Ubuntu Installation :: Kubuntu CD Repository Does Not Work In 10.04

May 2, 2010

I was trying to install packages from the Kubuntu CD to get the Broadcom driver installed but when it tried to load any of the packages on the CD it said they couldn't be found. I ultimately ended up copying the packages from the CD and installing the packages and their dependencies by hand through the console.

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Ubuntu :: Point To Kubuntu CD Instead Of Kubuntu Repository?

Mar 7, 2011

I would like to apply KDE on my Kubuntu because the current one blew up. But each time I to sudo get-apt it seems to be fetching from the cloud. Is there a way I can make it to read from my local Kubuntu CD? I have both Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and Kubuntu Live CDs.

I believe the local disk read should be faster to translate than to bite the bytes across thousands of miles over the wire right?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Update From APT Repository Does Not Work In 10.04

Sep 30, 2010

I've installed a fresh Ubuntu 10.04 in a new dev machine and have been trying to update the package list only to be frustrated. After the install, I went to terminal and did:

sudo apt-get update
with this result:

rbsadmin@daredevil:/var/log$ sudo apt-get update
[sudo] password for rbsadmin:
Err [URL]
Unknown date format [IP: 80] ....

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Ubuntu Installation :: Setup Gogui To Work On Kubuntu?

Mar 29, 2010

I was trying to setup gogui to work on kubuntu, using instructions found on an ubuntu forum: [URL]. I did not even have Java installed yet, so I first tried installing some of the sun-java6 packages. Usually kpackage is good at picking dependent packages and installing them also, but apparently not this time. Next time I tried using kpackage, I was not able to do anything. It gave me a message saying I had broken dependencies, and should use synaptic or aptitude. I do not even have these installed! I think that un-installing the Java software and starting over should do the trick, but I'm not sure how to do this from the command line. Also the instructions in the link above never worked for me.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Software Work For Kubuntu And Xbuntu?

Jun 23, 2010

So I wanna try out xbuntu and kubuntu but will software that says it will install on ubuntu will it install on the others too just as easy? On a side note are there any distros that will be more windows like? where i can install stuff using an exe? I'm horrible with this command line thing. It dont even have to install with exe just as long as it will install without me having to use the command line prompt thing.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Repository Of Older Versions Of Server Do Not Work?

Jun 3, 2011

I installed Ubuntu Server 8.10, 9.04, 10.04, until I discovered that the packages of these versions to upgrade and install graphics settings are not available, then install the current version is 11.04 and there I found that repositories responded and set me right. Then the repositories of previous versions are not available? When I install the current version on all packages that I need to back packs and save it for if I need it later.

How do I get the packages and put together a repository itself if others were dashed this is still operating, and maintenance would be needed?

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General :: Adding A Live USB To A Repository Via Command Line [Kubuntu 10.04]?

Sep 3, 2010

Couple of days I go I setup VLC using Kubuntu's graphic software manager, and installed the 3 plug-ins, one of which was related to pulse. After doing this sound stopped working in flash videos. I had read, not sure where, that Kubuntu didn't use pulse (which slipped my mind when setting up VLC).

So I make the mistake of removing everything which had pulse in it's name (again, via the graphic software manager). A message popped-up saying that some packages needed to be removed/edited (a LONG list, a big clue that I was doing something stupid I guess). I let it run it's course and after that it won't boot properly.

If I boot it normally it hangs at the Kubuntu screen with the five dots filling endlessly. If I press F1 it's stuck at "checking battery status."

Recovery mode boots, but the recovery option does nothing.

So I was wondering if I could boot into recovery mode and go into the terminal and add a live USB as a repository for apt, and try to salvage the install?

Or should I admit defeat and reinstall?

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Fedora Installation :: Error: Cannot Retrieve Repository Metadata (repomd.xml) For Repository

Dec 1, 2009

I have install fedora 12 (i686) from Live CD. Now i want to install some package. I typed comand like this:


yum install some_package_name

But i have an error:


Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: fedora. verify its path and try again i looked at /etc/yum.repos.d:


name=Fedora $releasever - $basearch


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Fedora Installation :: Error Getting Repository Data For Installed, Repository Not Found

Feb 14, 2010

Today I installed Fedora12 from the DVD, so this is my first contact with all of you. The last years I ran very well with gentoo, but the time for system maintenance got to big the last few times I updated the system, so I decided to change and here am I. The Problem: My system is newly installed from the DVD and I was trying to run the first update, but got the following errormassage by KPackageKit:

Error Type:
Error Value: Error getting repository data for installed, repository not found
File : /usr/share/PackageKit/helpers/yum/yumBackend.py, line 3125, in
File : /usr/share/PackageKit/helpers/yum/yumBackend.py, line 3122, in main
File : /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/packagekit/backend.py, line 710, in dispatcher
self.dispatch_command(args[0], args[1:])


It occured after informing me about the amount of packages that need to be updated and a message about some dependencies that have to be newly installed. At the moment I'm a bit lost about what to do. Also I realy don't know which system-information would be useful - let me know and I will answer.

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Fedora Installation :: Error: Can't Retrieve Repository Metadata (repomd.xml) For Repository

Jul 28, 2010

I installed Fedora 13 in my new system from DVD image. Now I want to update all repositories. I coul'nt update. error message as below: Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: fedora. verify its path and try again

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Fedora Installation :: Use Update Utility Receiving Error - Repository Data For Installed Repository Not Found

Apr 19, 2010

I just installed Fedora Core 12 and when attempting use the update utility am receiving the following error:


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Fedora Installation :: Lost NVIDIA With F13 Upgrade / Error Cannot Retrieve Repository Metadata (repomd.xml) For Repository?

Jun 9, 2010

I updated my up to date F12 to F13. I have what must be a 640X480 display with no way to change it. I get an error:

"Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: pgdg90. Please verify its path and try again" on all Yum commands so no yum installs are possible. I don't have the /usr/bin/GLX command So theAIGLX doesn't work.

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Fedora Installation :: Error: Cannot Retrieve Repository Metadata For Repository

Mar 18, 2011

I just did a fresh install of F14 using a Live USB. I can't do a yum update, I'm getting Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: fedora.I've done a yum clean all and I've tried coping the .repos from another F14 system that's working fine.

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Ubuntu :: SCIM Does Not Seem To Work With Kubuntu 10.04

Aug 12, 2010

In earlier versions of (K)ubuntu, I have used SCIM and the Yawerty input method to input Russian with a phonetic Latin keyboard.SCIM does not seem to work with Kubuntu 10.04, and UIM does not have (as far as I can tell from searching the repositories) Russian input.The Russian keyboard layout installable in Kubuntu is in the Russian version of the layout, rather than a phonetic Latin layout; I am not familiar with the normal Russian layout and I do not have stickers to stick on the keys to guide myself in using that layout.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get Minecraft To Work On Kubuntu?

Apr 4, 2011

i cant get minecraft to work on kubuntu i found a thread that helped install a different java but i am unable to complete the install because i can not press ok for some reason.

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Ubuntu Security :: NX Bit Doesn't Work In 64-bit Kubuntu

Feb 21, 2010

I'm using kubuntu-9.10-desktop-amd64.iso live (booted via grub2 loopback directly from iso on hd, in case that makes a difference). Processor is a E2180 which according to the Intel website supports the NX bit. I've enabled the option "Execute Bit Support" in the BIOS. /proc/cpuinfo shows both nx and pae in both flags lines. But dmesg says "Using x86 segment limits to approximate NX protection".

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get Cyborg R.A.T 3 Mouse To Work Under Kubuntu

Jun 25, 2011

I have a problem with a new mouse that I just bought. I cannot get my new Cyborg R.A.T 3 mouse to run under kubuntu. I am able to control the cursor and click on items that appear in it's immediate window. Example: I can click K start icon, but I can't interact with the actual start menu once I've opened it.

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Ubuntu :: Work-around Repository Of An Expired LTS?

Aug 25, 2010

My hardware platform is an old laptop built on an ATI motherboard and chips. It has 1.9G of RAM and 80G Hd. After months of trying distros here and there I have settled on Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper drake because it has a built-in module for my ATI Radeon 200m, it uses the hardware good enough without necessarily setting some Grub-time parameters like noapic, noapci, etc.

But the LTS is already expired and I can no longer Synaptic for the applications that I am in dire need of. I have even tried to compile backward WinehQ 0.9.9 but it did not make, requiring me to update libs and gcc, which, aside from being over-engrossing I have no luxury of time for that. Also recent softwares are built upon newer kernels which Dapper cannot cope with.Is there a way to obtain a DVD containing all the software compatible to Dapper that I can use offline and include it in the source.list paths?

Or, is there an online repository STILL available today, canonical or not, that provides a key so that I can still apt-get or synaptic to it?Is there a work around that I can do of for my purpose?I have spent two days already thinking about and tinkering but the result of my labor is unsatisfactory

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Fedora Installation :: Error Value: Error Getting Repository Data For Installed, Repository Not Found

Apr 28, 2010

just installed a fresh copy of fedora 12 and getting this error when trying to update the system.


Error Type: <class 'yum.Errors.RepoError'>
Error Value: Error getting repository data for installed, repository not found
File : /usr/share/PackageKit/helpers/yum/yumBackend.py, line 3125, in <module>


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Fedora Installation :: Error Value: Error Getting Repository Data For Installed - Repository Not Found

Jun 17, 2010

Running System>Adminstration>Software Udates, I get the following errors


Similarly, if I click on System>Add/Remove Software>Package Collections, I get No groups could be found. A cache refresh should fix this. I don't see how to do a cache refresh. I tried rpm --rebuilddb, which didn't do any good and um clean all which also did no good. I did manage to do the updates with yum updates But I don't want to have to use yum at the command line all the time to do updates.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: After Upgrade To Kubuntu 10.04 , Sound Does Not Work?

Jun 8, 2010

On kubuntu 9.10 my sound was working fine. less than a week ago i upgraded to kubuntu 10.04.After the upgrade the sound did not work at all. i made sure that my volume was turned up and that my volume was not on mute. so far i have gotten no sound on 10.04

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Ubuntu :: Compile All The Work Done In The Gitorious Repository?

Dec 22, 2010

I'm involved in a project of porting Android to the Vodafone 360 Samsung H1!

compile all the work done in the Gitorious repository!


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Programming :: Code Committed In Repository Does Not Work (Next Day)

Jan 3, 2011

It has happened with me before too! Few months back while working on Priority queue in C language, I successfully compiled the code and it gave the desired outputs, I showed the running code to my other seniors and committed it to the repository at 21:00 (I was in the office till late night), next day my boss asked to show the running code, and it didn't work!!! I updated from the repository whatever I had committed but still nothing worked? And then on this Saturday, my boss fixed a bug and committed to the repository and asked me to checkout which I did today morning, and when I ran the code it didn't work?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Install Of Kubuntu On An Old Dell Dimension 2400 - Connection Does Not Work ?

Jan 20, 2010

I have a fresh install of Kubuntu on an old Dell Dimension 2400 that seems to be working perfectly except for the network connection. I have a wired network connection to a linksys router connected to a cable modem. This connection works on other devices.

Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0b:db:b6:cf:09


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Hardware :: Get Compaq CQ40 616tu Wireless Work In Kubuntu 9.10?

Feb 4, 2010

I recently installed Kubuntu 9.10 in Compaq CQ40 616tu laptop. To connect to internet, the only option i have is via wireless. But the wireless tab is found disabled in it. How to enable it and get it work?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Record Sound In Kubuntu 10.04 - Default Device For Audio Recording Does Not Work

Jun 28, 2010

I have detected some problems when I try to record sound in my Kubuntu 10.04 system.

The problem is that the "default" device for audio recording does not work but I have to select another device to do so. I always selected the "default" device for audio recoding but currently I have to select hw:0,2 device.

Another odd thing is that different programs show me different device. For example, Audacity shows me that I have the following audio recording devices:

- HDA Intel: ALC888 Digital (hw:0,1)
- HDA Intel: ALC888 Analog (hw:0,2)
- spdif
- default

The only one that works is hw:0,2.

But arecord shows me (when I execute "arecord -L") the following:

Finally, in KDE system preferences for audio I get that I have 2 different audio devices for audio recording:

- HDA Intel (ALC888 Analog): it is said that it will try first x-phonon (CARD=0, DEV=0) and, if the latter does not work, it will try plughw (CARD=0, DEV=0)

- HDA Intel (ALC888 Digital): it is said that it will try first x-phonon (CARD=0, DEV=1) and, if the latter does not work, it will try plughw (CARD=0, DEV=1)

Where is the hw:0,2? and how can I set the alsa system to use hw:0,2 as the default device for audio recording?

All of that would not be a problem but I also have an ubuntu 9.04 installed on a virtual machine (by using virtualbox) and audio recording doesn't work there. I suppose that it is becase of the virtual sound card is using default devices for playing and recording audio.

I must say that audio playback works fine in both host and guest systems. It is just audio recording.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Custom Repository Creation Technique Doesnt Work

Apr 27, 2011

I wanted to create my own folder called /Softwares so that whenever i download a rpm i could place it there , run createrepo and then use yum install software_name.What am i doing wrong am i doing something wrong in the .repo file? The only way i could actually install sskype.rpm is to go in the directory where it was installed and type yum install sskype.But then whats the point of the repository.

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Fedora :: Yum At Work : Error: Cannot Retrieve Repository Metadata (repomd.xml) For Repos

Aug 12, 2010

i installed F13 at work in VirtualBox to test Fedora features in order to have a web server under Linux. while playing aroung i run the yum command : yum info kernel and i got the following message:

Loaded plugins: presto, refresh-packagekit
Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: fedora. Please verify its path and try again
i've search on internet and after googling a lot, i tried several solution like:
- uncomment all baseurl and commenting mirrorlist
- disable networkManager
- add http_proxy in yum.conf

however, nothing works internet works well the proof is that i'm writting this thread thanks to F13 :-)

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Add The Community Repository And Add Gspca Driver To Make It Work?

Sep 10, 2011

I seldom use my Labtec webcam but used to add the community repository and add gspca driver to make it work.I saw today that this repo only now have libv4l in it , is this enough to replace gspca driver? And if so is there and easy way to install it ? (apart from taking it on it's site : home ) (also i saw that qc-usb can be used for some models

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Ubuntu :: Priority To Hard Disk Containing Kubuntu Login To Kubuntu But Can't Get In To Windows7?

Sep 15, 2010

I have two OS in my system. Windows& and Kubuntu. Both are in separate hard disks. I was using both. In between i have upgraded my system. now when i am giving priority to hard disk containing kubuntu, i can login to kubuntu, but cant get in to windows7. i have upgraded grub but not working. when i am giving priority to hard disk containig windows7 it enters and work properly. but not working in the previous.

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