Ubuntu Installation :: Windows XP Not Finding NTFS Hdd

Jan 27, 2010

I have reformatted my 320 GB and creating a separate NTFS partition for Windows XP.

When I boot with the CD and proceed to the setup window, Windows does not recognise any HDD on my laptop, hence cannot install it.

I have attached two screen shoots of my partitions. Can anyone tell why XP is not finding the NTFS partition?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Live CD Is Not Finding Windows Partition?

Jun 16, 2010

I'm trying to set-up a dual-boot (Windows XP and Ubuntu 10.04), but whenever I start the installation from a Live CD and get to the partition section it is showing that my hard-drive is has no operating system, when it in fact does. Has anyone else encountered this issue, when trying to set-up dual-booting on their system? And, if you have had this issue, what did you do to resolve it? I find it very strange, since I've never had a problem like this with any of the older releases.

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Ubuntu :: Finding A App That Can Enable Installation Of For-Windows-only Softwares?

Sep 21, 2010

Ubuntu can actually read files from Windows.But can Ubuntu install files that are supposed to installed in Windows.Is there any app in Ubuntu that can enable installation of for-Windows-only softwares? I want to Intall Adobe After Effects in my computer.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Resizing Windows Partition - Install Files On A Non Windows NTFS Partition

Jul 22, 2010

Now however its not letting me resize the Windows partition, mounted or unmounted. It currently occupies the whole disk. I would rather not reinstall the whole thing over again, but I will if I have to. Isnt there an easy way to shrink a Windows partition? I swear Ive done this before and it wasnt this hard. Could it be a problem with the Mint installer that now asks me if I want to unmount my disks before it goes into install mode? On this PC I would like to have

Windows XP
One of the E17 OSs
Puppy Linux (to create a remix)

I am probably going to put most of the linux partitions on the second laptop drive but I want to install files on a non WIndows NTFS partition.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows 7 Ntfs Partition Appeared Unallocated

Apr 7, 2010

[URL] I used testdisk as the replies suggested recovered all my linux partition including my 2 linux distros and boot partitions, but now my windows 7 appeared as unallocated space, which is very ironic, I fixed my last problem only to have situation reversed. I recovered the mbr record from my boot partition, but because that record dose not include the ntfs partition, that partition appears as unallocated space. so how can I make that ntfs partition recognized again so I can update grub and boot to my windows 7 partition? Please help me out, I have had this partition stuck in my computer for a while doing nothing...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Resizing Pre Installed Windows Partition (New NTFS)

Sep 2, 2010

I am not been able to re size the partition. Can anyone please help. I tried to re size and install ubuntu 10.04 on two machines but it did not work. Details are HP mini ( windows xp pre installed with new ntfs partition). Lenovo thinkpad ( windows vista pre installed).Is new windows partition is non - re sizable?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows Install CD Cannot Find NTFS Partition

May 3, 2011

I'm running Ubuntu 11.04 on my Acer extensa 5620. I need to install windows and setup a dual boot on this machine. Here's what I did. I followed the instructions on this page


and resized my home partition (which is differenet from the file system partition). Anyways, I resized the partition and made a new NTFS partition. This was all done from Live CD. I then rebooted and then tried the windows installation CD. Now here my problem crops up.
Windows says that no partition is found. What have I done wrong? Any ideas? Can the drive be damaged or have I made a mistake some where? I did not specify a mount point for the new NTFS partition, does that matter?

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Fedora :: Windows (dynamic) Ntfs Partion Has Lost On Installation Of F14

Nov 27, 2010

I have a two Hard disk one of which is 160GB & other is 500GB. In 160GB HD I had installed fedora 13 & in 500GB Windows 7. There was my unluck that the whole of partion of 500GB were convered into dynamic disk so that i was unable to access other partion of 500GB HD. i searched for that but ultimately i was unsuccessful. Now I decide to format the C: drive (of 500GB HD).C: drive was 80GB size and there was a system information partition of 100MB created on windows seven installation.Now on installation of fedora 14 in 500GB (at partition 80GB + 100MB) i am unble to access other D: & e: drive. In Disk utility of fedora it is showing 414GB free.

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Software :: Finding A Sort Of LINUX Chkdsk /f /r For The Drives Of Ntfs-3g?

May 26, 2009

finding a sort of LINUX chkdsk /f /r for the drives of ntfs-3g?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Use NTFS Partition In Windows 7 64 Bits And GPT Secondary Table Moved

May 22, 2010

I have a 6TB external eSata bay (Lacie BigQuadra). I made a GPT table with only one big ext4 partition. All was ok. I resized the ext4 partition and I created a 1TB NTFS partition. I can use it on Kubuntu but Windows 7 tell me the partition is not formated. When I go back to Kubuntu, parted tell me that the secondary GPT table is not at the end of the disk and tell me it's probably an other OS that thinks the disk is smaller that its real size. It seems Windows 7 thinks the disk size is 2 TB (and modify automaticaly the GPT table and create a secondary GPT table on the middle of the disk).

What can I do to make my NTFS partition visible in Windows 7? What can I do to prevent Windows 7 to move the secondary partition table on the middle of the disk and to modify the primary GPT table ?

gdisk informations
$ sudo gdisk -l /dev/sd
sda sda1 sda2 sda3 sdb sdb1 sdb2 sdb3 sdb5 sdb6 sdc sdd sdd1


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Ubuntu :: Finding Windows Partition - Use FAT32 Partition For Photo Images And Old Windows Files

May 31, 2011

I got tired of dual booting on my old computer so on the new computer I am planning to run XP on VMware Player. The problem is that on the new computer neither Ubuntu or XP can "see" the FAT32 partition. I intend to use the FAT32 partition for photo images and old Windows files and need access from both Ubintu and XP.

Partition table entries are not in disk order.

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Debian Installation :: Critical Bug Of "mount -t Ntfs" Cause NTFS Partition Broken

May 2, 2010

About dual boot system with winxp and lenny.

Storage information:
1st primary:SG 160G ATA 100
1st secondary:WD 160 ATA 133
SATA:WD 1000
2nd primary:DVD
2nd secondary:DVD±RW

Winxp in 1st primary.I did a fresh install of lenny on 1st secondary.

info about lenny setup:
1.Partition list:/boot,/,/home,swap
2.Every partition is XFS except swap.

At the end of installion,lenny installed grub on (hd0) that is 1st primary.

Everything seems OK.Lenny runs OK.

But when I switch back to windows xp,the diskmgmt can not detect hdd's info and the system meets a problem of shutting down.

After many times of trying.
I solved the problem by the following way.
1.Boot with windows xp's install CD and use fixmbr on (hd0).
2.Boot with lenny's install DVD , do a grub>root (1,0)>setup (hd1)
After that,edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and change (hd0,0) to (hd1,0) and also (hd1,0) to (hd0,0).
3.Reboot and Press F8 for a boot menu then I can select which disk to boot.
windows boot from 1st primary's mbr,lenny boot from lenny's grub.

The problem is caused by a bug between GRUB and windows' mbr and maybe more about GRUB and XFS.

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Ubuntu :: Finding Windows-illegal Filenames?

Jun 18, 2011

I want to search a bunch of files in Ubuntu to find the ones that have file names which Windows won't allow. There is too many to do it manually.

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Ubuntu :: Df -h Not Showing Windows NTFS Under /dev/sda#?

Nov 22, 2010

How do I force Ubuntu to see my Windows NTFS partition when typing


df -h

I have freshly installed Win7 and Ubuntu 10.10 and it is not automatically discovering the partition (previously with Win7 / Ubuntu 10.04 it did).Is there a file I can manually edit, or a command to run?

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Ubuntu :: How To Access Windows NTFS Drives

May 29, 2010

I used to be able to mount windows hds just fine in any of the linux distros that I've used .. It always show up in "Computer" and I have an option to mount it but recently I've installed xubuntu and I can't seem to find "Computer" anywhere nor can I find my windows hardrives.. how I could mount my windows hardrive on xubuntu?? Also..I can't seem to find "Computer" under places :/..whats up with that

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Ubuntu :: Windows Exist On The Same NTFS Partition?

May 1, 2011

So I am reaching an unfortunate conclusion. I asked this of google and got no straight response so I conclude that it is impossible. taking a look at GParted with my 10.4 boot disk, I see

/dev/sda1 NTFS 74GB boot flag
unallocated unformatted 7.84GB no flag
So I assume that that 8gb used to be ubuntu.

In the process of trying to fix things, the computer no longer boots windows.

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Ubuntu :: Finding Audio Codecs For Windows Media Streams?

Feb 11, 2010

I tried to use Rythmbox to listen to some radio erlier today when I found out that only ogg streams are working for me. I know the links are working and the mms streams aren't down cuz I use the same radio stations in windows. So, what codecs or whatever do I need to solve this problem? Or doesnt linux support multimedia streams?

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Ubuntu :: Finding Media Managers, Like Ember + Tvrename For Windows

Apr 30, 2010

At this point, the only programs I still use my Windows partition for are the various automated media managing apps like Ember media manager, Tvrename and Therenamer.

For those not familiar with the above programs, what they do is take your ripped/recorded TV and movie files, rename them according to an xbmc-friendly naming protocol, organize them in terms of directory structure, and even download screen shots and metadata for them.

Are there any good alternatives for Ubuntu? If not, would running those windows programs on a virtual machine or with Wine work? Which would be easiest/most stable?

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Ubuntu :: Shrinking Windows (ntfs) Partition Inside 9.10?

Jan 15, 2010

im trying to shrink my vista partition with gparted inside ubuntu. I run gparted (and yes i have ntfsprogs) but when i select the ntfs partition and select move/resize it brings up free space preceding... new size... and free space following.so when i input the new size the resize/move button greys out and when i change the freespace following it just puts back my original new size and back and forth.from what i have read i need to run the gparted livecd and go from there. is this true? i know how to do it with diskpart in windows, how to in ubuntu and eventually get rid of windows.my system is 64-bit. [URL]

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Ubuntu :: Hiding Windows (NTFS) Partitions But Still Have Access

Feb 3, 2010

I still have to dual boot with Windows (for now!) but having the various NTFS partitions show up in Nautilaus, etc. is a problem.Also I would like to share some data between Win7 and Ubuntu 9.10 but I cannot create any more partitions due to well know limitations. In my case I already have 3 primary Windows partitions that I want to keep and 1 primary Linux with ext4 and swap as logicals for Ubuntu. BTW my laptop had all 4 primaries used up an I got rid 1 for Ubuntu. I could get rid of more but really do not want to now.

I found many great ideas and suggestions here in the forums but could not find exactly what I was looking for so I cobbled together a couple of I ideas and I think I have a working solution.First to hide a Windows partition and protect it this works great when you add this line to fstab:


/dev/sda2 /Windows/sda2 ntfs-3g defaults,umask=777 0 0

Of course change your partition to the correct one and make sure the /Windows directories are created.I have used this many times and it works great except I want to have access to 1 or 2 directories without exposing the whole drive.I turned to symbolic links to help solve but when sda2 is "hidden" with the above there is a rights problem for my normal user. I could probably solve it with umask somehow but I just did this instead:


/dev/sda2 /Windows/sda2 ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8 0 0

I found this allows me to access the directory but it is still hidden from Nautilaus. I am guessing it is because it is mounted in a location it does not normally look in.After this I created a symbolic link to the directories I want access like this:


ln -s /Windows/sda2/Temp /home/myuser/windir

Note I did not use sudo here because that was causing me rights problems at one time. This is permanent until you rm the windir file since symbolic links are just special files.

So now I can access windir in my home directory on the NTFS partition without me accidentally messing up my other Windows system files. If I try hard I can mess it up but this provides just enough protection for me. I can also drag the link to my desktop or the Naultilaus left nav pane and it acts like a regular directory.I sure there are a 100 ways to achieve what I wanted to do but thought I would share this method since it took me a while to figure it out.

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Ubuntu :: Mkfs.ntfs Partitions Are Not Recognized By Windows 7?

May 7, 2010

I formatted with mkfs.nts a USB 500 GB external drive. Under Linux when I connect it to the USB port it's recognized and works. Under windowz 7 home is's seen in the device list but not in the computer window. I can't do anything with it apart eject it. This is what I get from fdisk:sudo fdisk /dev/sdcThe number of cylinders for this disk is set to 60801.There is nothing wrong with that, but this is larger than 1024,and could in certain setups cause problems with:1) software that runs at boot time (e.g., old versions of LILO)2) booting and partitioning software from other OSs(e.g., DOS FDISK, OS/2 FDISK)Command (m for help):

and this from fdisk -ls /dev/sdc:
gt[~]$ sudo fdisk -ls /dev/sdc
Disk /dev/sdc: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes


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Ubuntu :: No Execute Of Windows Files From NTFS - YOU DUN GOOFED?

Oct 27, 2010

So I have an NTFS volume with many programs I (used to) use on a regular basis. Since upgrading to 10.10, I can't use them. Obviously, an execute bit cannot be added onto files on an NTFS volume. These are Windows programs that ran perfectly with WINE on 10.04. I have tried

mount -o remount,exec /media/0A08B33E08B32819

It doesn't work. I do not have the luxury of installing PlayOnLinux to do the script workaround. The programs are too large to move to the EXT4 volume I have set up for Linux. I need a work around on this ASAP or I'm ditching Ubuntu for good. From the stupid "let's make the buttons on the left like Mac" (which I have switched back over, but it's still annoying) in Lucid to this glorious fail in Maverick, Debian is looking better and better. Besides, it's not like the packages installed in Ubuntu can't be installed in other distros.

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Ubuntu :: Auto Mount NTFS (windows) Partition?

Nov 7, 2010

I have a windows partition on my drive, and I want to access it without having to mount it first, etc. There are just two partitions, windows and Ubuntu. I am running Ubuntu 10.04.1 so I want to mount it on startup. I saw this article: [URL] but I don't know if what it describes will work as it's almost 2 years old. I'm not adverse to commands, in fact would probably prefer those.

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Ubuntu :: Windows Corrupted NTFS External Usb Hdd - How To Recover

Nov 13, 2010

I had a perfectly working Western Digital 250GB external usb hdd about 30 minutes ago. It has about 130GB of data I spent 3 hours copying to it yesterday from my Ubuntu laptop. Just to test it, I plugged it into an older Windows XP machine, and it seemed to work just fine. Then I tried to do the "Safely Remove Hardware" thing. It told me that it could not remove the external drive because another program was accessing it. So okay, I just wait a minute or two. Try again -- same thing. Tried it several more times, waiting a minute or two between each try -- same thing. Then suddenly a message pops up -- cannot write to drive. I also get another error: drive is corrupt, run chkdsk utility. Makes no sense. I was accessing files from the drive from within Windows just fine minutes before.

So since it won't "unmount safely", I just unplug it (probably a mistake, but I didn't see that I had any other choice at the moment), then try mounting it using a LiveCD of Puppy Linux -- Puppy will not mount it, just gives an error but no details.

My Ubuntu laptop, however, is no longer usable -- after I copied the 130GB of files I wanted to save to my external hdd, I attempted an upgrade of Ubuntu. It hosed. I'm still on that Puppy Linux LiveCD right now as I type.

So then. I KNOW this external hdd should be recoverable. I didn't do anything to it except let Windows screw up its ability to be mounted/unmounted, somehow. But I do not know how to go about trying to rescue it. What are the tools I should use? Is there something I can download somewhere that I can burn to a bootable CD or something that can fix a broken NTFS drive/partition? It would almost have to be something bootable at this point since I don't know how to install anything new on Puppy. Wasn't there an "Ultimate Linux Bootable Rescue CD" or something like that a while back? I can't remember it's exact name now.

If worst comes to worst, I suppose I could always reformat the external hdd and then copy the files over to it again. I still have all my files on my laptop's hard drive and Puppy can see them -- the Ubuntu upgrade I attempted did not overwrite all my stuff. But....I would just rather avoid having to spend another 3 hours or more today doing that. All my files are already on the external....I just want to fix it so that I can see them again.

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Ubuntu :: Access Windows (NTFS) Partition In 10.10 Maverick?

Dec 16, 2010

I tried to search around for a way to access my windows partition from within Linux. I was unable to mount the same using "mount" command. I read of a tool "ntfs-config" as well, this too didn't work for me.

Please share if anyone out there has an idea on how we can access the windows partition (NTFS) from within Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick.


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Ubuntu :: Mounting NTFS Drive After Windows Failure?

Feb 1, 2011

I've been working for a while to help a friend re-activate her system after a Windows crash. I tried every way I could to restore Windows, but the system is thoroughly bollixed. The data is still there on the disk, and you can read/write if you boot off of external media. I backed up her data that way.

Details if you need them, but for now suffice it to say that I finally got her up and running by installing Xubuntu Lucid in a dual-boot setup. However Xubuntu isn't automatically recognizing and mounting the NTFS partition the way I would expect it to. I had her run a few commands in the terminal, and here's what she got.

Output from sudo fdisk -l:

Disk /dev/sda: 82.3 GB, 82348277760 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 10011 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes


Ordinarily I'd use mkdir then mount to solve this. But I'd like to check a few things before I go and do that.

First, as I understand it if a Windows instance is not shut down properly it can make it difficult for Linux to mount the partition. The usual solution is simply to reboot Windows and then shut down properly, but that's impossible in this case. Will that affect the mkdir/mount solution?

Second, the fact that /dev/sda1 doesn't even show up in fstab causes me some concern. Would that be a problem for mkdir/mount?

And third, how to I set it up so the NTFS partition mounts automatically?

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Ubuntu :: Automounting Windows Vista NTFS Partition

Apr 17, 2011

I am running Ubuntu 11.04.

I am having trouble automounting the ntfs partition. When I try to access the mounted partition, I get an error saying that I don't have permission to view the files. Also, I am not able to change the permissions as root.

The relevant line on the /etc/fstab file reads:

/dev/sda3 /media/sda3 ntfs defaults 0 0

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Ubuntu :: Non-ntfs Hard-drive - Install Windows?

Apr 18, 2011

Some time ago I reformatted my hard drive to just run Ubuntu. Now I need to install Windows XP but when I put in the install disk it says it can't find a hard drive. I'm guessing this is because the hard drive is formatted to a Linux-specific ext4/extended/linux-swap set-up. The ext4 partition is 71GB and only uses 13GB. I have 57GB free. I can see all this in Gparted but how do I now split that ext4 up and free some space for ntfs partition for Windows? Indeed is this what I should be doing? Obviously I can't unmount the ext4 bit whilst in Ubuntu.

Ultimately I want to do a complete reformat of the hard disk and just install Windows XP for the time being (I'm handing the laptop in for a hardware service).


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Ubuntu :: Creating FAT32 Or NTFS On Sda To Install Windows?

Jun 8, 2011

I never thought I would have to do this but I have to put Windows back on my linux laptop. I will have to create a FAT32 partition and then the windows install disk will reformat as ntfs... right?

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Ubuntu :: Data Recovery From Windows NTFS Drive?

May 5, 2010

The other day one of my hard drives on my windows system decided to stop working. Not entirely sure what happened, but it seemed that it just erased its partition header, although I wasn't able to recover it.

Anyway, I successfully got an image of the drive using GNU_ddrescue (yay!), and I'm currently salvaging what CAN be salvaged with foremost.

way to get EVERYTHING off of the drive? I mean, it seems that it's all intact (since foremost is finding so much stuff).

I've tried mounting the partition, but it's not working. (I'd post the output from the terminal, but the forum thinks there is/are URL(s) in it....)

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