Ubuntu Installation :: How To Do A Non-persistent Install
Feb 13, 2010
I would like to make all directories except /home non persisent this way any changes are undone by a reboot. (this will be used by kids)Where do I start?I've worked with Linux for years, but never tried this.
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Jan 16, 2010
I want to ask, its is possible to install ubuntu in a harddisk as a non persistent environment? i mean, i want my ubuntu is always clean everytime it is restart, like a live usb.
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Jun 28, 2011
So i installed debian squeeze in virtualbox with xfce and i thought that it was persistent. when i powered down the virtual machine and started it up again later I only had the option of installing it again. Do i use save state to keep it in the installed stage? would i have to do that each time i made a change? i want to make sure so that i don't keep having to re install it.
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Dec 21, 2010
I'm trying to use a persistent install of Lubuntu 10.10 on a USB flash drive. I thought it was working at first, but the wireless connection won't happen at all; period!
Whenever I click on the network Icon, all I get is a pop up message telling me I'm not connected to the wireless Then when I click on the wireless menu to select a network, the sign in window closes before I can even try to do anything with it, and then I get that "your not connected" pop up message again.
It's quite irritating. It basically won't let me sign on to a wireless Internet connection at all.Every time I do try to connect all I get is the "your not connected" message and nothing else. I'm using a 16 GB Kingston Data Traveler USB flash drive and am trying to run it on a Toshiba A100 Satellite laptop.
I've also been experimenting with a 16 GB Kingston Data Traveler 102 USB flash drive, with Linux Mint 9 LXDE installed on it and haven't had any problems with that one accessing wireless connections on the same computer.
Does anyone know what would cause this? It seems to boot well enough. But I just can't get Lubuntu 10.10 to access wireless networks to save my life. Could it be a hardware issue? I should note too that I used exactly the same USB flash drive on the same computer when giving Xubuntu 10.10 a "test drive" as a persistent install. But I didn't have any troubles like that with it.
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Jan 30, 2010
I've upgraded the generic kernel of my Xubuntu Karmic AMD64 persistent USB installation with the ubuntustudio realtime kernel ( The thing is that the generic kernel is still loading as default and I don't have the option on the boot menu to choose the new one. I don't know how to edit this Grub2 version (grub-pc 1.97 beta 4).I haven't found a GUI package for this either.
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Jan 5, 2010
I am currently running Windows 7 and would like to "play around" with Linux and learn how to use it, but am not willing to entirely "jump ship: as of yet. Thus, I would like to be able to use my USB key (32 gig) that is persistent. I have had no success in being able to get this to work; I went to http://www.pendrivelinux.com/ and attempted several different times and the only one I could get to work was not persistent.
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Nov 11, 2010
I have an old EeePC 701 4G netbook that I'm about to reconfigure for a friend who needs it to read PDF files, surf the net occasionally and do few other things. I'm going to install Ubuntu Netbook Remix, version 10.4.
Now, the 701 only has four gigabytes of internal storage, and I'm unwilling to spend money on it to expand its memory. When installed UNR takes up about 2.3 gigabytes, which leaves a bit more than a gig available for user data, and that's not much at all.
However, I could copy the live files off the memory stick in the main drive and use the remaining space for a casper-rw partition. Then it'd be only a matter of editing the bootloader in order to have a system that saves changes. This way I could fit the system on only 700 megabytes.
My question is: is there any drawback to running a persistent live off the main drive as the operating system? Something that would make me prefer eating up two thirds of the drive with the system, rather than just a fifth of it?
I imagine upgrades would eventually take up a lot of space, as they'd essentially copy a lot of the system in the live partition, but this is easily solvable by not performing them. I don't think the intended user would miss them, since she'll only really need three or four apps.
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May 28, 2010
I would like to know if I can update a live USB version of 10.04I am, unofficially, running ubuntu 10.04 live USB version from a partition on my 250GB USB HDD at work.All the apps I use are web bassed except for zeacom and groupwise which I run from a virtual machine I created using virtualbox ose, this machine is one the network running AD and novel and also MS office and uniflow printing
Everything at the moment is running quite well: I tried this a while ago (9.04 or earlier) but I tried enabling update manager and this killed the boot for my live USB and I don't what to risk toying with a system that is running well but I also want to be up to date.
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Jun 5, 2010
I made a quick little USB install of Ubuntu using the USB Creator thing in Ubuntu 9.10 (I gave it room to store data also). I use this USB on two computers (Both Toshiba Laptops) and one of them needs restricted drivers for 3D. If I install them, will it mess up where it won't work on any other computers?
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Jan 31, 2010
How does one make such a set up to be persistent so it saves changes to the system?
I found one suggestion in pendrivelinux site.
CLI work
# Open a terminal and type sudo su (to become root)
# Type mkdir /projectinit (to make our project directory)
# Type cd /projectinit (to change to the project directory)
# Type gzip -dc /cdrom/casper/initrd.gz | cpio -i (to extract the initrd.gz)
# Type gedit init (to edit the init file)
and so on.
Too advanced for a newbie like me but it shows that it should be possible to save despite being in frugal install.
I have managed to do frugal install of both Linux Mint and Super OS which is a regular Ubuntu with bling bling, codex and three browsers instead of 1 and so on. I like SuperOS very much due to me as newbie usually fail to install things because I either make use of USB or frugal install to not wreck the windoe$.
so I dearly hope somebody that can linux can help me going.
Here is my current neogrub menu.lst
title superos
find --set-root /casper/vmlinuz
kernel /casper/vmlinuz file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper splash --
initrd /casper/initrd.gz
title Linux Mint
find --set-root /casper/vmlinuz
kernel /casper/vmlinuz file=/cdrom/preseed/mint.seed boot=casper splash --
initrd /casper/initrd.gz
As you can see. Both Ubuntu and Linux Mint can boot from the Neogrub menu.lst
But unfortunately due to them same name of folders one need to find a solution to how to have both going.
I used mint some 7 times and rebooted many times and it survived for some 7 hours.
Then I made it hidded in a subdirectory so boot could not find it and moved the SuperOS ubuntu out of its superdirectory and tested that one this whole day. From 7AM oclock to now 11pm with many reboots to see if it act well shutting down. It works very well but none of them save things.
One can save documents and pictures to the NTFS harddrive but bookmarks of the browser one need to send to email or place in a html file manually or join a bookmarks server online.
So I need help to get this saving to work.
DrG on brainstorm.ubuntu suggested that frugal install should be one of two options wubi and frugal install when people are asked how they want to install Ubuntu without doing partitioning and dual boot on Vista and Win7 machines.
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Mar 27, 2010
I've just installed UNR version of Ubuntu on one of my thumb drives and was wondering what I needed to do to for making it have persistent changes? I've seen the different tools and the usb creator they have on Ubuntu already but I want to do it myself from scratch. What files do I need to edit to make the drive persistent? I made the bootable thumb drive using UNetbootin.
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Oct 25, 2010
I am trying to make a usb installed ubuntu(with persistent) unchangeable. The usb needs to use the data from the persistent casper-rw, but in the same time not be able to change the casper-rw. I have tried installing ubuntu on a SD-card, and then simply lock the SD-card. So fine so good, but it just wont bootup then - it says "Aufs mount failed".
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Apr 1, 2011
I have tried to create a persistent live usb thumb drive using Startup Disk Creator, but have not had any luck. I have tried running Startup Disk Creator from Linux Mint 9 xfce (currently installed on my machine) as well as from live sessions of ubuntu 11.04 Beta1 and xubuntu 11.04 Beta1. When using Startup Disk Creator in Linux Mint, I am able to set the slider to choose how much reserved space I want, but when I reboot, the USB stick does not load, I get an error message about an unknown name in the file. When using the live sessions of ubuntu or xubuntu, the section with the slider to choose how much of the usb stick to devote to the persistence file is greyed out. I get the same result whether I choose the xubuntu iso or the ubuntu iso as the source disc image. I have used the same USB stick and Startup Disk Creator to make persistent live installs before - is there something about 11.04 that does not allow persistence?
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Jun 22, 2010
Well I got the Persistent openSUSE11.2 working. However I cannot find a way to obtain kinternet. for some reason it is NOT on the liveCD! Is there another program that I can use to connect to the repos so that I can get kinternet? I have a liveDC and an install DVD. can I install from the DVD onto the USB so that when I boot with the USB, Kinternet is available for further downloads?
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Feb 11, 2010
I've created a live and persistent USB boot of OpenSUSE 11.2 KDE according to the howto. It boots and works fine for about 5 minutes and then hangs. Only the mouse will move but I can't click on anything and it never comes back.
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Apr 4, 2010
My default display (DF-770 monitor) comes up something like 1280x960. In the "configure desktop" > display I set the display to 1152x864@75Hz. Next I accept the setting after the preview. When I reboot, the display is back to 1280. Do I have to manually edit some file to make my selection permanent?
Sysconfig editor has a variable that starts off with 1024x768, but that doesn't seem to be my problem, so I didn't mess with it. How do I get my display preferences saved?
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Jul 19, 2010
I am a linux newbie and want to try to run Fedora 13 from a 4Gb USB flash drive for a while until I decide to do a permanent install.My problem is that although I selected to create persistent storage using the liveusb creator, nothing is being saved after rebooting.For reference, I downloaded the 64bit version using bittorrent, and I created the live usb on windows 7.Is there some setting I must set to enable persistent storage?
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Mar 24, 2011
I want to create a combined portable Ubuntu / USB stick.For this I intend to install Ubuntu to my 16 GB USB Drive. I am going to install some rather big programs (Matlab, Maple...) and therefor, I think the 4 GB persistent space in different startup-USB creators are to small.Because of this, I want to install Ubuntu to the USB drive, to get full functionallity. Also because of the small USB Drive size, I dont want to create two different partitions. For USB Drive use, I want to be able to save files larger then 4 GB (ie. not FAT32).
How can I create a fully functional Ubuntu USB, that can also be accessed from Windows? I understand that NTFS and Ubuntu is a bad mix, FAT32 have file size restrictions, and Windows cant accesss ext3/4.I saw someone talk about installing Ubuntu using the 'install in windows' to bypass Ubuntu-NTFS problems, but the link was broken, and I could not see how it was done. Also this [URL] talked about making the home folder accessible, but the linked site is now down.
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Dec 30, 2015
I installed debian 8 on a 16 GB usb drive using this guide. I used a debian 8.2 64-bit image with mate. If I were to get a larger usb drive, would I be able to transfer everything from the 16GB drive to it? How?
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Dec 2, 2009
Yesterday I did follow exactly the description how to build a live system on a USB Stick with the additional second partition for the data of Live_USB_stick. So far I had success, as my Netbook did start booting and loaded the OpenSUSE 11.2. Then I rebooted the Netbook and it never again comes up with the 11.2. It looks as if it would stop somewhere at starting the graphical system, but I'm not sure.
Today, second try, I created the USB stick with the 11.2 Live System only (no second partition). My Netbook starts booting and shows the 11.2 system successfully, also further boots are the same successful. Then having created the Live system with the second partition again, results in a un-bootable Netbook again (not even the first time it comes up).
What I wonder when I did check the USB partitions: the one (sdg1) with the Live-CD can be mounted and the content is readable. The second one (sdg2) cannot be mounted; shouldn't it be mountable and shouldn't it be formated with a file system? Did anyone have some experience on this? Or, at least, the people having a running persistent live system, what does the partition them show up?
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Nov 14, 2010
I have a persistent pendrive of Ubuntu: [URL]
It has a file where it saves the configuration of my computer: casper-rw
But if I boot this USB flash drive in another computer I would like to do it in a fresh way, that is, without loading the configuration of my computer (saved in the casper-rw file). For example, in Puppy Linux this can be done easily, just putting pfix=ram in a boot option of syslinux.cfg and selecting this option when booting.
I think this is important because I think that otherwise the Ubuntu (at least in some cases) cannot open if used in a computer different to the one where casper-rw was configured. It happens to me that I cannot run Ubuntu with my pendrive when inserted in a different computer (I think the reason is what I've said).
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Dec 29, 2010
After setting up a persistent Lubuntu (10.10) on a 4GB SD with Universal-USB-Installer- , I started changing the passwd of the original user ubuntu , but after rebooting, I can't log in. So I resorted to hitting Ctrl+the function key that gives you a CLI, and changed the password for "ubuntu" user then tried to log on again. No success.Then I created a new user with a password, and managed to log in with this user, but it is not the same experience, the menus are lacking, and it is not possible to log on to wifi, similar problem to this user
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Jan 30, 2011
I have the following problem. I tried to make a persistent USB Backtrack 4 r2. I followed the steps according to the instructions and did not noticed any errors.
fdisk /dev/sdb
Command (m for help): d
Partition number (1-4): 1
Command (m for help): n
Command action
I can boot from USB because when i use Unetbootin everything works fine. Although it'snot persistent in that situation. I seachered the web but i can't find the solution. I have run a script which i ran into on Sourceforge.net. The results are in the attachement. But unfortunately i am real Newbie on linux so..
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Jun 6, 2011
what is this during usb installation ubuntu 11.04:"select a persistent space in stick for storing changes" changes mean additional content, or upgrades including personal additional files added to stick or?
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Nov 10, 2015
I'm working on my iptables rules on a debian 8 vps and I tried to install iptables-persistent but I was told "Unable to locate package"...
Where can I get this so that I may save my rules for reboot?
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Dec 21, 2010
I was wondering if it can be possible to boot debian from micro sd card and have it persistent. I have checked the bios of my laptop and there are options to boot from USB and HDD (and from floppy, cd, network and hard disk), but not from sd card. Would it be a problem or could there be workarounds. That is of course if the whole thing is a good idea at all.
I have already booted the laptop from USB, but I would like to use it for everyday work and USB sticking out is bound to get snapped off. Sd card on the other hand would go inside in the slot. The hard disk is dead and is a bit expensive to replace (and unnecessary in respect of the volume, I only need a couple of gb for work)
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Oct 28, 2015
I'm trying to create a persistent live Jessie system on my 8GB USB drive.
If that matters, I'm currently on an Arch Linux system, and I partly followed what's on the relative wiki (Pages Create a new MBR for a USB stick, Manually create a USB flash installation and Install Syslinux), plus a CrunchBang post explaining how to make a persistent live USB out of any Jessie-deriving distro (like their BunsenLabs Hydrogen).
The problem is, even if Debian boots up more than fine, the system isn't persistent at all.
Here's what I did (I know some passages are redundant, but still...):
Downloaded the Cinnamon flavor of Jessie via torrentErased the old MBR
Code: Select all# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=512 count=1 && syncCreated a 1.1G W95 FAT32 (LBA) active partition and used the remaining space on a Linux partitionFormatted the first to FAT32 and labelled it "Debian64". Formatted the second to ext4 and labelled it "persistence"
Code: Select all# mkfs.vfat -n Debian64 /dev/sdb1
# mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb2 -L persistence
Mounted the first partition and the iso
[Code] ....
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Feb 18, 2011
I have created live persistent usb-hdd (fat32) image, put into USB stick, but now I should create persistent live-rw partition. How this persistent partition should be formatted? Should I format with ext2, or fat32?
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Mar 2, 2011
I've created live squeeze usb-hdd and if I boot first time the udev system writes the MAC address of the network interfaces into /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules.Because I use full persistence, the file is there on the next boot and I don't get network running automatically on other computers. My problem is, howto remove 70-persistent-net.rules every time during the startup?
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Sep 1, 2009
live usb media does not let me to to save files and make modifications to live operating system that will persist after a reboot
I made the bootable stick with the liveusb creator at https://fedorahosted.org/liveusb-creator/ using an iso image of f10 live cd, a flash drive with 2 Gb capacity and a paersistent storage setting of 200 Mb
I changed root=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXi-do-not-remember-XXXXXXXXXXXX to
On the flash drive to make it bootable
I installed gparted on live operating system and when i rebooted gparted was not installed.
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