Ubuntu Installation :: Focus Follows Mouse Broken After 11.04 Upgrade

May 3, 2011

"Select windows when the mouse moves over them" does not work after an upgrade. I'm still using the Ubuntu Classic desktop configured for Metacity. Anyone know how to fix this without resorting to Unity?

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Debian Multimedia :: Focus Is Trapped And Left Mouse Click Doesn't Transfer Focus?

Aug 9, 2011

I'm hit with a very annoying bug: mouse clicks do not give focus anymore, focus stays trapped and sometimes right clicking the element that last had focus allows the next left click to move focus. I'm running wheezy with kde. Searching the web it I found no solution but it seems my problem is close to what is reported there:e issue: after alt+tab the window decoration changes as if the focus had moved to the new window but it stays trapped in the previous window. Rebooting does not fix the issue.I have nvidia graphics set up with dual screen through the nvidia drivers but this setup has been working good for several months, so I don't think it's related.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Broken - After Failed Upgrade To 11.04 - Everything Just Hanged - No Mouse Movement - No Hard Disk Activities

May 9, 2011

I tried to upgrade my Ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04 on my netbook. I choose the option to upgrade on the Update Manager. All packages had been downloaded, and the installer was busy to replace all the old packages.

During the update I noticed that my internet stopped working, so I disabled my wifi, so it couldn't interupt the upgrade. After a half an hour, I found out my internet worked again, so I pressed the wifi-button again on my laptop, so the wifi would turn on, but after that move my screen hanged, and the upgrade wasn't done yet. I pressed the powerbutton for 5 seconds, because there was nothing else I could do.. Everything just hanged, no mouse movement, no hard disk activities, just a frozen screen.

After this problem I rebooted, and I already knew what I was going to see, Ubuntu couldn't be loaded anymore (and it still can't).

Is there anybody who can help me to restore my laptop? There are really important things for college on the harddisk in the /home/ folder, but I was too stupid to forget to make a backup.. I mostly make backups of everything you can think of, but I thought it won't be neccessary.. damn..

I know that you can restore files using a live-usb (no cd, because it's a netbook), but I choose during the installation the option to 'encrypt' my documents.. So is it still possible to restore my documents, photo's etc. from the home-folder? I really need to get those things back..

When I try to boot all I get on my screen is the text (in Dutch): 'Disk partition / is not ready or is not found - Keep waiting or press S to cancel mounting, or press M to recover manually' The manual recovery doesn't do anything at all, and by the way, booting in the 'recovery mode' won't work either.

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Ubuntu :: Mouse Drops Focus While Dragging?

May 29, 2010

When I click and drag - Both Window Title Bars and text selection- the mouse acts as I have released the button and drops the click and the window/text selection is left in middle of nowhere.

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Ubuntu :: How To Turn Off Auto Focus For Mouse

Jan 5, 2011

Basically i turned on a setting that allows me to focus on any window when i move mouse over it, so i can type in a window that is focused by my mouse. And i can not remember how to turn it off!

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Ubuntu :: Focus Follows Mouse With Natty And Gnome2?

Jul 5, 2011

I'm using the ubuntu-classic + compiz desktop with 11.04. However, compared to older versions the behaviour of focus-follows-mouse seems to have changed for the worse when using the keyboard to switch applications. In older versions, an app selected using alt-tab or scale or similar keyboard method would get focus, even if the mouse was not over it. Focus follows-mouse behaviour would only happen again if you moved the mouse to a new app. In 11.04, the app selected using alt-tab immediately loses focus if the mouse is not over it. This makes alt-tab kinda useless Is there any way I can fix this behaviour to the pre-11.04 version?

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Fedora :: Cannot Get Focus To Follow Mouse

Jan 6, 2010

Until a recent update, I had no trouble figuring out how to set my preference that a window would become active when the mouse entered it. Since then, about a month ago, I have been unable to find a means to do that.

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Fedora :: Change The Mouse Focus In 15 / GNOME 3?

Jul 10, 2011

1. Activate window without click missing. This is a show stopper for me as long as there are other choices.

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General :: GNOME Is There A Way To Focus/activate A Window On Mouse Over?

Jan 26, 2011

I recall a partner in a CS class who changed my setup to focus a window on mouse over and that was really handy for programming with a ton of terminals open. I've seen Dwell Click under accessibility options, but that doesn't seem to do anything. I know that sometimes the GUI control applets have features undisabled that don't really do anything (i.e. WINS) if you don't have the right stuff installed. How do I get mouse over pretty much just simulate clicking the window.

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Fedora :: Openoffice.org Ignores Compiz Settings For Mouse Focus?

Jun 4, 2010

Openoffice.org apparently ignores the window manager altogether for questions of focus. This combined with opening lots of little dialogs and menus is making it almost unusable. (Over at openoffice.org, this has been answered with (essentially) "I use click to focus, so raising on focus is normal, so I'm putting at the lowest possible priority because it has nothing to do with usability.") The problem is that I use focus following the mouse, with click to raise. This is very convenient for copying between two windows and saves me a lot of time and energy, as I have to do this quite often. Current behavior, however, causes Openoffice.org to raise any window you happen to pass over, thus hiding the floating toolbar or dialog box that you were trying to click on. Worse, as the window you brushed by has gained focus, in most cases, the toolbar or dialog disappears entirely. The only solution is to move everything around so as to have a path to get to your toolbar/dialog without touching another window, or to minimize all but one openoffice document. Is there anyway to make Openoffice.org usable with this setting?

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General :: Where To Switch Window Focus By Moving Mouse Over (in Fedora / Gnome)?

Oct 18, 2010

I am using Fedora11/Gnome and I frequently use several windows for input. I would like to focus on a window just by moving the mouse over it (but not pop up). However, I can not find anywhere to set up this option.

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Ubuntu :: Small Area Of The Screen Grabs Focus Doesn't Let Any Window Receive Mouse Actions

Jul 4, 2011

One of those things that make yo go "WTF?" After browsing the internet with Firefox, there appears a peculiar problem: if I move the pointer to a certain area of the screen, I can't click (left, right, middle) nor use mouse wheel. The area can be of variable size, but usually it's small, in the lower part of the screen, it's x dimension greater than y one (a horizontally placed rectangle). The problem doesn't go away when I restart Firefox (obviously it does when I reboot). It obstructs any window under it (I can't even click on the desktop where 'it' is). It's as if there is an invisible window that 'steals' focus when I move the mouse over it. I'm on 11.04, Classic Ubuntu (Gnome 2.3x).

A quick UPDATE: dragging an icon and dropping it on the said area behaves as if I dragged an item and dropped it where it doesn't belong (i.e. it just slowly returns to it's original position). Also, I tried killing it with Force Quit applet, but only my desktop reloaded.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Upgrade - Some Packages Are Broken

May 16, 2010

Am trying to upgrade from karmic 9.1 to lucid 10.04 and have the problem that as part of the upgrade I get a report that some packages are broken. As suggested posting the relevant files APT and MAIN Logs from the /var/log/dist-upgrade below.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From 9.10 To 10.04 - Broken Package

May 26, 2010

I tried to upgrade my pc from 9.10 to 10.04 version with the alternative cd as the update manager was not showing the new release. There were some problem in installation and the process stopped somewhere. Then, when I tried with the update manager I got some error.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Resume Upgrade Broken By SSH Disconnection?

Apr 17, 2010

I started an upgrade last night (from Jaunty to Karmic) using a "do-release-upgrade" command on a remote server via ssh. However, this morning, I discovered that the ssh connection between my machine and my server was broken.

I can see that the do-release-upgrade process is still running (well, a giant /usr/bin/dpkg is in the process list) and waiting for a response.

Is there any way I can take control of that session from my current session?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Upgrade - Fails With Broken Dependencies

Apr 30, 2010

I've been trying all morning to update from a working 9.10 to 10.04 and unfortunately every time I try it blocks me.

An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade: E:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

This can be caused by:

* Upgrading to a pre-release version of Ubuntu

* Running the current pre-release version of Ubuntu

* Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu

If none of this applies, then please report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the files in /var/log/dist-upgrade/ in the bug report.

Restoring original system state

I've uploaded the full apt log to pastebin here:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade 9.10 To 10.04 - Package Command Is Broken?

May 30, 2010

I've only been using Linux for a few days (Specifically - I installed Ubuntu 9.10 last week on my laptop for learning the OS and updated to 10.04 over the weekend). I have searched Google (and found answers) for every problem now except for this new one. I apologise in advance for the length but I wanted to include my own troubleshooting as well.

When I installed and setup Ubuntu Karmic - I added my work software. Autopackage wasn't installed by default so I used terminal's package install <filename> command for the first file - and double clicked on the rest to install.With the OS change I wanted to check to see if these packages would have problems installing on 10.04 (mostly to double check).First I checked my Manage 3rd Party Software to remove them - but all my entries here are blank. (I should have quite a few actually - I've done a lot of installing and downloading in the last few days).I double clicked to re-run them but that failed saying there was a problem with the packages. So I swapped to Terminal and found the following:

When I try to install a software package:

sudo package install "SMART Product Drivers 10.package"
Reply: package: can't open config file /home/test/.mailagent
If I type in just


What's interesting, is checking my Fedora and Debian builds (I've done a lot of learning for only a few days! But I know a ton about grub 1 and 2 now) - I can't see a /home/test/.mailagent file or folder to copy either. The only thing I can think of is I have never setup an email account on my system (I've only been using it for a few days) and maybe the blank Manage 3rd Party Software tab is indicating a different problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB2 Broken After Upgrade To 10.04 - No Signature?

Jul 8, 2010

I took the distribution upgrade from the update manager and can't boot now. Boot into a Live CD (ver. 9.10 - does that matter?), and go through the following steps.

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fdisk -l
Warning: invalid flag 0x0000 of partition table 5 will be corrected by w(rite)
Disk /dev/sda: 750.2 GB, 750156374016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 91201 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x000ad56f


Anyone have an idea here? I have searched a lot and have only found a few references to this issue. Does the invalid flag message relate here? The partition is flagged as 'boot'.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 To 10.10 Upgrade - Xorg Broken Packages

Oct 12, 2010

Here is the apt.log from running 'do-release-upgrade'. apt-get upgrade runs without issue and I have disabled all of the extra repos I had (opera, tor, lucid-propsed, chromium). My system is otherwise 100% up to date with apt-get dist-upgrade and apt-get upgrade. I have already purged all of my PPAs using 'ppa-purge', but it looks like there are remnants of xorg-edgers in there somewhere: [URL]

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Ubuntu Installation :: Could Not Determine The Upgrade/broken Packages?

Feb 27, 2011

I have been upgrading 10.4 to 10.10, but in the middle of the new package download my computer turned off (outage). Now Ubuntu won't restart the upgrade or install the packages already downloaded; it tells me it "Could not determine the upgrade" and that unresolvable problems occurred, caused by held packages. How can I reset things to restart the upgrade?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Broken Packages Required For Upgrade?

Mar 21, 2011

I keep on getting this red " - " icon on my panel and I try to perform the upgrade it prompts me to do. But it says that there are 3 broken packages i need to fix with the "broken filter". How do I fix this so I can upgrade?

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Upgrade Broken Unity Instead Of Plasma

Apr 29, 2011

Upgrade of kubuntu to 11.04 from 10.10 using kpackagekit appeared okay, as did the reboot and login from the new panel. Then, instead of seeing my custom background and plasma desktop all I see is the color wash of the Unity background. There is a right button menu in this desktop with a Create Launcher option that allows me to make launchers for konsole, firefox, and ksystemlog. Windows come up, but with Unity window decorations. Sure enough unity-window-decorator is running, but there is no plasma. System logs don't reveal anything obvious that failed. There is a kdm process running and kdeinit4 appears to have tried to start klauncher and kde4, but they are not actually running.It seems like somehow GNOME and Unity have somehow collided with the KDE environment.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Wireless Broken After Upgrade To 11.04 (Natty)?

Apr 30, 2011

After upgrading my laptop from 10.10 to 11.04 I can no longer connect to my home wi-fi. It was working flawlessly for months before the upgrade. The network manager just keeps spinning and nothing happens.dmesg output just keeps showing this over & over again:

[ 1721.748149] ipw2200 0000:03:03.0: PCI INT A disabled
[ 1721.820199] ipw2200: Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 2200/2915 Network Driver, 1.2.2kmprq
[ 1721.820204] ipw2200: Copyright(c) 2003-2006 Intel Corporation


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Ubuntu Installation :: Libvirt-bin (kvm) Still Broken After Lucid LTS Upgrade

Aug 23, 2011

After upgrading a 12 core Opteron hypervisor to the latest Lucid LTS patches, virtualization is broken. guests will not start using virt-manager.

The error message I get is: failed to retrieve chardev info with 'info chardev'

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade And Broken Dependencies (Samba-Common)

May 13, 2010

A couple of days ago, I upgraded my Kubuntu to Lucid. In this phase, the system reported that it was impossible to upgrade samba-common, and the installation aborted on 90%. Nevertheless everything is working but KPakageKit, which reports:
"There are broken dependecies on your system. Please use an advanced package manage e.g. Synaptic or aptitude to resolve this situation."

Neither "sudo aptitude safe-upgrade" nor "sudo apt-get -f install" solved the problem:
omen@darkstar:~$ sudo aptitude safe-upgrade
kubuntu-desktop .....

So the problem is really samba-common.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dvd Menu And Playback Broken After Upgrade To Lucid?

Jul 24, 2010

Last night I upgraded to Lucid from Karmic, and now I can't play any DVDs (physical or ripped). These worked fine in Karmic, but now when I select them, playback freezes on any menu, and I have to kill the front end process. Mythtv is set to use the internal player, but I have the same issue with VLC.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Keyboard Input Broken On Upgrade To Lucid?

Jul 27, 2010

previosuly installed products that mapped keys, but I dont have and have never had any of them. reset the keyboard to default settings, which I happily did to no avail.
So for me, since I upgraded, keyboard input (either local or via VNC, so it isnt hardware) does nothing for either the caps lock key or the shift key. Kinda makes it imnpossible to eneter @ or any uppercase character, for example !

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Ubuntu Installation :: Server Upgrade Broken Evince Or Apache2?

Jan 24, 2011

apache2: Syntax error on line 204 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Syntax error on line 1 of /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.load: Cannot load /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp5.so into server: /usr/lib/libxml2.so.2: undefined symbol: gzopen64 Have been running ubuntu server for about 6 months on a rickety but reliable AMD1.2GHz laptop (hp compaq nx9005) Had successfully deployed a UPS and various CGI scripts. Familiar with the basics of apache tomcat and even dabbled with some mods. All was running sweetly until I performed an upgraded yesterday which took me to Kernel (from uname -a) 2.6.31-22-generic-pae #70-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 2 00:54:52 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux

During the upgrade there were libraries which apache2 depended upon and the process halted. Have brute forced some other libraries - given there were 87 packages in the upgrade and it had got to 78 - I did not dare roll back - so pursued further until I finally noticed the message above


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Fedora Installation :: Post Upgrade Dependency - Yum Broken?

Jan 28, 2011

I recently upgraded to Fedora 14 from F13 using Yum, it worked to my amazement except now yum appears to be broken because of a massive amount of dependency issues. It appears the old F13 packages are still around and yum is unable to get ride of them because their dependency with F14 packages of the same name. I tried yum distro-sync, and I tried yum resolvedep $(package-cleanup --orphans) --skip-broken but to no avail. Package--cleanup--orphans identifies all of the left over F13 packages.

I also can't install or upgrade anything using Yum, does give me a reason except the massive amount of dependency issues with the left over F13 packages. When I use the graphical software update it tells me among other things that Yum and RPM have updates but of course it won't update. I did follow the instructions and used yum update yum before I upgraded to F14, maybe it didn't take? Anyway to resolve this issue other than a clean install?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Missing Network Manager Applet And Broken Kde After Upgrade To 10.04

May 1, 2010

I was running Ubuntu 9.10 on my HP G70 laptop and did an upgrade using upgrade manager to Ubuntu 10.04.

Since I haven't been able to get wifi connection or wired working. The Network Manager applet is missing from the notification area and if I try to run nm-applet manually it says it is already running. I tried killing the process and then running it manually in the terminal and although the process appears to be running it is missing from the panel.

Booting into the live cd has the applet working fine so something in the upgrade process must have failed.

I tried changing the theme to see if it displays in other themes but had no luck.

I also tried to log into kde but kde seems to be broken. When I log into it after the splash screen all I get is a black screen with only my mouse pointer.

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