Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Get To Windows OS?

Aug 19, 2010

I had the Rad hat enterprise installed on to the computer which already had XP using a dual boot system. When I saw that red hat needs an activation, I had to remove it from the computer, but was not aware of how to uninstall and OS. So, I went to the XP OS and selected the hard disk space where Red hat was installed and once after that deleted it.

The problem now is that, when I restarted the computer, I get only a black window with a message as Grub in it, Now I am not even able to get to my Windows OS also. Note: while installation, one of the option as Kdump boot failure recovery was checked as I remember.

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General :: Installation Of Ubuntu Alongwith Windows Xp And Unable To Access Data From Windows

Mar 1, 2011

Last week I installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my system in dual booting. I had installed succesfully both but unable to see data files from windows OS. Though I have excercised the options in various resources available on internet/blogs. System takes about 03 hrs during installation process. I am also unable to configure Thunderbird.

System hardware info is as -
System ManufacturerVIA Technologies, Inc.
System ModelKM266APro-835
System TypeX86-based PC


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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Log In To Windows 7 / Fix It?

Jan 24, 2011

I was able to log in to Windows 7 till yesterday.. Don know what happened now i am not able to login to windows 7 itself.. It directly login to Ubuntu..

Below is my Boot script output code...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Install 9.10 On Windows 7 / What To Do?

Mar 9, 2010

I am using window 7. I want to get Ubuntu. I have the download & CD but windows can't read the files. What now?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing Along With Windows XP - Unable To See Both

Mar 21, 2010

I have installed windows xp (service pack 2) on my pc. later i formatted a partition (drive E and installed ubuntu linux 8.04. I have provided 2gb space for SWAP partition and remaining for root (/). I have done this manually. Installation was completed, and ubuntu asked me to reboot the system. I did so.

Now comes my problem.......I am getting some DHCP connection or some thing weird.......after that i am getting a message ......and with a message asking me to press any key.....the same thing is coming even after restarting the system....i am unable to see both windows and linux now!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Boot Up In Windows Xp?

Jun 24, 2010

I'm running ubuntu for the first time. I have it install in Windows xp and boot it up after restarting the com. But I'm unable to boot up ubuntu. I can however go into the recovery failsafe mode. How should I debug the errors?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Install 10.04.1 Lts On Windows 7 X64 Bit?

Sep 16, 2010

1. I have an ubuntu 10.04.1 lts installation iso image...2. I burned it to a cd and restarted my computer..3. When i reached to the partitions menua. There was not "install side by side" option.b. 70 gb of windows 7 part (which is OK)and a 249 Gb of free space were shown in-spite i have this space partition in 2 drives of 100 and 149 gb in windows.4. I wanted to install ubuntu in my F: drive (of 149 gb) but there was no method due to the above reason.What should i do? should i download it once again.I dont want to install with WUBI as someone told me it is not good because it slows down the computer(Is it so?)..

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Boot The Windows 7

Dec 1, 2010

installed ubuntu on preinstalled windows7 hp notebookpc windows7 not booted. so i just use windows recovery cd and use some bootrec fixmbr commands 4 now i am unable to use both.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Boot From Windows XP CD?

Dec 18, 2010

I was using Windows XP before. I installed Ubuntu some weeks back and removed Windows completely. Now I want to completely remove Ubuntu and install Windows XP back. But the Windows XP bootable CD won't boot. I DON'T get a screen saying, "Press any key to boot from CD.. I've changed my boot sequence under BIOS settings to CD first and then HDD. Still every time I restart with the CD, it loads Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Boot 10.04 After Windows 7 Reinstallation

May 10, 2010

I "USED" to have a dual booting pc...with Windows 7 & ubuntu 10.04.(NOT Wubi) 2 Days back my windows 7 crashed...so i had to reinstall windows 7. But after reinstallation there was no option to boot into ubuntu 10.04. My system automatically boots into windows 7. I need to fix my ubuntu installation so that i get an option to select which OS to boot...at the startup.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Boot In Windows 2K3 After Upgrading To 10.4?

May 31, 2010

I am new to Ubuntu. I recently upgraded my Ubuntu from 9.10 to 10.4 (64bit) since then I am unable to dual boot to WIN2K3 from the same HDD as my Ubuntu. I have ran some of the suggestions like: Sudo update grub and Testdisk both did not provide any errors on my partitions and my primary partition displayed in Testdisk was WIN2K3, now when I reboot and select it from the boot menu it just simply show a blinking cursor.

I am out of ideas and I need a solution to suit my configuration. I prefer not to re-install or repair any WIN2K3 OS. Can someone assist and let me know what you need from me to further understand my issue.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Boot After Windows Installer

Dec 7, 2010

I just installed ubuntu via the windows installer. When I try to boot it, it comes up a cmd line and gives me some choices of boot/grub... and boot/disk/... they all lead back to the cmd line except the boot/disk option which leads to a message saying that it cant find the disk...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Dual Boot Windows Xp With 10.04

Dec 19, 2010

I have two separate hard disks, one having ubuntu 10.04 and one having Windows XP. I'm unable to get an option to choose from grub menu as to which operating system i want to boot into.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Load Windows - Grub ?

Mar 13, 2011

I have just installed Ubuntu, now when logging into my laptop i am able to sucsessfully load ubuntu but i am unable to load the original OS (windows 7).

The grub 1.9 bootloader gives me the option

When selecting this option it goes to a black screen with a - in the top left of the screen then the grub screen re-appears

I have ran the boot_info_script.


Boot Info Summary:

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To See Windows Partition While Installing 11.04

Aug 1, 2011

I am installing Ubuntu 11.04 dual boot along with Windows 7. But I am unable to see already installed windows partitions.

During installation it shows hard disk as a whole. Does failure of CMOS battery has something to do with this?

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Installation :: Unable To Reinstall Windows XP

Nov 18, 2010

i have windows xp and federo installed on my system on seperate partition and using grub loader for dual boot. Unfortunately am unable to boot the windows and it hangs with the blue screen and with safe mode it stops at mup.sys and doesnt proceed further.I tried booting with a windows xp CD but it looks like it is unable to recognize the disk even if i say boot with a CD in BIOS settings. Does anybody knows how to make the CD recognizable so that i can go into the windows repair mode.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Boot Into Windows After Upgrading Grub

Apr 10, 2010

I upgraded from grub to grub2 recently, and during an update of my system, it ran the update-grub command which prompted a window asking me where to install Grub. Since I didn't know what partition to install it to and the help suggested to install it to all if I was unsure what partition to install it to - I accidentally installed Grub to my Windows partitions (both the regular and the recovery console).

So now, I can't boot into Windows - the computer just hangs after Grub with a blinking cursor and I have to perform a hard reset. Is there any way for me to restore the boot record for the windows partition without having to reinstall windows from the ground up?! I can't use Linux for my webbanking and other important tasks, so (unfortunately) I need Windows back desperately!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot - Unable To Load Windows Xp

Jul 19, 2010

I installed ubuntu 10.04, aftert that i cluld not able to start windows xp,Please find the details about my hard disk

Disk /dev/sda: 40.0 GB, 40020664320 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4865 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes


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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows Is Unable To Find Any Hard Drives?

Nov 18, 2010

I had installed windows XP and then Ubuntu a few months ago. I was mostly using Ubuntu only. My Ubuntu is up to date. Windows XP got the blue screen and i had to re-install it. So, i used the Disk Utility and formatted my C-drive as NTFS with a boot flag.

After that, when i attempted to install windows XP on my C-Drive that i just formatted, Windows Setup is unable to recognize any drives! I really don`t want to uninstall Ubuntu or format my whole HDD, just to install windows XP. But i also want to install windows XP as i have to run some applications in it!.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Install 10.0 Over A Windows XP Operating System?

Jan 3, 2011

I am unable to install 10.0 over a Windows XP operating system. I receive the error "Can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on//filesystem.ashfs

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Debian Installation :: Unable To Boot Windows

Oct 27, 2015

got a lenovo B50-30 (no touchscreen) that came preeinstalled with windows 8. after installing debian im unable to boot windows , im not too great with grub configuration.this is what i suspect is the menu entry for windows in the grub boot menu .

Code: Select all### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/30_otheros ###
# This entry automatically added by the Debian installer for a non-linux OS
# on /dev/sda3
menuentry "Windows Vista (loader)" {
   set root=(hostdisk//dev/sda,gpt3)
   search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 8CA2-D25B
   chainloader +1

here is info about the partition table (ive alocated / and swap part for debian nothing else. )

Code: Select allDisk /dev/sda: 465.8 GiB, 500107862016 bytes, 976773168 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes


i would like to know how to configure windows to boot from the grub2 menu.

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Installation :: Unable To Access Partition In Windows

Jan 27, 2009

I have windows machine and installed ubuntu in one of my partition, So i was able to select any of these OS's while booting the machine, But recently I've formatted Windows partition after this am unable to reach this ubuntu. i.e., While booting the machine no options are listing out it directly went to Windows OS.

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Ubuntu Installation :: VirtualBox Unable To Locate.iso File On Windows UDF Volume?

Feb 11, 2010

I'm uncertain if this is the correct forum to ask this question. Please redirect me to the correct forum if necessary. I am attempting to install MS Windows 7 as a guest in VirtualBox inside Ubuntu Karmic Koala 9.10. on a ZaReason Strata 3660 with 4GB of RAM and adequate memory. The machine is correctly partitioned for this event. I am using the Ubuntu Walk Through as a guide: [URl].. All was going fine until VirtualBox asked for the .iso image from the MS cd 'UDF Volume'. There appears to be no .iso file in the UDF Volume.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Upgrade - With Image #22 And Unable To Boot Windows

May 17, 2010

I recently performed a reinstall of ubuntu after mucking up my partitions, and I am running it dual booted with windows 7.

I recently performed a grub-pc update, but I didn't know what it was asking me to do during the process itself of updating the process.

It asked me at one point where to install grub, and I selected all my partitions because it suggested that if I didn't know. I think that may have damaged my windows section, which was also selection.

I've attached the output for:


Problem symptoms:

1) Weird upgrade error in apt-get
2) Unable to boot windows 7
3) Unable to activate proprietary drivers
4) Perpetually being reminded to restart

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Boot Windows XP After Upgrade To Grub2 From Grub?

Jul 24, 2010

yestoday,after I upgrade,unable to boot windows xp. if I use grub ,windows xp can boot up.but now I want to use grub2, boot info script's results.txt is at below.

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010

Boot Info Summary: => Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in
partition #6 for /boot/grub.
File system: vfat
Boot sector type: Fat16
Boot sector info: No errors found in the Boot Parameter Block.


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Installation :: Unable To Install GCC On Cygwin(Windows Vista)?

Mar 3, 2010

I am trying to install Cygwin and then NS2.GCC is not recognized by NS2.gcc -v gives the appropriate output.I dont know whats wrong.Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/3.4.4/specsgcc version 3.4.4 (cygming special, gdc 0.12, using dmd 0.125)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Load Onto Computer As Dual Boot Or Inside Windows?

Apr 24, 2010

I am unable to load Ubuntu onto computer as dual boot or inside windows. Thus scanned the CD and found it has 23 errors.Are these files suppose to be on the CD?casper, .disk, install, install, isolinux, pics, pool, pressed, autorun, md5sum.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Use NTFS Partition In Windows 7 64 Bits And GPT Secondary Table Moved

May 22, 2010

I have a 6TB external eSata bay (Lacie BigQuadra). I made a GPT table with only one big ext4 partition. All was ok. I resized the ext4 partition and I created a 1TB NTFS partition. I can use it on Kubuntu but Windows 7 tell me the partition is not formated. When I go back to Kubuntu, parted tell me that the secondary GPT table is not at the end of the disk and tell me it's probably an other OS that thinks the disk is smaller that its real size. It seems Windows 7 thinks the disk size is 2 TB (and modify automaticaly the GPT table and create a secondary GPT table on the middle of the disk).

What can I do to make my NTFS partition visible in Windows 7? What can I do to prevent Windows 7 to move the secondary partition table on the middle of the disk and to modify the primary GPT table ?

gdisk informations
$ sudo gdisk -l /dev/sd
sda sda1 sda2 sda3 sdb sdb1 sdb2 sdb3 sdb5 sdb6 sdc sdd sdd1


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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Install Inside Windows XP - An Error Occurred: Permission Denied

Apr 3, 2011

I'm trying to install 10.10 but it keeps throwing an error. I'll include the error and log file below:

An error occurred: Permission Denied For more information, see the log file: c:...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Install Ubuntu Alongside Windows

Apr 2, 2011

I am unable to install ubuntu on my system. Lines of installation logs are. P.S if thread has been posted in wrong section.


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