Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 64bits In Asus M2n32-sli Premium Vista Edition - Don't Show HDD
Oct 16, 2010
i try installing the ubuntu 10.10 in motherboard asus m2n32-sli premium vista edition, but ubuntu installer don't show my HDD. I have three HDD serial-ata in my computer.
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Oct 28, 2009
How do I get "Windows Vista Home Premium" to show up in my boot menu? Right now is just says "Other". I am dual-booting.
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Jun 22, 2010
If i now try to install, but not a dual boot v10.4 will I now be able to get to my windows files - eg data type stuff such as spread sheets or doc files under Ubuntu or does it just not even read windows stuff?or should I rush off and get Windows sorted out first?
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Sep 21, 2010
Fedora 13 on Asus P5Q Premium, E7500 hangs after 10mins to 2 hour. After some trial and error, I found that the problem could be related to yum although it could be that it is only by running yum that I've been able to trace the problem. On runlevel 3 (to make sure it's not an X server problem), system hangs and prints the following message on the screen (copied it by hand, still have to figure out where to find it after system restart):
BUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at 00...0695
Ooops: 0000 [01] SMP
last sysfs file /sys/devices/virtual/block/md127/md/raid-disks
I have a hw RAID setup but the problem is the same, only the numbers are a bit different.
It is not a hw-related problem either because both the latest Suse and Kubuntu install without problems (although both seem to have problems in starting with RAID installed, normal disk is OK). Of course, I only have myself to blame because Asus says that this mb is compatible with FC8 - I haven't been able to test because my machine seems to have problems in booting from install DVD - but I suspect it is because that was the time this mb was launched and they haven't tried it on more recent Fedora distros.
Interestingly enough, the same problem comes with F12 and F11, didn't have energy to go further back. I've been using RedHat since ver 5.2. and would hate to give up following the path now. Fedora just stands out from the crowd so much that I can tolerate some inconveniences. This is just a bit too much.
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Mar 1, 2011
I have, in vain, tried to run or install Ubuntu Netbook Edition on an Asus Eeepc 1001PX.I have downloaded ubuntu-10.10-netbook-i386.iso and checked its md5sum, set up the installation media to both an USB-stick and a SD memory card using Universal-USB-Installer- and the Ubuntu Startup Disk Creator.The Asus already has an Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop which was easily installed using the same procedure.
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Jul 6, 2010
I'm starting to spec out a new GNU/Linux boxen. I'm considering the ASUS P6X58D Premium motherboard. Has anyone had any experience with this board in terms of compatibility with openSUSE 11.2/11.3? I'm mainly concerned about:
on-board sound: Realtek ALC889
ethernet: Marvell 88E8056
new interfaces: SATA3, USB3.0
being able to use: AHCI (which I had to turn off on a netbook, Acer Aspire 1410, for hard drive stability), 64-bit kernel I'm planning to use an i7-930 or i7-950 (should the price drop in August as rumored) with 6 GB DDR3 1333 RAM (not planning to overclock, as yet). The graphics card will probably be an NVidia GT240 or so (budgeting about $100 for the graphics card).
Also, I'm hoping to move some old IDE drives over using IDE->SATA 1 bridge cards. Any advice on this? Or should I just get a new SATA 3 drive? For the optical drives (DVD RW/CD RW), I'd like to use bridge cards since there's no benefit for the higher speed SATA interface, or is there?
P.S. For the naive question: As I haven't dealt with 64-bit installs before... I would need the 64-bit kernel for full access to all the extra address space, correct? After that, I can still run 32-bit apps, with a slight speed penalty?
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Feb 28, 2011
I have problems installing Ubuntu Netbook Edition (ubuntu-10.10-netbook-i386.iso)on Asus eeepc 1001PX. code...
I have tried both Universal-USB-Installer- and the Ubuntu start up disk creator to prepare my USB-stick.
I have earlier installed the Ubuntu desktop 10.10 on the same machine with the same method without problems.
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Feb 26, 2009
Recently I decided I wanted to try installing Ubuntu 8.10 inside of my Vista Home Premium x64 system.Ubuntu installs correctly, but when I try booting into Ubuntu from the boot screen, I get the black screen that tells me it's loading several components of the system, and then it suddenly stops at "Starting bluetooth..." or something of that general nature.
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Feb 6, 2010
I recently installed Ubuntu 9.10 onto my second hard drive, and now I can't boot into Vista (installed on hard drive #1). Grub2 just doesn't seem to be recognizing that there is a Windows Vista installation on the first hard drive.
I followed this guide (with Fabien's changes) because it seemed like they were having the exact same problem. But after rebooting, Vista is still not showing in the GRUB menu. In fact, the GRUB menu doesn't even show up unless I press Shift because it thinks that Ubuntu is the only OS installed on my computer.
My results with boot_info_script:
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks for (UUID=e94a058d-1d19-4a98-924b-1a5fce405bdd)/boot/grub.
=> Windows is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdb sda1:
When I was installing Ubuntu to HD2 (the 500gb one), I got a peculiar message saying that Windows was installed on it. There wasn't anything on HD2 though, because Windows Vista was most definitely installed on HD1.
However, if I chose to overwrite HD1 with Ubuntu, the message wouldn't come up. It seemed like the installer was confused as to which hard drive actually held my Windows Vista install.
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May 3, 2010
I am running Lucid Lynx, Desktop Edition on an asus eee 1005ha netbook. i've noticed a strange issue. there are two accounts i've setup, one admin and one normal user. when i click on logout and login as admin and then boot into the admin desktop and then click on logout again, i get a blank screen and nothing happens. i have to remove the battery and restart the system to get it running again.
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Jun 3, 2010
I have just purchased an Asus EeePC 1001HA netbook and I would like to install Ubuntu Netbook Edition 9.10 (love the look and the brilliant interface), but I can't get the wireless network to work. I am currently running from a 4Gb USB stick that has the LiveCD on it with a 1Gb persistence. The network notification area only shows wired and VPN connections. I have tried installing the Ralink 3090 driver but I have had no luck in getting the wireless to work.
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May 13, 2010
can i install ubuntu 10.04 Netbook edition in my laptop? Is there any drawback in installing in laptop? which one is better-netbook edition or desktop edition?
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Jan 30, 2010
My config: PI945GZD motherboard 2 GB RAM Windows 7 UltimateMy processor supports 64 bit OS but I have not tried any. So should I download and use the 32 bit edition or the 64 bit edition.I have sound blaster 5.1(not sound blaster 5.1 live). Would it work in ubuntu?
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Jan 18, 2010
Have just installed 9.10, again, many failed attempts previously.Cannot get to boot up and show menu on dual boot with Vista initially,However when I delete the grubenv file the system boots ok and works fine.But does not show the grub menu to choose boot up choices.Got the information to delete the file on some posts elsewhere about booting problem, and tried a longshot and got into Ubuntu for the first time from trying to install now for 3 months!The problem is the file grubenv is created each time so on subsequent boot ups the sytem fails to boot again.The Grub version is 1.97 beta 4, most up to date for Karmic I think, I have seen a version 1.98 but dont think its for Karmic?
Is there a way to modify the grub.cfg file to stop this problem ( all posts say dont touch this file??Or install a script to delete the grubenv file on shutdown as a workaround for me, (I have no idea how to do this whatsoever, I'm not familiar with linux at all)I did read that this problem was fixed/patched in Grub version 2, but dosn't seem.so on my system afetr I updated it when I got into Ubuntu.I couldnt find the patch or fix, I got the information I am on about from this post:URL...It seems to say it was fixed or patched by Colin Watson reading through, but I don't really understand whats being said or how to get the patch on my system if indeed there is one?Sorry for being a bit thick about all this, its a bit beyond my brain now, hope somebody can help out as I have enjoyed my brief bit of fun in Ubuntu.
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Dec 19, 2010
how do i open preferences... also, when i installed the notebook edition,, it doesn't show my icons on the desktop.. :/
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Sep 23, 2010
The problem i have is that after sucessfully installing Ubuntu 10.04 (64bits) when i start my PC and i get to grub2 and select Ubuntu it will get stuck at a blank screen with only an "_" flickering on the top of the screen. At first i thought "Hey, maybe it just takes a while to boot" but after letting it sit there for about 20 minutes and nothing happening i decided to restart my PC. And then the same thing happened like 5 times. BUT on the 6th try it booted sucessfully! And everything was working perfectly but as soon as i restarted my PC i would encounter the same problem.
Details I should probably mention that i had the exact same problen on the install process. I tried with a CD i had burned the image on and it would show me install options (Try and install, install, etc.) But when i selected either one of those i would get the "_" flickering and nothing ever happening. Then i tried it with a DVD thinking that the CD was the issue. Same thing. After that i tried with a USB drive and i would get the same exact problem, but on the retry on the USB drive the planets aligned in such a way that i actually got the Virtual Ubuntu loaded from my USB drive.
So it installed sucessfully and when i restarted it i got to GRUB and selected Linux and the "_" would start showing and nothing ever happens. On the <random number> of restarts it actually launched and it picked up my audio, video cards, other NTFS drives, etc. But when i restarted i would get the problem again. I even went trough the whole install process AGAIN (getting it to read from the USB flash drive, starting on Ubuntu) and still no consistent results. Though on the second install it didn't pick up my audio hardware nor my other NTFS drives until the second restart where i was able to use Ubuntu normally. I even upgraded what it told me to upgrade. (now i have two "different" versions of ubuntu on grub, each with it's own safe mode only different by a .24 and a .25 on their names) and right after upgrading and restarting it booted immediately. But after that i'm getting the same issue over and over again.
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Oct 17, 2010
I just installed Ubuntu on my laptop, which also has Vista installed. HOWEVER... On boot I only get five options: Ubuntu, Ubuntu (Rey), both MemTests and a Windows Recovery.Where's my Vista gone? I left it's partition completely alone during installation, and I can find all the Windows files in Ubuntu, but I can't boot it
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Mar 18, 2011
I have a single hard-drive on a spare computer and I decided to try out Ubuntu on recommendation from a friend. I really like it now but at first I just dual-booted it, and now I want Vista gone. I know it's unnecessary to have just one OS but my hard-drive isn't particularly big and I'd prefer to have Ubuntu by itself. Can anyone tell me how to eliminate vista and leave Ubuntu as my sole operating system (I've all my files from computer on another computer so I don't have to worry about losing anything).
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Apr 6, 2011
I installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my PC running Vista Home Basic. I installed to run as a dual boot but now I can only boot into Ubuntu. I have tried to run the recovery disk for Vista and it errors out also..
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Nov 18, 2009
i have recently started my masters degree program and i have to install fedora 11 for one of my courses. The problem is when i try to install fedora 11 on my laptop, it wipes out my windows vista installation. I want to keep vista. I have a sony vaio laptop model VGN-FW340D. 4GB RAM and 400 GB HD. i first shrink my hard drive to free up around 100 GB. Then i run fedora 11 DVD and let it make the partitions on my free space.. I have tried everything.. I chose use free space the first time, but i didnt work, it wiped out my vista, next time i chose custom layout and defined boot, root and swap partitions , but again it wiped out my vista.. I have read many guides to dual boot vista and fedora and have carried them out step by step, but nothing works.... Also i dont have vista installation DVD, i just have the recovery CDs, so everytime it wipes out my vista, i have to do system recovery, ive been trying for a week now, and its driving me crazy, i asked a friend of mine to help me out, he has dual boot system, and he tried it and it did the same thing, wiped out my vista... i just have one drive C: with two partitions, one small partitions which contains recovery files, and the rest of the partition has vista.......
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Oct 26, 2010
I have been setting up a box now and have it configured with everything I need and is running great.I would like to test out the netbook remix edition is there a way to install the desktop environment along site with Gnome (like I use to do with KDE)Would be great so I wouldn't have to re-configure drivers and such.To be able to switch from Gnome environment to Netbook remix environment.I am running Ubuntu 10.04.
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May 11, 2010
I upgraded from 9.4 to latest version of Ubuntu. Now I cannot connect wireless printer. States I do not have the required packages. I have loaded about everything zI can find relating to Bluetooth and it still will not connect. I have a Linksys router. Also, in my System (both preferences and administrative) I can no longer find the "Printer" section.
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Sep 1, 2010
Is there any log file created during the installation? (10.04 desktop edition) If there is, where is it stored?
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Dec 26, 2010
I am having difficulty connecting to a PC that runs Windows 7 (and suffice it to say Windows XP as well). I go to Places > Connect to Server and choose Windows share from the drop-down list. I enter in the computer's IP address in the Server field and click Connect, when I'm brought to the "Password required for x" screen (x being the IP address). I enter my username for the Windows machine, leave the Domain field as is (it is WORKGROUP by default, which is the Workgroup name for both PCs), and then I enter my Windows password. The dialog keeps popping up as if I entered incorrect credentials. I do want to point out, on the dialog, it asks for a Domain name. Since I do not have this computer connected to a domain (I'm at home), it is a workgroup network. However, prior to Ubuntu 10.10, I was able to use this method to connect to Windows computers.
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Nov 25, 2010
I need a Download Accelerator that will allow me to download files from Fileshare with my premium account and will also allow me to add more that one link at once. Chrome integration would be nice as well.
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May 9, 2010
I'm building up a server with a friend. I'm in charge of the hardware and my friend about software (linux distribution, etc). after searching through many models of motherboards I've found one candidate: Asus P6X58D Premium. Then, I realized that probably, there isn't any driver for that motherboard. So, I've browsed to [URL] then on the download tab and discovered there was: "DOS, Netware, Unixware, Windows 2000 to 7 x64 and others" but no Linux option
So, I've searched in other similar motherboards: for example P6T Deluxe. At the Linux option, the drivers were about audio issues....So, does really need a distribution x64 for server based on Debian, Ubuntu, etc, these drivers to work correctly on Asus P6X58D Premium?
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May 2, 2011
On the Ubuntu website, under the alternate downloads, there is a link for 11.04 netbook torrent download but clicking on the link gives an "unobtainable" message. On the "error" page, Chromium provided a link to the ubuntu page with all the 11.04 versions and checking through those there is not a netbook version.
Does this mean that there will be no netbook version of 11.04 and the desktop version will be OK on a netbook or is it simply that it is not available yet? I am intending to upgrade my current Acer Aspire One to 11.04 and am considering a clean install rather than upgrading via the update manager. I have downloaded the desktop version just in case.
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Feb 20, 2010
I have Ubuntu Server Edtiion on my server. During the installatino, I choosed to install the mailserver.
I have already configured the MTA.
I also configured the MDA(Dovecot). After I configured the MDA and tried to login on squirrelmail, plenty of MySQL error was generated.
I deleted Dovecot and tried again to login on squirrelmail. Now, this message appears:
Error connecting to IMAP server: localhost. 111 : Connection refused
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May 25, 2010
I am using 9.10 netbook remix and it only offers the 10.04 LTS upgrade option. Can I upgrade it to the 10.04 netbook edition instead?
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Jul 25, 2010
i requested a CD for my laptop... and i want to install it.My problem is: Can i use the Desktop Edition for my Laptop?
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