Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Isn't Offering "auto" Multiboot

Jan 2, 2011

Usually when i am installing Ubuntu, including 10.10, the installer will recognize my windows partition and ask if I want to install side by side (not Wubi). When I try it now it only gives me the option to erase and use hole disk or advanced. Ubuntu installer usually does an awesome job of setting up dualboot all the way to adding windows to grub for me. Whats changed? And how to I change it back?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Multiboot 2 Distros On 1 HDD?

Apr 13, 2011

I want to multiboot several Distros for experimental purposes. My main distro is Ubuntu 10.04.Hard drive is partitioned like such: /dev/sda1, grup bios, size = 977 Kib/dev/sda2, file system ext4, size 1.8 Tib, this is mounted on / /dev/sda3 linux swap, 4.3Gib.My question is can I use Gparted to partition a second space out of sda2, and install another Distro? Do I mount it on / ? and will grub boot see both OS without destroying the kernel of my old distro? I am assuming to partition my hard drive I have to unmount it, but can I do this without using a live cd? So many questions and so little help, because apparently this is an easy thing to do.I am just worried just seems that what I just described is too easy and I will probably destroy everything and have to start over.

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Ubuntu :: Simple 10.04x LTS Installation That Allows Multiboot?

Aug 25, 2010

Have you ever heard of multibooting many distros from the same partition?

Do you need to find a way to install the new Ubuntu 10.04x LTS into an existing partition as another option to multiboot?

Simple, you don't need to download or install any scripts or executables. read on @


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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Multiboot .04 From Windows XP Bootloader

Jun 1, 2010

I am trying to install Ubuntu10.04 on my machine which already has on it, Win XP. Lemme lay down the setup of my machine first of all.

I got a new 320GB HDD of which I have taken 20GB as the primary partition and installed Win XP on it. Took another 220GB as an extended partition for my data storage. Around 63GB was remaining which I left it as unallocated. Decided to try Ubuntu, but preferred to boot it from the windows bootloader. Downloaded and burned the Ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso(have a AMD x3 425 machine) and tried an install on 30GB of the 63 left.

I did not try any partition scheme. I chose the manual partition option, made a 28GB ext4 partition, made it primary, mounted the /, took another 2GB for the swap and proceeded. Chose advanced option and installed grub on the 28GB(/dev/sda6) and completed the installation.

Since no grub was installed, Ubuntu was not available. So then, used the bootpart utility to point grub to the windows bootloader, but it did not work, was giving me error when I chose Ubuntu from the bootmenu modified by the bootpart.

So tried booting with the same install cd, chose Live Ubuntu this time and mounted the 28GB, copied the first 512bytes using dd if=/dev/sda6 of=ubuntu bs=512 count=1 to a usb drive. Rebooted into windows and copied the file to C: and added it to the boot.ini. Rebooted and tried choosing Ubuntu from the boot menu but it does not work. I get a blank screen with the cursor blinking.

The machine is new and BIOS is LBA enabled by auto.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 - Installing CentOS 5.5 To Multiboot

Aug 4, 2010

I decided to install my 4th OS, centos. I had some problem and I want to share my experience in this case. After several install and a few kernel panic message, I could successfully dual booted with Ubuntu 10.04 and centos5.5.

First: Boot from DVD and I got kernel panic. A bios update solved my problem (MSI).
Second: When I installed centos without grub and after the install when I wanted to boot in I got something like this: Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)

After 4 days I found out this:
1. I installed every OS, Ubuntu was the last one.
2. I left an unpartitioned free place for centos
3. I installed centos at last. During centos installation, at partitioning, choose "create custom layout"
4. Choose the free place as / and on the next screen you can choose, do NOT install grub.
5. Reboot > in grub choose Ubuntu 10.04 (in my case centos5 already was listed there, but don't go there), because we need to edit the grub.cfg file in ubuntu

My original grub.cfg file, (centos part) was like this:
menuentry "CentOS release 5.5 (Final) (on /dev/sdb3)" {
insmod ext2
set root='(hd1,3)'
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set bc47e87e-88c6-4756-8f47-361298b23a16
linux /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-194.el5 root=/dev/sdb3 }

I changed it for this:
menuentry "CentOS release 5.5 (Final) (on /dev/sdb3)" {
insmod ext2
set root='(hd1,3)'
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set bc47e87e-88c6-4756-8f47-361298b23a16
linux /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-194.el5 root=UUID=bc47e87e-88c6-4756-8f47-361298b23a16
initrd /boot/initrd-2.6.18-194.el5.img }

Save, restart and this time I could boot in to centos. After Ubuntu kernel update, you need to edit grub.cfg again!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Create A Multiboot System With Several OS?

Sep 25, 2010

've been looking for the answer both on the web and this forum but I couldn't find it;How can I put Ubuntu, Encrypted Ubuntu (Luks + LVM), Backtrack and eventually WinXP on the same drive with a Grub2 as a bootloader?I'm a bit confused about partitioning; I suppose that I need only one /boot partition to store the kernel of the encrypted Ubuntu, while the other distros will have their /boot within each partition, like this:

1) 500 Mb; /boot for the encrypted Ubuntu on partition #2
2) 10Gb; Luks + LVM Ubuntu
3) 10Gb; clear Ubuntu (whose /boot is in same partition #3)
4) 2Gb; Backtrack
5) [Win..]

In this case, will the update-grub command find and recognize correctlyll the OSs or should I edit something in the "40_custom" file

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Installation :: How To Multiboot From USB PenDrive

Jun 11, 2009

I have a USB PenDrive (FAT32 file system) that has 2 boot options. Boot option 1 = runs a program that updates my BIOS. Boot option 2 = runs a program that executes a basic hardware test on the PC. I don't need to access any HDD or load any operative system. the pen drive is using a DOS bootstrap (like the one you obtain when you format a device using /s option under DOS).

Can I use an advanced graphical bootloader to accomplish the same thing? It would be nice to have a background bootsplash logo of the company, while the user selects one of the two boot options, using the cursor keys. Just like GRUB...

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Installation :: Multiboot On New Netbook

Oct 1, 2010

I just got a new netbook and want to install several distro's to play with so would appreciate any advice you have. I have a 160gb drive so was going to dedicate 10gb to each distro and to xpsp3 that is comes with and about 2-4 gb for meego. Here are the distro's i want to install if possible...I am in love with KDE again so starting with Kubuntu

the last 100gb I was wanting for mp3/movies/docs.i was planing on putting the 100gb in NTFS so it could be shared with each OS? Not sure if that is possible or if there is a better solution but i want to be able to access the files from each os - in linux you just mount that partition to access it? and then i would also be able to access it via windows. I am assuming windows cannot see the ext3 file system and/or it is easier to use NTFS?right now xpsp3 is installed so not sure if can back it up via usb or if i can just download a version and burn a cd as i have a key and use WinToFlash to put it on a flash drive or can i just make partitions leaving the xpsp3 install on the netboot?

Any opinions on filesystem / order of installs / how much drive space is ideal per distro / is it even possible for that many os's / which boot loader to use?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Offering MS-CHAPv2 In Pppd Causes Windows Error 778

Jul 8, 2010

I previously had an Openswan-based IPsec/L2TP solution that was working marvelously on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS. I upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and cannot seem to get it working again.

First, Ubuntu's version of Openswan (2.6.23) does not work with NATted transport mode [1]. Since an L2TP connection is in transport mode, I downloaded Openswan 2.6.27 to /usr/src/, and ran "make programs" and "make install".

This allowed my IPsec and xl2tpd configuration that I previously had to work again like they were supposed to. (Aren't you relieved this isn't an IPsec question?)

Anyway, xl2tpd starts up an instance of pppd for the new incoming connection using /etc/ppp/options.xl2tpd. But for some reason my previous configuration was not working. After hours of searching and tracking things down, I've narrowed it down to the following lines in my options.xl2tpd file:

plugin winbind.so
ntlm_auth-helper '/usr/bin/ntlm_auth --helper-protocol=ntlm-server-1 --require-membership-of="EXAMPLEDOM\VPN Users"'


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Fedora :: Yum Is Only Offering Kernel-headers For

Feb 13, 2011

where you only get offered the kernel-headers for by yum but not the kernel or the kernel-devel? I tried yum clean all and both pointing to the baseurl and mirrorlist and it does the same thing for both. Oddly my other laptop with F14 in the wireless cafe showed all three packages were available.

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OpenSUSE :: Wine Not Offering CDROM Access

May 1, 2011

I use Opensuse 11.3. Wine does not give me cdrom access. However, when run as superuser, it does.

winecfg does not help either: Entering /dev/sr0 did not give access to the cdrom whereas when running winecfg as root and creating Volumes automatically does create a cdrom without problems.

Settings links in .wine/dosdevices did not give access either.

my dosdevices lokks like this:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 judith users 10 30. Apr 21:31 c: -> ../drive_c/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 judith users 8 30. Apr 22:02 d: -> /dev/sr0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 judith users 17 30. Apr 21:32 e: -> /sys/kernel/debug/


Note that I need access to the device and not the files since I want to rip an audio CD with EAC which works well if run as root.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Multiboot Win7 Winxp 10.10 Beta?

Sep 17, 2010

I have used Ubuntu 8.x before side by side with win XP with absolutely no problems, today I have a windows 7 working great, but it was not enough for me so I've installed winXP on another NTFS partition, and then installed the Ubuntu 8, but the problem is that grub didn't detect windows 7 only detected Ubuntu and win xp ( and win XP under the name "windows Vista" !!). I did rename the win XP thing, not big thing, but there still the main problem of windows seven, it's not detected yet. So what I have done is downloading Ubuntu 10.10 beta and repeated the same thing after deleting the previous partition that Ubuntu 8 was on and created new one and used it. But the problem stays the same.

I have 80 GB - all one partition - windows 7
and 1 TB - 359 GB -storage
-26 GB - windows XP
-26 GB - Ubuntu 10.10
- ~4 or 5 GB - swap
-443 GB - storage

I know it's not organized enough but I couldn't do better using win7 storage management tool So what should I do to make windows 7 detected by grab and bootable, and I really don't want to format any drive,specially win7.

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Fedora Installation :: Multiboot - How To Install OS 11.3 With F13 And U10.04

Jul 28, 2010

I got a PC (32 bit) from my friend that has Fedora & Ubuntu on single HDD. Now I need to install Suse on the same HDD without destroying other distros. What are the prerequisites for this? & how to do this step by step. I'm not sure how the before installation is done?? I'm not sure about grub editing/tweaking. At present installation of SUSE is very important.
Ubuntu 10.04
Fedora 13
OpenSuse 11.3

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Slackware :: DHCP Server Is Not Offering A Lease (WEP Network)?

Mar 28, 2010

Looking at var/log/messages below, it looks like I'm not being offered a lease on this particular network. I can successfully connect to the network because iwconfig wlan0 reveals my network ssid and the access point I'm connected to. But pinging google.com gives me nothing..


root@darkstar:/# tail -f var/log/messages | grep dhcpcd
Mar 28 15:45:42 darkstar dhcpcd[5329]: wlan0: adding IP address
Mar 28 15:46:13 darkstar dhcpcd[5329]: wlan0: adding IP address
Mar 28 15:46:44 darkstar dhcpcd[5329]: wlan0: adding IP address


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Ubuntu Installation :: Repair/restore Grubin A Multiboot System

Apr 3, 2010

I have a laptop with 250 GB SATA HD that has the following:

Win7 Pro installed first with sda1=system reserved partition, sda2=C: drive, sda5=separate software application programs to differentiate from Windows' Program Files. Ubuntu 9.10 was installed next (sda6=common swap partition for all Linux distros, sda7=Ubuntu root, sda8=Ubuntu home). Then Opensuse 11.2 was installed with sda12=root and sda13=home. Finally FedoraCore11 was installed with sda9=boot, sda10=root and sda11=home. Ubuntu and Suse have grub loader in their own root partitions.

Suse's grub menu controls all OS's. From this grub menu I can select Windows or any other Linuxes. Suse uses legacy grub because it was installed right after Ubuntu 9.10 which uses (legacy) grub.

Here is opensuse's grub menu:

# Modified by YaST2. Last modification on Wed Mar 31 11:49:28 EST 2010
# Configure custom boot parameters for updated kernels in /etc/sysconfig/bootloader
default 1


Somehow I also messed up Windows' boot file and boot partition table. Now I am still trying to use Windows installation CD to repair Windows but it has taken several hours and am still waiting for screen response. I cannot boot into any Linux distro either.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Multiboot Using Grub2 (SuSe / Fedora And Lubuntu)

Apr 3, 2010

I am desperately looking for a how to : multiboot. Checked bodhi.zazen's thread, but its totally with reference to GRUB Legacy. I have karmic installed and also vista. wondering if there is a step-wise guide to multiboot with reference to Grub2. I want to add a SUSE, Fedora and Lubuntu, but have no clue as to how. I messed up my comp earlier trying to multiboot so now I just dual-boot Windows Vista and Karmic Koala.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Multiboot - Change Which Version Of GRUB Is Used When Boot Up?

Aug 18, 2010

I'm having an issue with GRUB, I have four OSes on my hard drive. Here they are in the order I installed them:

Windows 7 (Windows bootloader)
Ubuntu (GRUB 1.97)
Debian (Some ancient bootloader)

(For those of you unfamiliar with it, YLMF OS is an Ubuntu-based distro re-skinned to look like Windows XP. Other than the theme and branding it's exactly the same as Ubuntu) Each time I installed another operating system, it replaced my original bootloader with its own. I made the mistake of installing Debian last, thus leaving me "stranded" with an old version of GRUB. Since at the time I was relatively inexperienced with Linux, I solved the problem by reinstalling Ubuntu, which then replaced the bootloader with GRUB 1.97.

I mainly use YLMF OS, and so when I wanted to change some GRUB menu settings (the default entry, timeout, etc.) I naturally changed the /etc/default/grub file in the YLMF OS partition, not the one in Ubuntu. Once I rebooted I realized that my changes weren't being applied for that reason. Thus my problem is that my computer is using the GRUB that Ubuntu installed, not the one YLMF OS came with. How do I change which version of GRUB is used when I boot up? Yes, I could just change the settings in the Ubuntu partition, but YLMF OS came with the newer/est version of GRUB, so I want to use that instead.

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Debian Installation :: Reinstalling In A Multiboot System?

Sep 9, 2011

I have a triple boot system with Windows XP, Debian Lenny, and Fedora in that order as far as the disk partitions, and Lenny's grub controlling the multiboot. This has worked well for yearsRecently the Debian got corrupted with someependency issues, and I want to install Squeeze inplace of the existing LennyI don't need to save anything from the Lenny). Is this possible, usinga startup install CD for on-line installation of Squeeze over the Lenny partitions, and also without disturbing the Windows and Fedora boots? If it is, are there any manual steps to be taken during
the installation?

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Installation :: Multiboot - No Option To Choose Which OS To Boot

Sep 29, 2010

Just migrating to linux but I don't want to give up linux just yet so I've stuck in a 2nd hard drive to install linux on which I've done, now I have windows on one hard drive and linux on the other but my computer boots straight onto linux. I need the option to choose which os to boot into on startup which I've heard GRUB is the best option but I have no idea how to go about setting this up.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Chain GRUB From Truecrypt And Its Bootloader (multiboot Alongside XP)

Aug 23, 2010

I want Truecrypt to ask for password for Windows XP as usual but with the standard [ESC] option, on selecting that, i.e via Escape key, I want it to find the grub for the (unencrypted) Ubuntu install. I've installed Windows XP on the 120Gb hard drive of a Toshiba NB100 netbook then partitioned to make room for Ubuntu 10.04 and installed that after the Windows XP install. When I encrypt Windows XP, Truecrypt will overwrite the grub entry in the master boot record (MBR), I believe (?) and I won't be able to choose between XP and Ubuntu anymore. So I need to restore it back.

My setup:

Windows XP, NTFS (to be encrypted with Truecrypt), 40Gb
/boot (Ext4, 1Gb)
Ubuntu swap, 4Gb


The key area of the problem is how to instruct Truecrypt when escape key is pressed, and how the Grub/Ubuntu can be made visible to the truecrypt bootloader to find it, when the esc key is pressed. Also knowing as chaining.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Casper Boot Toram Multiboot Squashfs Images

Aug 18, 2011

I've just created a bootdisk (ssd) with multiples Squasfs images I can choose to boot at the Grub2 menu.No I tried to put the sqfs-images into a ramdisk. Therefore I edited the script '/usr/share/initramfstools/ scripts/ casper'. I used the 'dirty hacks'in the ubuntuforums.org/boottoram howto but I suited them for my needs.Now the Systems stops after the kernel and doesn't find a root system.

The sqfs-image without the modification of the 'casper'-script still boots but doesn't load into ram completely.

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Ubuntu Installation :: "can't Access Tty" Error Using Multiboot?

Apr 3, 2010

I used MultibootISOs.exe to create a multiboot USB consisting of the following apps. All their Live CDs work fine on my computer but a couple of them had trouble with the transition to USB booting.

Ophcrack Vista 2.3.1 - OK
Ophcrack XP 2.3.1 - OK
Partition Wizard 4.2 - OK
Puppy Linux 4.3.1 - OK
UBCD4Win 3.5 - OK


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Ubuntu Security :: Ecryptfs Doesn't Auto-decrypt With Auto-login

Jan 6, 2011

I recently installed 32bit maverick and wanted to make it login automatically. I tried enabling auto login from Admin > Login but that didnt work and I was still prompted for my password. Then I went to Users & Groups and changed the password option to Do Not ask for password at login now after I reboot, the user list is shown (only 1 user) and it doesnt ask for password after I click on my username.

However, then it gives a few errors (as i vaguely recall):

1. cannot load .ICE directory in my home directory
2. some error 256 about a gconf-sanity-2 file
3. nautilus cannot load my home directory etc

and then it gets stuck without loading anything (blank wallpaper). i ve tried navigating to my home directory using Alt F2, gksudo nautilus and my home dir contents are encrypted by the ecryptfs (there is a readme.txt file and a shortcut). i have tried to decrypt but it doesnt work... i ve also tried to start/stop gdm, and startx but nothing works. if i stop gdm, then the prompt doesnt recognize my password and keeps on rejecting the commands i enter... I think this has something to do with the home dir not being decrypted due to the dont ask for paswd option... how can i disable the dont ask for pwd without the gui (i can access my / by booting through an external usb).

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Ubuntu :: Auto Run (auto Exec) A Script On Mounting A Device?

Mar 16, 2010

I would like to exec a script whenever a user mount a device. The device could be an internal device (for example a partition on a second hard disk) or a removable one (for example a usb hard disk). The script must have sudo capabilities even if the user is not included in the admin group. Is it possible?

The specific question:
I would like to add acl option to a device whenever it is mounted.
I tried fstab but it's changing the behaviour of nautilus see:

[URL]... so I would like to create a script with the command

sudo mount -o remount,acl /media/data
and auto execute it any time data is mounted.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 And Win XP - Adding OS X To Multiboot?

Jul 3, 2010

I've been running windows xp and ubuntu 10.4 on a dual boot for a bit now and decided to add the intel version of osx to my multi boot. I created a partition and installed osx without any problems. The only problem is, now when I turn my pc on all it sees it windows xp and I don't no enough to know how to fix it. How can I sort this problem out? If I cant get it all working, I at least want to get xp and ubuntu back to normal.

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General :: Make Nano Support Auto-complete And Auto-bracket Closing?

Feb 20, 2010

Does anyone know if there's a way to make nano support auto-complete and auto-bracket closing?

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General :: Html - Code Editor That Has Auto-indent AND Auto-outdent?

Apr 22, 2011

I code primarily in jQuery/JavaScript, and I'm looking for a text editor for Linux that has auto-indent and auto-outdent (seems to be tough to find that). Any suggestions? I've checked Gedit, Cream, vim, Bluefish.None of them seem to have this feature.

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Networking :: Ethernet Auto-connect / Auto-sense Doesn't Work

Feb 3, 2011

I have noticed that a common issue to several distros is the fact that the networking subsystem doesn't automatically detect the link if an ethernet connection is disconnected and then re-connected to the NIC after boot. If the ethernet cable is connected after the system is up and running, nothing happens - ethtool eth0 shows link detected: no, and you have to restart the network service to let the NIC know that there is in fact a link, and actually connect. I have a Fedora14 (KDE) box with a brand new Asus motherboard with embedded NIC. Everything works great except the auto-detect of a freshly connected ethernet connection if the link is down to begin with.

Am I missing a ethernet link sentinel utility or something, or is this just the way linux works? I have done plenty of research on plenty of posts, and it seems this is a common problem, with no solution other than manually or programatically restarting the network service in a script to detect the link after a disconnect.

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Ubuntu :: Delete Individual OSs From Multiboot Set Up?

May 3, 2010

how to delete or replace specific OSs in a Ubuntu ( 3 versions ) and XP multiboot set up

I want to make sure I leave my Ubuntu Studio 9.04 partition intact and replace the other 3 OSs incl Winodze XP with a fresh install of Ubuntu Studio 10.04 or 64Studio, alongside the intact UStudio 8.04.

Ive backed up Home folders which are important to me.

Can I do it with Gparted ?

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Ubuntu Security :: Truecrypt With Multiboot I10.10/7?

Mar 21, 2011

I work for a all-in-one IT company, basically businesses hire us and we will fix all their problems from servers to pencil sharpenersI want to get some background with UNIX so i wanted to multiboot linux on my laptop and use it for a few weeks. After a few hours of trial and error i managed to install it! So to the point: i used Truecrypt to encrypt my laptop and it used a special boot loader that made me input the password just after the post.My question is, can i use Truecrypt with a multiboot 7/ubuntu? After it took me hours to install this , running into and trouble shooting various problems that were probably just my ignorance, but Linux feels very fragile and i do not want to screw it up.

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