Ubuntu Installation :: Setting Up Windows Shares - Samba Not Available

Jan 5, 2010

Fairly new to Karmic - wanting to setup some Windows Shares on an external Hard drive. I understand that I need to install Samba to do this but when I try to install it I get the following message:-

pat@CCBC-13112:~$ sudo apt-get install samba
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Package samba is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source
However the following packages replace it:
samba-common-bin smbclient samba-common
E: Package samba has no installation candidate

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Server :: Samba - Setting Up Shares For Windows Machine On CentOS?

May 10, 2010

Can anyone point me in the direction of setting up shares for windows machines on centos. I have found a few document but never managed to get it up and running correctly. I need to be able to get access to subfolder etc for different users. Is there any way of doing it with some sort of gui?

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Debian :: Setting Up Search And Mount Local Samba Shares?

Aug 1, 2010

I do know how to set up the traditional Window shares by modifying fstab and mkdir /mnt/share. What I was wondering in this day of laptops, if there was a script that could find and mount Window shares that were hooked into your local network, but only on a temporary bases. Something like what you would do mount a usb connection, such as a camera that you had the drivers for. I do know that networks are more complex, was just interested if something like that was developed yet. Just to let you know that my scripting skills are zero, and my ability to do so less.

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CentOS 5 :: Windows XP And Windows 7 Cannot Access SAMBA Shares?

Jan 27, 2011

I have setup CentOS 5.5 with SAMBA 3, configured all my Unix users, Samba users and shares. My server hostname is REL3

[root@REL3 ~]# smbclient -L REL3
Domain=[WORKGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.33-3.29.el5_5.1]


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Ubuntu Networking :: Using Samba Shares On Windows Vista

Feb 27, 2010

I setup shares on a fresh install of Ubuntu 9.10 via the shared folders application from here: [URL]. The shares are visible on my vista laptop but when I go to open them I get an error "you might not have permission to use this network resource". I set the smbpswd to nothing via the method in the above article as well and my /etc/samba/smd.conf has the follow lines:

path = /media/Secondary Storage
available = yes
browsable = yes
public = yes
writable = no

path = /media/New Volume
available = yes
browsable = yes
public = yes
writable = no

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Ubuntu :: Samba Sees But Does Not Conect To Windows Shares

Apr 5, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 9.1 and want to connect to my other computer (win 7) on my home network. I installed Samba...and it sees the 'windows network'...then it sees the pc I want to connect to, but when I try to dbl click on its name, I get 'unable to mount location, failed to retrieve share list from server'. There are at least 8 publicly shared folders on that PC that other Windows pc's can connect to without problem.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Windows 7 Not Reconnecting To Samba Shares?

Jul 9, 2010

Been trying to deal with this one for some time, and still not sure it's more or an issue on the Samba or Win 7 side.

Running Ubuntu 10.04 with Samba 3.4.7, using Windows clients from 2000 on up to access shares.

2000 and XP have no trouble both connecting initially to shares, but upon reboot the shares are disconnected and do not automatically reconnect unless one of them is double-clicked on. Passwords and mappings are saved such that Windows tries to reconnect upon restart. When manually reconnected in this way, shares remain open as they should. This isn't a big issue, but it would be preferable to have these shares reconnect so that links and shortcuts across the LAN work right from bootup.

The bigger issue is with Vista/Windows 7 - When shares are set up with appropriate passwords and such on the clients, they work as expected, until the client is rebooted. After signing into windows 2 things are observable:

- Black screen for 2-5 minutes before desktop appears

- error message appears when you try to double-click on a mapped share (even with a saved password) that the connection cannot be restored.

If you go into credentials manager and delete the saved password for the share(s) on the samba server, you are prompted for the password when you try to open any of the shares - reenter it and you're then fine until the next reboot.

There must be some issue with the persistence of the saved password, but not sure if this a Windows-side issue or not. Read some other info on this, and had to make the following changes earlier to even get Win 7 clients to connect to samba at all:


It appears that when Win 7 starts up, it simply can't connect using the saved password, and the desktop doesn't come up until the reconnecting action(s) time out (if you disconnect your win 7 machine from the network the delay is not present).

It's not a game-breaker, but really annoying when rebooting having the delay and reentering the network share password(s).

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Server :: Cant Access Samba Shares In Ubuntu 10.04 From Windows

Jul 7, 2010

So I setup the newest Ubuntu on my old desktop on a 30g HD and have 2 200G HDs with a ntfs file system on those two. I got SSH and FTP configured, then went on to setup Samba.I have it (seemingly) set up well. /dev/sb1 gets mounted on /data1 /dev/sc1 gets mounted on /data2.I want anyone connected to my router to be able to see this machine and be able to read and write to both shares.

I configured WINS on my laptop to point to the linux box. and i've seen the pc in question (TECH-PC) in "My Network Places" on both of our laptops.Long story short, I try to connect to my network share and it says i don't have permission and i need to contact my network admin. This computer is the only one with Linux installed, the rest are windows-OS.Let me know if you need more info, pretty stumped here, have searched, read, scrapped my install and started from scratch, maybe i need to sleep on it

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General :: Cannot Log In To Samba Shares On Windows From Different Domain

Sep 2, 2011

I'm trying to connect to a Samba share on a VirtualBox'ed Windows 7 that is connected to an openSUSE host in bridged mode. For reasons beyond my comprehension I cannot use the shared folders feature, so I'm using Samba instead. I configured a share through openSUSE's Samba server configuration tool:

inherit acls = Yes
path = /home/myusername/iTunes
read only = No
valid users = myusername

I also set a password for this user using smbpasswd -a myusername. I can go to smb:// on the host machine and log in to the share successfully, but on Windows 7 I see this: What am I doing wrong? I can connect to the shares list without any problems. It's just the login that doesn't work.

Update: I noticed that my Samba server is part of the WORKGROUP domain.

Domain=[WORKGROUP] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.5.7-1.17.1-2505-SUSE-SL11.4-x86_64]
Sharename Type


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Networking :: Samba Server And Windows Shares

Jan 25, 2010

I have a problem with 'Samba' shares on Ubuntu 8.04. Bringing shared folders over from Windows (on another computer) is not a problem...until I try same process with a Windows backup folder holding .tib data from an 'Acronis' backup.The files appear in Ubuntu Network, everything looks o.k., Ubuntu just won't copy the data to another folder. Other shares work without a problem, its only with these ':.tib' data.

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Server :: Samba Not Seeing Windows 7 Shares / What To Show?

Jun 28, 2010

As the subjects states, I cannot see my windows 7 shares from any of my *nix computers. I tend to over complicate things and I may do so here, but I want to try and be as thorough as possible in explaining the situation. I'll state w/ the basic layout of my lan code...

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Server :: Windows 7 Acting Up With Samba Shares

Aug 23, 2010

We have a samba server with a couple of shares defined as follows:

comment = Storage
browseable = yes
path = /home/samba
writable = yes

comment = Backup
browseable = yes
path = /mnt/hd2/home/samba
writable = no

comment = Administration
path = /home/adm
valid users = adm
public = no
writeable = yes
browseable = no

We have two samba users: samba and adm. The first is used to connect to Storage and Backup shares, and adm is used to connect to Administration share. There are two problems:

1) If Storage and Backup shares are connected to a Win7 box, the Administration share cannot be connected. All we get is an error saying that that share is already connected with different username.
2) We have managed to work around this by connecting the Administration share with the IP-address of the server instead of it's name(?!). The problem then becomes that sometimes connecting Administration share this way makes Storage share read-only. Not always though.

Wrong "security" type in smb.conf (was "user", needs to be "share"). For some reason the Storage share still occasionally gets connected read-only. Win7 also tends to forget the passwords/usernames for some shares upon reboot (not all of them, though).

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Ubuntu Servers :: Couple Of Samba Shares Not Accessible From Windows?

Jan 28, 2011

I am running Ubuntu 10.10 and have 5 shares that I have setup for Samba (assume names of share1, ..., share5). I find that shares(2,3,4) are accessible from my MS Windows system, but the share1 and share5 are listed but Windows gives an error accessing them that I may not have permissions.I have reviewed the sharesve the same owner, group, and permissions.Is this a known Samba bug or configuration issue? I have gone through the smb.conf file multiple times as well as examining the directories and do not see what the issue might be.

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Fedora :: Samba Shares Not Appearing In Some Nautilus Windows

Nov 23, 2010

I am in the process of migrating my small workplace to a basic spin i've created of f14. Everything is suave but some file browser windows eg: file upload in gmail, hotmail etc, does not show my samba shortcuts i've created nor even the option to browse the network in the "places" section. It shows other locally created shortcuts but no samba ones. Just to test it, even creating an ftp:// shoftcut yeilds no dice. I had a quick search through the forums and I couldn't find anything. I have a feeling this has an easy solution that my inferior brain cannot comprehend! Loving F14 on my macbook pro and so are my employees in my office! Feels much less bloated than Ubuntu IMHO.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Does Not Finds Shares - Samba - Windows Ok

Oct 14, 2010

I can't for the life of me figure out why I cannot browse my own shares from my linux boxes. both run OpenSuSE 11.3 I follow swerdna's tutorials and reboot several times but don't have a clue as to whats going on to prevent me from viewing localhost shares or 2nd linux box shares. I get 'unable to mount location, Failed to retrieve share list from server' error when I click on my workgroup icon in nautilus.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Shares Used In Windows DFS Not Accessible To Remote Users

Feb 7, 2010

We have an existing Windows 2000 network that I am trying to add an Ubuntu 8.04 server to. I have put links into the windows domain DFS to the linux machine's samba shares.

The shares work fine for local users that are physically on the same network (192.168.0.X). Remote users from other offices or dialing in with a vpn client can not access the these particular folders off the DFS. However, they can map them directly from the ubuntu server.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Windows Browsing To Samba 3.4 Shares Freezes Randomly

Oct 8, 2010

I have an Ubuntu Server 9.10 box running Samba 3.4.0. It has 4 shares, one of which is a CIFS connection to an XP machine, another of which is a password protected share. All the shares work fine and well. However, lately the client has called to say that "everything's hanging and freezing" when they browse the shares via Windows Explorer (approximately 30+ PCs on network, variety of XP, Vista and 7 OSes).

Not all users always experience the problem, and I remote in to test when I hear this via an XP machine, and today for the fist time I also experienced this problem - browsing literally sticks and hangs. No entries in PC's eventviewer. They are running on Netgear switches, all the same age, a couple of months old. A simple reboot and and everything's fine again for an indeterminable time, then I get another phonecall and an unhappy client on the end!

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Fedora Servers :: Samba Shares And Windows Vista - Cannot Authenticate

May 22, 2009

I had an older fedora box (I think it was Core 3) that acted as my file server in my small network (4). It worked fine when I had all XP clients connecting to it. Recently we decided to get all new computers. So now I have a fedora 10 box acting as my file/print server and all Vista Home premium computers as the clients. For the life of me I can not get samba to work. When I try to map the network drives on windows it will not let me authenticate. I install swat and try it that way, still no luck. Here is a copy of my smb.conf file:

# Samba config file created using SWAT
# from UNKNOWN
# Date: 2009/05/19 21:47:31

workgroup = AIVILANET
server string = Bighat Samba Server
interfaces = eth0
null passwords = Yes
smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
passdb backend = tdbsam
username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
syslog only = Yes
announce version = 5.0
name resolve order = hosts wins bcast
printcap name = CUPS
wins support = Yes

comment = HP LaserJet 1200
path = /var/spool/samba
read only = No
printable = Yes
printer name = HP-LaserJet-1200
oplocks = No
share modes = No

comment = All Printers
path = /var/spool/samba
printable = Yes
browseable = No

path = /home/savona/
username = savona
valid users = @Users
admin users = savona
write list = savona
force user = savona
force group = savona
read only = No
hosts allow =

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OpenSUSE Network :: SAMBA: Can Mount Windows Shares But They Are Read-only

Apr 1, 2010

I am using the mount command to mount Windows shared folders are another machine on my LAN, to have them show up in the Linux filesystem. The command mounts the folders just fine, however the access is read-only.

In the command, I am also using the -o option to specify a username and password that should have full access. Also, I have used this identical command on my other distros and it seems to work fine. I've Googled high and low, trying to find a way to specify a Samba user/password for authentication. I know one of the other distros had a program that I could specify a Samba user/password to simulate a Windows login.

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General :: How To Mount SAMBA Shares With Windows 95 4.0 Running With QEMU?

Feb 12, 2011

I am encountering this difficulty. I have no networking onto windows 95 4.0 which in on the linux ubuntu machine. Windows 95 4.0 has no networking..

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Networking :: Samba Client Accessing Windows Shares On Secondary Subnet

Sep 13, 2009

I have a machine acting as a gateway for a private network. While it can ping hosts on that private network, I can't use samba (smbclient or smbmount) to access shares on hosts on the private network from that machine. Other machines on the private network can access shares on other machines - just not the gateway server.

Here's how the gateway is configured:

When I try to connect to ports 139 or 445 (via smbclient or smbmount) the mount() system call times out. As I mentioned above, I can ping those hosts, so UDP packets work but TCP packets seem to get blocked or lost.

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General :: Administration - Managing SAMBA Shares And Giving User Specific Access For The Shares

Jul 28, 2010

I am working as a Linux administrator in a very small data centre with 5 servers with following routine tasks.

1. Managing SAMBA shares and giving user specific access for the shares.
2. Scheduling backup of some mount points with rsycn to store data in remote hard disk
3. User and group administration, with sudo access.
4. Creating and Managing Xen Virtual machines and giving access to other project teams.
5. Automating some tasks with Shell Scripting.
6. Managing FTP server for user uploads.

I have practiced a lot in my home laptop without RHEL training, Cleared RHCE and LPIC1. I want to do some advanced system admin tasks, but do not have option in my current data centre. With Above skills is it possible to get a job ?

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Software :: When Copy Files Between Two Samba Shares From Windows Machine \ Copies The File Through PC To The New Destination?

Apr 17, 2011

I recently replaced my windows fileserver with one running Ubuntu. One thing I've noticed (which is a annoying) is that when I copy files between two samba shares from my windows machine, it copies the file through my PC to the new destination. On windows shares it just did some sort of local copy (ie it took about 2 seconds) rather than 3-4 minutes. Is this the normal behaviour, is there any way around it on Linux

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Ubuntu Servers :: Can't Connect To Samba Shares With Windows 7 Or Ubuntu

Jul 18, 2011

I'm trying to use Windows 7 to connect to a Samba server (running Ubuntu 11.04).

Server is named Mars. Below is my Samba configuration file. I can ping the server, and connect to it via RDP and ssh, so i know its not a network connectivity issue. What else could it be?

log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
server string = %h server (Samba, Ubuntu)
winbind enum users = no
force group = nobody


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Ubuntu Networking :: Setting Up Samba For Windows 7 WITH User-login?

Oct 25, 2010

I am currently attempting to setup Samba 3 (installed) for a basic home-network file-sharing server via Ubuntu 10.04. It seems like (based on my extensive googling and research) nobody wants or has a configuration like I do, but surely SOMEBODY knows how to do this.

The following is my goal for a basic setup.

Folder 1 (share is called "Read-Write"):

-Users from Windows 7 can see, read, write, execute, create, or delete any files and folders in Folder 1 as they so desire.

-Users can accomplish all of this from as "guest."

Folder 2 (share is called "Read-Only"):

-I can log in as my user to see, read, write, execute, create, or delete any files and folders in Folder 2 as I so desire.

-People other than me can log in as "guest."

-"Guest" users from Windows 7 can see, read, and execute programs as desired.

Things I have accomplished:

-Directories exist

-Directories are browseable via Windows 7

-My user has a password for Samba (assigned via "sudo smbpasswd -a matthew)

Things I have not yet been able to accomplish:

-Configure Folder 2 so that Samba asks for login credentials when someone tries to access it SO THAT I an use my Samba user to log in.

-Configure Folder 2 so that, when I log in as my Samba user, I can see, read, write, execute, create, or delete any files and folders in Folder 1 as I so desire.

-Configure Folder 2 so that Windows 7 users can easily access it as guest to browse, read, and execute files and folders in it.

-Configure Folder 1 so that any Windows 7 user can easily access it as guest to see, read, write, execute, create, or delete any files and folders in Folder 1 as they so desire.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up Samba File Server For Windows?

Mar 14, 2011

I can't seem to connect to it when using windows 7. Both are in the same workgroup (W0RKGR0UP) and I have set DHCP address for the ubuntu box. Is there any other thing that I would still need to edit ? My router address is and the fixed ip for ubuntu box is

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Server :: File Server For Windows - Mount More Than One Samba Shares As Network Disk

Jun 17, 2011

I want to setup a Linux File Server for a small windows network (around 50 users). I do know that I am gona need Smb service/pkg for that. I haven't used Samba for a while now and as per the best of my knowledge, entire communication (including usernames and passwords) between a samba server & windows client machines will be plain text. Is there any way to secure all this communication??

Secondly, if i remember correctly, MS windows wont let me mount more than one samba shares as network disk when all my shares can be accessed by different smb users with different passwords?? is there a solution to this problem? OR may be if there is any other package available for this purpose so that i wont have to use samba?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up A Windows File Server W/ Samba On Fedora 11?

Mar 29, 2011

I'm trying to load a HP Proliant w/ Fedora 11 and setting up as a WFS using Samba. However, I'm a bit confused on how to do it. Right now I have 2 36.4GB drives in RAID 1+0 and 4 146.8GB drives in a RAID 5 config. I wanna use the smaller drive for the OS and the bigger drive for the storage. I've managed to load the OS fine, the problem is I can't figure out how to mount the 4 146.8GB drives as a single logical volume and set Samba to use it. Right now all the RAIDs are setup using the built-in Compaq Smart Array utility (or whatever it's called) that's built into the SCSI hardware or BIOS.

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Fedora Servers :: Disable Samba Security To Avoid "Access Denied" Errors When Shares It Via Windows XP?

Aug 25, 2009

Does anybody know if there is a quick and easy way to simply disable samba security to avoid "Access Denied" errors when trying to access shares via Windows XP?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Setting Up 11.3 To Access Printers On Windows Server 2003 Via Samba?

Sep 7, 2010

I'm trying to set my openSUSE desktop up to use the printers on my office network via Samba. I managed to get it working in 11.2 but 11.3 is giving me some trouble.I am able to access the printers and use them but I have to enter my network credentials each time I print. In 11.2 I was able to "save" my username/password and was not required to do this. Are there any Samba packages I need to add in addition to the basic ones? There seems to be a lack of documentation on this particular subject, most is concerning Windows clients printing on Linux print servers.

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