Ubuntu Installation :: Adding Windows XP To Existing 10.10 Install

Mar 11, 2011

After spending almost 100 hours trying to get my MP3 player working I have decided to add an XP partition and use it there.I am an Ubuntu newbie and am finding the whole "new-dos" experience too frustrating for words.Can someone please explain in ENGLISH for an IDIOT how I can do this.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows 7 Won't Install Getting This Message:"setup Was Unable To Create A New Partition Or Locate An Existing System Partition"?

Apr 8, 2010

i tried installing windows 7 on a partition on my laptop but i'm getting this message:"setup was unable to create a new partition or locate an existing system partition "i tried googling and found that it has something to do with the number of partitions:my hard disk layout right now:

p1 ext4 21gb /home
p2 ntfs 64gb
p3 ext3 18gb ubuntu installation


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General :: Adding XP To An Existing Ubuntu System

Oct 4, 2010

I want to move my windows XP image from my old PC's C: and put it onto my new PC, with Ubuntu 9.10 already on it. Will this procedure work?First I'll burn an iso image of the windows C: to a CD or DVD, using the Win XP computer. Then, I'll load a (live Ubuntu), from my thumb drive and boot into my new PC, and move the Ubuntu partition to another location, in order to create the partition needed to install a Windows OS. I know that Windows, God bless them, needs to be first on the HDD. This procedure will destroy the grub loader.Then rebooting should load correctly to the grub bootloader, right?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Partition On Existing Windows 7 Machine

May 20, 2010

I'm having a installation problem. I am trying to install Ubuntu on my laptop that is currently running Windows 7, and win7 is needed for use in projecting songs in our church services. The HD is a 500 gb already partitioned with the max. of 4 partitions. Win7 files are on the sda2 partition and my data files are on sda3. Sda1 and sda4 are smaller partitions, one is 3 gb's the other is 1 gb.

My question is, what is the best set up for me to install Ubuntu? I can't create an extended partition since I already have 4 partitions. I like my current partition set up as far as windows goes, but I would really like to get Ubuntu installed. I'm fairly new with Ubuntu, I like what I've seen so far. I had it installed with wubi in windows XP on a laptop that I just sold, and I've upgraded to the windows 7 laptop now, and I'm stuck!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Removing Windows From Existing Disc

Apr 3, 2011

I've recently applied for University and am happy to say I got an unconditional offer in Software Development as this is the case, and that I expect I'll be using mostly Windows software on my course, I decided to buy a hard drive from a friend at work, larger than the one I have now, and plan to install Windows 7 on it for the sake of my course and various other things (games etc.)

I prefer Ubuntu myself, and I've been using it long enough to feel comfortable migrating to Ubuntu altogether and ditching the windows partition I have now (I currently dual boot). Reasons being that I'm not much of a fan of dual booting as I think it can complicate things when its not entirely necessary and that there is also a Linux-based module on my course and between an installation going wrong on my personal hard drive or my university hard drive, I'd clearly go along with losing my music and pictures rather than losing all of my coursework :S

So my question is this: is it completely safe to blow away the windows partitions I have now on this hard drive? I made a LiveCD of my install through remastersys but I really would not like to go through setting up my themes, preferences, additional compiz plugins etc.

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Installation :: Add Existing Ubuntu To Dual Booting Windows Box

Dec 18, 2009

I looked through the install FAQ's etc.I thought I saw someone ask about doing this at one point but, of course, I can't remember where.I have a computer with a single SATA drive which runs Ubuntu9.1 I would like to use it in a dual boot machine. Typically I'd install windows first and then add my second drive and install Ubuntu to the second drive. That's how I usually do it.I want to put in a new drive, install windows, then get it to dual boot using this existing Ubuntu disk. I need to get Grub on the windows disk and get the option to dual boot to the existing Ubuntu disk. I think.

Is there a way I could do this without having to start all over on the Ubuntu disk?

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General :: Install Ubuntu 10.04 On A Netbook Without Killing Existing Windows And Recovery Hdd

May 2, 2010

as the tags suggest, i'd like a fresh install of linux using grub2, and partition my harddrive

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installer Doesn't Find Existing Windows XP

Jan 8, 2010

I'm trying to set up a dual boot of Ubuntu & Windows XP.I have two hard disks installed - sda is 80GB and has an existing Windows setup on it, sdb is my 160GB data storage disk.When I have installed Ubuntu on other machines, it has detected any exisiting OS's and offered to install Ubuntu alongside them.

However, this time Windows doesn't seem to be detected - it says 'no other operating systems found' and wants to install to my second (i.e. sdb) disk. I was intending for Ubuntu & Windows to sit side-by-side on the first hard disk.Although I've installed Ubuntu before, I'm a bit of a novice and I'm not sure how to achieve this - where am I going wrong?

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General :: Adding Users To Existing Group

Aug 26, 2010

I've been asked by my professor to add the list of users to a linux server (not sure of the OS type I think he said debian) but anyway. He gave me this script to add users.

Code: #!/bin/bash
# Script to add a user to Linux system
if [ $(id -u) -eq 0 ]; then
read -p "Enter username : " username
read -s -p "Enter password : " password
egrep "^$username" /etc/passwd >/dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "$username exists!"
exit 1
pass=$(perl -e 'print crypt($ARGV[0], "password")' $password)
useradd -m -p $pass $username
[ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "User has been added to system!" || echo "Failed to add a user!"
echo "Only root may add a user to the system"
exit 2

I need to see if I can get this script to read a file that list the usernames and their passwords using the pipe command (or some similar command) so I can just do it in one batch. I've done some searching but there are so many vairiations of the code that I've confused myself. Also, I'm not too familiar with linux, it's been a few years since I've used it but in the prior script, I need to add the users to an existing group named "forensics". Which line would I change/add in order to do this?

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Programming :: Adding New Selections To The Existing Script?

Mar 19, 2010

i have two scripts called:

"type" & "selecttype".

In "type" i have only the name of the products ex.: product1 & product2. Now, i have to ADD product3 which includes sub categories: productA, productB, productC, productD, productE, productF. so my New type script (menu) looks as below:

1) product1
2) product2
3) product3

and my current selectype looks how can I add the new product3 argument with all other multiple selections (productA, productB, productC, productD, productE, productF) into my current selectype (as below which is set only for product1 & product2), so when a user select: 3) product3 from "type" would get a new menu of all the sub categories, and the script would process the new additional arguments.

Here is the copy of my selectype script:

export -n selecttypechoice
if [ "${upgrade}" == "yes" ] ; then


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Ubuntu :: Edit The Bootloader Entries (remove Some Existing Ones - Not Adding Any)

Mar 31, 2010

I installed Ubuntu in a dual-boot with Windows 7, and installed the bootloader (GRUB? However, I have some weird Windows XP Embedded entry! I also have a lot of different boot options for Ubuntu. All I want is my Windows 7 entry (picked up as Windows Vista) and my main Ubuntu entry. How can I edit the bootloader entries (remove some existing ones, not adding any) so I have only two on there?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Error Re-installing Windows On Existing Partition

Feb 7, 2011

What just happened was that I was experiencing some serious blue screen errors in Windows all of a sudden, so I loaded up my recovery partition for windows, and ran the "Restore complete system function". At some point, it had to restart, and I got the BIOS error "Unable to detect operating system". Eventually I got openSUSE to work again by reinstalling it using my DVD. However, now, whenever I load my windows partition, I get a windows error that says it cannot configure Windows on my hardware! The furthest it gets is a blue Windows screen that says "Please wait while Windows continues to configure your hardware."

My windows version is Vista, and I use openSUSE 11.3 as my primary partition. My question is this: How can I re-install Windows onto my partition? I have a recovery partition setup still, but I'm afraid that the Restore Complete System function will mess with my linux partitions again!

All I want Windows for is to play WoW! Running WoW through Wine is fail on my laptop for some reason, its far too slow and problematic. Please help me... some Linux forums just trashed me for using Windows at all, but its my only option available for my particular spec of computer to play this game, so that type of advice doesn't help me much. Feasible alternatives to a Windows partition would be nice, but Wine clearly doesn't work for me like I desire.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Studio 9.10 64bit To Dual Boot With Existing Windows XP OS?

Jan 29, 2010

I have been using ubuntu for a little while so i'm not a total newbie. But im not very confident with installing the latest verion of ubuntu studio. Previously i upgraded to ubuntu studio through the terminal window from Jaunty. This time i want to do a fresh install via a DVD. I tried earlier but the part im confused about is the partitioning and formatting process. I have 2 hardrives. One of my hard drives has my XP OS on it along with my entire life. So I cant afford to make a mistake. The other has an older 32bit version of ubuntu studio on it.

I have looked online but I havent found much help. What i was thinking of is just unplugging my windows drive, doing a fresh install on the other. But then i wouldnt know what to expect when i boot up and plug in the XP drive.

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Fedora :: Adding Second Drive To Existing System For RAID1?

Jul 31, 2011

I have an existing Fedora 15 system installed from scratch.I've ordered a harddrive identical to my SDA and want to add it to my existing system as a RAID1 setup.I've googled around and cannot find recent clear instructions how to accomplish this. I don't want to reinstall everything from scratch. It should be possible to create the RAID1 using the existing data disk and then mirror everything up?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Adding Existing Memory In Sdb1 To Sda1?

Nov 30, 2010

Here is the output of disk free space

# df -k
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00 940287756 3320512 888432924 1% /
/dev/sda1 101086 21142 74725 23% /boot
tmpfs 7730504 0 7730504 0% /dev/shm
/dev/sdb1 2884158292 74736 273757667 1% /data

Now,I wanna add a large amount of memory in sdb1 to sda1 to increase the available memory.Is there a way I can do this?

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Networking :: Adding Wireless Router To An Existing Network

Dec 22, 2010

I have an existing network that connects to the 'net via a Linux-based firewall. That system has two ethernet interfaces: one to the DSL modem and the other to the internal switch. Future plans were for adding a second "internal" interface with the idea of moving servers into that (think DMZ). But while I was planning for that, the missus has decided she wants to pick up a Windows laptop and would like to be able to use it wirelessly at home. I have access to a (free!) Netgear WGR614L and was hoping it would work. Unfortunately, I'm unsure how to add the wireless capability to our network.


Is it best -- or even possible -- to use one the wireless router for this?

Is it possible to merely hang the Netgear router off the internal switch and set it up for the wireless users? Or...

Would I need to add another ethernet interface to the firewall and hang the router off that? The address of this new interface would act as the default route for the wireless users. Then I'd need to (I assume) add more rules to the iptables configuration to deal with the new network. (I sort of like this option -- it it's actually feasible -- as I can easily shut down any wireless access by logging into the firewall and stopping the interface connecting the wireless router.)

I've taken a look at the setup guide on the CD that came with the router and it assumes that you have a modem connecting your PC to the internet. The instructions have you placing the wireless router between the modem and that PC. For our network, that would have the wireless access coming into the "dirty" side of the firewall. (Not what I would like.)

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Software :: Adding Partitions To An Existing Image File?

Jun 15, 2009

I have 2 image files, image 1 which is 16MB, has multiple partitions, where the boot partition has a 2.4 kernel in it, and image 2, which is 32MB, has a single partition with a 2.6 kernel.

I wish to add those extra partitions from image 1, into image 2, either by adding them within the 32MB(which means cutting back on the size of the existing partition), or adding them to the end of the image(which means extending the image beyond 32MB).

The boot partition for both images is ext2, while the rest of the partitions in image 1 is just raw data.

I'm working with these images in Mandriva Linux 2009.

How can I achieve what I want to do? I think it should be with fdisk and/or mkfs but I'm not sure how? I've tried using gparted to regenerate the partitions from a new image file with the following steps:
dd if=/dev/zero of=image.img bs=32M count=1
gparted image.img

Then I created a 30M boot partition. However, I'm not able to create the rest of the partitions as they are smaller than 1MB, which seems to be the min supported. I need precise control of the start/ending sectors of each partition.

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Red Hat :: TFTP - RHEL Installation Removes All The Existing Windows Partitions

Jul 28, 2010

I've configured my RHEL system to be used as tftp server. I've configured NFS,VSFTPD and DHCP too. Everything works fine, the clients are able to boot from PXE and get the kickstart information from the server and the installation completes successfully. Now the problem is the RHEL installation removes all the existing windows partitions. How do I make my system a dual boot? I've configured my kickstart to use "Remove existing Linux Partitions" and the problem still persists.

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General :: Adding Existing Distro Back To Boot Loader?

Mar 19, 2011

Have 3 linux distros on 3 hard drives. lost one distro from boot loader. how do I restore missing distro to boot loader? drive was not written to when one distro (drive) was updated.Example drives a, b, and c each had listing on boot loader, now after upgrade to distro on drive b order on boot loader is drive b then a and none for c.

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Red Hat :: Adding A Root Mirror Drive To Existing RHEL5 System?

Nov 9, 2010

I have a running RHEL5 system, which has two physical disk drives, but is currently running on a single drive of the pair. The single drive the system is running on contains a root/boot partition and a swap partition. I would like to be able to add a mirror drive to this existing setup without having to disturb the running system (much). That is, I don't want to have to completely dump, reinstall (creating the mirror on the way up), and reload from backup media if I can avoid it. I have seen procedures that go as follows:

- the "extra drive" (the one not being used as the current root/boot device) is first brought under LVM control as a root object with one physical mirror attached.

- the data from the running root/boot drive is rsync-ed over to the LVM-controlled half-mirror, and boot records added.

- System rebooted on newly created half-mirror.

- Original root prepped to be second side of LVM mirrored root, and is added in.

Can one boot from an LVM disk directly? There seems to be some question on this that came up in other lists I had read online.

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Ubuntu :: Safely Resize A Partition Like Adding The Extra Space Without Touching The Existing Data?

Jul 9, 2011

I have a BIG extended partition. It's at about 750Gb. Aside from that, I have 2 unallocated spaces, one at 240Gb and one at 5Gb. I want to make one of my storage drives bigger, and so that I can take advantage of all the space I have. (Those 250Gb have been unused for ages. I want to use them for my growing libraries.) So I wonder: would it be safe to put these smaller "chunks" into the extended partition, and still have a working systen? I don't want to mess it all up.

Also, can I safely resize a partition, like adding the extra space, without touching the existing data? I'm not exactly sure how the resize/move function in GParted works. Will it wipe and extend or only extend it by adding it? It would be nice to have these questions answered. Also, if it's to any help, this is my partition table as of now:


As for the first entries, they're unallocated. They're the primary drives, but they don't exist. I'm actually considering to move my partitions out of the extended one, because I only have 3 partitions that I use and will ever use. But if the extended partition is not a problem, I will just keep it this way.

I'd imagine that I first extend the extended partition to consume the unallocated space, and then I move it all to the end of the partition, and then resize sda7 to consume it, and get a 750Gb partition. Can this be done without loss of data?

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Debian Configuration :: Squeeze Adding Two SATA Drives To Existing System?

Apr 21, 2011

Is there an easy way to add SATA drives to an existing system and have them m automatically at boot?So far I've been able to create a partition and format but they never mount at boot.What do I have to put in fstab so it will work?Also, since RAID doesn't work in Debian, is it possible to make two drives mount at the same folder

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Fedora Installation :: Adding Windows XP To GRUB?

Jul 22, 2010

I have installed Windows 7 64-bit, Fedora 13 64-bit and Windows XP 32-bit. I had to install the 32-bit XP for some driver issues I have with obscure devices I own. Windows 7 and Fedora both boot with no issues but Windows XP is not the in the GRUB loader as it was installed after Fedora. I have tried adding a few entries to the menu.lst file but my attempts failed. The output of fdisk -l is here


255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes


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Ubuntu Installation :: Installer Can't Install To Existing Ext4?

May 29, 2010

I haven't used linux for a long time, after this break i wanted to install ubuntu and give it a shot but altough that i have a 10gb free space and another seperate 2gb free space for a possible linux setup, installer can't seem to recognize them.

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Installation :: Create A Live CD Install Of My Existing Ubuntu?

Oct 25, 2010

Is it possible to create a Live CD install of my existing Ubuntu installation? I mean, to create a Live installation CD of my system as it is now on my pc, with all the programs and utilities that I have installed, so that if the system crashes and is unbootable, I could be able to restore it to the state when I created the Live CD.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Install 10.10 On Top Of Existing Dual Boot Set-up

Apr 10, 2011

I have a machine dual-booting with a Windows and an Ubuntu installation on it. I want to reinstall Ubuntu on top of the existing Ubuntu installation on this machine so that I have a fresh install of Ubuntu.I don't mind losing all my data on my Ubuntu partition, but I need to keep all the data currently available on my Windows partition.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Adding Windows 7 To Grub Menu (Installed On VirtaulBox)

Apr 3, 2010

I recently installed Windows 7 on Virtual Box (running within Ubuntu Karmic 9.10), and it runs great. However I want to also add Windows 7 to the Grub Menu, so I can choose at the start between the Ever-Glorious Ubuntu and the Depressingly-Drab Windows 7.

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Ubuntu :: Launch Pre-Existing Ubuntu Install In Windows

Oct 9, 2010

I have two hard drives. One has Windows loaded on it, the other Ubuntu. When I am working, I always launch into the full install of Ubuntu. However, I have found, on occasion, I would like to be in Windows and be able to launch Ubuntu to access my work (data, configs, apps, etc.). Is there some way I can mount an existing install of Ubuntu into some sort of VM and launch it?I'm guessing I can install another copy of Ubuntu in Virtual Box and then config it like my install and access my other Ubuntu's data, but I would prefer to avoid this.

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Fedora Installation :: Install DVD Version Over Existing Installation?

Jul 14, 2011

What happens if I install the DVD version of Fedora 15 over an existing installation of Fedora 15-KDE? Will it cleanly add any software I don't already have, or will it change or disrupt my installation?

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General :: Dual-boot Ubuntu And Windows XP On An Existing Ubuntu Installation?

Feb 6, 2010

I have a computer running Ubuntu 9.10. I want to be able to dual-boot Windows XP and Ubuntu. I have seen other tutorials but they are for older versions and I am afraid of doing something that does not work on newer versions and losing data.

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