Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Access Windows 7 After Upgrade To 10.04

May 9, 2010

I seem to be having an issue with my system. I upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 yesterday and I have to reboot into Windows 7 to do some coursework for school. I just tried to do this, and when I select Windows 7 from the list at the Grub2 splash screen, it goes blank for a bit and jumps me back to the Grub menu. I'm not sure if I did something wrong, like somehow install Grub to /dev/sda1 during the upgrade, but if that's the case, how do I remove it? I tried to do a sudo update-grub but that did not work. It found Windows 7, but on the reboot it still went back to the menu. Is this a Grub or Windows issue?

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General :: Installation Of Ubuntu Alongwith Windows Xp And Unable To Access Data From Windows

Mar 1, 2011

Last week I installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my system in dual booting. I had installed succesfully both but unable to see data files from windows OS. Though I have excercised the options in various resources available on internet/blogs. System takes about 03 hrs during installation process. I am also unable to configure Thunderbird.

System hardware info is as -
System ManufacturerVIA Technologies, Inc.
System ModelKM266APro-835
System TypeX86-based PC


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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot - Windows 7/10.4 - No Windows Now After Upgrade

Apr 30, 2010

I just did an upgrade from 9.10 to 10.04 and now I can't boot into Windows 7 on this dual boot desktop. I usually do a clean install but with a laptop and desktop a copy of Windows 7 and Ubuntu on each machine it's getting very tiring with 4 os's so opted for the upgrade this time.

During the installation there was a window that game up about upgrading grub and what devices to install it on. The help box was not very complete and seemed to say to click all the check boxes which included the main drive and it's partitions including windows. During the install somewhere it said something like grub could not be installed on one of the devices which I think was sda6 which is probably the Windows 7 partition.

So how would I get the option of booting into Windows 7 on startup as now I only get a blank black screen when I click on the Windows 7 option upon bootup? I hope I don't have to reinstall one or both os's again from scratch as this is becoming to much work to do on two systems every 6 months, especially with the amount of programs I have installed.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Access After Upgrade

Oct 17, 2010

I just upgraded my server with Ubuntu 9.04 desktop to 10.04 over VNC. Installation wen't smooth, then it asked to reboot. I clicked reboot and now I cannot connect to the server at all. No apache, ssh, ftp, vnc, nothing. I assume I just need to hook it up to a monitor and change some network settings. Hopefully I'm wrong as I'm 400 miles away and won't have access to it for a month and a half. Is there anything I can do remotely, or will I just have to wait?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Upgrade To 11.04 - No Administrative Access

Jul 8, 2011

So... this computer was given to me with ubuntu and libre office already on it (along with 125 other apps I know nothing about). I cannot watch or listen to any media. I cannot install adobe or any other program. I cannot upgrade to 11.04. I cannot get administrative access. I can't do anything. Everything comes up as an error.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Access Gui Part Way Through Dist-upgrade

May 19, 2010

I am doing a dist-upgrade from 8.04LTS to 8.09. I use usb KVM switch, and I keep my eye on it so that I can respond to the usual configuration file prompts that pop up. For a while everything went fine, but suddenly I find that I can't use the keyboard to log in and check the progress (the mouse is completely unresponsive). Here's the kicker though: the computer is fine. I can use 'Ctrl-Alt F1' through F7, and the computer responds appropriately; it just doesn't do anything when the login screen is up.

I checked the /var/log/dist-upgrade/term.log, and if I understand it correctly, whether or not to keep /etc/mysql/my.conf is currently up for question. Is there any way to take back control of the computer without interrupting the upgrade? Not knowing very much about the install process, it seems like the GUI stopped polling for input.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Access Grub Menu After Win7 Upgrade

Feb 6, 2010

My machine is an hp 2133 mininote. It came factory installed with Windows vista, which repeadtedly crashed on me. To compenstate for this i installed gOS to dual boot with Vista. This was working fine but I was recently given a Windows 7 install disk, so I decided to upgrade. Windows seven installed without a problem but now I can't access the GRUB bootloader, windows 7 just loads automatically. I tried to restore it using the Super GRUB Disk usb utility but it didn't work, windows 7 still boots regardless.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lost Access To Home After Clean Upgrade?

Oct 25, 2010

I used to use Ubuntu 9.10 for a year. I had my home path on different partition (19Gb) than the system partition (12Gb). Before I upgraded, the free space on Home partition (19Gb) was 6.3Gb. I knew that the direct upgrade is not good, so, I format the system partition (12Gb). Then, I install clean version of Ubuntu 10.04 on it. every thing is great. except that, I can not find my files in the old home path. In same time, Ubuntu is telling me that the Home partition (19Gb) (which I have not touch at all) has free space of 6.3Gb and used space of 11.3Gb. It means it can recognize that there is something but it can not open it at all.

system information:

Ubuntu 10.04 (lucid)
Gnome 2.30.2

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From 10.04 To 10.10 - Access The System Settings Anymore?

Dec 5, 2010

I was running 10.04 on my Asus EEE PC. Today I upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10, but with lots of regrets. The complete desktop changed. I don't even know how to access the system settings anymore. I just wanted to start up the Twonky Media server from my personal folder again, which resides in my personal user folder, but I cannot find the folder at all! Shame on the Ubuntu team to throw around the user experience so much. The Ubuntu Linux distribution has gone back to a nerdy level, I hoped it had recovered from that. Make-the-user-feel-at-home! Is that so difficult?

Where is my Favorite group, where is my System group, where is my personal Home user folder? I'm sure I can find them on my own, but it's a shame that my user experience has been taken into a rolercoaster. Why make it so difficult on the user Ubuntu, why?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lost Access To Encrypted Home After Upgrade?

Jul 28, 2011

I just tried reinstalling ubuntu 11.04 from the live disc, installation went well but afterwards I cannot get access to my home directory which is encrypted and I stupidly forgot to note the mount passphrase. is there anything I can do? where would the mount passphrase be stored from the previous installation and is there any chance of recoving it. Home and the root are on the same drive and the installation did not format the drive.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lucid Upgrade - Can't Access Huey - Dispcal Error

May 1, 2010

Upgraded a 9.10 installation to 10.04 and now, on trying to execute Dispcal I get

dispcal: Error - new_disprd() failed with 'Instrument Access Failed'

The lights on the Huey flash as if calibration is about to start, but then I get the error. The Huey is connected as it always has been, via a USB hub. No change there. I have also re-installed the Argyll package. A disconnect and reconnect of the Huey prompts this.


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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade Interrupted - Unable To Access DPKG Status Area

Jan 6, 2010

I was in the process of upgrading my ubuntu system (probably the latest version, it was about a month ago) and my computer froze (it does that on occasion). I have looked around this site, and tried a few things. I assume I am supposed to use the command "sudo dpkg --configure -a" to fix it. The problem is that when I do that, I get the message "dpkg: unable to access dpkg status area: read-only file system". So, what do I do now? I definitely dont want to mess up my system, but I want to fix it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 - Can No Longer Access Windows

Mar 31, 2011

I tried Ubuntu 10.10 after occasionally using other distros of Linux from time-to-time on friends' machines. After deciding it trumped Windows in almost every way, I decided to install if from a USB stick. The installation appeared to work and I followed the instructions that were given on the Ubuntu download page. After it restarted, it booted back from the USB stick asking again if I wanted to try Ubuntu or install it. I tried to shut down however the only options I get in the power off menu (on the top right) are Suspend and Hibernate. I ended up turning the computer off by holding the power button on my computer (I know this has probably hindered me more than helped but I needed to shut down).

When the power was off, I removed the USB stick and tried turning on the laptop again, however, I no longer get any options to get into my BIOS settings, and NOTHING will boot. I just get a black screen with a blinking white cursor in the top left corner. I can still use Ubuntu by using the ''Try Ubuntu'' option when running from the USB stick but quite obviously this is not ideal. I know I have probably wiped Windows Vista from my system (I had most data backed up a week or so ago, so all the important things I still have, however, if there is any way, I would like it all back). Any way to do a Super-System-Restore to revert back to Windows (if this is even possible).

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Installation Of 10.10 Can't Access Windows XP

Oct 17, 2010

today i installed ubuntu like it says on ubuntu home page, I installed it with Windows Xp, on the same partition with sharing it..Everything ended well but after restarting, i didn't have option to go to windows..Now system says that file system for ubuntu teaks whole hard disc..How can i go to windows? I have installed grub2 but even so, it doesn't give me an option to pick OS..

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Boot Into Windows After Upgrade

May 9, 2010

I have searched and searched but cannot find someone with the exact problem as me. I upgraded to LL today. During the installation it asked me which parts to install grub to. I should have just checked all the boxes, but i cant remember wat i pressed.

Now my grub menu look like

-ubuntu memtest
-windows 7

when i choose windows 7, it just goes straight back to the grub menu . .

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows XP Won't Boot After Upgrade?

May 9, 2010

I just upgraded to 10.04 and now all I'm getting is a flashing cursor when I try to boot Windows in Grub. I can load the Windows partition in linux no probs so I know it's all ok, although I'm going to backup before I try anything risky!

Anyway I've had a look around and can see people who've had the same prob but only really with Windows Vista and 7. So... just trying to figure if there's anyway of getting grub to load WindowsXP properly!?

I've run boot_info_script055.sh which was recommended for one of the Win7 answers and posted the output below.


Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in
partition #5 for /boot/grub.


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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From Windows XP To Windows7?

Oct 9, 2010

upgrade from windows XP to windows7?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Access - After Upgrading Vista To Windows 7?

Jan 12, 2010

I had partitioned my dell inspiron 1525 to have Windows Vista and Ubuntu 9.04. I upgraded Vista to Windows 7. Now whenever I start the computer it goes directly to Windows 7. Is the Grub been deleted? How do I get to my Ubuntu. I have the Ubuntu Live CD with me

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Ubuntu Installation :: Reinstalling Windows 98 - If Can't Access The BIOS

Mar 25, 2010

I have an old computer, it came with Windows 98, later I updated it with Windows XP. XP ran slowly because of it's outdated hardware. Around this time I already had a new computer. I decided to install Ubuntu on it to muck around with. However, Ubuntu also runs slowly and I have a dual-booting computer. However, when I try to get into the BIOS of the computer and run the 98 disk, I can hit every button and BIOS will not load. Question: How do I reinstall Windows if I can't access the BIOS?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Print From Windows 7 Machine After Upgrade From 9.04 To 9.10

Jan 12, 2010

I just upgraded my ubuntu machine from 9.04 to 9.10 (64bit). I have a HP Photosmart 8250 connected to the Ubuntu machine and it is shared out to all the Windows machines. I had to delete and reinstall the printer on the Windows XP machine and they seem to be working fine now. My Windows 7 machine sees the printer, but says it cannot connect to it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot Windows Partition After Upgrade To 10.4

Apr 9, 2010

After upgrade to Ubuntu 10.4 i can't boot windows partition. the only thing i get it's a blinking underscore after choosing it from grub. under ubuntu the window partition seams to be ok, and i can access every file.

this is my partition table:
sda1 - ntfs
sda2 - extended
sda5 - swap
sda6 - ext4 linux (0x83)

is there any tool to config grub? like yast on suse? (off the topic : is there any "grafic" version of grub?)

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Upgrade - Grub2 And Windows Partitions

May 7, 2010

I upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 (no fresh install, an upgrade). During the upgrade, the installer asked me for the harddisks and partitions to include. I gave him the following ones:

Harddisk 1
1. Windows XP
2. Windows 2000

Harddisk 2
3. Ubuntu 10.04

After the installation was complete, I could only start Ubuntu. Both Windows versions just showed a flashing cursor at the left upper top screen. No HDD activity! How can I get WinXP and Win2000 selectable within grub2?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From 9.x To 10.04, Now Fails To Load Windows 7?

May 19, 2010

I previously had Ubuntu 9.x and Windows 7 installed at my laptop after I decided to upgrade Ubuntu to 10.04.

After the upgrade finished, now at the boot selection menu I am able to select Windows 7, but after it starts it tries to fix some errors and says that it's unable to load. Ubuntu 10.04 loads just fine.

Disk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x97646c29


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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot Drives Or Windows XP After Upgrade

May 24, 2010

After attempted upgrade on my dual bot drive I can no longer boot Windows XP or either of my 2 sata drive.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows VISTA Won't Boot After 10.4 Upgrade?

Jun 5, 2010

After the upgrade to Ubuntu 10.4 I'm not able to boot on my Windows Vista any more. It is most likely due to my fault during installation, since I ask to overwrite with GRUB also Windows partition's MBR (but if I remember well I think it was not the best solution to put as default overwriting all the MBRs).Anyway I was not able to fix it until now.Here is the RESULT.txt from the boot script:

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in


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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Boot Windows XP (separate HDD) After Upgrade To 10.04

Jun 15, 2010

Basically, as the topic reads, I normally run Windows XP, and installed Ubuntu on a new HDD this week (Karmic). However, realising later that there was a new release, I just upgraded through the network, completely ignorant of their being anything wrong with this (Windows drive still being connected at this time). Now Ubuntu boots fine, but when I select Windows through the GRUB set-up, it just displays a black screen with the '_' cursor blinking and goes no further.

I have absolutely no clue how to fix this, reading through various forum posts and messing with the boot command (or whatever you call it when you push 'e' at the GRUB screen) all day to no avail. One of the things I've download was the Boot_Info_Script, so hopefully someone out there can gleam some information on how the heck I can solve this issue and boot XP once again (hopefully without having to just blow away one or both of the OS's and doing a completely clean install). If there's anything I can do to provide any further required information, My RESULTS.txt:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows Not Booting From GRUB2 After Upgrade?

Jul 18, 2010

My girlfriend upgraded from Karmic 9.10 to Lucid 10.04 when the upgrade became available. She did it from Update Manager as opposed to a clean install.

I have no idea what she did, or how the process works (I installed from a Live CD on my own computer) and ever since she did it, she hasn't been able to boot into Windows XP from GRUB2.

GRUB2 loads up fine, with Ubuntu and Windows listed. It'll boot into Ubuntu with no problems. Selecting Windows will just re-load GRUB2.

I've tried re-installing GRUB2 but that hasn't worked. My lack of imagination means I have no idea what to type in to Google, or the forum search.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows Clients Receive Access Denied?

Jul 20, 2010

Windows clients experience an issue of being unable to create folders inside the new share I setup. I do not want any share security on this folder since its a global share that our entire office houses client information. They can view the contents but not add it.

My smb.conf has the following settings on the share
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
passwd chat = *Entersnews*spassword:* %n
*Retypesnews*spassword:* %n
*passwordsupdatedssuccessfully* .


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Fedora Installation :: Can't Access Either Windows 7 Or Backtrack

Jan 30, 2011

well, I've made my laptop become triple-boot. They are : fedora 8, backtrack 4, and windows 7. The problem's I can't access my either windows 7 or backtrack. I can only access my fedora 8.

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Installation :: Unable To Access Partition In Windows

Jan 27, 2009

I have windows machine and installed ubuntu in one of my partition, So i was able to select any of these OS's while booting the machine, But recently I've formatted Windows partition after this am unable to reach this ubuntu. i.e., While booting the machine no options are listing out it directly went to Windows OS.

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