Ubuntu Installation :: Installing Graphics Driver In 9.10?

Jul 8, 2010

I was trying to install drivers for my ati radeon 9550 and when i typed in the terminal this:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libgl

i got:

W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net karmic Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 5A9BF3BB4E5E17B5
a posle ove druge: Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree


how do i add this repo to sources list and how do i install the public key?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Invoking Gazebo Gives Error - Appeared After Installing NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver

Nov 6, 2010

I have completed building gazebo, and everything was done successfully according to the following link [URL]... bot_Simulation , but when I tried to invoke gazebo using the command "gazebo /usr/local/share/gazebo/worlds/pioneer2dx.world" it returns the following error


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Ubuntu Installation :: NVIDIA Graphics Driver - Graphics Mode Option Via The Start (GRUB)?

Jan 26, 2010

I have just installed Ubuntu (9.10) and noted that in order to successfully run the trial off the CD I had to test in "safe graphics" mode. I have an NVIDIA GEforce 6600 GT card - which was discovered by Ubuntu in the first few minutes of the trial and so I activated the recommended driver and continued to test. After a successful trial I installed Ubuntu (dual partition Ubuntu / Windows XP), however, it seems the install didn't activate the required driver (as part of the process) and so I'm unable to get into my newly-installed Ubuntu at all. All I get is a flashing tty screen asking for my username and password - however it's erratic and won't recognise what I type. So - I'm stuck in a catch-22 as there doesn't seems to be a safe graphics mode option via the start (GRUB?) menu list.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Installing Nvidia Graphics Driver On 10.04?

Oct 3, 2010

I am having problems installing the graphics driver (from the Nvidia website) for my Nvidia Vanta card on Ubuntu 10.04. I disabled X via terminal and then I ran a Virtual Console. With the virtual console I ran the chmod command and the went through the installation. It did bring up a message with something about my distro not having a pre-configured script (or something like that) and asked me if I would like to continue anyway. I choose Yes and the installation failed.

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Ubuntu :: Black Screen After Installing Graphics Driver?

Nov 27, 2010

just installed 10.10 on my Sony Vaio F laptop. Here's my specs:Processor: Intel Core i7 720QM (1.6 GHz)Memory: 6 GB DDR3 (1333 MHZ)Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 330M (1 GB VRAM)Hard Drive: 500 GB (7200 rpm)Native Resolution: 1920x1080I shrunk my Windows partition, installed Ubuntu on it's own partition with swap space, and mostly everything went fine. When I booted up, the resolution was set at something like 2048x1536, and it only displayed the top left corner of about 70% of the screen. When I changed to any other resolution, it looked really bad, and the whole screen still wasn't displayed.

Then something popped up telling me to install a driver for my graphics card, so I did, figuring it would fix the problem. When I booted and picked Ubuntu, I was stuck with a black screen. So I restarted and tried booting into safe mode. I got in, and it displayed the whole screen at 800x600. Still no luck in regular mode, however.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: ATI/AMD FGLRX Graphics Driver Not Installing?

Jun 18, 2011

I tried to install the 3D-accelerated proprietary graphics driver for my graphics card but it doesn't work.

I went to System > Administration > Hardware drivers.

It downloads but when trying to install I get an error that says: "SystemError: installArchives() failed"

lspci shows:

xavi@xavi-laptop:~$ lspci | grep VGA
01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS780M/RS780MN [Radeon HD 3200 Graphics]

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Installing External Graphics Adapter Driver?

Mar 6, 2010

I'm trying to install an external graphics adapter for dual-monitor setup, and according to the installation instructions, the driver is libdlo, which requires libusb v0.13. When I follow the installation instructions, I got an error saying I don't have libusb on my OpenSUSE 11.2. The exact installation instructions is as follows:


* Install a compatible libusb version (0.13)
* on ubuntu - "sudo apt-get install libusb"
* Plug in a compatible DisplayLink USB device

To start the build process, open a shell prompt (as the user who's home directory the libdlo is installed into) and change to the libdlo directory to run

$ ./configure
$ sudo make install
$ make check

Make check will do some basic drawing on the DisplayLink device. The 'sudo make install' step will have installed libdlo.h, the main header, in your local include directory, and libdlo in your local library.(The error message comes out at $ sudo make install).

I noticed it mentioned Ubuntu, does this mean that it will only work in Ubuntu and wont work in OpenSUSE? I'm not familiar with those commands in the instructions above, I can only guess them but don't really know what each line of the instruction does exactly. If libusb also applies to OpenSUSE, how can I get it installed on my system?

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Debian Configuration :: Installing Nvidia Graphics Card - Driver Error

Apr 28, 2010

I revived my old desktop (failed psu), and installed debian squeeze using netinst. It has a nvidia geForce 7600GT card. The driver in squeeze does not work very well, so I downloaded nvidia driver-installer. When I run it, it comes back with an error saying the kernel (I assume the nvidia graphics kernel) is compiled with gcc4.3, but the system is using gcc4.4. Using synaptic manager, I installed gcc3.3, but same error.

Next I tried to uninstall gcc4.4 and it gave a warning the system might not be usable. I did not understand it, but I went ahead and uninstalled gcc4.4 and guess what, the system is not usable, and I have to re-install squeeze. Not a big loss, since I do not have much in it. How to install this nvidia driver, specifically, how do I get switch to gcc4.3 from gcc4.3? Also, the squeeze install gave me 2.6.33-trunk-amd64, and 2.6.33-3-amd64. How do I get rid of ...trunk-amd64? Do I just delete it from grub?

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Ubuntu :: Menu Bars Are A Basic Light Gray After Installing Graphics Card Driver

Feb 7, 2011

I've just installed Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit.

It came up saying I could install 2 proprietary drivers, one for my WiFi adapter (which works perfectly) and one for my graphics card - a Sapphire AIT Radeon HD 5770 1024MB GDDR5 PCI-Express Graphics Card. The driver is called ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver. Before installing this driver I was unable to have Extra Visual Effects in Appearances. However after installing (and restarting) the menu bars are now in a basic light gray mode, rather than the sleek Ubuntu black. - Although Extra Visual Effects does now work. I've tried rebooting, and I've had a look around in ATI "Catalyst Control Center" but nothing has worked so far.

Does anybody know what this windows mode is, how to change it back to normal and why it's doing it in the first place?

Below is a screenshot of my computer: [URL]

This is also the first time I've installed Ubuntu on my computer, and am keen for it to work.

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Ubuntu :: Lag After Graphics Driver Installation?

Jul 24, 2011

I installed Ubuntu 11.04, and everything was fine before I installed the graphics drivers for my ATI Radeon HD 6850 card. After that, doing things like moving windows, dragging on the desktop, etc. are really laggy.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Graphics Driver - How To Run File As Root

Apr 1, 2010

I'm brand new to Ubuntu, and am having a small problem. I'm trying to run a graphics card driver instillation, but whenever I run the file, it says that it has to run as a root. How do I run the file as a root? The graphics card I have is an Nvidia 8800GTM.

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Ubuntu Installation :: FGLRX Driver Will Not Load Graphics

Mar 28, 2011

I am running Kubuntu 10.04 LTS and have had no problems with my ATI card up to kernel 2.6.32-29. Upon update/upgrade to 2.6.32-30 the FGLRX driver will not load graphics and I can only get the text system login. If I reboot to -29 everything works great.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Install Graphics Card Driver

Apr 9, 2011

I'm trying to install a driver for a Radeon x700. I downloaded the driver from the site and the sh command to install it but this is what I got.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Maverick Hanging And Ati Graphics Driver Not Working?

Oct 12, 2010

Recently i installed Maverick on my studio 15 laptop

It frequently hangs.Nothing works and i have to restart manually Is there any other way to restart Why is it hanging frequently?

Also i installed ati radeon drivers using additional drver bundled with Maverick.
After installing it shows d driver to be workinng fine

But while opening Ati catalyst control centre it says d driver isnot installed
how to solve it

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Ubuntu Installation :: Natty - With Graphics Driver - Gnucash And Shutdown

May 4, 2011

I just did an install of Natty into a separate partition and incurred several problems. I have a Dell-DXP061 with 4 GB of memory and an Nvidia GForce 7300LE and a Dell 27in. monitor at a resolution of 1920x1200.

Initially it booted in to Ubuntu Classic as expected due to needing a proprietary video driver. So the first thing I did was to install the recommended Nvidia driver and attempted to reboot. It would not start either Unity or Classic. So I did a re-installation and then selected the experimental open 3D driver and was then able to bring up the system in both Unity and Ubuntu Classic. I installed a number of programs including cairo-dock, which I really like, emacs23, and gnucash. I have used gnucash for years and consider it a necessity. However, the Natty version will not display correctly the "gnucash-data" file I created with version 2.2.9 that I have been running on 10.10. This is almost a show stopper for me.

When I try to do a restart, the screen goes black, "Ubuntu" appears with the little dots, three of the dots change color and the system hangs. The system only stops when I hold the power button to effect a complete power outage. Interestingly the LiveCD did not seem to have a problem with restart.

I can see how a causal user might like the Unity interface, but I don't think that I am interested. I guess I will stick to gnome for a while, at least until Gnome3 and then I am not sure where I will go.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Graphics Driver - 10.10 - Get A Black Screen Of Nothing On Restart

Aug 7, 2011

i cant install my graphics drivers. Everytime i do, i get a black screen of nothing on restart. I'm running ubuntu 10.10. here are my graphics cards.


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Ubuntu Installation :: Download A Driver For Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 4500MHD

Jan 2, 2010

My computer is Compaq Presario CQ61-110ED notebook pc Mijn videocard is:Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 4500MHD Where can I download a driver for Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 4500MHD by the Ubuntu 32/64 bits, version 9.10?

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Fedora Installation :: Nvidia Graphics Driver - Error: GlXCreateContext Failed

May 8, 2009

I am using fedora10 in my notebook. I installed nvidia-graphics driver as follows.

su -c 'rpm -ivh http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/...ble.noarch.rpm'
su -c 'rpm -ivh http://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfr...ble.noarch.rpm'
su -c 'rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-rpmfusion-*'

Then i installed kmod-nvidia with yum su -c 'yum install kmod-nvidia' When i tried to open NVIDIA control panel, i got a message that nvidia-driver should be configured. Then i issued the following command as root.
nvidia-xconfig. The i rebooted the system. Now in the boot menu, i see two kernel informations as follows

Fedora (
Fedora (

If i boot my linux with first one, x windows starts, if i boot with the second one (previously default), the x-windows is not opening. Why this happens? So i booted my system with first option in the boot menu. The system booted and x.windows started but i am not able to use any software that uses opengl window. The glxinfo command gives me the following error.


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Fedora :: Freeze On Boot After Attempted Proprietary Graphics Driver Installation?

Jun 21, 2011

I'm still trying to learn the ropes on linux as a whole and I've run into sort of a huge dilema. I wanted to connect my laptop to my TV via VGA. However, it would not work because I didn't have the proprietary graphics driver for my graphics card (Nvidia Quadro NVS 3100M). I searched the internet and found the guide below because the guide provided here did not specify Quadro family graphics cards[URL]I followed the "easy method" to the T. Now I cannot boot into Fedora 15 at all (I'm stuck on bloody Windows 7 again ). It simply freezes at the boot animation (the "F" in the bubble). What can I do to fix this

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Boot Fail After Installing Graphics Card?

Apr 1, 2010

I installed a new graphics card (Nvidia GeForce GT240 1 Gb, 128bit DDR3) on my gigabyte VA900M motherboard, with my computer running a dual boot of windows 7 (64 bit) and ubuntu 9.10 (64 bit). The computer would not boot past the memory test stage. To solve this, i flashed the BIOS with the latest upgrade for the motherboard from the Gigabyte website. This still did not work, so, doing the usual "testing hardware combinations by unplugging and replugging", I removed 1 Gb of RAM, which solved the problem of booting past memory test (a case of too much memory?)

Problem: The problem now is, GRUB wont boot from the HD, unless I have the Windows 7 disk (or Ubuntu Live) in the DVD drive. If i dont press a key to boot from the disk, Grub will then load. how to make GRUB boot from the HD? Do I need to redirect/reinstall GRUB? Im pretty sure it is not a BIOS problem.

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Fedora Installation :: After Installing Graphics Drivers Computer Not Booting Into 14

Jan 22, 2011

I recently switched my primary desktop over from Windows 7 to Fedora 14. I successfully installed the OS on to my hard drive and booted up, following which I installed all of the updates and rebooted. After my first reboot I downloaded the 10.11 Radeon driver and installed it (because the 10.12 was having an md5 hash issue), the install was (supposedly) successful, but when I restarted my computer it first progresses to this screen (copied from softpedia) and then goes black for a second, and then returns to that screen and halts at the end of the progess bar and does nothing. I am looking for help to get back into my system.

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Installation :: Installing Procedure For NVIDIA Graphics Card In SUSE 10.2?

Dec 11, 2008

I took the following path: Yast - Hardware - Graphics Card and Monitor; and it gave me message "the configuration is Framebuffer based and your system does not support changes for resolution and/or color settings". I verified my system's(dual boot system) graphics card using windows OS and it showed NVIDIA Quadro FX 570, but in X11 configuration it shows "Card: VESA Framebuffer Graphics" and the Properties tab is not active.

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Intel Graphics Driver Driver Upgrading 5.4 To 5.5 I386?

May 16, 2010

i upgrade a machine running centos 5.4 to 5.5 this morning. After the update the X start i saw the pointer and a black backgroud only the desktop doesn't appear.The machine is a barebone with this configuration

00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/PM/GMS, 943/940GML and 945GT Express Memory Controller Hub (rev 03)
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)
00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)[code]....

and i solved the black screen problem changing the driver for i810

Section "Device"
Identifier "Videocard0"
Driver "i810"

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing Ati-driver In 11.04?

Jul 3, 2011

I'm trying to install ati-driver-installer-9-3-x86.x86_64.run in my laptop with radeon x1200 series. While installing, I got this: Quote:

./ati-driver-installer-9-3-x86.x86_64.run: linha 187: erro de sintaxe pr�ximo do `token' n�o esperado `(' ./ati-driver-installer-9-3-x86.x86_64.run: linha 187: ` # echo "The program '$script' returned an error code ($res)" >&2'


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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing HP Driver - Error: No Output Seen In Over 300 Sec

Sep 10, 2010

error: No output seen in over 300 sec... (Is the CD-ROM/DVD source repository enabled? It shouldn't be!) error: Package install command failed with error code 255 Would you like to retry installing the missing package(s) (y=yes*, n=no, q=quit) ?

I've tried this [URL] but it didn't work for me. My sources.list already had the #. By the way I'm a new user to ubuntu and I'm having a pretty good time. Almost starting to feel at home in this OS. edit: I'm sorry. I realized I posted in the wrong section.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Not Able To Boot After Installing NVidia Driver

Apr 3, 2011

I have install Ubuntu 10.10 64bit in my sony vaio vpccw16fs which have Nvidia graphics card (GT 230M). I have install it using nomodeset and after entering the system I installed nvidia from System> Administration> Additional drivers. Driver version was current 260.19.06. After installation I was able to see the boot screen but was unable to see the logon screen. The computer froze with the background color of bootscreen which is purple. And I have to restart it and have to choose failsafe graphic mode. And after logging in in failsafe graphic mode. My NVidia driver says I am not using it. How to use nvidia driver properly. I have tried many Tutorials present on internet but none of them works.

Here is my xorg.conf file.
# nvidia-xconfig: X configuration file generated by nvidia-xconfig
# nvidia-xconfig: version 260.19.06 (buildmeister@builder101) Mon Sep 13 04:59:45 PDT 2010
Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Layout0"
Screen 0 "Screen0"
InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
InputDevice "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
EndSection .....

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Ubuntu Installation :: Internet Disconnection After Installing Nvidia Driver

Jul 6, 2010

last night i have fresh installed ubuntu 10.4 on my computer. Then after that, I installed the updates. Lastly, i installed nvidia hardware driver so that i could use its graphical effects. After rebooting my computer, i've noticed that i was disconnected from the internet. And I was surprised that it is the cause of my internet disconnection because when i remove it, my internet comes back. What should I do with this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Installing - 10.4 - Driver For My Wireless Network Card Isn't Recognized

Sep 29, 2010

I have recently installed Ubuntu 10.04 beside my Windows XP on my laptop:
Dell XPS 1330

I`m now facing some problems with my new OS :

1. The driver for my wireless network card isn't recognized although I have installed the recommended driver which was in Ubuntu Hardware Driver section.

2. When I connect my laptop to my TV using HDMI port, the screen is OK but there is no sound!

3. When by any reason my network cable is unplugged, the whole network service goes down and I have to restart the system.

lspci results:

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installing Driver At Time Of OS Installation

Aug 4, 2011

Is it possible to install a video driver at the time of the installation of the operating system? I have made multiple installation attempts using the various 11.4 x64 live & non-live versions. As soon as I get past the splash screen with the boot options, the display becomes corrupt & continuing is impossible. I have attempted using the various video options under the F6 menu (text mode, vesa, safe mode) without success.

I am reasonably certain it is a failure of the video driver. I have observed the identical behaviour while installing MS Windows with the incorrect video driver. The video chipset manufacturer does provide a linux driver on their website. It is a .run file. I have the .run file on a USB stick along with the OS files. This is a link to the hardware platform I am attempting to install to. Is it possible that my video chipset has insufficient video memory?

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Ubuntu Installation :: White Screen After Installing Nvidia Restricted Driver As Prompted

Jan 6, 2010

I've had Ubuntu installed on my desktop for a month now, and its all worked like a charm, so I'm thrilled. I then decided to install it on my old laptop as well to see if I could breath a bit more life into it, and to get used to working Ubuntu a bit more. The laptop had 18.6GB partitioned to C:// drive or windows XP, and an empty 18.6GB D:// drive, so I deleted the D:// drive in XP using the Microsoft disk utilities tool, all well and good. I then did a clean install of Ubuntu-9.10-desktop with an Ubuntu CD into the largest continuous free space, and it set it up nicely. When I first booted it up there were a ton of updates to install, as there had been on the desktop first time, which I dutifully installed. As on the desktop a little notice popped up telling me to install the NVidia Proprietary driver for the NVidia card (specifically "NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (version 96)[Recommended]"), as it had when I installed it on the desktop, so I chose to install that and then restarted the computer.

On restarting GRUB2 loaded, and it booted Ubuntu. I then saw the little white logo on the black screen for a couple of seconds, and then the screen goes completely white, with some pixels left behind fading to white slightly slower. First time through I held down the power button to force shut down, and on restart exactly the same thing happened. This time I held down alt+sysrq and went through the R, E, I, S, U, B sequence, however as opposed to usual I didn't get a black terminal-like screen after hitting any of the buttons, although it did reboot on B. It did boot correctly in recovery mode, however I was at a loss what to do here. Incidentally, the same problem occurred when I booted to previous version of the kernel as well.

Then I decided that as I didn't have any data to lose, and it was still early in the day, I'd do a clean re-install. This time I chose to ignore the updates, and just install the NVidia driver as prompted to check that it was the driver causing the trouble. Having installed the driver and restarted I got exactly the same problem as before - definitely this pesky NVidia driver, not any of the updates.So here I am at clean install 3, having just got all the updates, but not having downloaded the NVidia driver as prompted, with little desire to go through yet more reinstalls. My questions are:

1) Do I need to install this NVidia driver? The rest of the computer specifications are fairly paltry by modern standards, and I won't be doing anything graphics intensive on it (the most graphical program will probably be Battle for Wesnoth) and I I don't need to install it, not installing it seems to be the easiest way to solve the problem.

2) If I do need to install it how would I go around doing this without getting my charming white screen?

3) Is there a way of removing the driver from recovery mode that doesn't involve a clean install again? I have tried sudo apt-get purge nvidia-driver, which tells me there isn't any installed. I have tried sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf which made no difference. I have tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and this didn't help. I have tried a couple of other commands as well but I can't remember them, however I would probably recognise them if I saw them again.

Onto System information - pulled from listed specifications and SysInfo:

General System Information
Release:Ubuntu 9.10 (karmic)
GNOME: 2.28.1 (Ubuntu 2009-11-03)


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