Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Conflict With Old Video Card?

Nov 23, 2010

Trying to install from a 10.04.1 Lucid LiveCD. The computer is pretty old but has Windows XP installed on it currently, which runs. (So it can't be that old!) I boot up and press F6 and I get the screen. When i try to install I get the Ubuntu logo with the 5 white/red dots and there is movement. The activity light on the CD drive flashes regularly and chugs along. At a certain point the screen attempts to change resolution or something and it goes all cyan and messed up. I assume that this is at the point where it attempts to load the graphical disk partition utility or whatever. Is there a way to pass a command line option at the install menu to make it a text only install or at a lower resolution? I'm not sure if it's trying to jump to the default IDID (or whatever it's called) resolution of the LCD monitor, since the video card may not support that resolution or something. (Because the video card is much older than the monitor).

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Fedora Hardware :: Conflict Between Sound Card And Tv Card?

Dec 30, 2009

My soundcard (a Creative X-Fi Xtreme Music) is running with the unix-driver offered by Creative. But after a restart (without switching power off) I have to switch the sound device in xmms from ALSA to OSS. Also my tv card (an hybrid card from Hauppauge, WIN-TV HVR-1300) is only getting a signal after a restart, before there is no signal found. To get sound while watching tv I'm using one of the following lines, it seems to be random wich of them is working without error:

> sox -r 48000 -c 2 -t ossdsp /dev/dsp1 -t ossdsp /dev/dsp
> sox -r 48000 -c 2 -t ossdsp /dev/dsp -t ossdsp /dev/dsp1

So it looks like a problem in loading the modules in correct order, but I'm not sure. Perhaps there is also a problem with my nvidia graphic card (see list below for the kind of card), that I have installed with the unix-drivers from nvidia's webpage. To solve this problem I'm now searching since september, when I got my new computer, including:

-graphics: Lead896 D3 X GTX260 Extreme+
-CPU: Intel Core2Duo E8500, 3166 MHz, FSB 775
-mainboard: Asus P5Q-E, P45 F G SA


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Ubuntu Installation :: Video Card Not Getting Past Video BIOS On Boot?

Mar 22, 2011

I recently bought a video card for my pc. I had it running pretty nicely on Ubuntu10.10, I started windows and later restarted and after that it wouldn't get past the Graphic cards bios. this is rather odd isn't it? I suspect it maybe dead or that my motherboard bios is stuffed but i reset that too and it still wont go.. The specs are Pentium4 Proccesor 1gb ram motherboard 661gx-m7 Nvidia GeForce FX5200 DDr128mb

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Ubuntu Installation :: Video Card Not Detected?

Feb 6, 2010

Working on a friend's PC, which was previously running XP and got a very nasty virus infection. I convinced him to try Ubuntu, showed him the interface running on my own machine and he was hooked. Backed up all his data to network, completely erased the hard disk and install Ubuntu. Sounds easy, right?

Installed 9.10, it didn't detect the video card and xorg.conf was missing from /etc/X11. After some messing around trying to get it to work, I realised that the sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg command wasn't working properly and didn't produce the menu shown in the screenshots. After some digging I found that this was a bug in 9.10, so to make the job easier, I wiped the drive again and started again on 9.04.

With 9.04, at least the xorg.conf file was there, but had no entries under configured video device. I tried adding "vesa", "via", "openchrome" (all on separate attempts), all to no avail. I retried the dpkg -reconfigure command above. still no menu.

Now several days into this "easy" install, I rolled back to the LTS release (8.04 - hardy) and installed that instead. Still no video card detection, and resolution is obstinately stuck at 800x600. Tried the same string of tests again, and now admitting defeat The relevant output from lspci is: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8378 [S3 UniChrome] Integrated Video (rev 01)

The output from xrandr is:
Screen 0: minimum 640 x 480, current 800 x 600, maximum 800 x 600
default connected 800x600+0+0 0mm x 0mm
800x600 60.0* 56.0
640x480 60.0


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Debian Installation :: Can't Boot After Installation Due To Video Card / Partitions?

Dec 22, 2014

After a fresh install of 7.7.0 (amd64), I'm unable to boot into Debian. I get the following error constantly when booting in recovery mode:

(snip) [drm] nouveau (snip) PMC - unhandled INTR 0x44000000

A bit of Googling seems to indicate that this is due to my video card (Geforce GTX 750Ti). Unfortunately, my motherboard doesn't have any monitor ports, so I'm forced to use a video card in order to use a monitor. Something I didn't foresee being an issue, but what can you do. How should I resolve this? Is there an ISO that has the (presumably non-free) drivers included? A way I can add the drivers during boot (I am able to boot into my Windows partition by changing the boot order, don't know if I can do anything useful from here)? Or do I have to do something crazy like buy/borrow an older video card just so I can properly boot into Debian, and then install the drivers?

I've got a secondary problem: GRUB has my Debian install as the only option, even though I had Windows 8.1 installed first. I don't know if this is related to the problem above, or it's a known problem with newer versions of Debian and/or Windows (and I have to update the menu.lst or whatever myself), or if it's due to the way I set up partitions. My current setup is:

- Windows boot partition
- Windows main partition
- Debian / partition
- Debian swap partition
- Debian EFI partition
- Debian /home partition
- Unallocated space (will eventually be a NTFS partition for shared storage)

This is the first time I'm using a motherboard with EFI/UEFI. It's also the first time I have an OS taking up partitions on multiple physical devices. I don't know if either is the cause of GRUB not detecting Windows.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Obtain New Driver - Video Card ?

Jan 22, 2011

I've recently had a new Video Card installed in my Ubuntu machine. (the old card failed)...

SYSTEM >> ADMIN >> HARDWARE DRIVERS - says my video card is active / running.

- The Installation guy - Didn't install the drivers (the CD was for a WINDOWS machine)

1) The driver may be installed & running - However - How do I know / test that it is the *RIGHT* driver for the new video card installed ?

2) How do i tell / find out the brand name of the physical card ?

(the CD disk says SAPPHIRE / ATI Radeon)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Get NVidia Video Card Working In Linuxmint?

Jan 8, 2010

I just bought a new pc. It has plenty of hard drive space and ram with a 2.6GHz processor. I'm trying to run a dual-boot with Windows 7 and Linuxmint. I need some help as to how I go about installing my video driver. I have tried combinations of the following: -clicking on the taskbar icon that says "restricted drivers are available" and enabling the drivers -going to Software Manager/Drivers and choosing to install "NVidia 3D Drivers"

My efforts so far have only resulted in the following behavior: The screen changes from color into black-and-white and becomes unresponsive except to close it out The screen freezes up completely forcing me open up a terminal to kill the offending process (which turns out to be firefox)

The next thing I would like to try is to just go to the Nvidia website and downloading and installing the driver from there. It's a BIN file with a "run" extension. So I entered the command "chmod +x NVIDIA-Linux-x86-190.53-pkg1.run" followed by the command "./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-190.53-pkg1.run". But I get an error that says the following:

ERROR: You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before installing. WHAT IS AN X SERVER? HOW DO I CLOSE IT?? I've got nothing unusual open. Maybe a web page. I've tried closing out of everything except the terminal and I still get the same message.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Two Monitors - Dual Video Card Setup?

Jan 9, 2010

I just got another video card from a friend and I wanted to see if I could get it to display a second screen. I have two monitors, both VGA CRT monitors. The first video card is a Geforce 8400gs pci-e and the card given to me is a Geforce FX 5500 pci. I could get them both to work separately under low graphics mode when I go into the bios and switch the video adapter from pci-e to pci, but not together. What to do to make both cards work in harmony?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Intel 855GM Video Card Not Accelerated ?

Jul 29, 2011

Just installed Ubuntu 11.04, and everything is perfect, except my video card. Ubuntu 11.04 refuses to run my labtops integrated Intel 855GM video card in OpenGL hardware accelerated mode. Everything is really slow/unresponsive compared to earlier versions, windows are rendering painfully slow etc. From what I can gather, problem is, 11.04/newest Compiz is OpenGL 1.4, and my video card only supports 1.3 (?). Now, I have tried downgrading Compiz following this link: [url]

No luck so far.. OpenGL is still software only. Do I need to edit some ini-file or xorg.conf, or am I missing something here?

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Fedora Installation :: Video Card Upgrade ?

Mar 10, 2009

Need to swap out my geforce 6200 for a ti 4200 now I could use a newer nvidia card instead if going to an older card would be a problem how should I go about doing this? is it potentially disastrous?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Not Recognizing Video Card And Sata Hard Drive On 9.10?

Feb 21, 2010

I have been trying to install Ubuntu on my main computer for some time. I think I have two problems: my hard drive and video card. I started with Ubuntu 9.04 but got nowhere. I am now trying Ubuntu 9.10 32 bit. I can at least use the live cd if I put the video on safe mode. Just in case you are wondering, I have tried other distros: Fedora, OpenSUSE, Slitaz, Wolvix, etc. Only Slitaz and Ubuntu 9.10 works on a live cd.

Information on my computer:
OS: Trying to install Ubuntu 9.10 32bit
Motherboard: ASUS M3A78
CPU: AMD Phenom 9500 Quad Core

Video Card: Galaxy Geforce 9500 GT 1GB 128 bit DDR2 (Nvidia) Hard Drive: Hitachi 1 TB Sata Drive 3 Gb/sec 7200 RPM Ram: 4 GB (I think, its been awhile since I built this thing) DVD Burner: LG I think I have two problems: the Sata Hard Drive and the Video Card. When I go to install it, I can get to the install menu but from there all I get is a blank screen. I have tried to put the video in safe mode then install it but I get the same result: a blank screen.

How do I know if Ubuntu recognize the Hard Drive and Video Card? I tried the mount command to see what it sees but I didn't notice any Sata Drives. I was told that I may have to do something with the kernel so it will recognize my Hard Drive. How would I do that?

I have been working on this for awhile now. On a side note, does it matter which Sata Plug the hard drive is on? Right now I have it on the 1st one but I would like to move it to the second one because I want a dual boot system. And yes I know I can use the same hard drive but I would like to keep them separated and use a switch to pick which OS system to use.

While running on the Live Cd, Ubuntu seems to know about my video card and ask to install some drivers but then it asked to be rebooted and it came back up not recognizing anything; video card and hard drive that is. On the live cd I ran the following commands: lswh, lspci, mount, and df. I am not too sure if they will show if the hard drive and the video card are working since I did them on the Live CD. Also on the lspci command, I did this after Ubuntu loaded the driver for the card.


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Stuck In Terminal Mode After Video Card Installation

Mar 29, 2011

I Am considering adding a sound card to my system and I am open to any suggestions. I have a lot of media files and I also do some gaming.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Xubuntu 10.04 With My Evga Geforce 6200 Video Card?

Jun 4, 2011

i am having trouble installing xubuntu 10.04 with my evga geforce 6200 video card. My motherboard has the onboard intel 845g? card. The computer will not read the live cd with the video card installed. it hangs on the splash screen right after choosing " try without installing" i have tried nomodeset but that dose not help. I have no problems installing with the video card removed. My computer i a hp pavilion a647c.

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Debian Installation :: G5 PPC Won't Boot / Misreads Video Card ID

Jun 23, 2011

I was installing Debian Squeeze into a G5 with an Nvidia Geforce FX 5200 ultra video card. The install went well but the system would not display any output. I did some research looking into the module configuration files in the /etc directory and dmesg log files and discovered that it was incorrectly identifying the video card as a "nouveau" card. I put the name "nouveau" in the modprobe.d blacklist file and it booted fine after that.

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Fedora Installation :: 10 Support Integrated Video Card?

May 24, 2009

I have installed Fedora 10 on my laptop, but I cannot start GUI at all. Besides, I cannot get sounds, either.... lspci gives me following infos: 00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. AC97 Audio Controller 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. Integrated Video my laptop is a little bit out of date, sound card and video card are integrated.

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Fedora Installation :: F11 Won't Install After Changing Video Card?

Aug 1, 2009

I was using F11 when my Nvidia 6500 broke. I got a 9400GT but now F11 won't work.When I try the default option: after the media test, the mouse cursor appears and then nothing happens.If I try the second option "using generic video drive" anaconda crashes after I choose my keyboard layout.The Live CD and preupgrade didn't work either.F10 installs perfectly.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lubuntu - Install The Drivers For Video Card - GeForce 6200

May 5, 2010

I installed Lubuntu 10.04 yesterday (yay, my first serious installation!), and I was trying to install the drivers for my video card (GeForce 6200), when it told me that it couldn't use ld. After oing some research I found out that it was in binutils. So I went over and got it and tried to ./configure it when it told me that there weren't any C compilers in $PATH, so I went over to the gcc homepage with a fine-toothed comb and found gcc 4.5.0. When I tried to./configure it, it also told me that there aren't any C compilers in $PATH.

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Fedora Installation :: FC14 Installer Not Driving Video Card?

Aug 14, 2011

I am about to upgrade my wife's PC from FC12 to FC14. The DVD boots OK and the disk check passes OK. The installer get to the point that it says 'Running Anaconda' (or words to that effect), then the screen is cleared, a brief flash of garbled graphics appears at the top of the screen, then all goes blank.

If I select the option to install using a basic video driver, I get the expected installation screens appearing centred but scaled down within the display, as though the image was a 640x480 window in, say, a 1024x768 display (those figures are guesses, but give the right idea).

I can install this way, but first want to check that this will not leave me with a scaled-down display when I boot to FC14. In other words, will FC14 recognise my (elderly) video card correctly, even though the installer does not?

The machine is running fine under FC12 and I did not strike this problem when I upgraded it to that version.

I have tried the upgrade using two different DVD images, in case one had a fault that the disk check did not pick up.

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Ubuntu :: Video Card Swap - Screen Using A Default Video Driver

Jan 25, 2011

If I take out the existing video card and put in another one of a different type (but not a different brand), how does Ubuntu behave? I know what Windows typically does. Windows starts up the screen using a default video driver which is at least 1024 by 768 and then asks you what this new bit of hardware is and asks where the drivers are. I'm pretty sure Ubuntu has default drivers of its own, but I don't know what their resolution is.

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Ubuntu :: Removed Video Card To Switch To Onboard Video / Cannot Start Kdm

Jun 19, 2011

Got a bit of a problem where xorg can't start kdm. I pulled out a dying AGP card to try and switch to onboard video, and I think the previous configuration is gumming up the works.I've been running this system for quite a while, as you'll be able to tell from the version numbers.Would like to avoid having to transport my Amarok databases to a new server. I make heavy use of the song ratings and whenever I try to transport the database from the old system to a fresh build I have to spend hours relearning sql commands.Any ideas how to either fix the resolutions on the ATI or (preferably) get KDE to start on the onboard graphics?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Video Card Died New Card Boots To Black?

Jul 15, 2010

My video card developed problems, so I followed the suggestion in this thread:

Quote: Boot into recovery mode, then choose root, for a command prompt and enter
Code: dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg

but my ubuntu 10.04 32-bit system still won't boot. Shortly after the ubuntu logo comes up, before the login, my screen goes black and there is no more video signal. What else can I do to reset the video configuration? The card only has this info on it: I could put the card back in the system, reboot, and then pre-configure the system to drop to the intel 865G on-board video, but the msi card has intermittent problems and will spontaneously re-boot several times during the first ten minutes of turning on the system.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Using The Video Card Nvidia 7800GT On An AMD4200, MB T6100 - Unable To Install From The Iso?

May 3, 2010

Using the video card Nvidia 7800GT on an AMD4200, MB T6100, I am unable to install from the iso, as progression is halted by a video mode that is unviewable. (black and white rows). I can get to the "f6" menu, however once I attempt an install it fails. My main goal is to install Mythbuntu, however the problem seems to be with the Unbuntu install drivers.This post worked to get around this on version 6.10, however these instructions no longer work. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=379807

Is there any way to use the newest Nvidia drivers that should work from a new install CD? I do not see a command line option, which would seem to allow me to install and update and setup the distro, THEN add my drivers before I run xconf.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Video Card Crashing When Using Video Editor?

Jun 12, 2010

My system: Pentium 4 3.6 GHz, 3 Gb DDR ram, GeForce 210 video card, Ubuntu 10.04.

I have previously used Cinelerra-cv (on Karmic) and recently Openshot (on Lucid) with not much trouble. I have been sampling other video editors (Kdenlive, avidemux, kino etc). Now I have my video card crashing whichever I use, mainly when trying to load clips. I have disabled Compiz, uninstalled all video editors and then reinstalled one at a time. I still get early video crashes whichever I try.

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Fedora Installation :: Video Won't Show Any Effects And The Nvidia Card Won't Work?

Jun 18, 2009

I have a Geforce 9300 GS installed in my machine I am using 64 bit Gnome with a 64 bit system I downloaded this: Now my video won't show any effects and the Nvidia card won't work? This doesn't make any sense. Frustration to the max. I should have stayed with Fedora 10 at least it worked with downloadable drivers.

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Fedora Installation :: The Video Card Is An ATI Radeon And The Drivers From The ATI Site Don't Work

Aug 10, 2009

I've loaded Fedora and must say what a nice OS! But I'm having some issues getting the video working correctly so let me jump right into the issue. The video is very garbled and hard to read. can't seem to find a way to correct what would appear to be a driver issue. Here are a list of things tried:

- display works fine with Ubuntu

- display is clear but is chopped off when using an external monitor from onboard vga slot

The video card is an ATI radeon and the linux drivers from the ATI site don't work with the new images that are out yet.

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Fedora Installation :: How To Check Video Card Drivers Installed In Terminal

Feb 16, 2010

How do I check what video driver I have installed in the terminal? Then how do I install or yum install it? I wanna do everything through command line soz.. I have an ATI 4850 I believe.

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Hardware :: High-resolution Video With 2 MB Graphics Card- Play 480p Video ?

Jun 24, 2010

I've been playing around with Damn Small Linux 4.4.10 on my Dell Inspiron 3000 laptop for quite a while now, and this is the first time I've been downright stumped. To make a long story short, I'm trying to play 480p video on a machine with a 233 MHz Pentium processor, 112 MB of ram, and a Neomagic MagicGraph 128XD graphics card (NM2160). Crazy? Maybe, but I don't think so. I'm using MPlayer set to Xv mode with the XFree86 4.3.0 server, and so far, I've been able to get it to play 360p mpegs with minimal stuttering. However, MPlayer crashes with 480p. This is because the 128XD only has 2 MB of memory, which, after the 1024x768x16 screen takes its share, doesn't leave enough room for a 640x480 overlay.

The creators of MPlayer are aware of this limitation, and suggest adding the following line to my XF86Config file: Option "OverlayMem" "829440"

As I understand it, this is supposed to extend the video card's frame buffer into system memory, thus allowing the higher resolution video to play. However, it doesn't work, based on this output from my XFree86 log file: cannot reserve 829440 bytes for overlay...

Some other suspicious-looking lines from the log file:

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Fedora Installation :: Install An Ati Video Card Driver - You Need To Run This Installer As The Super-user"

Aug 27, 2010

I'm trying to install an ati video card driver, but can't seem to get past this (see screenie)

When I click okay, I expected a prompt to put in my password, but everything just closes.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Install Nvidia Drivers For Nvidia 8800 GT Video Card

Apr 3, 2011

I can't figure out how to install the nvidia drivers for my nvidia 8800 GT video card. I've followed some other posts and all the posts seemed either incomplete, or led me down a path of which eventually broke my installation, that I needed to reinstall the entire ubuntu system.Again, it may not have been broken, i just didnt know how to get back in to the gui version of ubuntu, the instructions took me to the console terminal

1.) I've installed the ubuntu 10.10 64bit for i386 in an oracle virtualBox..

2.) downloaded from nvidia.com "NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-260.19.44.run"

3.) Stuck don't know what to do.

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General :: Fonts Conflict During Python Installation?

Apr 25, 2010

I am trying to install Python and during the installation the system returns "dejavu-sans-fonts conflicts with dejavu-fonts". I would imaging that removing one or other of these font packages will resolve the issue but don't understand how to do that.

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