Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot Into 10.10 Desktop

Oct 19, 2010

I currently can't boot into 10.10 desktop as I normally do.The system won't reach the graphical login screen. It seems there's issues with X and/or my monitor perhaps, as I'm able to boot via recovery into low graphics mode only.After tinkering around for a bit in that mode the system now makes it past the loading screen but the monitor just goes black and won't respond instead.My system was running fine after the upgrade to 10.10 recently. The last time I was logged in using the desktop normally I used ubuntu tweak to remove old kernels. I may have changed some software sources too. I'm unsure how much that helps.

Is there anything I can do to get up and running without reinstalling?For what it's worth grub offers me a later kernel(ending in .25) whereas grub on my 10.10 netbook offers .22 only and was updated today. I though I had the updates configured the same way on each system but could be wrong.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot A 10.04 Desktop Live From An Iso Image In /boot Partition?

Nov 9, 2010

My laptop can't boot from cdrom becouse it is broken and it can't boot from USB becouse it has never been able. Ubuntu 8.10 now run in my laptop withgrub 1.I've just try the following trick.1) I put grub4dos in /boot2) I put iso image in /boot3) I add the follwing entrt in source.list

# =========== GRUB4GOS ===================================
title == Use grub4dos for the following entries: ==


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Ubuntu Installation :: Old Compaq Desktop Won't Boot From CD-ROM?

May 24, 2010

I wanted to play w/ Linux at home so I bought the O'Reilly "Ubuntu: Up and Running" book. I'm using the included 10.04 CD. I'm not finding much info on installing from a CD there (well, not finding it easily at least).

I got an old Compaq desktop (model 5WV280, if that matters) from a friend. I checked the BIOS listing; it lists the CD as the first boot drive, diskette second, hard disk third. I don't have the password for his account, but I didn't think that would matter.

Anyway, I inserted the CD, did a shutdown and power up. The CD drive spins and the light comes on. Next, the diskette tries to spin and the light comes on. Finally the hard disk access light comes on and the silly thing boots to Windows XP Pro from the hard drive.

Did I miss something? I put the CD in my (heaven help me) Vista machine, and was able to read the CD with no problems.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Boot Up To Desktop With No Panels

Jan 15, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu 10.10 on an older machine I had laying around it's a Pentium 3 1ghz and the install went fine but when it boots up the only thing that boots is the desktop there's no panels or anything else I'm not sure what is wrong with it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Boot 10.0 Desktop Or Server?

Apr 8, 2011

I currently dual boot Vista and Fedora on one drive, and have tried 5 times to install Ubuntu 10.0 64-bit on another drive. I used desktop CD and put /boot on 1 GB /dev/sdc1 ext4 and root on 100 GB /dev/sdc2 ext4. It installs fine, but when you go to boot, and you pick it from the GRUB menu, it times out and says it cannot find /dev/ with the ID.Because GRUB runs you can conclude that it never has a problem finding /dev/sdc1.

When I boot into Fedora, I can mount and access both partitions without a problem. I've run e2fsck -ccv on /dev/sdc2 over and over again with no issues whatsoever, unmounted, of course. I then created a new logical group and used /dev/sdc3, inside of which I put a 100 GB logical volume. I installed root onto it using the Server 10.10 64-bit CD. No problems with installation. GRUB came up with all the new options, but again, when I selected to boot into either the new server install or the old desktop install, it timed out and dropped into a useless command line that was non-responsive to keystrokes. The now the /dev name is the /dev/mapper/lg_raptor/lv_uroot logical volume that it says does not exist.

Again, I boot into Fedora, able to access all these partitions, including the new logical volume, without any problems. I can mount them, view all their files, and open them.Fedora reports that the file systems are clean. Why can't Ubuntu's GRUB see the Ubuntu partitions when I select them from the menu despite being able to boot into Fedora and Vista when I select them from the same menu, and Fedora able to mount and access these partitions without a problem and a clean bill of health from e2fsck?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cloning (10.04 Desktop) From The Old Boot Drive Onto The New SSD?

Oct 2, 2010

I would like to replace my old 100gb boot drive in my server with a new SSD...for obvious reasons. So what is the best way to clone the existing installation (10.04 desktop) from the old boot drive onto the new SSD? I have read some guides online that suggest using the live CD and various software packages but most of them say it will only work if you are cloning to a disk of the same size or larger, nobody seems to address taking an installation from a larger volume down to a smaller one - in my case a 100gb IDE onto a 30gb SATA SSD.

As this is a datadump, the only drives I really care about are the various 1.0/1.5tb drives that actually store the data, the OS drive contains nothing more than the standard OS, samba/webmin and a few monitoring tools. So I guess it's not the end of the world for me to start fresh and install 10.10 next week, but I would like to know for the sake of this upgrade and future ones if anyone can be of assistance. basic specs if needed: Athlon64 X2 3800, 2gb DDR500, Asus A8N SLI Premium (Nforce 4/Silicon Image 3114R RAID controller). OS is on a 100gb IDE (WD1000BB-00C) and I would like to toss it on a Kingston 30gb SSD (SNV125-S2/30).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Uninstalling From My Dual Boot Desktop

Jan 28, 2011

I got this laptop from a friend and im going to be using it to play around with ubuntu, so ive been trying to uninstall it from my desktop that is set to dual boot, every time i uninstall it, weither its installing windows over it or deleting the partition and repairing the windows boot files i continue to get an error on load up saying "error: no such partition." then the line under it shows "grub rescue>". its an acer aspire am5100-u5301a desktop.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Boot To Unity - Desktop Blank

Apr 30, 2011

I can boot Natty in classic mode only. When I try to boot to the Unity desktop all I get is a screen with nothing on it. When I installed it was booting to Unity fine. When I booted to classic mode then back to Unity I get the problem

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Desktop Freezes In Boot Sequence

Sep 1, 2011

I am attempting to boot Ubuntu off of a USB drive. The USB drive was created via the USB creator in the .iso file dowloaded from Ubuntu. But for some reason when I go into my BIOS and boot from the USB drive, it spits out one line of syslinux and copyright information ending in "et al" and then a flashing cursor but doesn't go any further. I would provide a screenshot but that isnt an option at the moment with not being able to get past the first line of booting. Also, I have never used Ubuntu as this is my first attempt at running it and it is obviously not going the best.

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Ubuntu Installation :: WUBI + Kubuntu-desktop Wrecks Boot?

Mar 5, 2010

On my MS Vista 64bit machine, I installed Ubuntu through WUBI (some time in 2010) and was happily booting one or the other as needed. Then I added kubuntu-desktop (using Synaptic).Now, when I reboot, the Windows Boot Manager still offers Vista and Ubuntu as boot options. But Ubuntu, rather than boot, goes to a grub shell. I found a GrubHowto that includes "Manual boot into a Linux OS" - but it seems to suggest that clean Karmic installs use Grub2 and the Howto instructions apply only to Grub. I don't know if the WUBI install was Karmic or something older. I don't know anything about using grub manually.And I don't know how to get my (k)ubuntu back!

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Installation :: Error While Trying To Boot Ubuntu After Installing Desktop Edition / Fix This?

Jan 20, 2011

I downloaded and installed the Ubuntu desktop edition and when I boot up I have the options to boot either Windows 7, or Ubuntu (so far so good), however, when I select Ubuntu I get a message saying that the following file is corrupt:

File: ubuntuwinbootwubildr.mbr

status: 0xc000000f

Info: The selected entry could not be loaded because the application is missing or corrupt.

Any thoughts on this? Would just re-installing it fix the problem?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Stuck On Desktop After Boot - No Panels / Resolve This?

Feb 22, 2011

I recently installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my laptop and it was running all smoothly, but all of a sudden when i booted, the only thing i could see were the desktop wallpaper and mouse icon, no panels, no shortcuts, nothing, meaning i can do pretty much nothing, i can move the mouse but can't click anything, the last thing i did was download and goof around with compiz and i was too happy because it worked and looked really great, even though i didn't want to activate restricted drivers for my ATI video chipset, but again, it was working cool and then boom, only wallpaper and mouse, nothing more

Laptop Sony VPCEE27FL AMD Athlon II 2.1 ghz (64) 4gb RAM

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Debian Installation :: DVD Not Boot On Notebook, Desktop Yes?

Jul 13, 2010

I try install debian squeeze or sid to my notebook acer aspire timeline X 5820tI try mini iso and netinstall but isntallation not detect eth0 (Atheros AR8151 PCI-E gigabit ethernet) wlan0(Atheros 5B93 wirelles network adapter) is detected but not working.I try DVD http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/weekl ... -DVD-1.isourning is OK, but on boot edd: not reed sector and long numberError not configured file found or ......md5of burn dvd is ok, i burn it 2x, K3B, Brasero, burning is complete, check of burning files too but, not boot (I try boot on my desktop PC and its OK, but on notebook dvd not boot.

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Debian Installation :: LXDE Desktop System Can't Boot

Jan 30, 2015

I have made a based ARM Debian system by using the debootstrap tool, and installed the LXDE Desktop System by using the follow commands.

apt-get update
apt-get install lxde

However, The LXDE Desktop System can't boot when i reboot. What can i do next ?

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Debian Installation :: USB Stick With 8.1 Only Boot From Desktop No Laptop

Aug 13, 2015

I burned a live dvdrw with the hybrid live cd of debian 8.1 gnome and installed Debian onto the 32gb usb stick like this

8gb for /
22 for /home
2gb for swap

after chrooting into the usb stick with the live dvd-rw and installing grub2 there again cause the installation couldn't do it without chrooting first.. I wasn't able to boot from the laptop I installed Debian with but I could on my Desktop PC.

I wondered if you needed a copy of my grub.conf? so here is the pastebinnet of /boot/grub/grug.conf

[URL] ...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Nvidia Booting - Automatically Boot To The Gdm/desktop After Updated Gpu Driver?

Oct 11, 2010

Hey everyone I'm pretty new to ubuntu/linux so please bear with me . I recently installed 10.10 on my new htpc. The initial install went great, until I went to install the updated driver for my graphics card. What I did was I downloaded the driver off of nvidia. Then I did these steps:

1. ctrl-alt-f1

2. logged in

3. sudo services gdm stop

4. I then located the driver package that I downloaded and ran it, it seemed to install fine (except for an error about some install script? but it let me proceed)

5. sudo services gdm start

It went to the gdm/ubuntu desktop. However I then connected it via HDMI, and the resolution was way off (top bar was not even displayed on TV) and I tried many different settings but no luck in fixing it. Next after restarting it did not automatically boot to the gdm/desktop. Instead it stayed at the command line login (the ctrl-alt-f1 screen).

tl;dr : 1. How to make it automatically boot to the gdm/desktop after I updated my gpu driver

2. How to fix the resolution for HDMI from my gpu to my TV. (DVI works fine

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Fedora Installation :: Transplanted Drive Won't Boot To X11/Gnome Desktop?

Aug 11, 2011

recently built a F14 x64_86 system on a dual core X64 AMD based box. Later I installed the drive in a dual Xeon dual core box. I have the os set to boot to run level 3 then after I login I run telinit 5 to get to X11-Gnome desktop.However, when I boot the xeon machine I am able to login and run shell commands, such as yum update, fdisk -l etc. But when I try to telinit 5 the process hangs, hitting the power button, the machine goes through it's shutdown script.

I haven't tried transplanting the drive back into the original machine. just to test it's integrity, but I suspect it not corrupted. Not sure this matters, but running it's nvidia's driver for the video card. I think I can also boot to nouveau, but not 100 % sure with out having to deinstall the nvidia binary. both boxes uses the same video card a nvidia 8800 gtfwiw, I can boot my i386 f14 usb thumb drives that have the generic video driver installed.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Kubuntu V9.1 Fails To Boot After Fresh Install And Display Anomalies At The Desktop

Mar 22, 2010

The last version a Linux I had was Mandrake v9.1. However, in looking to get the latest/greatest Linux I downloaded Ubuntu and Kubuntu. After installing Kubuntu the system reboots and fails to boot into the OS. After the P.O.S.T all I get a the word "GRUB". There is no response to any keys with the exception of Ctrl-Alt-Del. I am temporarily able to get passed the boot problem if I boot from the CD and choose boot from primary hard menu option. I'm not sure how to fix the boot up problem and could use some advice. However, using the CD to boot up the hard drives installation leads me to my next problem.

While in a desktop session I am unable to drag windows by their title bar. When attempting to drag a window, the desktop becomes covered with parts of the original window spreading all over the screen in multiple directions. It looks like a kaleidoscope or bad acid trip image. I suspect the video anomalies might be configuration related or improper driver. Again guidance would be greatly appreciated here.

I have a good 'ole Matrox MGA Millenium card installed into a P4 1.8ghz system, with 512 MB ram. The hard drive originally had an old install of Mandrake v9.1, but all of the partitions were wiped and I created 3 new partitions:

- /dev/sda1 20GB Bootable/Primary Partition EXT4 (Unbuntu mounted at /)
- /dev/sda2 18GB Primary EXT4 (Kubuntu mounted at /mnt/Ubuntu_dsktop_91)
- /dev/sda3 2GB Swap space

My intent was to install Ubuntu on the 2nd primary partition and be able to switch between them. However, I tried installed Ubuntu on the first partition (reformatted of course) and I encounter the same boot problem and display problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgraded From Desktop 10.04 To Studio 10.04 And Running A Dual Boot System With Windows?

Nov 3, 2010

I upgraded from Ubuntu Desktop 10.04 to Ubuntu Studio 10.04 and running a dual boot system with Windows. On the grub screen there are four listings now for Ubuntu. Two recover modes and two ubuntu modes. Is this normal? Going to reboot and see if I can get a picture of it.

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Ubuntu :: Don't Have A Desktop Anymore - Boot Into A Full-featured Desktop?

May 2, 2011

I guess I messed around with Unity on Ubuntu 11 a bit too much without knowing too much about it. Here's what's been happening: I chose the 'cube' setting in CCSM, but after switching to it, Unity crashed. So I rebooted and X11 started, but no Unity. Which means no window borders or anything.

how I could set it up again? I disabled the login-screen, as I'm the only user, so I guess I have no chance to simply choose Gnome for example to boot into a full-featured desktop.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Ubuntu 11.04 With Hp Mini - Won't Boot - Goes To The Desktop Theme Then Freezes With Three Warning Messages

Jun 9, 2011

I have a hp mini 1033cr. Awhile ago I installed ubuntu netbook edition, well I was new to Ubuntu so I clicked upgrade. Well everything was going good and then it restarted. when I came up to the log in page I typed my password and now it won't boot. it goes to the desktop theme but then freezes with three warning messages.

1st could not update ICEauthority file /home/adam/.ICEauthority

2nd There is a problem with the configuration server. (/usr/lib/libgcond-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256)

3rd Nautilus could not create the following required folders: /home/adam/desktop, /home/adam/.nautilus

I have tried a fresh install with a disc I burnt and ran with my external dvd drive. Well guess what it decided to not boot from it. I have also tried several other discs including a windows xp disc. it always boots back to the hard drive.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Boot 10.10 Desktop (32 Bit) In Dual Boot With Win 7 64 Bit

Jan 7, 2011

I have a Sony VPCZ13C5E with Intel Core i7 M640 @ 2.8GHz and Windows 7 Prof 64 bit.
It has 4 x 122GB SSD's in one Volume type Raid 0 using Intel Rapid Storage Technology.

The installation prog did not offer to install alongside an existing (Win 7) system, however after installation I was able still to boot Win 7 from the Grub Menu, but the Linux option just gives the black screen of death.

Booting from the 10.10 LiveCD and running sudo fdisk - l gives "unable to seek on /dev/sda". Also I have had a message "unknown filesystem type 'isw_raid_member' although I have forgotten where that came from!

The LiveCD shows that the filesystem does seem to have installed OK on the ext4 partion of 100Gb which I had kept for it, however it will not boot.

The results of Boot_info_script are shown in the attachment Results.txt

I have tried sudo mount /dev/mapper/isw_dijbjabefg_Volume07 /mnt and it gives no errors.

I then tried sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sda which gave no errors but when I reboot and choose Linux the result is still the black screen of death.

I understand that the problem may be one of Ubuntu drivers having to catch up with the latest technology but given that Ubuntu can partition the swap file and the ext4 system I seem to be so close.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Make A Live-USB Containing Among Others Both Desktop I386 And Desktop AMD64

May 1, 2010

I want to make a live-USB containing among others both Ubuntu desktop i386 and Ubuntu desktop AMD64. How do I go about this? I tried using unetbootin, first adding i386 and then amd64, but that failed. My computer with an athlon II did manage to boot, and showed it had booted into the 64-bit version (ram shown was 3.9 GB, i386 goes to about 2.7 I think), my wife's computer with a pentium 4 did not manage to boot, got to a black screen. I think this is because casper has issues, being overwritten (I'd seen something to that effect somewhere), and thus only the latest version added being booted (in this case amd 64).

I'm under the impression that the startup disc creator included won't help, nor won't the multicd.sh script, so how do I circumvent the issues?

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Installation - Centos 5.2 On HP Rp5700 Desktop \ Begins The Boot Process Up To Discovering The PCI Stuff And Just Locks Up, No Response?

Mar 28, 2009

I am trying to install CentOS 5.2 on an HP rp5700 desktop unit. These units were originally sold as a Point of Sales unit I believe, but HP also markets it as a high life cycle server for SMB market.I tried to load CentOS on this unit via CD (created from downloaded ISO of course). It presents the initial CentOS banner page and waits for the obligatory "enter" to continue. It begins the boot process up to discovering the PCI stuff and just locks up, no response. I have to power down to restart.Since this does not even get to the point of installing. I am at a loss what to do next. Has anyone had a similar issue with other PCs.The boot stops at the lineACPI: PCI Root Bridge [PCI0] (0000:00)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From 8.10 Desktop To 10.4 Desktop?

Nov 12, 2010

I'm considering upgrading my old fileserver from ubuntu 8.10 to 10.4, but i've got single concern, I have a 5TB sofware raid 5, that i realy don't want to loose in the process. And since it's almost full (below 1TB free), i can't do a full backup.

Is there any problem in with this, if i do the upgrade? i have to upgrade 8.10 to 9.4 to 9.10 to 10.04?

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Ubuntu Installation :: When The GRUB Boot Menu Starts Up There Is An Option For Win 7 Boot But It Will Not Boot Windows?

May 2, 2011

I installed 11.04 after Windows 7. when the GRUB boot menu starts up there is an option for Win 7 boot but it will not boot windows. When that option is selected the screen changes colour for 2 seconds and then reverts to the GRUB menu. Ubuntu boots fine.I downloaded the Boot Info Script and ran it, the results are

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================[code].....

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Fedora Installation :: Boot From Installation DVD - IsoLinux: Disk Error 80 , AX = 42A7 , Drive 9F Boot Failed

Oct 20, 2010

I downloaded the Fedora live dvd iso file, burned it to a dvd. I was wondering if I forgot to do something or did I do something wrong. When I try to install from the dvd I get this error message, isoLinux: Disk error 80 , AX = 42A7 , drive 9F Boot Failed: press key to retry When I press a key to retry I get the same error. I also tried to install virtual pc and get not boot disk found.

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General :: Grub Boot Loader Installation In Dual Boot Machine After Windows 7 Installation?

Mar 23, 2010

I had a dual boot machine with fedora 12 and windows vista and I could use grub boot-loader to switch between two. Few days ago windows got corrupt and I have to reinstall it. I put windows 7 now and as usual it erased grub. So to reinstall I put the fedora 12 installation CD on and followed some usual setup steps. When I got the command line I issued the command "grub-install /dev/sda" (sda not hda because It showed bunch of sda, sda1..) but surprisingly it said grub command not found. I remember doing it before while it worked fine.

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Fedora Installation :: Boot From Installation DVD - Boot Process Doesn't Make It Even To Anaconda

Jun 15, 2009

I'm trying to install F11 on a machine that was running well under F10 just a few hours ago. I made some changes to the disk configuration, involving the addition of a dmraid-controllable fakeRAID card (SiL 3124 I think) and creating a RAID 0 array out of the two drives connected to the motherboard itself (Intel ICH7R). Otherwise the machine's configuration is identical to the way it was when running F10. My problem is thus: when I boot from the installation DVD (64-bit), the boot process doesn't make it even to anaconda. Here is the error I get, right after md devices are autoconfigured:


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Ubuntu :: Unable To Boot To Desktop?

Mar 10, 2010

We've got an old pentium computer dual booting Ubuntu and Windows XP. We've purchased a PNY GeForce FX 5200 256MB 128-bit DDR PCI Video Card for it. After installing it, we had full access to the XP and installing drivers from there went without a hitch and appears to work fine. When we tried to boot into Ubuntu, all we got was the (initramfs) prompt, and we're both relatively new to the fantastic world of Linux and so we have no idea what to do with it and finding information concerning our issue has been fruitless, as we can't seem to find anyone that has had a similiar problem.

We then uninstalled the card, booted up Ubuntu and tried to install drivers via administration>Hardware Drivers, but the computer doesn't appear to have any on board graphics, and so Ubuntu won't allow us to use any of the drivers in the hardware drivers (via administration). We then did a tonne of research and followed a few tutorials for installing Unix drivers from the Nvidia web site.

One of the tutorials that we followed involved doing a Control+Alt+F1 and then shutting down the GDM to install the new drivers. After installing the new drivers, we for what ever reason, couldn't restart the GDM. After what appears to be a failed attempt at installing the driver, we cannot access the desktop and are now presented with the following message (when booting in normal kernel mode): "Ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode. The following error was encountered. You may need to update your configuration to solve this. (EE) No devices detected.". The only 4 options are:

#1)Run Ubuntu in low-graphics mode for just one session. This results in a black screen without a prompt, Control+Alt+F1 gets us a prompt in the top left of the screen that isn't flashing and we can't do anything at all.

#2)Reconfigure graphics. This gives us three options of which we have no idea what to do with:

1) Use default (generic) configuration,
2) Create new configuration for this hardware,
3) Use your backed-up configuration, along with the OK and Cancel option, which, the latter option takes us back to the original 4 options.

#3)Troubleshoot the error. There are four options here:

1)Review the xserver log file (no idea what to do with this),
2)Review the startup errors (no idea what to do with this),
3)Edit configuration file (no idea what to do with this),
4)Archive configuration and logs (which has been done).

#4)Exit to console login. (gets us a prompt in the top left of the screen that isn't flashing and we can't do anything at all). We are in dire need of some guidance, before attempting any of the options in "Reconfigure graphics" , as we have no idea what to do with any of it and recovery mode doesn't get us anywhere either.

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