Ubuntu Installation :: Skip Grub OS Selection Screen

Feb 17, 2011

Im using the following system setup: When I boot my business computer, I can choose between 3 setups, 2 Windows XP, 1 DOS. I installed Ubuntu with 1 Windows XP system which looks something like this:

System 1 (XP)
System 2 (XP) --> after selection, Im able to choose between the XP system and Ubuntu on a new screen
System 3 (DOS)

Now interesting for me is obviously System 2. After I select System 2, I can choose between XP and Ubuntu. After I select Ubuntu, I come to another screen, where I can choose again between 4 Ubuntu entries with different kernel versions (including their recovery modes) AND both XP systems (yes, again). I installed Grub Customizer. I removed all the XP entries and all but 1 Ubuntu entry from this screen. I also set the timeout until booting Ubuntu on this screen to 1 second to start as quick as possible and Ubuntu boots fine.

My question now is, is there a way to skip the screen with former kernel and XP selection and boot Ubuntu directly after already choosing (between XP and Ubuntu) on the first screen? I know, 1 second "waiting" is not too bad but skipping the screen completly would be superb.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Blank Screen After Grub Selection?

May 3, 2010

First let me describe my system setup. I have windows, ubuntu 64 and ubuntu 32 present. I upgraded the 32 bit version to 10.4 with no problem. After upgrading the 64 bit version is when the problem occurred. I believe it has to do with the grub.cfg file. When I would choose the 64 bit version the screen would just go black, no furthur action. After making a few changes to the 64 bit selection in grub.cfg i come to a screen that says c to continue, s to skip mounting, and m for manual mount. Pressing s gets me in. Here is a copy of my grub.cfg.

# It is automatically generated by /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig using templates
# from /etc/grub.d and settings from /etc/default/grub


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Ubuntu Installation :: Blank Screen After Grub Selection On 11.04?

May 15, 2011

I downloaded Ubuntu 11.04 yesterday. The ISO allowed me to install Ubuntu using Wubi and it worked just fine in Windows (I used a virtual drive to mount the ISO). I liked it enough to want to replace Linux Mint on the Laptop with it.After a LOT of trying, I was finally able to make the liveUSB of Ubuntu 11.04 32-bit version.[URL]isplays the boot menu and if I select 'try Ubuntu without installing', I am greeted with a blank screen which just does not go away until I hard reboot the system. Also, the grub I am getting is NOT the purple one which usually is the default; instead, its a dark screen with a black-n-white titled Ubuntu logo. So the question of using the NOMODESET doesn't arise at all. I am using Dell XPS 15 with dual OSes - Linux Mint and Windows 7. Both Mint and 7 are 64-bit OSes but I am trying to install Ubuntu 11.04 32-bit version.

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Debian Installation :: On IMac: Screen Goes All Black When Chose In Grub-selection List

May 20, 2011

I have installed Debian a few times now (and other distro's), so I'm fairly used to installing linux. I'm not used to installing it on Apple hardware (back in 2009 on my laptop I had some issues that were solved rather quickly, but that's about it). Now I'm installing Debian Squeeze on a new (well, bought today, but it is the previous model: iMac 11,2) desktop iMac.

Installing goes well (resizing partition, rEFIt, booting Debian 6.0.1a netinstall CD, installing packages etc.) I followed a tutorial [URL] to install grub explicitly with force after installing and running gptsync. Everything went according to the tutorial and I rebooted to be welcomed by rEFIt and then grub: perfect!

BUT when I chose Debian in the grub-selection list, I only see a few lines of starting the kernel, and then my screen goes all black. A few seconds later I hear a sound, and iirc it's the sound of gdm prompting to select a user. I cannot switch to a TTY and I have to use the power-button to shut the system down.

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Ubuntu :: Grub 2 Edit OS Selection Screen?

Nov 30, 2010

I've tried to find it on google, but I want to have my OS Screen Selection to have a cleaner look than what it currently looks like. I understand we can edit Grub 2 but nothing I've found shows me what to edit into the file. I have all of the files I just need to know which one to edit and what to put into the file so my OS selection looks better

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Ubuntu Installation :: Auto-run And Skip Grub 1.99 Menu After Upgrade?

Apr 30, 2011

This seems to be a strange problem, and I have searched high and low for answers. Since Ubuntu 10.04 I have been upgrading via LiveCD and had no problems, however after an upgrade to 11.04 I now have Grub 1.99 giving me a list of versions to chose from before the OS loads. Now, call me fussy, but I don't want this, I just want to turn on my PC and go straight into Ubuntu as it always has done. I have tried various fixes such as looking for old Kernals in Package Manager, but no old kernals show up! Same for Ubuntu-Tweak, nothing shows up when I click on clean kernals.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Partition Selection ?

Oct 5, 2010

Installing 10.10 RC dual boot with Win7. Is there no place in the installer to specify where Grub will be installed? I don't want it installed in the MBR I want it in the partition with / (I usually only create two partitions for Linux / and swap). I prefer to chain load grub from my windows bootloader.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Selection Won't Leave The GRUB Selections

Jan 14, 2010

Finally got a dual boot on this laptop the way I liked it (LOVE my Win7, really like UBUNTU for certain things like getting booted and on the net fast...great). As I was editing and rebooting the GRUB settings UBUNTU got it's updates and installed (including one on GRUB that I hadn't seen before - WITH WARNINGS). Now I can't seem to get this last entry out of the boot menu: vmlinuz-2.6.31-14-generic. It has all this listed now (had dual entries for everything like mem test before):

Windows 7

I got rid of the extra entries like memtest and all using: sudo chmod -x /etc/grub.d/20_memtest86+ and such variations..still though I got one stuck in the boot selections. It won't remove the old linux vmlinuz-2.6.31-14-generic build entry from GRUB (and they both point to the same place). It has a -14 and -17 entry in it now. Like I said both load to the same mount point.

I mean I removed like five extra entries from GRUB using that command after the update (and had done it before about two months ago) but the linux vmlinuz-2.6.31-14-generic selection won't leave the GRUB selections now. I really thought I had it figured out to the bomb having my laptop dual booting before, just didn't like how UBUNTU used my disk space by default last time so I decided to rebuild the laptop.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot Fail - Don't See Grub Or A O/s Selection Choice

Jan 2, 2010

I just attempted to install ubuntu for the 4th and 5th time and have yet again had a fail. This time it actually completed the installation, which is a first. however upon reboot it takes me directly to Vista - I don't see grub or a o/s selection choice.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Broken OS Selection In GRUB (extensive Details Inside)?

May 10, 2010

I have installed these OS's in this order:

1 - Vista
2 - Ubuntu Server 9.04
3 - Ubuntu Desk 10.04
4 - BT4

I recently upgraded my most often used OS (#3) to 10.04 version and it updated GRUB to GRUB2 as part of the dist-upgrade. I have a feeling that I wasn't careful enough when installing BT4 or I made a mistake in the partitioning. I had plenty of space that was free waiting to be used by some other os and I designated some of that space for BT4.

When I got it all installed (off of a USB live boot) I rebooted and noticed it was back to grub one. The Vista install and the Ubuntu Server install both work still... but the recently updated (to Grub2) Ubuntu Desk install now hangs immediately after selecting it and pressing enter in Grub. I can mount the partition within BT4 just fine and see that all my data is still there, it just won't boot.

What I've tried Using BT4 to install Grub2. (no luck) Installing Grub1.5 back after finding Grub2 didn't work. (no luck) My plan When I get home from work today I'm going to take the "quiet" option off of the boot command in Grub for that Ubuntu OS and see if there's any error it's dumping before it hangs.
Hope that someone has had this issue before and can just tell me a straight forward way of resolving this issue. I'd prefer to use GRUB2 as my boot loader.

Cliff Notes Had other OS's installed Updated to newest Ubuntu (installed GRUB2 as the new bootloader)Used some spare disk to install BT4 New Ubuntu that used Grub2 is now the only OS that won't boot

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Ubuntu Installation :: Selection Screen Appears With All The F1-F6 Options Below?

Jan 4, 2010

I downloaded the Ubuntu ISO file and burned it to a CD-ROM. Booting from the CD on my laptop I select the language and selection screen appears with all the F1-F6 options below. I've tried all the selections and options through the F keys but that's as far as the install will go. My laptop is a Dell and it's only 3 years old with plenty of memory and HD space.

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Fedora Installation :: Boot Selection Menu, Get A Grey Screen With A White Cursor, And The System Freezes?

Dec 4, 2010

I'd like to install Fedora 14 64bit as a dual boot on an existing win 7 32bit system. When I boot with the Live CD, after selecting "boot" in the Fedora boot selection menu, I get a grey screen with a white cursor, and the system freezes. I checked the Live CD on my laptop and it worked perfectly.

My System:
MotherboardASUS P5Q DELUXE
CPUIntel Core 2 Duo E6750, 2,66 GHz, Sockel 775


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Ubuntu :: Skip The Grub Menu In Natty?

May 6, 2011

how to skip the grub menu in Natty? The way I used to do it in /etc/default/grub no longer works.

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Ubuntu :: Get Flashing Cursor After The Initial Grub Selection

Dec 13, 2010

I have had a working ubuntu 10.10 installation for about 2 months. I had it set up really nicely with my TV card and xbmc. I was really happy until I tried to boot it the other day to show a movie to the Mrs. All I seem to get is a flashing cursor after the initial grub selection. This is the same for both recovery mode and normal. I have booted it after editing the boot selection to removed the quiet splash and it seems to hang after a line that says some thing like "usb 1-4.2: new low speed USB device using ohci_hcd". The machine boots fine in to the Windose partition or in to a live CD.

I have done a bit of searching and I am struggling to find a good step by step troubleshooting guide. I dont really want to blat my setup but it would teach me a lesson about documenting things and blindly doing upgrades. I have included the results from my boot info below in case that points to anything.


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Ubuntu :: Pae Kernel - Selection From List Appears After Grub Load?

Aug 23, 2010

I am currently running 9.10 ubuntu (gnome). I have a dual core intel chip at 3.00 ghz. My mobo is an ASUS P5ND2-SLI. My mobo will support up to 8gb of ram. Now, as we all know, 32-bit os/kernel will only support like 3.2gb, and 64-bit like 4gb. I'd like to install a pae kernel so I can get the most from my mobo, but honestly, I don't have a clue where to start looking for a pae kernel. I'd like to be able to select it from the list that already appears after the grub loads, and if I like it, be able to remove the rest from the list, or just make it default.

Question, in CPU-G, it says my architecture is i686. I don't know if that's the os/distro, or the kernel itself. it also lists the GCC version as 4.4.1 and Xorg as 1.6.4. my current kernel is Linux 2.6.31-22-generic. Again, I'm trying to find a pae kernel, but I don't know if my os/distro will make a difference, if the architecture is the kernel or os itself. I am still fairly new to ubuntu, and I must say, I've made the switch completely from windows.. which blows...

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Boot - Grub Kernel Selection Displayed - Freeze After 3 Sec

Jul 31, 2011

I locked the screen, came back, typed the password, screen remained black, though cursor was visible and moving. Nothing I could do to rejuvenate the screen. Had to switch to tty6, sudo shutdown -r now. Then, on reboot obtained kernel selection, it proceeded to displaying kernel messages, but froze on sdb, after 3 secs. I figured it was the usb, so turned off, removed usb cables to external hard drives, but again it froze saying something about firewire mouse, the mouse is also usb. I tried several times, but no matter what kernel I chose, I couldn't get it to boot. So I loaded puppy live cd, but now it can't access some parts of the disk. I was running utorrent and the folder with partially downloaded files can be accessed but there's nothing there (there was), and some folders can't be accessed at all.

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Hardware :: Ubuntu 9.10 Does Not Start After Kernel Selection From Grub Menu?

Jun 27, 2010

installed Python 2.4 and then removed already present Python 2.6. After restart, when i selected the working kernel, that white ubuntu symbol splashed and screen went black with two small lines at the top.. it doesnt go beyond that. Please help me. I tried selecting other kernels. It did not work. I used "nomodeset" by editing the the kernel at the grub..

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Ubuntu :: Make A Script That Will Skip The Screen Saver Stage And Just Shut The Monitor Off?

Jul 23, 2010

I am trying to make a script that will skip the screen saver stage and just shut the monitor off (and not come on till the computer is touched)

gnome-screensaver-command --lock
xset dpms force off
gnome-screensaver-command --inhibit

that appears to work but i want it to exit after the computer is touched again

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Software :: Selection Buffer Sending Text Before Completing Selection?

Jun 18, 2010

How can I change the behavior of the selection buffer or a program that uses it ( I have xclip) to not send me text until the mouse button is released while clicking and dragging? This causes havok in the software I'm developing that tries to make use of the selection buffer. I need the full selection, not bits more bits more bits and then the full selection.EDIT: I cannot listen for mouse events such as button release outside of the GUI of my program.

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Ubuntu :: Theme Selection Pops Up On Login Screen?

Feb 13, 2011

version 10.04.copy and pasted something into terminal and now the theme selection menu always pops up at the login screen, how do i get rid of that?

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Debian Hardware :: USB Keyboard Not Working (No BIOS Or Grub Menu Selection)

Sep 15, 2014

I have Debian Jessie 8.0 amd-64 installed. It is a dual boot system with Widnows 8.1 alongside. Both the systems work fine with a few glitches coming at times on jessie. But I assume it should get stabilised with time.

Problem is:

The usb keyboard is no longer detected until the GRUB stage crosses.

* This implies I am unable to press F2 to enter into BIOS
* I am unable to chose Windows 8.1 by using arrow key on the keyboard.

When the default system (first in the grub list), in this case Debian is selected after time runs out then the keyboard comes back to life and works properly thereafter.

So far I have tried the possible solution given at [URL] .... but it did not work.

Some Information

$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:Debian
Description:Debian GNU/Linux testing (jessie)

$ uname -r

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Debian Installation :: Black Screen After Grub Loading Screen?

Feb 22, 2011

another post about this. I just don't know how to handle this, as I'm pretty nsee the grub loading menu, but screen just freezes after, no way I can reboot, or open a console. In recovery mode I can log as root in console, though.I run Debian 6, 64 bits. I have an intel q6600 and a nvidia geforce 9800GX2.

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Fedora :: Control Panel Which Applies And The Splash Screen Is Devoid Of A Selection?

Apr 3, 2011

I'm moving from Ubuntu to Fedora 13 and note,to my delight, that ICEWM is an option. I much prefer that, or Joe's WM to the biggies like Gnome or KDE.the problem is how do I select ICEWM? I feel sorta stupid here. I see nothing on the menus or the control panel which applies and the splash screen is devoid of a selection. That leaves the command line. Have I missed something?Is there no GUI to do this with? How do I change to ICEWM?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Skip Windows Loader Using GRUB2?

May 22, 2010

I would like to have some entries in GRUB2 so that I can directly boot Windows XP and Seven without having to load the Windows bootloader (so I would like to avoid one step, now is:load GRUB2 --> then Windows loader --> then Windows boots. I would like it to be: load GRUB2 --> then Windows boots). s this possible?This is what I have now in my grub.cfg

cat << EOF
menuentry "Windows Operating Systems (XP & Seven)" {


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Debian Installation :: Skip Undetected Hardware During Installation

Oct 31, 2010

I'm new here especially in Debian . A couple days ago i was try to install stable release of debian lenny. But it's unsuccessful because my network adapter isn't detected or debian can't find a correct driver for it.Is there any way to skip that kind of stuff? It's mean that because i'm not using the network adapter either ( I'm using broadband connection USB ). And the CD 1 is contained gnome already right?

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OpenSUSE :: How To Skip Auto-refresh After Installation

Sep 24, 2010

When i install openSUSE 11.3, reboot the system, and then yast stay in automatic configuration. It take a long time to download some packages, and it seems that it has no response already. How would i skip this step?

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 - How To Skip Bootloader Installation

Aug 3, 2010

I just upgraded two 11.2 installations. One I easily managed from the dvd the other I had to install anew as the cd didn't offer the possibility of upgrading. While I appreciated the many improvements in desktop stability I found I am non very satisfied of the installer.

It became minimal and just does what IT wants and not what I want anymore. I miss the possibility of choosing desktops, programmes and settings during installation. Most of all I miss the possibility of choosing the bootloader and its location. I have a multi boot multi disk machine and I prefer to modify entries by hand so i never install the loader but add the new entry in the grub but this was not possible and it made just a mess erasing completely all other entries....

Booting has always been a great problem for one of my machines and I'm not going to upgrade it if thisi is the result. Is there a way of going back to the old options (no loader?) Why are the new installer always "easier" but less flexible for a user who's not geek but not even a newbie? Why does it have always to be more "Windows like"

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General :: Edit Grub Menu From Initial Grub Screen - Possible To It's Own 'e' Option Or 'c' From Grub Command Line?

Nov 20, 2010

my Setup is Fedora 14 x64 + radeon hd 4830 i've downloaded .run package from ati site with latest driver for x64 systems. installed it, but didn't edited grub.conf becouse i didn't understood anything there (probably didn't spent enough time to get things understand) Now i've lost possibility to enter my Fedora system. during boot it lost it's modern blue boot screen (with filling drop), it was replaced by standard old boot screen with triple-color stripe. after this boot screen monitor start blinking going on and off. and on last step i'm getting "Fedora 14 boot bla bla bla something" on screen. nothing works except Ctrl+Alt+Delete. system reboots showing successful daemons shutting sequence. How can i edit grub menu from initial grub screen is it possible to it's own 'e' option or 'c' from grub command line?

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Screen After The GRUB?

Sep 9, 2010

today I used team viewer to access his computer to modify grub, the only modification I made was to change the timeout to "-1" so that the grub screen would show, ( he was having kernel issues )Anyway he rebooted after a few updates and now after choosing the kernel, (theres only one to choose from plus its recovery mode) he gets a green screen and then his monitor goes into power saving mode cause it doesn't detect an output. I've tried the whole, press 'e' and edit the quiet splash to say i.915mode=1/0 the xforcevesa and the nom one nothing changes He's running an old Time machine which we dont have the right specs for, all I know is that he has 512 Ram.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Skip Specific Upgrade In Synaptic Package Manager?

Dec 19, 2010

All of a sudden when I ran an update with the usual
sudo apt-get upgrade
I got an input / output error for a specific file followed by an exit with dpkg returning error code 1.

In this case the package (ubuntu-docs) is not exactly life threatening, so I would prefer any update process to simply skip that particular package and move onto the ones that are getting held up. I then opened Synaptic Package Manager where I located the erroneous package. I then unmarked the particular package (ie the blob in front of the package name was green, and the status line shows zeroes for all categories (broken, upgrade/install, remove). So far so good. I then found the 'lock version' menu item under the packages menu. I clicked it, and ran the reload thing. After that thought the package was marked for deletion however, and I once again couldn't get by this one bad package.

So (tl/dr perhaps), how can I make Synaptic / apt-get / or whatever to skip this bad package for real so that I can update my system normally going forward? (Why is it that the whole upgrade process is that fragile by the way? Surely there must the the occasional dud package upgrade that people want to skip, no? Having the whole process grind to a halt because of one issue seems border line paranoid to me. Of course on a minimal server installation where every package counts this behavior makes sense perhaps, but on a IMHO bloated plain vanilla ubuntu install?

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