Ubuntu Installation :: How To Install Inter Explorer - IE
Oct 26, 2010
I have just updated my System from XP to Linux Ubuntu because of frequent virus related problems. Every thing is fine in Ubuntu apart from One Problem I cannot work properly in Microsoft exchange outlook. How to get IE installed in the system.
Does anyone know a way to install internet explorer 7-8-9 on ubuntu?I installed ubuntu a couple of month back and I'm start work next month developing websites. Without IE 7-8-9 I need to go back to Windows and I really don't want that
I am currently running OpenSuse newest version but this problem has been happening to every linux installation I have done. My Computer is a ACER ASPIRE 5515. Here are specs:
ProductAspire 5515 LanguageEnglish ModelAspire 5515 Series Specifications Part Number
Operating System Windows Vista Home Basic (Service Pack 1)(varies by model) Anyways here is what happens, and this only happens to me when i run linux. THIS NEVER HAPPENED WHILE RUNNING WINDOWS VISTA OR WINDOWS XP. First icons will disapear and text will not work, images wont be there, system dock and explorer will just not work, the start menu will have nothing in it, and when i restart it, (manual) it will boot and show me specs and say "NO OPERATING SYSTEM FOUND" and when i go into BIOS it says IDE0:_______ not the hard drive name and size like it usually does.
I've recently installed Ubuntu server 10.10 on an older Pentium 3 computer to test the capabilities of Ubuntu and to have more experience with the OS. During my install, the network card, a Kingston KNE100TX, was successfully detected however auto configuration failed. This was tried against a Windows 2k3 DHCP server as well as a Cradlepoint router. As expected, since no DHCP server provided an address, the routing table is empty.
I retried configuring the Kingston card with a static IP address. This time as expected, ifconfig showed the IP address that was assigned and the route table had been populated. Attempting to ping my gateway,, resulted in Destination Host Unreachable. The same results were encountered when the configuration was changed to a different network.
I have an academic simulator software and I want to visualize its output at the same time the simulation is happening. However I want to separate visualization and simulation modules. The simulation data will be held in an array of a size around 0.5M and will be read only to visualization software (but updated regularly by simulator).
- In past I have used shared memory to share small variables among two applications.
- TCP/IP adds the option of having the simulator and visualization applications on separate machines but the implementation will be more difficult.
- I have also thought about an abstraction layer which allows to replace the communication/interconnection layer with other methods later (file/network/shared memory/pipe).
I have a msi cr610 laptop. I installed fedora 13 and tried to access internet but fails. I have wireless internet in my apartment (WAP& WEP). Can I buy a separate usb wireless adapter and plug in. Will it work? Will fedora detect wireless points?
error: unpacking of archive failed on file /boot/System.map-2.6.9-89.0.23.ELxenU;4bdef4c2: cpio: write There was a fatal RPM install error. The message was: There was a rpm unpack error installing the package: kernel-xenU-2.6.9-89.0.23.EL
Using Gnome, when I click on "Places", the usual drop-down menu appears; but clicking on "Home" or any of the other options in the top portion of the menu yields, not Nautilus, but "Wine Internet Explorer". What can I do to fix this?
Background: I just performed a clean install of Maverick, after a failed attempt to upgrade to 10.10 via the Update Manager. This is on an IBM Thinkpad T42, on which Ubuntu is the only operating system, all traces of MS Windows--including "Internet Explorer"--having been eliminated. In Ubuntu, the root folder, "/", and the home folder, "/home", are on separate partitions, of approximately 10GB and 40GB, respectively. Previously, 9.04, 9.10, and 10.04 have worked just fine.
Ok so I transferred about 6 or 7 gigs of music and videos to my laptop in 2 folders and 1 file just in the d:/ folder. This leftme with just one gig of space left on the drive. Now I turned of my computer and the next day when I turned it on, the files were gone or so I thought. The files are still taking up the space and when I tried defragging in windows, the files showed up under files not defragged and so did their old directories, but they still do not show up in ubuntu or windows explorer, I cannot navigate to them or open them, yet they are still on my hardrive and taking up space. How do I either get access to these files or delete them to free up space?
Is it possible to run Internet Explorer on Ubuntu without using wine? I use some sites which are only compatible with IE. The sites require Internet Explorer version 5.0 or above.
I am using Ubuntu 10.10 and am looking for an equivalent to Process Explorer on Linux. There is System Monitor but it's not nearly as good as Process Explorer with all of its detailed information about processes.
Is there a way to have the default 10.04 file explorer ignore capitals?
eg: If i have the files
BOB_1 BOB_2 BOB_3 bob_4 bob_5 bob_6
Ubuntu by default lists them in order starting with the lowercase letters 4-6, followed by the upper-case letters 1-3. I want them to be displayed in the order listed above.
If this isn't possible, can I rename every single file in a folder to be made up of only caps?
I'm new to ubuntu and don't know how to use it. How do I create a view similar to Windows explorer or is that the NTFS? I just want to view files on the server and don't know how to do that.
I would like to read and write to a folder in an Ubuntu VPS remotely via a Windows Explorer (Windows 7 Ultimate). Considering that my VPS has very little resources (128MB RAM), what program should I use?
how do I view files saved under windows internet explorer in linux. have tried mozilla firefox and here is what I get. is it possible to view the files as displayed in ie?
m: <Saved by Microsoft Internet Explorer 5> Subject: installing rpm without yum no internet yet - FedoraForum.org Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2009 00:23:04 -0400 MIME-Version: 1.0
also don't have internet access under linux as yet. wh at modem would you guys recommend that you know will work with linux? using dual boot ibm with windows xp h ome and linux 10
I have a share accessible from XP. However if I go for lunch and come back when I click on the share in Explorer it says its not accessible. When I click on it again it works. Its like the network card in the Suse server is going to sleep but I cant see any settings for it. I know where they are in XP and wonder if they are somewhere in openSuse? Or if there is some other explanation.
So I've got a 500gb ext4 formatted drive I use for backup, and I'm trying save my personal files from my laptop's hard drive (the laptop power supply just died) but whenever I try to copy+paste something from the NTFS laptop drive to the ext4 drive, nautilus freezes up, and suddenly both of my CPU cores hit 100% and Ubuntu is using 1.6GB of RAM, from like 200MB when it's idle.
I'm using 10.04 Pentium D 2.4Ghz Dual 2GB RAM
The laptop drive is a 5000RPM 250GB Sata, NTFS partition is 125GBThe backup drive is a 7200RPM 500GB Sata, ext4 partition is 500GB