Ubuntu Installation :: Desktop Seems To Be Unresponsive To Mouse Right Or Left Clicks After Upgrade To 11.4
Jun 11, 2011
After I have upgraded from 10.10 to 11.4 I have a very strange problem. My desktop seems to be unresponsitve to mouse right or left clicks. The file browser only starts if I use thunar. Nautilus will not run at all. I am not sure if they are tied together but everytime I reboot i get the error message the file browser is still open. If my iphone is plugged in i get a metacity error. I am booting into classic with no effects. I can work kinda but mostly starting everything from inside a terminal. Also Nautilus only will run if I start it under sudo...
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Jun 15, 2011
I'm not sure if I should post this question in "hardware & laptops", or "Desktop Environments", because this is a hardware problem on a desktop computer.
Description of Problem:There is another thread that discussed this same problem that I'm having: However that thread is so old that the suggestions in it no longer work in Ubuntu 10.04 and for whatever reason I can not make a reply to that thread.As in the above thread, I've tried other input devices and rebooting the computer and using other USB ports, and my mouse still intermittently double left clicks randomly at times when I've only clicked the left mouse button once and at times and places when it should only produce a single click such as when selecting a drop down menu.
Has any one else had this problem, and does any one have any idea how to fix it or to trouble shoot this a bit more? Please let me know if there is any other information I can provide to further clarify or troubleshoot this issue.
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Dec 13, 2010
I'll move around the mouse and see that docky is moving around (computer is not frozen, nautilius desktop environment is unresponsive) how do i fix this without restarting the computer.
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Jun 5, 2010
An application I use requires that I use left and right mouse clicks in conjunction. But with Ubuntu 10.04 (Gnome Desktop) it activates the middle mouse button stopping the application from recognizing my left and right mouse buttons are both clicked.
I have read articles stating I can disable the middle mouse button, but I also use the middle mouse button for other applications.
How do I disable this "feature"? Is there a GUI I can use to modify how my mouse buttons work within Ubuntu?
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May 29, 2011
Have just upgraded (14-->15) using the dvd option; installed the nvidia driver (I think) and am able to startx and get to the Gnome 3 desktop (Wallpaper and top "task" bar look correct)..But, the mouse and keyboard have absolutely no affect. No matter what I click on, or what keyboard combination I use, nothing happens..(Have spent the last 3 hours researching it; and just seem to be getting nowhere.. I can do anything I need to from the CLI; but am not sure what to do..
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Dec 18, 2010
I can record my desktop for instructional aids but saying "And now click here" is not too cool and the user could miss the what-where. How do I have each mouse click play an audio sound or have a right click cause circular waves and a left click square waves around the mouse? Something graphic and/or audio. (My android tablet has the option of a click sound when a touch is recognized.)
I hope for something more obvious for the viewer. I don't use Compiz but would be willing to try it if that is the answer. Turning on Visual Effects (x) Extra does not do it. I didn't see anything in Assistive Technologies.
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Dec 26, 2010
I upgraded from 9.04 to 10.04 then 10.10. Now my left mouse buttons doesnt work when I click the pplications menu. Sometimes it doesnt work at all. left or right click. This is very frustrating to say the least. I have seen a few posts that look similiar and have tried what they sugested, but it still doesnt work. I have tried different mice, but it is the same problem. I dont see any error msgs in any logs I look in. Im thinking my next step is to reinstall, which Im not too excited about.
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Jul 4, 2010
When I boot fedora off a live cd i can edit some boot options just fine with my mouse & Keyboard, but when I get to the login screen I cannot use them at all.
Now a year back I had same problem with Ubuntu. I had to enter some command can't remember if it was acpi nolapic noapic or whatever. I'd like to know what to type into my boot options to fix this issue.
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Mar 7, 2011
I have several desktop environments, the default one of which is Gnome. All of a sudden when I log into Gnome, all left clicks anywhere except the taskbars are seen as drags, so I can't left click anything. Also, the taskbars don't recognize right clicks. Could this have happened because I changed a setting in one of the other environments (KDE, Xfce, LXDE)?
I'm posting this using KDE.
EDIT: Also, I forgot to add that if I load failsafe Gnome, it works normally again. I think the problem might also be due to the sticky notes feature?
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May 9, 2011
I have a really strange problem after upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04:
Switching between windows has a noticeable delay.
This is true whether I'm going between two terminals, two tabs in a browser, between tabs in my chat client, or between applications entirely. It's about a 1-second delay, when previously it was an instantaneous (or nearly so) action.
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Jun 10, 2010
I recently upgraded from 8.04 (Hardy) to 10.04 (Lucid). I usually leave my Linux box running as an SSH server (setting on never sleep) while traveling so I can access files, and so on, but since upgrading, I am no longer able to connect via SSH, and upon my return the fan suggests the computer is still running (not sleeping), but the screen is dark and keyboard/mouse cues will not "wake it up".
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Jan 31, 2011
I upgraded to F14 from F13, and when the process was complete, I noticed on my desktop, I have a strange drop shadow on the left-hand corner. As if it's shadowing an invisible window. You cannot interact with it, it's not "really" there.It is very annoying, and I can not figure out what it is, or what is causing it. I've checked all my plasma widgets and things like that, but it still persists.
Anyone run into this before or have any ideas?Here is a screenshot showing the shadow, I intentionally set my background to white, so you could see it best. But it shows up on top of any wallpaper. and you can clearly see it underneath translucent term windows/etc.
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May 11, 2010
i just installed ubuntu studio and it seems to be working fine but i'm having an issue where the both the left and right side edges of my laptop monitor are unresponsive/unclickable for about two pixels all the way down. it's a minor issue that i could probably get used to, but it's particularly annoying when trying to use a scroll bar in firefox or any other window that when maximized would have it just against the right side of the screen. instead of simply swiping the cursor all the way to the right i have to stop just short of the edge in order to use the scroll bar/any other function.
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Sep 7, 2010
i have lost left and right click functions in mouse and touchpad. This only happens when in a window - as in running App. when on top or bottom bar L&R click function normally and on cairo doc too. but inside any APP window left click turns into a hand and grabs it and moves the whole window around. Right click pops up the menu to close it , move workstation Right or Left etcetc So it is like the whole window is now like the title bar area
i have to hold Shift+control down to have normal mouse/touchpad function
I was playing with the Sugar App and its an emulator an educational toy for kids
it tells you to hold shift+control down so you can move the mouse out of the sugar window
and to hold Shift+control+any key for keyboard function
god knows what keys i hit
get my mouse / touchpad functions back
i have already removed all the SUGAR apps via synaptic
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Oct 13, 2010
how to add mouse clicks to keybindings? (apps->metacity->global_keybindings)
P.S: I have fair experience with Ubuntu, 1 year as default OS, and minimal usage before, so no need for basic tips.
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Mar 2, 2010
Whenever I try to watch a video on the internet half the buttons don't work. Some times i cant change the sound, sometimes i can't pause the video, sometimes i cant even play the video, etc. It is different for every video and different every time i refresh the page the video is on.
I found THIS LINK describing the exact problem I had. The first solution doesn't work because i am running 9.10 64 bit. When I tried to do the second solution this is the result:
ryan@ryan-desktop:~$ sh fix_flash.sh
Stopping any Firefox that might be running.
[sudo] password for ryan:
firefox: no process found
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May 5, 2010
I just installed Ubuntu 10.04 on my Acer AS1410 netbook. I'm having a huge problem setting up a VNC server for it. I've got it all configured so I can connect to it, it loads up the gnome desktop just fine, I can move the mouse around and everything. The problem is that the mouse seems to click away constantly whenever I am remotely connected. If I hold the left mouse button down on the client end it stops this action, but as soon as I let go of the button it starts clicking away again.
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Sep 2, 2010
without any warning, mouse clicks stopped having any effect. I can move the cursor without a problem. No apps are frozen and I can type at the command line. But mouse clicks have no effect. The same mouse was working fine before and it works fine in Windows. When I look in /var/log/messages, I see:ondemand governor failed, too long transition latency of HWfallback to performance governor [OK]I don't know if this is significant or not. The mouse is connected via USB. I'm running Lucid Lynx with all of the latest updates.
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Oct 29, 2010
I have HP DV6 laptop. when i disable the touchpad, the mouse clicks doesn't respond anymore! and i need to restart the laptop
This happen to me in Ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10
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Dec 30, 2010
I'm using Fedora 14. I used pre-upgrade from Fedora 12. I'm using KDE and the nvidia driver.
My problem has to do with the mouse. Basically, only mouse clicks on one window at a time are being handled. If I have Chrome and Thunderbird both open then the mouse will behave normally on Chrome but clicking anywhere on Thunderbird will have no effect. By clicking I mean both left and right mouse button.
To get clicking on Thunderbird to work I have to right-click anywhere on the active window (Chrome in this case), then right-click on the window I want to be active next (Thunderbird). This will allow me to use Thunderbird normally but then Chrome becomes inactive. Typing works even if the window is inactive if the cursor is on the window.
I've found that if I log out and then log back in, the problem disappears. I also tried creating a new user and logging in with that user but the problem still persisted.
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May 8, 2011
I'm running:
Fedora 15 Beta
Gnome (not 3)
Cyborg RAT 5 mouse
Well I just installed Fedora today on my desktop, and it went all smoothly. Mostly. And when I installed a bunch of updates and restarted my computer, my mouse would be able to say ope up Pidgin or FireFox, and then not be able to click on anything else. I could still move the cursor around, and use the keyboard, I just couldn't click on anything. it's pretty hard to troubleshoot when I can't click on anything!
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Mar 26, 2011
Toshiba Tecra M4 (old, I know) Ubuntu 10.10, without any updates (computer won't stay usable long enough to download them) new large hard drive, previously empty It doesn't even stay active long enough for me to change the video settings. I'm still a bit of a n00b,
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Oct 14, 2010
I use a Kensington Wireless Netbook Mouse.It has worked well in Ubuntu 9.10 and 10.04.For some reason in 10.10 it works, but every now and again it sticks for a second or two. Sometimes the left button stops working.If I pull out the dongle for the mouse and put it back in my mouse works fine.
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Sep 14, 2010
I just bought a new mouse, that has 7 buttons! Beyond the normal left and right click, middle button, and buttons to navigate on the internet, I'd like to be able to associate custom functions to the other two buttons. I've tried to use keyboard shortcuts. However, it doesn't recognize the mouse click as a valid key.
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Mar 21, 2011
I just installed Debian 6.01a and when I click with my RAT5 mouse the clicks aren't being registered. This happens about maybe 40% of the time. There is nothing wrong with my machine physically and this is a clean install that is not virtualized. I've had similar issues with Kubunutu though blamed it on the virtual machine...now I know it's a Linux specific issue.
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Feb 28, 2010
How can I emulate a mouse click on a keyboard on linux, e.g. by defining that my right CTRL-key should behave as if I clicked the right mouse button?
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May 12, 2010
I am running Ubuntu 9.10 on an Acer Aspire 5920 laptop. For the most part it works well, but it seems to occasionally become mostly unresponsive (~1 / 2days). I say mostly unresponsive because I can still move the mouse, but I do not seem to be able to click on anything (either to open or close programs or windows, or interact with menus). The keyboard is also partially responsive. When I use my keyboard shortcut to get access to the Applications menu, the menu highlights and depresses as though it is opening, but nothing appears on the screen. I can eventually press Ctrl+Alt+Del to start the shutdown procedure (and the shutdown screen pops up with the 60s countdown).
But I cannot use either the keyboard or the mouse to select another option (Restart, Suspend, Hibernate, or even Cancel), nor can I select the Shutdown option to cause it to shutdown right away - I just have to wait the sixty seconds for everything to turn off. This seems to happen no matter what I am doing with no warning - browsing the web, playing a game, or working on a document. The only consistent thing is it only seems to happen when I have more than one program open and I am trying to switch between open windows.
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Oct 11, 2010
It's been a long time since this started, and unfortunately I don't remember when this happened first. It only happens to Iceweasel and Icedove I guess. (I'm not sure!)
Used to happen in GNOME, now the same problem in Fluxbox.
The exact problem, is that when I have Iceweasel or Icedove open, and I'm using them, suddenly when I click nothing happens. But, if I use the keyboard it'll work... When this happens to Iceweasel or Icedove, the whole window manager becomes useless... When I want to close the windows, nothing happens, etc. Only the keyboard will work... Sometimes when I right-click on the navigation toolbar in Iceweasel, or somewhere like that, it'll work, and I'll be able to work for a few minutes... Then this will happen again, and usually, this time right-clicking on the toolbar and those areas will not work either... Even if I close the windows, the window manager will still not respond to mouse clicks... I don't understand what the problem is, but whatever it is, it's very annoying!
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Nov 10, 2010
For example I'm setting key F1 & F2 keys mouse 1 and mouse 2 click in keyboard..
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Oct 18, 2010
I dont know why this is happening to me. Maybe it's because I have so many things running, but its mainly just browsers and stuff that hardly require cpu usage. Sometimes (and its getting worse now) when i try to highlight the text on a web page, it wont work, the mouse pointer will be the arrow instead of the "I" like symbol which signifies the possibility for text highlighting. Then after a little while it will become the "I" symbol so I can highlight the text. It will switch on and off like that and make it really hard for me to do things.
Also, sometimes I cannot scroll down, it wont work when i hold the side bar thing and scroll it down, but after a few seconds it may work. This happens on my browser as well as amarok so far. I hope someone has experienced something like this because its getting frustrating.
UPDATE: Happens on KMess too. I cant type in the convo box sometimes. So I have to minimize and maximize it in order for it to work. Also if I have a browser up in the background while a Kmess convo box is infront, I cant click to the browser when its right there, even though I can click on it in the taskbar, if you know what i mean.
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