Ubuntu Installation :: Nvidia - Lose The Graphic Configurations
Sep 3, 2010
I have installed latest Nvidia driver from the official website i had no problem installing it ( i stopped gdm installed the driver and then restarted gdm ) but the problem is that each time i reboot my ubuntu 10.04 i lose the graphic configurations and i have just to reinstall the Nvidia Driver to make 3d acceleration enabled how can i solve this by installing the driver once and for all
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Jan 8, 2010
I'm a newbie to ubuntu and I only used ubuntu less than a month, and I really like it. I would like very much to upgrade my ubuntu jaunty to ubuntu karmic but I have several concerns. If I choose to upgrade via update manager: 1. Will I lose my compilers and configurations? For example, some of my programs in current ubuntu are using gcc 4.3 and g++-4.3. I know that Karmic uses higher version of gcc and g++ and I have installed these programs in higher version of gcc and g++ and I got some problems. I would very much like to stay with my current compilers and configurations. I mean, do have to install all these previous version of compilers when I upgrade to Karmic? 2. What about my data in my home folder? Will it be erased? 3. What about my data in programs such as firefox? Will it too be erased? 4. What will happen to all third party software if I upgraded to Karmic?
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Jan 7, 2011
I am new to Suse Linux. So please excuse me for this "funny" query. have read the threads: Configuring graphics cards in openSUSE 11.3
From here I went to this page: SDB:Configuring graphics cards - openSUSE Its mentioned on this page that: Upon installing openSUSE, the X system's automatic configuration may have failed to properly configure the graphics correctly. Typically this results in either a black screen upon reboot, or the wrong resolution being displayed on the monitor.
I have none of these problems. But after searching for inability of desktop effects to become activated, I found that nVIDIA graphic card drivers are must for these effects. After clicking "My computer" icon on desktop, I found Display Info as following:
Vendor: nVidia Corporation
Model: G98 [GeForce 8400 GS]
2D driver: nouveau
3D driver: nouveau Gallium (7.8.2)
Can anyone tell me 'Is nouveau an alternative for nVIDIA'? Is this the reason for no wrong resolution or black screen upon boot. That means my computer graphics are working correctly. Then why does Desktop Effects are not getting enabled.
After searching for Kaffeine media player extra codecs to play media files, I incidentally found the following options: I opened Yast Control Center @ linux-o26a Software> Add on Products > installed Add-On Products > Community Repositories > clicking Next, this opened a window with "List of Online repositories" where there is an option of "NVIDIA Repository". If I install it, will it enable the "Desktop effects"
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Jan 6, 2010
i'm going to change my old Nvidia Graphic card wich runs very well in Ubuntu by an ATI HD Radeon 4770.Will Ubuntu recognize it when i plug it and start the computer, will Ubuntu reconfigure by itself?... or i'm going to have problems like not to be able to start the X server and only be able to enter to the console.Need i to remove the nvidia graphics driver before to plug in the new card?I have downloaded a program called Envy, which is supposed to reconfigure ubuntu properly... it's ok?Finllay, can i backup the curent configuration so that if the new card is not well installed i can return to the old without problems?
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Jul 21, 2011
My install of 11.4 (& 12.1) won't load unless I add the X11failsafe option to the loading of 11.4 (& 12.1) in the Grub menu.lst file. They bomb out after resetting the video when booting. I don't need to do this with my 11.3 install. Upon closer inspection 11.3 is using the nouveau nVidia driver, whereas both 11.4 & 12.1 are using the fbdev nVidia driver. My Hardware is a GEForce 6150SE and a Samsung SyncMaster 933SN. I have a couple of questions
1) What do I lose by adding the X11failsafe option in Menu.lst?
2) Can I, should I, replace the fbdev driver with something else. If yes, What? Nouveau?
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Mar 30, 2010
So I finally got ubuntu..I wanted to play team fortress 2.Runs great in wine etc.But 1 problem.It keeps saying my graphic card is outdated.I cant see anything.So I downloaded the driver from nvidia website.Followed some instructions.But it says cannot open binary file or something.Is there any other way to update graphic drivers.Cause I realy still want to play some windows games.Mount&blade, Atlantica online,team fortress 2 etc
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Nov 8, 2010
i justy got me a dedi box and there is no graphic driver installed on it, or it dont work :/ VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. VT8375 [ProSavage8 KM266/KL266] but wen i try installing enemy territory it comes back with error on graphic card
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Apr 8, 2009
In Fedora 10, I cannot get to the installer because it shows these messed up strips graphics (its not due to my graphic card, my graphic card is supported 7600gt) in non-quiet install it shows logical errors and i/o errors.
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Apr 2, 2011
I'm still using Firefox 4 beta11, how to upgrade to ff 4 final? I'm using openSUSE 11.3 (tried to install 11.4 but live-cd won't run on my nvidia graphic)
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Nov 8, 2010
i have this error message after configuring nvidia graphic driver. there is one line that says FAILED, i pray somebody to explain to me what it means and solution.
Welcome to Fedora
Starting udev: [ OK ]
Setting hostname mikel: [ OK ]
Setting up Logical Volume Management: No volume groups found
[ OK ]
Checking filesystems
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Feb 1, 2010
I tried to install the NVIDIA graphic card drivers on my laptop XPS 1340, running with opensuse 11.2. There are two graphic cards, the integrated one and the NVIDIA one. I installed the drivers correctly by doing
wget ftp://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Li...90.36-pkg2.run
su -c 'sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-190.36-pkg2.run -q'
but when trying to configure the x-server
su -c 'sax2 -r -m0=nvidia'
I got the following error message in the /var/log/SaX.log NVIDIA: could not open the device file /dev/nvidia0 (Input/output error).
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Mar 17, 2011
I am finding a lot of issues with flash in 11.4 release. As I know it is flash issue, because some people after updating flash on 11.3 got the same problem.
Flash seams to be crashing or/and slowing down web browser. After trying to figure out where is the problem, i found that:
1) removing SLI helped a little bit
2) updating to beta (270) nvidia drivers helped a little bit (moving window with flash animation from one screen to another one that is connected to different graphic card does not crash the browser anymore)
But still the problem exists.
For example, sometimes when i minimize the window with flash animation and i open new window (e.g. with spreadsheet) and move it on the same place where was previous window with flash, I can see this flash animation as a background of the new window....
Also, when i am moving the window with flash around, the flash disappears or gets gray.
Sometimes, ..... does not load the movie, but if i open the movie in VM windows, it works fine. After reloading Xwindows it works for a while also in opensuse.
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Jul 20, 2010
Using a nvidia graphic card with multi monitor with two monitors. Can I have one with xbmc and other with normal KDE (firefox, xchat, ...).
Can I do this in linux (Slackware)?
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Aug 16, 2009
i have a problem with my graphic card when i put in my PC and start on my PC, i have panic kernel i give you the message
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Jan 8, 2011
I recently changed my Graphic card drivers from Nouveau to nVIDIA in Suse 11.3 KDE.
One thing I have noticed that initially I had been using various Adobe Fonts in many applications prior to change of drivers. But after this change the looks of the same fonts became quite different, the length & breadth of "individual letters" changed quite a lot making them look not so beautiful as they were earlier. Am I missing something or is it a normal phenomenon. But I am satisfied with the present looks.
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Oct 6, 2009
My graphic output is not that nice. How do I find out what kind of driver Centos is using? Can I fine-tune its performance? I tried to install the driver(NVIDIA-Linux-x86-185.18.36-pkg1) from NVIDIA website but it failed. I got the following log file.
nvidia-installer log file '/var/log/nvidia-installer.log'
creation time: Tue Oct 6 15:33:24 2009
installer version: 1.0.7[code]....
ERROR: You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before installing.For further details, please see the section INSTALLING THE NVIDIA DRIVER in the README available on the Linux driver download page at[url]...
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Jul 26, 2010
I am an Apple user who ended up buying a netbook with XP installed on it. I got the Acer Aspire One zg5 refurb, because it was super cheap. Problem is, I noticed I hate the Windows experience and I would like to have something similar to Mac in this computer, and I've had some casual experience with linux before (through a live CD that a friend gave me). However, I need to keep the XP running on this thing because I need it for work. The main use that I have this netbook for is to take up notes, do some light music/video editing (for which I have to admit XP has been strangely okayish), listen to music, browse the web, among other things. I would like to install Linux in this because it offers great tools for these functions, and I need to have those on the run. So I thought I would try to double-boot this computer with XP and Ubuntu, but I am sort of a beginner on this aspect.
My questions are what follows: If I use the GParted that comes with the Ubuntu 10.04 installation disk, will I lose the data that I have already stored on this PC? If my computer isn't able to give the needed resolution to run Ubuntu, would it still run OK in the netbook? Will my computer run OK if I make it double-boot? Would it be too much of a hassle for its Atom processor to do this? I would like to install some of the apps that come with the Ubuntu Studio version if I can make the system double-boot. Is this possible? Can I customize the desktop version of ubuntu to give me some ot
her color for the taskbar instead of the blackish gray that is set by default?
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Feb 15, 2010
I just got installed ubuntu karmic koala 9.10 on my laptop and fiddle too much with the system configuration files. Now I notice that most of my permissions are not working in my login. How do I restore my Ubuntu setting, which are as good as freshly installed OS and also Not disturb any of my currently installed application on the system ??Note: I repeat "I really dont want to disturb my of my currently installed applications on my ubuntu and yet want to restore my system to freshly installed OS settings. All the applications that I have installed is a whopping 3 days of googling and hardwork in getting them working "Some of the freaky things happening in my system:
1. I am not able to see Battery notification and Network notification y workaround: execute "sudo /usr/bin/gnome-power-management" and "sudo /usr/bin/nm-applet". I am not able to lock my screen3. I am not able to access my windows drive. Which otherwise when worked normally used to prompt me to enter my password, post authentication I was able to access my drive
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Mar 10, 2010
I need to install Ubuntu inside of Windows XP, but the installer ask me to enter an (installation size) that should vary between 3 to 30GBs. I have an internal hard disk of 60GBs with 30GBs free. My question is if I allocated 30GBs for Ubuntu, would I be able to use this space in both Windows and Ubuntu? The only reason that I'm using the Wubi method is because I don't wand to lose space from portioning the hard drive.
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May 30, 2010
if this is covered elsewhere. Could not find it (could be being blind) If I upgrade fro 9.10 to 10.04 LTS will I lose
1. My Gnome panel settings
2. My compiz fusion settings
3. Will EnvyNG still be able to manage m,y Nvidia drivers OK?
I realize there is always a risk with an upgrade but I was just wondering what you all thought the chances were that I may lose these settings.
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Dec 16, 2010
how can i install pfsense to red hat 5 i have tried and it asked to install other files(dependencies).i searched about it & i find that it can be done thrugh yum installer easily. how can i do that.
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Sep 1, 2011
so i've just installed Burg loader in a PC which dual-booted Windows 7 and Ubuntu 11.04 with no problem using grub2 in the past. But after i installed burg it just boots up straight into the Windows OS and Ubuntu is nowhere to be found. Is there a way to restore grub2 preferably without having to lose any files?
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Aug 12, 2014
I am using mini.iso to install Jessie from network and I need lose setup command that is required by cryptsetup for mounting the detached header of an encrypted volume. Is there a way to get losetup from network during installation? For example by means of anna-install? Does any package from udeb.list contain losetup?
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Jun 20, 2010
Where are Driver & Machine Confirgurations Saved Ccomputer?
I just started using Ubuntu over the last several months and almost have it setup the way I need and want. I understand that a new version comes out every 6months or so and plan on upgrading when it comes out. I would like to be able to reformat and install the latest version, but retain all of my preferences, programs, device drivers, etc. so that it's all ready for the new version of Ubuntu. Up to date, I have spent so much time changing setting, finding drivers that fit and installing them that I don't want to start over with this.
How can I do this? I have made a seperate partition for /home. Will this help or is this folder only for to save my personal files?
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Oct 28, 2010
I have an ubuntu PC with 512 MB ram and an 3d graphic card that can normally support Guild Wars on windows xp. I installed the game with Wine an the game opens, I can see my character menu but the problem is none of the 3D graphic parts works, I just see a black screen.I even installed directX.
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Jun 8, 2011
Whenever I login or restart the computer, my resolution gets reset. I think it may have to do with my setup being connected to a 18.5" HDTV. Is there a way to set custom resolutions in the OS, so that Nvidia and OpenSUSE can recognize them?
03:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: nVidia Corporation ION LE VGA [10de:087e] (rev b1)
Subsystem: Acer Incorporated [ALI] Device [1025:0222]
Kernel driver in use: nvidia
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Feb 14, 2011
I installed ubuntu but when I first tried to login with my correct passwords it goes in a loop and prompt me to log in again. I went to recovery mode and selected safe mode then I was able to log in without any further prompts. As a result of what happened, I unlocked the login screen and changed the setup to allow me to log in automatically and in safe mode only. I am now stuck to login in safe mode only. I tried to unlock the login screen to change to default but no chance. If there is no graphic card in the PC would that have an effect on memory or login?
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Jan 22, 2010
I have recently installed 9.10 on my pc. All seems ok except there is a lot of noise coming from the tower now. It sounds like one of those old dial up modems that computers used to have. It starts right after the ubuntu starts. On the first install I had vertical lines on the screen that would become more broken the busier th computer was.So I installed again selecting to use lower graphics mode before installation. The lines have gone but I can't use avant window navigator as I get an error message saying the screen hasn't been composited. It invites me to use compiz to do this but a really can't see how.Also it won't let me select visual effects in appearance preferences. The most annoying thing is the noise like an old modem is constantly trying to connect to the web.
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May 1, 2010
I'm having problems installing 10.04 on a IBM Thinkpad R51. It boots fine, loads the graphics... saying "UBUNTU", and below are some dots red/white moving... then it all goes BLANK... silent.. nothing happens (probably waiting for user imput?)
I've tried getting out of "normal" install by hitting ESC key, and selecting noapic and noa..p..l something?
No improvements.
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Jan 3, 2011
I am trying to install Ubuntu Server on a tower with no graphic output (no graphic card, no graphic on the motherboard). Then, I�ve solved two ways:
1. (What I wanna try): Take a graphic card "rent", just for the installation. And remove it after.
2. Take the Server HD and install it on another computer, then replace.
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