Ubuntu Installation :: How To Make A New Partition

May 10, 2011

Problem: Extend Volume is Grayed out.Do I need some special program?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Make A New Partition When Have Only Primary Partition ?

Feb 22, 2011

creating a new partition when i have only primary partition on my 40gb harddisk.

what i did while installation was selected use entire partition and now i want a additional partition other than primary ?

I want to assign 10GB for Primary one and wanna create Two 14GB partitions , I Also dont know what Swap partition Is.

Since i am a month old ( January 2011 ! ) UBUNTU user who hates MS Windows now, if i gets this problem solved , i can convince more people to replace their OS to Ubuntu .

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Ubuntu Installation :: Make Wubi Installation Partition Bigger?

Nov 6, 2010

I installed Ubuntu using wubi, But I didnt assign much space, probably like 17 gigs or something. My geting a pop up everytime my ubuntu starts up saying i got low disk space, very low disk space, Im runing ubuntu 10.10. How do I add more disk space? How do i make the partition bigger.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Make A New Partition For Lubuntu

Aug 29, 2010

I want to try lubuntu on my comp which already has ubuntu and win7 dualboot. I intend to make a new partition for lubuntu 's '/' and let it share /boot with ubuntu.

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Fedora Installation :: Make Partition And Some Other Stuff

Jul 28, 2009

I am trying to install F10 on my old p3 machine. It has 40GB HDD. I am installing only one OS on this system. So please recommend me partition scheme which will be helpful for home purpose.

Second thing is I don't need default gnome login manager as it takes long time. So please tell me how can I install light weight login manager ( I will be using LXDE as desktop environment ).

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Fedora Installation :: How Big To Make Separate Partition

Aug 5, 2010

I run several OSes (all Linux) on my computer. I set a separate partition for each one. I want to run Fedora 13 LXDE mainly for a game or two that are in the Fedora repos but not in any others, so I will not need a lot of space. But I want to make sure there is enough room for the OS.

I want to be able to play CloneKeen, so I will need enough space for that. I may find some other games, as well, so I will need some extra space. I have my other two OSes on six GB apiece, and Peppermint actaully uses barely half of that. Will 6GB be enough for a basic Fedora install with a few games installed? I will not really use Fedora for anything else, probably.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Make A Blank Partition With Gparted And Install Lucid On It

Apr 30, 2010

how to upgrade my ubuntu 9.10 system. I would like to do a clean install of lucid, but I have way too many files. I have a big hard drive, so space was not a problem, and things got out of hand ^^ One thing you should know is that I have plenty of room for my files even if the drive was half it's size, so my idea is possible space-wise. (And I am prepared if this fails. I have backed up my stuff, but would like if it I didn't have to rely on that)

What I want to do is make a blank partition with gparted and install lucid on it. Then I want to keep it a dual boot just to make sure my hardware is working ok, then move my home folder to the new partition, make the lucid partition take the whole hard drive, and delete karmic. I do not want to upgrade because I messed up my install a lot while learning linux, so I really need to start over.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Onto A External Hard Drive - Partition It And Make It Work

Jul 14, 2010

What im trying to do is install ubuntu on to an external hard drive, partition it and make it work. ive got a problem, as i have 200GB of games and other things already on that drive, before you say "copy it to another drive and then back" i cant, i dont have any other drives apart from my internal which has only got 20 gig left

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Debian Installation :: Unable To Make Partition Bootable?

Aug 9, 2010

I noticed that when using the "daily built images" from Squeeze via Netinst, during the disk partitioner, I am un-able to make the /boot partition bootable.or some reason I can't enable the 'boot' flag on several different ISO attempts and differenthardware vendors. The only thing I can see is that this is an issue with the netinst ISO image from the daily built images. Has anyone seen this or is this a known issue / bug? I don't want to file a bug report if possible but I searched and couldn't find anything on this. I doubt I am the only one who's experienced this so far.

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Fedora Installation :: Make Root Partition For 12 X86_64

May 14, 2010

Recently I tried to install Fedora 12 x86_64 to my laptop. I ran the live fedora image from my cooldisk and then pressed "Install to Hard Drive" from live desktop. Then I went forward until I reached the partitioning section. Though I had ~28GB free space in my Harddrive, but it says: "Could not allocate requested partitions: not enough free space on disks." You can see my steps until reaching this problem in these 3


I captured these steps by using Fedora 12 Live printscreen tool. I tried to install Fedora12 from its non-bootable DVD too, but no difference! So there's only 2 situations:

1. I did something wrong -> install Fedora and use its partitioning tool.
2. There's a bug in Fedora -> confirm that this is a bug and say me an alternative way to install fedora.

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Ubuntu :: Make A Partition Of The Free Space Available From Windows Partition

Aug 18, 2011

i am following the installation process and its very unclear whether or not a dual boot will occur and how i can make a partition of the free space available from my windows partition etc....i dont want to go through the process and find myself losing all my data and my windows partition i also cant seem to select a partition less than 86% of the total capacity of hdd so im def sure they're not taking my dual boot desires into consideration.

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Ubuntu :: Make An NTFS Partition?

Mar 1, 2010

I use jaunty 64 bits on a software raid 0. My partitions are:

disk a:
sda1 /boot ext4 (no raid)
sda2 / ext4 md0


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Ubuntu :: How To Make Windows Partition Available

Jan 7, 2011

My ubuntu crashed..i dint hav a live cd.now my remastersys backup ws der in other ubuntu ext4 drive.now when i hav installed windows to recover that backup that file to install ubuntu again.im not able to see that drive.

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Ubuntu :: Gparted Make A Mac Partition?

Jan 19, 2011

What partition type does Mac OS X use, and can gparted create one?

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Ubuntu :: Should I Make Partition Or With The MAC OS Installer?

Jun 5, 2011

First off, the PC I am hoping to dual-boot off is actaully a netbook.The exact model: Packard Bell PAV80.It is currently running Ubuntu 11.04 but I am hoping to add a dual boot of a MAC OS. I was just looking for some advice before I went a head with this.

1). Straight up, What is the best MAC OS for a Netbook?
2). What risks should I be aware of?
3). How should I go about this? Is it as easy as installing linux for netbooks (via usb)?
4). Should I make a partition in ubuntu or with the MAC OS installer?

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Ubuntu :: How To Make A Bigger Partition

Jan 3, 2010

80 gb harddisk, using double boot XP/ubuntuUbuntu 'got' 14 gb free space but on the 'XP side' of the harddisk there's about 40 gb of free space left, how can I partion this to Ubuntu?

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Fedora Installation :: Installation - Creating A Swap Partition Or A Boot Partition?

Jul 27, 2009

I have a brand new thinkpad X301 with 4GB of RAM and thinking of getting fedora 11 on it. The plan is to have it triple boot with vista/seven and hopefully OSx86. I am aware of the 4 primary partitions limit on an MBR disk. I was thinking of having a swap file instead of swap partition and not creating a boot partition as well. If I install the boot loader(GRUB?) on the root partition will I be able to boot it without any problems by using vista's boot loader?

Or Maybe I should install GRUB on the MBR and add all the other operating systems on it? Does anyone have any objections for not creating a swap partition or a boot partition? When comes to desktop environment I've been using KDE in the past, is there any major advantage of using Gnome over it? KDE seems to look really nice on fedora where Gnome is maybe more stable?

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Ubuntu :: How To Make Logical Partition Primary

Apr 8, 2010

i'm trying to install windows 7 and after googling around found that marking the partition as primary would do the job.. so how to do it??

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Ubuntu :: Drive And Make The Partition Automatically?

Jul 24, 2010

So my girlfriend came back from a holiday and it results that she somehow ( dont ask me how) wiped out vista from her hd pavillion laptop. There`s nothing there, the pc doesn't have a guarantee anymore so I thought, what the heck, I could install an ubuntu 10.4 there. It's a nice machine so it should run nicely.

I made her try ubuntu on my laptop and she likes it so she gave me a green light to do it. So how should I go about it? boot the live cd and when I get to the partition part just tell the installer to overwrite the whole c drive and make the partition automatically? I'm kind of a noob so I wouldnt want to mess things up more than what they are.

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Ubuntu :: How To Make Startup Disk Of Partition

Sep 17, 2010

I would like to put my ubuntu system (the one on my partition) in a usb drive, so that way I can take it everywhere I go. The reason for this is because all of the programs I have and the configuration I currently have in my ubuntu (I should say "macbuntu"). That is:

burg boot loader (I probably don't need this one!)
x system plymouth theme || also windows 7 original plymouth theme
mac4lin 1.0 aqua GTK theme and emerald theme
mac ultimate icon theme
mac4lin 1.0 cursor theme (working even with compiz)
gnome global menu
compiz packagers ppawith all the extra stuff
telepathy ppa for empathy, having all the extra stuff working
also win2-7-pack_v-9.1
And lots more stuff!

I don't want my personal documents though (text docs, music, videos, pics 'maybe few pics'), just configuration files and programs. Can this even be possible?...

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Ubuntu :: Make USB Partition Write Protected

Nov 18, 2010

I have a USB stick of 8GB with two partition. Can I make one partition write protected? How?

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Ubuntu :: Downloaded Gparted - Make Partition Bigger

Feb 5, 2010

I downloaded gparted. i would really like to make my ubuntu partition bigger, i've got over 200 gigs of free space on my windows partition. i've played with it some and cannot seem to figure out what to do.

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Ubuntu :: How To Make Partition Out Of 50GB Free Space

Jul 2, 2010

I'm relatively new to ubuntu. I want to run ubuntu alongside my windows partition. I have shrunk the volume that leaves me 50 gb of free space for ubuntu. Will the system automatically set the system and mount volume sizes? If not can I have some tips on manually using the 50 gb to set it up.

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Ubuntu :: Make One Partition Smaller Then Add The Rest To Main ( / )

Oct 15, 2010

I have a dual-boot Vaio, with Windows Vista (for WOW only,I promise!) and Ubuntu 10.10. I have a HDD with 250 GB, where 170GB is for Ubuntu and around 40 GB for Windows and a Swap that is 6 GB. This Swap seems a little too big, so how o I edit its size (make it smaller like 3GB) and then add the "free space"-leftovers to the big Ubuntu partition ( / )?

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Ubuntu :: Make A Partition Visible In Windows 7 Using Gparted

Dec 20, 2010

I am going back to Windows for good. All I need to know is what are the partitions settings so that it will be reconized able in windows. I planning on saving some of my songs and other media that I have collected but I dont want loss all of on some wasted space that isnt readable. So simply put what setting are needed to make a partition visible in windows 7 using gparted.

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Ubuntu :: CFDisk To Make Ext2 And Swap Partition At Mac

Mar 18, 2011

Since Mac OS X, runs a BSD Linux at the core I think that this is the correct place to ask about this, but I need cfdisk to make some ext2 and swap partitions on some Compact Flash and old HDs without needing to download any LiveCD. There is any cfdisk that I can use on my Mac?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Restore Partition To Make It Mac Readable

Jul 12, 2011

I have an ibook G3 500 mhz with 600+ MB of RAM and now I want to get rid of my Kubuntu partition. I have now installed Kubuntu 10.04. I've been using Kubuntu on my ibook for a long time, but due to kubuntu being soooo heavy on this old machine, I want to erase it and make that partition Mac OS X usable.I don't have a DVD drive so I cannot use the Mac Installer nor the cd's What can I do?

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Fedora :: Make 11 To Write The Hfs+ Partition?

Jul 19, 2009

Is there a way to make fedora 11 can write the hfs+ partition? Beside fedora i have mac os x, and usually i use third partition(fat) as medium to transfer file from fedora to mac.

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Fedora :: Can't Make Bigger Partition

Dec 4, 2009

I have fedora 11 and window installed. I reduced the windows partition in order to enlarge the fedora. The fedora partition is widespread, and puts gparted lvm2. I can not enlarge nor palimpset or with gparted, I can only delete or format it.

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General :: Use GParted To Make Another Partition?

Jun 26, 2011

I have 3 partitions on my hdd right now, a Windows 7 one, the associated System Reserved and my Linux Mint partition. I was trying to use GParted to make another partition by splitting my Linux Mint one in two smaller partitions. I can't, however, unmount it, and so can't partitions it. I have considered partitioning it from Windows 7, but I'm afraid it will screw some things up and stop booting up correctly. So, what could be making the partition unable to unmount?

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