] wait-for-root[946]: segfault at 00000030 eip b774bf2b esp bfb33340 error 4
Segmentation fault


However, the mount points are not having anything. It is like nothing got mounted. I would suspect there should be some way where I should be able to locate the downloaded upgrade stuff and apply it afresh again from start. Is this something possible?

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Ubuntu Servers :: 10.04 Server RAID5 LVM Failing After Reboot Due To It Using The /dev/sd* Designations

Dec 5, 2010

I'm a light linux user over the last couple of years and I decided to built a HTPC/NAS device.

40gb ide -> usb boot drive
3x2tb sata (4k Sector) drives

I've got another 2tb identical drive but it's holding data that is going to be copied to the raid after it's up and running and then be 'grown' into the raid array to yield a final 5+tb array. I tried doing a disk util raid array and it ended up failing after reboot due to it using the /dev/sd* designations and they swapped. I have no idea how to do the UUID version, my googlefu and practical guide to ubuntu. So I decided to do it manually in order to also fix the sector issue as disk util wasn't formatting them correctly and once formatted wouldn't let me create a raid array from the discs.


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Ubuntu :: USB Ports Failing After Installing Lucid?

Sep 19, 2010

hy my usb ports keep failing ? My optical mouse starts to blink , freezes and then goes off so i try another port and its OK for a while then the same happens again . So i try another until all have been tried so reboot and everything works again. Im not technically minded and have NO idea why this is happening .

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Server :: ISCSI Failing At Reboot To Detect Mapped Volume

Sep 28, 2010

I am trying to connect the one of server RHEL5.4 to the IBM iSCSI storage. Server is equipped with 2 single port Qlogic iSCSI HBA(TOE). RHEL detected the HBA and installed driver itself (qla3XXX). I have configured the HBA ip address in the range of iSCSI host port of storage. Both of the HBA is connecting to the two different controller of storage. I have discovered the storage using command iscsiadm -m discovery command for both of the controller and it went through fine. But problem is whenever server is restarting if both of the hba is connected to the storage then server will not detect the volumes which is mapped to the server and then to detect the volume I need to run "mppBusRescan" and "vgscan" command each time. If only one path is connected it is fine.

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Fedora :: Can't Reboot After Power Cut

May 15, 2011

Unbeknown to us our son removed the battery and I unplugged the power cord. Instant off! Since then I can't restart. The error is very lengthy but each Control-D brings a reboot but the same sticking point. If I understand correctly I am asked to run setenforce as root. I did this and it does each separate file. How many will I have to do? Is there another way to restart?

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Power Manager Not Responding?

Jun 22, 2010

every time this boots now, I get that message. If I hit cancel, then the screen locks and the mouse moves but nothing happens. The only way to get it show the desktop, is to select 'logout anyway'

Plus the boot takes forever at least 4 times longer than karmic.

all of this is in reference to booting up the PC

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Ubuntu :: Power Button Missing In Lucid?

Jan 11, 2011

I've installed lucid on two computers now and have been using or a few months.Overall, it's pretty good and everything just works. However, every now and then (seemingly random), the power button in the indicator appletsion panel widget randomly disappears, so I'm unable to shut down my computer without re-adding the widget, or using the command line to shutdown the computer. Now this is acceptable for me, an advanced user. However, this is not acceptable for my parents and family, who also use ubuntu computers. Today, my mother called me to ask why she couldn't turn off her computer. I was dumbfounded, and had to walk her through turning it off "by hand."

Now this is not me accidentally removing the indicator applet session panel item. No, I can still see the user name bubble with availability information and I can still switch users. It's just that the power button is completely missing (sometimes the place where it used to be is occupied by a corrupt graphic). Additionally, if I login later, the power button magically returns without me having to do anything with regards to the panel. This is disappointing indeed.

Honestly, this is why ubuntu and linux in general still have the reputation they do of being non-user-friendly. At least in windows or mac, when I get fed-up I can turn it off. But not so in ubuntu. No ubuntu tortures me continuously and I marvel that such a simple thing has escaped the minds of such advanced programmers. I wish Canonical would focus on letting us TURN OFF the computer instead of adding crazy features that I'm not going to use. I mean how can a real operating system fail at such a simple task

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General :: Monitor Power And Lock Screen - Ubuntu Lucid

Oct 7, 2010

I'm trying to get my screen to turn off whenever I lock my screen. I know that in Power Management, there's an option to turn off the screen after a set amount of time, and I know about xset dpms force off, but the former doesn't allow me to turn off the screen from the logout menu, and the latter only turns the screen off for a short amount of time (1 minute or so. The screen just turns back on by itself).

Is there a script I can modify to change what happens when "Lock screen" from the logout menu is selected, or is there a script I can add to the panel to lock the screen and then turn the monitor off (and turning it back on when I shake the mouse or something)?

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Not Loading On Reboot / Why Is So?

Sep 15, 2010

I run a dual boot Windows / Lucid on my Acer Aspire 5740-6378 laptop. I was trying to fix a problem with my backlight per a help forum on the subject and I screwed up a boot command. I rebooted and the purple Ubuntu screen goes to boxes and a black screen with only my number lock light flashing. I looked under the edit command option at boot up and this is the code that I get;

linux/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-24-Generic root= uuid=f8430443-1824-4965-91c8-2760449428b3 ro no modeset acpi_backlight=vendor quiet splashac pi_osi=Linux

I know that this is the problem, because I recognize the code that I entered. I would love to continue to use Ubuntu, so please help me figure out what I need to do on a command line when I boot up to fix it.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Disable 3D (dri) In Lucid / Switch Off 3d Dri On Laptop To Save Power?

Jul 25, 2010

I want to switch off 3d i.e. dri on my laptop to save power. There is a bug in the intel video driver that makes it generate excess wakeups and thus increase power consumption. I don't use 3d so this is very annoying.

I have tried modifying /etc/X11/xorg.conf to insert an "NODRI" option in the "Device" section and have commented out both of the "load dri" commands in the "Modules" section. No go. When I look in the xorg log, these changes are seen but not acted on. The system appears to have hardwired defaults set somewhere which are difficult to override. It appears to be a new issue because with Karmic one still had control with xorg.conf.

Just generally I don't like changes like this because it is not documented on the wiki where and how to change the defaults in Lucid. Linux was supposed to be easily configurable so IMHO this is a step backwards.

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Displays Blank Screen After Boot Splash On Battery Power

May 6, 2010

I'm on HP tx2000 Tablet PC, with nVidia GeForce 6150 Go onboard, 4GB of RAM, Ubuntu 10.04 amd64 Desktop. I keep getting a blank screen after boot splash when I'm on BATTERY POWER. Though I get a blank screen, the screen comes alive when I SUSPEND the laptop by closing the lid, and then RESUME the laptop. Then I can see the logon box and whole desktop.

Usually people get problem by suspending their laptops (usually the screen not coming back after resuming), but now I SOLVE the problem by suspending my laptop. Well like I said I can somehow get the screen right, but I really can't (and don't want to) suspend and resume my laptop every time I boot. Problem occurs REGARDLESS of type of display driver I use. nVidia proprietary, nouveau... whichever driver I use, I get the same conclusion.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Eth0 DISABLED Upon Reboot - Lucid

Sep 7, 2010

Network card (82566DM-2 Gigabit Network Connection) is DISABLED upon reboot. Only way to bring it out of disabled mode is to rerun dhclient to obtain a DHCP lease. Upon reboot though, the NIC is back into disabled mode.

A workaround I have found is to uncomment the iface line in /etc/network/interfaces, but considering I have 14 identical PCs to this one, and only this one is currently giving me grief, I am trying to find the root cause

The machine successfully obtains an IP using the PXE boot option in the BIOS - so I can hopefully rule out hardware problems as a cause. Network cable has been replaced, as the location of the machine to a different switch port.


# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback


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Ubuntu Installation :: How Stable Are The Lucid-proposed And Lucid-backports Options In The Software Sources Settings

Oct 11, 2010

Ubuntu 10.04 how stable are the lucid-proposed and lucid-backports options in the software sources settings?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Procedure For Updating From Lucid Beta 2 To Lucid LTS?

Apr 30, 2010

What's the procedure for updating from Lucid Beta 2 to Lucid LTS? Is it just "apt-get upgrade"? Or would I be better off with a clean install?

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Switch From Lucid 32 Bit To Lucid 64 Bit

May 9, 2010

I recently upgraded from Karmic to Lucid via the Update Manager. I would like to upgrade further by switching from 32 Bit to 64 Bit. I downloaded the Lucid 64 Bit ISO and wrote an install disk. When I reboot the computer with the install disk nothing happens.

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Fedora Installation :: 10 Upgrade / Installation Failing On Presario F700 Laptop

May 29, 2009

I've tried to upgrade my FC8 on Presario F700 series laptop to FC 10 and facing some issues. I've a live CD (i386). Initially i tried upgrading FC 8 to FC 10 and installation was stuck around 30% completion saying its unable to fins libdbi-0.8.3-1.fc9.i386.rpm. Then I tried to install FC 10 from scratch as system went to inconsistent state and faced two issues with two different setup options -

1) when i selected necessary software to be installed for office use and development, it failed after installing 20% saying libgnomeui-devel-2.24.0-2.fc10.i386.rpm

2) i then opted for for software to be installed for office use (default option) then it failed after installing around 50% saying libXrandr-1.2.3-1.fc10.i386.rpm

im trying to understand if this is a problem due to my laptop configuration (AMD Athlon 64 X2 Duel Core) or due to issue with the live CD.

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Ubuntu Installation :: VirtualBox OSE Keeps Failing?

Sep 30, 2010

I try to install virtualbox through software center, but it just doesn't install.

installArchives() failed: Selecting previously deselected package virtualbox-ose.
(Reading database ...
(Reading database ... 5%
(Reading database ... 10%
(Reading database ... 15%


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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 To 11.04 Failing Upgrade

Apr 28, 2011

Trying to upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 but it keeps giving me errors... such as:

An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade.

Please report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the following error message:

I've attached a gzipped copy of my dist-upgrade folder, anybody have any ideas what's going on?

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Fedora Installation :: Boot From Installation LiveCD Failing?

Mar 9, 2009

I've burned the installation media on several different types of media, and i'm getting an error after the 3 bars load (first screen). I've tried the verify and boot option, and it's fine. I'm trying Fedora 10 on a studio xps 1340. The error messageet isCE hpet increasing min_delta_ns to xxxxx nsec twice, thenForce XPAon: 0about 15 times, thenCE hpet increasing min_delta_ns to xxxxx nsec a few more times, this pattern alternates and the xxxxx keeps increasing, starting at something like 10000 and jumping by 50000 each time it reposts.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Failing To Install New Packages?

Jul 15, 2010

while upgrading packages in my ubuntu 10.4 i m receiving following exception


Failed to fetch http://za.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/Release.gpg Could not connect to za.archive.ubuntu.com:80 ( - connect (113: No route to host)
Failed to fetch http://za.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/i18n/Translation-en_GB.bz2 Unable to connect to za.archive.ubuntu.com:http:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Trying To Install Netbook From USB - Failing

Oct 18, 2010

I have an Asus Eee running the factory installation of Linux. Xandros, I think. Whatever it is, it's not letting me update Firefox, so I'm trying to replace it with Ubuntu Netbook. I made a bootable USB stick according to the instructions at [url], and I know the problem isn't with the USB because the Windows machine I'm currently on wants to know if I want to try out Ubuntu or install Ubuntu or learn more, but when I put the stick in the netbook, nothing happens, and when I reboot with the stick in the netbook, nothing happens. The netbook's set to boot from a USB if there's one present; I checked. Is the problem that the stick's only supposed to work on Windows?

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General :: Ubuntu 10.10 Installation - GUI Failing To Start

Dec 5, 2010

I had an Ubuntu 10.10 installation that ran fine for around a month or so. I decided to go out and try to install aptosid (formerly known as sidux) as a dual boot. I couldn't get the desktop to boot in the LiveCD and kept getting an error saying that the nouveau module could not be loaded. I rebooted and at the main LiveCD screen, I added xmodule=vesa xres=1440X900. I was able to get a 1024x768 resolution. I decided that I really didn't like aptosid, so I shut it down and took out the LiveCD. When I booted back into Ubuntu, my resolution changed down to 640x480 for some reason. I decided to remove the proprietary nVidia driver I had installed via jockey. Once it was removed, I restarted. Now, I see no startup splash or a login screen - my monitor just goes to sleep.

I have all my files backed up already, so I decided to pop in my Kubuntu 10.10 LiveCD to install that. Once I choose the "Start Kubuntu" option, my monitor goes to sleep. I tried putting in Linux Mint Debian Edition LiveCD to see if that would work, and I had the same issue. After this, I went for the nuclear option and installed Windows 7 to see if it would wipe out any memory of my Linux drivers from the system. The Windows drivers for my card worked fine, so I decided to put the Kubuntu LiveCD back in and got the same problem. I am currently running a Partition Magic LiveCD, but could only boot into it using the Xvesa option instead of Xorg. My video card is an nVidia 9800 GT - and it has always worked in the past.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Disk Failing - Need To Move GRUB

Apr 18, 2010

My boot disk is failing! I am a little nervous, so I'd like to have extra eyes on this so that I don't fubar it.

My setup is as follows, with WinXP and Ubuntu living on completely separate drives:

The boot disk (WinXP with grub2 on MBR) is failing. I need to replace it, pronto.

Do I need to get any data from the MBR on the failing disk before removing it?

Should I make the Karmic disk bootable and install grub on it before removing the failing boot disk?

Once I have Windows (re)installed on a new disc (which will still be /dev/sda) I want to install GRUB2 to its MBR and re-instate the old (current) boot options. How should I do this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 To 10.04 Upgrade Failing To Fetch Packages

May 4, 2010

I'm trying to upgrade my 9.10 desktop to 10.04, and it is failing to fetch the following two packages:


I've made sure everything is patched current prior to the upgrade and have tried clearing out the contents of /var/cache/apt/archives/partial first as well to no avail.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Wordpress Plugin Upgrades Failing?

Jun 3, 2010

I'm not certain that my problem is due to an Ubuntu upgrade, but I'm running out of options.My private Wordpress installation was working fine, including being able to upgrade plugins and WP versions within the application. I've been doing all of the Ubuntu updates as I'm notified. I'm still on 9.10, but was planning to upgrade to 10.04 shortly - as soon as I get the Wordpress installation upgraded in fact.

But the plugin upgrades, and the Wordpress upgrades, are both failing with fopen errors, like so:Download failed. Could not open handle for fopen() to [URL]..After checking everything else I can think of (including temporarily making the wordpress directory hierarchy 777), and looking at the php.ini file, I wonder if some Ubuntu update is messing things up. Or if I've somehow changed something else that is causing the problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Wubi Netbook 10.4 - Failing After The Download Of The ISO

Aug 30, 2010

I've tried several times over the past day to install Ubuntu Netbook using Wubi but it kept on failing after the download of the ISO. After checking the log, I notice that it complains that 10.04 != 10.04.1 regarding the version. For the netbook, the ISO downloaded is indeed 10.04 while the installation title says it is installing 10.04.1.

I am sure that there is an easy fix for this in Wubi. I've used Wubi in the past and I am quite happy about it. This is not the proper place for it, but I'ld like to see the installation type support VirtualBox too - i.e., the Ubuntu setup installed by Wubi should be able to run inside VirtualBox.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Package Catalog Repair Failing

Oct 1, 2010

I am running a 64bit 10.10 with gnome. Its pretty much a fresh install. I saw a project called CAINE, it looked neat so I'd thought I'd give it a try, something in the installation mucked up. Now when I open the Software center I get a message telling me "Items can no be installed or removed until the package catalog is repaired" I click repair and I get this error message: E:I wasn't able to locate file for the caine-from-deb package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package.:So I thought I'd give it a go using synaptic package manager, it gives me these error messages: E: caine: subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 2 E: caine-from-deb: subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 2.I am currently unable to install or update any software at the moment so I really need help to get this fixed.

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