Ubuntu Installation :: After Installation Of 10.10 Can't Access Windows XP

Oct 17, 2010

today i installed ubuntu like it says on ubuntu home page, I installed it with Windows Xp, on the same partition with sharing it..Everything ended well but after restarting, i didn't have option to go to windows..Now system says that file system for ubuntu teaks whole hard disc..How can i go to windows? I have installed grub2 but even so, it doesn't give me an option to pick OS..

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General :: Installation Of Ubuntu Alongwith Windows Xp And Unable To Access Data From Windows

Mar 1, 2011

Last week I installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my system in dual booting. I had installed succesfully both but unable to see data files from windows OS. Though I have excercised the options in various resources available on internet/blogs. System takes about 03 hrs during installation process. I am also unable to configure Thunderbird.

System hardware info is as -
System ManufacturerVIA Technologies, Inc.
System ModelKM266APro-835
System TypeX86-based PC


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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Access Windows 7 After Upgrade To 10.04

May 9, 2010

I seem to be having an issue with my system. I upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 yesterday and I have to reboot into Windows 7 to do some coursework for school. I just tried to do this, and when I select Windows 7 from the list at the Grub2 splash screen, it goes blank for a bit and jumps me back to the Grub menu. I'm not sure if I did something wrong, like somehow install Grub to /dev/sda1 during the upgrade, but if that's the case, how do I remove it? I tried to do a sudo update-grub but that did not work. It found Windows 7, but on the reboot it still went back to the menu. Is this a Grub or Windows issue?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 - Can No Longer Access Windows

Mar 31, 2011

I tried Ubuntu 10.10 after occasionally using other distros of Linux from time-to-time on friends' machines. After deciding it trumped Windows in almost every way, I decided to install if from a USB stick. The installation appeared to work and I followed the instructions that were given on the Ubuntu download page. After it restarted, it booted back from the USB stick asking again if I wanted to try Ubuntu or install it. I tried to shut down however the only options I get in the power off menu (on the top right) are Suspend and Hibernate. I ended up turning the computer off by holding the power button on my computer (I know this has probably hindered me more than helped but I needed to shut down).

When the power was off, I removed the USB stick and tried turning on the laptop again, however, I no longer get any options to get into my BIOS settings, and NOTHING will boot. I just get a black screen with a blinking white cursor in the top left corner. I can still use Ubuntu by using the ''Try Ubuntu'' option when running from the USB stick but quite obviously this is not ideal. I know I have probably wiped Windows Vista from my system (I had most data backed up a week or so ago, so all the important things I still have, however, if there is any way, I would like it all back). Any way to do a Super-System-Restore to revert back to Windows (if this is even possible).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Access - After Upgrading Vista To Windows 7?

Jan 12, 2010

I had partitioned my dell inspiron 1525 to have Windows Vista and Ubuntu 9.04. I upgraded Vista to Windows 7. Now whenever I start the computer it goes directly to Windows 7. Is the Grub been deleted? How do I get to my Ubuntu. I have the Ubuntu Live CD with me

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Ubuntu Installation :: Reinstalling Windows 98 - If Can't Access The BIOS

Mar 25, 2010

I have an old computer, it came with Windows 98, later I updated it with Windows XP. XP ran slowly because of it's outdated hardware. Around this time I already had a new computer. I decided to install Ubuntu on it to muck around with. However, Ubuntu also runs slowly and I have a dual-booting computer. However, when I try to get into the BIOS of the computer and run the 98 disk, I can hit every button and BIOS will not load. Question: How do I reinstall Windows if I can't access the BIOS?

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Access Either Windows 7 Or Backtrack

Jan 30, 2011

well, I've made my laptop become triple-boot. They are : fedora 8, backtrack 4, and windows 7. The problem's I can't access my either windows 7 or backtrack. I can only access my fedora 8.

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Installation :: Unable To Access Partition In Windows

Jan 27, 2009

I have windows machine and installed ubuntu in one of my partition, So i was able to select any of these OS's while booting the machine, But recently I've formatted Windows partition after this am unable to reach this ubuntu. i.e., While booting the machine no options are listing out it directly went to Windows OS.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows Clients Receive Access Denied?

Jul 20, 2010

Windows clients experience an issue of being unable to create folders inside the new share I setup. I do not want any share security on this folder since its a global share that our entire office houses client information. They can view the contents but not add it.

My smb.conf has the following settings on the share
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
passwd chat = *Entersnews*spassword:* %n
*Retypesnews*spassword:* %n
*passwordsupdatedssuccessfully* .


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Installation :: Linux Install Works / Can't Access Windows As Before

Jun 15, 2010

I had some issues with Wubi installations of Ubuntu, so I figured out how to create a LiveCD and to install from the CD. I am working on Linux now and I am having no issues as far as the Penguin goes. I hash-checked the iso and used older CDs more suited for booting.I chose to install from the CD, and I selected the option which partitions and installs Linux alongside Windows. I was prompted to import some user folders from my Windows Vista, and I agreed. These appeared in Linux and also work fine.

However, after a few hours of messing with my new Linux, I restarted and I realized all I have in my boot menu now are some Linux options, memory test, and a Vista loader & vista recovery. I had intended to have a dual boot system. Did I delete my Windows without meaning to, or can I change the bootloading process somehow to include both Linux and Vista?

Upon selecting the Vista Loader, I was asked if I wanted to recover my files, etc. I refrained because I wasn't sure what the effect would be on Linux. Is there a way to have both Vista and Linux show up normally in my boot menu, or will I have to go back and forth recovering every time I chose to use the other OS?The only reason I still want to use Windows occasionally is because I had Maple software in Windows which was useful for school.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Access The HADEN Workgroup On Windows Network Via Samba?

Mar 23, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 9.10, and am getting the following error when I attempt to access the HADEN workgroup on my Windows network via Samba: Unable to mount location - Failed to retrieve share list from server. I ran the following command:

peterv@MBP17U:~$ findsmb
sh: /usr/bin/nmblookup: not found


On my Windows XP machine, I can see the Ubuntu directory and can access files on it. I just can't access the Windows workgroup from Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Booting With Windows Vista - Access Denied

Aug 10, 2010

I'm installing Ubuntu 10.04 for a friend, dual booting it with windows vista. The installation was going just fine up until the 4th step- partitioning the drives. After designating space for vista and ubuntu and running it, it popped up the window and displayed 0%... for the next hour. After looking around on ubuntu forums for a solution, I tried manually partitioning the drives in vista. Vista wouldn't let me, saying that access was denied. I tried using gparted next, which had an error with it as well. Does anyone know what i can do to work around this?

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Fedora Installation :: Format A Windows Partition So Can Easily Access It?

Jan 22, 2011

My old computer came with two disks, with Windows XP on one. I installed Fredora on the other.
I also resized the c: partition on the first disk and added a second partition which I formatted as fat32.
I then mounted that partition with its entry in /etc/fstab such that I could write to it as myself.

I have a new computer, 64 bit and running Windows 7, which I want to organize roughly the same way. I will install Fedora 14 on its seond disk. I've shrunk the c: partition under Windows using Disk Management. I want to create a 100 Gb D: partition on the same drive in the remaining space, and I want to be able to access both c: and D: for reading and writing by root and I want to be able to access the d: drive for reading and writing also by myself. Since it is a 64 bit machine, my choices for formatting the d: drive are HTFS or exFAT. Does it matter which I choose so that I can do what I want? How does Fedora treat exFAT?

Can anyone remind me which packages I need to add in order to be able to read NTFS file systems from Fedora? Can I also write to such a file system as root?

Can I write to such a file system as myself if I mount it properly?

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Installation :: Access The Windows Partition But In Vista Cant See The Partition?

Feb 19, 2010

I installed XandROS on my vista machine. I can access the Windows partition from Linux but in Vista I cant see the Linux partition...is there anything I can do about that?

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Ubuntu Installation :: SOS:error After Installation From Windows-no Main File System Chosen

May 23, 2010

I just completed the ubuntu 10.04 installation using the windows' installer.After the installation, the system reboot. I chose "ubuntu" from the OS selection screen.A message appeared that the system would verify the installation parameters.

Suddently, a message was shown:
"no main file system chosen. Please solve this error from the partition menu."
And it wouldn't continue!

how can I find the partition menu and set the file system for the ubuntu?? An idea would be to enter the installation cd for windows (as if I would wanted to format the pc)...wouldn't then the partition menu appear?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows Vista - 9.10 Installation Error - Permission Denied?

Jan 4, 2010

I'm trying to install Ubuntu 9.10 on my Windows Vista Home Premium machine. My specs far exceed the requirements to install, so I know there's no problem there.On installation I receive an error somewhat through that says something like:Quote:An error occured:Permission deniedFor more information, please see the log file:C:UsersUsernameAppDataLocalTempwubi-9.10ubuntu1-rev160.logSo.... I go to that file, and the last line in it is:Quote:OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'C:\ubuntu\install\ubuntu-9.10-desktop-amd64.iso'I did run Wubi Installer as an Administrator, and unblocked it giving it full privileges.It's really annoying because my download speed is 80kb/s so it takes about 3 hours to download. During that 3 hours I can't use my internet so I have to wait, and wait, and wait, and then boom.error. And wubi can't pick up where it left off, you have to uninstall to reinstall, which sucks tremendously.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Inside Windows It Refers Installation Size?

Sep 6, 2010

When you install inside windows it refers installation size???

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Ubuntu Installation :: Fail Installation, Now Windows Blue Screen Of Death?

Mar 9, 2011

I just finishing burning ubuntu on my laptop and was getting ready to partition my disk to allow space for ubuntu. I restarted my computer and when it was restarting ubuntu logo came up (as it booted from the disc). I was not wanting to install it at this moment so i was waiting for it to load then cancel it(just like a windows installation).It then froze and became pixelated with green and white colours.I thought it was nothing maybe just an error in teh disc. I waited 5-10 minutes then held the power button to shut it off. I then went to settings in the bios and changed it to boot from hdd first. After restart, windows began to load for like 3 seconds then blue screen. I dont know what went wrong or why this is happening.During installation of Ubuntu on my second try I keep getting:sudo: can't read /etc /sudoers: Input/Output errorsudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quittingWhat are the odds of me still having my windows 7 data?and could Hiren's boot cd help?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installation Fail - When It Finishes Loading - Get A Random Mashup Of My Windows Desktop

May 15, 2011

When i boot its all ok i press enter for instal ubuntu and than the normal screen When it finishes loading i get a random mashup of my windows desktop.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Installation And Revert To Windows Bootloader?

Feb 22, 2010

i've been using ubuntu with wubi, and I'd like to install it on my new hard drive (so windows is on one hdd and ubuntu is on another). afaik, grub will be installed on the hdd w/ ubuntu, and i have to set it to recognize the other (windows) hdd. assuming that i want to get rid of ubuntu and just use windows, what steps do I have to take to do so? (if grub is only on the ubuntu hdd, then would I just have to format it?)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Changing From Windows Version To Complete Installation

May 25, 2010

I have Ubuntu 10.04 installed in my laptop through a windows installation and I want to make a new, complete, install so I can boot directly in Ubuntu (and change some configuration choices I didn't get right in the first place). Is there any (as simple as posible) way to save my actual data (users, software installed, personal files...) as a whole so I can "install" all that back to the "new" Ubuntu installation?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Maverick Meerkat - Cannot Detect Windows Installation

Oct 10, 2010

I installed maverick meerkat but for some reason there was no install to free space option so I installed onto 32gb of my 170gb windows vista installation. I NEED THAT INSTALLATION. Maverick Meerkat cannot detect my windows installation!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Recreate Wubi-installation After Formating Windows?

Jun 14, 2011

is it possible to recreate the whole wubi installation?Thats the situation: I only have 1 partition on my HD so i installed ubuntu via wubi and it worked perfectly fine. Recently though, i had to format my Windows but i backed up the whole installation folder of wubi/ubuntu.Now i want to get my wubi installation back. I know i can access the *.disk files with several tools, but im not opting for recovering some folders. I want the complete installation running again. So is there an easy way to recreate it?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Complete Windows Login After Installation Wubi?

Jun 23, 2011

How will be complete windows login after installation wubi? How to make choice between load windows and linux?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installation - VMware On Windows 7 - Alternate

Apr 10, 2010

I am running Windows 7 and wanted to install VMWare and Ubuntu on it. So I downloaded VMware and the Ubuntu install files but I got stuck on the Language prompt. So I researched and downloaded Ubuntu alternate iso file and the install went fine.

I now launch VMWare and get a prompt for username and Password which I enter.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Does Installing OS Remove The Windows Installation

Oct 25, 2010

I'm thinking of installing Ubuntu, but before I do that I'd like to know if installing it removes your copy of Windows. If it does, is there any way I can work around that?

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Debian Installation :: Remove Installation Menu From Windows Boot Manager ?

Aug 1, 2011

I've finished the installation of Debian Squeeze using Installer loader from Windows. But the Installer menu is still appear on Windows Boot Manager.

I've try to uninstall the "Installer Loader" from Windows and I got an error message about BCDEDIT (if I'm not wrong), during uninstallation process.

I ignore it, and continue the uninstallation process until complete. But, After I reboot my computer, the Installer menu is still appear on Windows Boot Manager.

I'm using Windows Vista Business SP2.

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Fedora Installation :: VNC Level 3 Installation - Remote Into The System Via My Windows Xp Systems

Sep 15, 2009

What I'm trying to do at this point is setup VNC so I can remote into the system via my windows xp systems. I have VNC installed on those computer and I was able to get GNOME's remote desktop operating when I log in on level 5 and actually logged into my user account. However, when I'm not logged in on level 5 it will reject connections entirely. Ultimately I want to remote into the system using tightVNC and view the level 3 (command line only) thing, and allow me to telinit - 5 to switch to gui if I need it from VNC on the windows system. This way I don't need a monitor, keyboard and mouse plugged into the server. Right now that's what I'm having to do.

The problem is that it doesn't run in level 3 at all and level 5 (gui mode) doesn't work if i'm not logged into an account. So how can I get this to work at as a constant running server no matter what level and login point i'm at? Ultimately for this Linux admin class I have to setup a working server and I figured I'd get a base setup with VNC support that I could log into from school to work off of instead of having to use the local connection. Once I get VNC working on my network i'm pretty sure I can get it working beyond my local network.

Here's some commandline stuff that may diagnose my issues:


As you can see I'm having issues with the libstdc++ lib being detected. I have it installed, but apparently not everything is setup properly. I also have an RPM file for VNC and I've tried to install it with the gnome shell but it gives me an error: "Can't install /home/[user]/Download/vnc-4_1_3-x86_linux.rpm as no transaction" I'm not sure what that means. When I use the command line I get this:


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Fedora Installation :: Reinstall Grub After A Windows Installation Deleted It?

Jul 23, 2011

This is partly a note to myself for the future and a guide to anyone who experiences similar issues.

So, I had to reinstall Windows XP since my previous installation gave me a blue screen error due to reasons unfathomable. Naturally, this deleted the GNU Grub and I could not login to my Fedora.

I read that apparently booting from a DVD installation offers an option to enter the rescue mode. I did not have a DVD, I only had the LiveCD so I had to figure out a way to reinstall Grub from the LiveCD. The following method seemed to do the trick.

Run the LiveCD and open Terminal.

1. Find the partition where the Grub Stage1 is code...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installer Does Not See Windows Installation?

May 3, 2010

I have three physical drives:

Drive 0: Used for paging file in windows and general temp file storage
Drive 1: Media storage
Drive 2: Windows installation

When booting off the Ubuntu 10.04 disc and running the installer, it gets up to the partition step and doesn't find my Windows installation (for the automatic partitioning and such) and lists Drive 0 as the drive it will install to. I really want it to see my Windows install and create a partition on that same drive. Can anyone help me in getting the installer to see the Windows installation?

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