Ubuntu :: How To Start Cups

Jul 3, 2011

Cups is disabled by default on backtract 5 (kubuntu 10.04), I can start the service running this command

/etc/init.d/cups start
but I would like cups to load at start up always, I'm sure the fix is just some file editing but don't know which.

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Debian :: Can't Start CUPS Server With /etc/init.d/cups Restart "file Not Found"

Jan 21, 2010

installed lenny and am trying to install brother dcp7010 again:

1) i can't start CUPS server with /etc/init.d/cups restart "file not found", there is a cups@ link in /etc/init.d.

2) when i install dcp7010 cupswrapper

dpkg -i cupswrapperDCP7010-2.0.1-2.i386.de
it ends with
" lpinfo: Verbindung zum Server nicht m�glich: Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt
lpadmin: Verbindung zum Server nicht m�glich: Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt"
(connection to server not possible, refused)

3)[URL] doesn't work.

4)foomatic-gui can't find the installed dcp7010 lpr-driver

brdcp7010lpr-2.0.1-1.i386.deb, (a couple of days ago it did)

This is frustrating because it worked in etch and worked for awhile in lenny. The dcp7010-scanner does work.

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Ubuntu :: Disable Cups From Start Up?

Mar 6, 2011

This may be posted some where but I searched and searched and searched and all old post that don't work. I'm using 10.10

why is port always opening code...

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Ubuntu Installation :: CUPS / Samba Does Not Start Up Automatically

Jan 24, 2010

After my update to 9.10 I had not notice that CUPS, Samba, lighttpd (and maybe other serives that I've not missed until now) don't start up during system start no longer. After all, things look quite normal in the directory /etc/rc3.d, which has the appropriate links S20samba, S20lighttpd and S50cups, all of them working when I use them directly. But wait! Ubuntu uses updstart now, does it? I have yet to understand what that means to the classic startup scripts in /etc/init.d.

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Ubuntu :: Network Printer Disappears - Cups Does Not Appear To Start

Aug 5, 2011

I am on Ubuntu 10.04. I had a network printer added, but suddenly now the printer seems to have disappeared. What's more, System->Administration->Printing doesn't allow me to add a new printer.The System->Admin.->Printing troubleshoot said the following:

"The CUPS print spooler does not appear to be running. To correct this, choose System->Administration->Services from the main menu and look for 'cups'". System->Admin.->Services does not exist. Searching on the net led me to believe that /etc/init.d/cups start would start cups for me, but that does not seem to be happening.

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Ubuntu :: Cups Does Not Start On A Fresh Natty Install On A Samsung N150?

May 14, 2011

sudo /etc/init.d/cups restart
results in


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Software :: Get CUPS Running On A Gentoo Install / It Complains About Libgnutls.so.13 Not Existing When Start?

May 21, 2009

I'm trying to get CUPS running on a Gentoo install. When I try to start it it complains about libgnutls.so.13 not existing. I googled it and updated gnutls to the latest version and tried a sym-link to libgnutls.so.26.11.5, all to no avail.

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OpenSUSE Network :: CUPS Does Not Recognize Ubuntu Cups Server On Intranet?

Feb 24, 2010

I have a printer configured on my Ubuntu server using CUPS amd made it available to the local network. The printer is recognized on my other Ubuntu machine without any problems.
But on my Suse laptop, the printer is not recognized. Using the YaST printer Configuations, I choose the option "Recieve Printer Information from Remote CUPS servers. But no printer is found.But... when I choose Do All Yout Printing Directly via One Remote CUPS server and enter the correct IP address (, the printer is found andI am sure the printer info is broadcasted because it shows up on my second Ubuntu PC. But why is it not recognized by default on my Suse machine

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Ubuntu :: Cups Password / Add A Root Users To Access Interface For CUPS?

Feb 26, 2010

I know this is listed somewhere but I cannot seem to find it -

How to I add a root users to access the interface for CUPS?

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Ubuntu Security :: 631/tcp CUPS / Close Port / Stop This Service / Tell Update Manager To Shove Cups?

Feb 27, 2011

Running: Ubuntu 10.10

I'm in a bind and I don't know how to get what I want. Nmap shows ipp running cups on port 631. Great, simple enough I uninstall cups, along with its dependencies. A new portscan reveals that the port is closed SUCCESS, but... Ubuntu Update Manager nags me @ every restart about the "important security" updates. I can't lock the version of cups in Synaptic, because cups is not installed! So you see I'm in a bind. If I have cups installed I have an open port, and if I uninstall cups the update manager nags me. What do I do? I've tried:

- stopping the cups service and issuing the chkconfig cups off command... (doesn't close the port)
- uninstalling cups... (update manager nags)
- fuser -k 631/tcp (great, but @ reboot the port is still open)
Please teach me how to close this port / stop this service / tell update manager to shove cups.....

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Ubuntu Servers :: CUPS Not Forwarding To Other Polled CUPS' In 10.04?

Mar 22, 2011

I've been trying to figure this out for longer than I care to admit. We upgraded our print server (sysadmin) to 64 bit lucid and that moved our cups server from 1.3.7 to 1.4.3. We have a remote server that is still 1.3.7 (printhost1) but version difference doesn't seem to be relevant to the problem.

If I'm on console on sysadmin and do an lpr to a printer on printhost1, everything is copacetic. However, If I'm on a host that specifies "ServerName sysadmin" in its "/etc/cups/client.conf" access_log on sysadmin shows: - - [22/Mar/2011:11:11:40 -0500] "POST /printers/103_hp4250 HTTP/1.1" 200 306 Create-Job client-error-not-authorized

and error_log shows:
E [22/Mar/2011:11:11:40 -0500] Returning IPP client-error-not-authorized for Create-Job (ipp://localhost:631/printers/103_hp4250) from

We've been using this method of sharing printers between locations for years and years so it not working now is a surprise.

cupsd.conf on sysadmin looks like this and is as open as I can imagine:

ServerName sysadmin
ServerAlias *
ServerAdmin webmaster
FileDevice Yes
SystemGroup staff
LogLevel info

Additional symptoms are that only printers locally defined on sysadmin show up when the client uses System>Administration>Printing in gnome. Same thing when you browse printers in windows on our samba domain controller that backends on CUPS.

I just know that it's something simple that's going to make me facepalm but I'm at a loss.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Cups Does Not Start - Error "cupsd: Unable To Read Configuration File"

Feb 23, 2011

cups does not start with the server. When I try to start from the terminal I get the error message cupsd: Unable to read configuration file '/etc/cups/cupsd.conf' - exiting! cupsd: Child exited with status 1!

The log files show nothing. cupsd.conf exists. It is user - root and group - root with permissions set at 0644. My interpretation of this is that the program is not launching from either boot or terminal for a fundamental reason. I do not quite see what that reason is ..

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Debian :: Cups Not Starting With The Server / Getting Error Unable To Read Configuration File '/etc/cups/cupsd.conf' - Exiting?

Feb 24, 2011

cups does not start with the server. When I try to start from the terminal I get the error message

cupsd: Unable to read configuration file '/etc/cups/cupsd.conf' - exiting!
cupsd: Child exited with status 1!

The log files show nothing. cupsd.conf exists. It is user - root and group - root with permissions set at 0644.

My interpretation of this is that the program is not launching from either boot or terminal for a fundamental reason. I do not quite see what that reason is .

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cups Will Not Start On New Installation Of Natty?

May 17, 2011

I am unable to print on a new installation of Natty.The print configuration utility reports that no printing service is available. I have comfirmed that cups is installed and get a positive response to "whereis cupsd" When I attempt to start cups from the cl (service cups start) I receive the following response: start: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.63" (uid=1000 pid=5577 comm="start cups ") interface="com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6.Job" member="Start" error name="(unset)" requested_reply=0 destination="com.ubuntu.Upstart" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init"))

There are no errors produced in the logs - either cups or syslog and if I turn apparmour to complain mode nothing improves: sudo aa-complain cupsd

I am aware of this post: [URL]... but since the workaround has no effect and in the absence of error messages I am not sure that it applies and cannot implement - and note that no print drivers are in play since I can't get cups to start.

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Slackware :: 13 And CUPS / Cannot Get CUPS To Change From 'Letter'?

Feb 12, 2010

I have installed Slackware 13 on one of the hard disks of my computer in order that I can get it working properly before changing over from 12.2.

My main problem is that I cannot get CUPS to change from 'Letter', which I presume is an American size, to A4, has anyone else had experience of this problem?

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Ubuntu :: Cups Will Not Allow To Add A Printer

Jun 6, 2010

I'm trying to setup a headless CUPS server, but no matter what I do, I can't add a new printer. Not using the web interface, or the GUI of another computer connected to the CUPS server.I always get to the point shown in the attached screenshot, and then I am asked for a password, which never works. I've practically slaughtered my cupsd.conf, and it now looks like this:


LogLevel info
# Allow remote access
Port 631
Listen /var/run/cups/cups.sock


it looks like the above should tell CUPS to never ever ask for authentication, but as you can see in the second screenshot, it still does!

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Ubuntu :: Cups Not Starting At Boot

Feb 7, 2010

I can't get cups to auto-start at boot time. Running sudo cupsd manually works fine, but I don't want to have to do that every session.This seems to be affecting lots of folks. This thread claims that bug #444597 in launchpad has a solution, but I must be too stupid to see it, and the thread is closed so I can't post there.
All my rc and init files seem fine, bootsplash is off, and, of course, there are no useful boot error logs in Karmic.

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Ubuntu :: Printing From DOSemu To Cups-pdf?

Mar 12, 2010

Anyway im trying to do a simple thing pointed out in the thread title. Everything is set up, cups-pdf works, in dosemu.conf lpt1 command is "lpr" printer-timeout is 10... I "work" in an accounting agency that has a program written in clipper back in 1992. Apparently some prints from this program produce text/plain and some produce application/octet-stream. text/plain is printed. The later is always aborted. I have uncommented the lines in mime.types and mime.convs. Which are located in /usr/share/cups/mime.

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Ubuntu :: Connecting To The CUPS Server?

Jul 25, 2010

I have a CUPS server on Debian, I am trying to connect from an Ubuntu 8.04 box. Here is my CUPS configuration file on Debian just in case it is usefull:


LogLevel warning
SystemGroup lpadmin
# Allow remote access
Port 631


When I try to add a printer I have set up in CUPS from my Ubuntu box, it asks for the password for katie (this is the user that is logged in on ubuntu box) on (CUPS Debian Box). The problem is, I don't have a katie user set up on the debian box, am I supposed to for this to work. Why is it even prompting for a password? Also, it won't let me change the name so that I can authenticate with a different user, it is not in a text box.

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Ubuntu Servers :: No Lpr Command Under Cups?

Sep 17, 2010

Setting up a new 64-bit lucid server. I installed cups and cups-client, and expected to have the "lpr","lpq" etc. commands available; we have old scripts that rely on them. But I don't see them anywhere.

Are they still provided in some package I don't know about? Otherwise I'll probably have to come up with wrappers around lp and lpstat, to avoid having to revise a lot of old code.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 CUPS Server Not Saved?

Nov 16, 2010

I have a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.10 64, and when I change the CUPS-server via system->administration->printing->server->connect, the new list of network printers loads up correctly.But when I close the window and reopen it, the old CUPS-server is back, so it seems that the change isn't saved anywhere. Rebooting doesn't do anything.

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Ubuntu :: Server 10.4 Printing - Without Cups

Nov 30, 2010

I'm not looking to setup a print server. I want to print documents TO an existing network printer while I'm logged in via ssh to my Ubuntu Server 10.4 command line shell. Things like admin emails, pdf docs, etc.

All the clients on my LAN are able to print directly to the network printer without any help from the Ubuntu Server. I don't want to setup CUPS on the server unless that's the only way to print from the server itself to a networked printer.

Do I need CUPS or can I print from the command line in some other way?

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Ubuntu :: CUPS Pdf Printing Is Broken?

Dec 19, 2010

I can't print to pdf through the "cups-pdf" print module. Here is my error logfile:

@ubuntu:/var/spool$ cat /var/log/cups/error_log
E [19/Dec/2010:20:52:44 -0600] [cups-driverd] Bad driver information file "/usr/share


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Ubuntu :: Broken Printout From The CUPS?

Jan 22, 2011

I was using happily Brother DCP7030 printer with CUPS on Ubuntu 10.04 for several months with no issues at all however recently I've started having problems with printing anything which is even a bit complex ( like 2 pages pdf, jpg file, etc..., simple gedit files are fine) - after printing properly up to one page the printer is producing one page like the one from attachment (with bunch of vertical lines starting in random places) and then "printing" unlimited number of blank pages until I will force it to stop. Any ideas ?

Ps. The printer itself seems to be fine - printing perfectly when connected to windows or other ubuntu machine configured exactly the same way like the one affected. Removing CUPS and installing it from scratch didn't help.

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Ubuntu :: CUPS Not Starting At Boot Up?

Feb 4, 2011

However, many of those threads show that adding two lines to the file "/etc/network/interfaces" should solve the problem. I checked on my PC and those two lines are already there.. but CUPS still doesn't start properly on boot up...

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Ubuntu :: Wireless Printing Using CUPS?

Apr 4, 2010

I'm doing work at a home office that uses all Ubuntu computers. They have wireless printing setup on a few computers using CUPS. One of the computer's wireless printing isn't working. could someone please help me with getting this set up? Is this something really basic that most people would understand how to do?

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Debian :: How Stupid To Install Ubuntu CUPS

Feb 7, 2011

I've been struggling with CUPS on Debian for close to a year now. I've got both Debian Squeeze and Maverick on my EeePC that I use at work (at a high school). The printer we use is an NEC MultiWriter 3650N---a Japanese-only model; the only info I can find on it is in Japanese. NEC has a CUPS driver for it in a .deb package, but I have had absolutely no luck getting it to work---it only prints out garbage when it prints at all.The thing is, using Ubuntu I can get the printer working without installing the driver---I use the NEC MultiWriter Foomatic/npdl driver that comes with CUPS, and it Just Works.I'd rather be using Debian, but not being able to use the printer is a huge issue for me (I have to print out a lot of worksheets, etc).

I'm not too fond of the idea of installing an Ubuntu package on Debian, but if there's a safe way to do that in order to get access to the printer, I'd do it. How stupid would it be to try? However, there's a link posted below to URL... that provides a .ppd file that works. Remember to change the default paper size to A4, though, or the printer will complain that it's out of paper (because it'll be trying to print to US Letter Size by default).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Print A PDF From Windows Through CUPS?

Jan 20, 2010

I'm trying to print a PDF from Windows through CUPS. I'm guessing it is supposed to appear somewhere on my Ubuntu machine, but I cannot find any files. When I go on the CUPS server and look at "completed jobs", it shows every print that I did, but I have no idea where the file is located.It is not in my Home directory.

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Ubuntu :: CUPS Bug: A4 Doesn't Print Correctly?

Jan 26, 2010

my printer has a known CUPS bug; A4 is printed as letter size; i.e. printing only appears on the bottom half of the page. I downloaded a ppd file at [URL] but it improved nothing. Also installed the bug's patch (sorry I don't have the bug's number) and followed the instructions; zero results. Upgraded Ubuntu 9.04's CUPS-related repositories to 9.10 but no improvement. Every test page still comes out with just the top third sitting at the bottom.

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Ubuntu :: Zebra S4M Label Printer And CUPS

Jan 29, 2010

So I have a Zebra S4M label printer that I have managed to get mostly working under CUPS. To make that work, I have the printer upgraded with the latest firmware, CUPS 1.4.1 with its AppArmor profile disabled and the Zebra EPL/ZPL ppd file that's floating about the internet loaded into cups. The printer is connected via USB to the computer, and is set up in cups using ZPL. The computer acts as a print server for other computers, and everything seems to work ok, with one exception. When the printer runs out of paper or runs out of ink ribbon, the printer stops and displays an error on screen, but CUPS never stops. It keeps taking jobs, sends them to the printer and reports that everything is A-OK. It appears at a certain point, the printer's memory gets full and then CUPS sort of hangs.

But it still doesn't display and errors or stop the quque, it just starts this weird behavior where it eats jobs or combines them into one giant job that it just sits on. What I need is for CUPS to know that the printer is out of paper or ribbon and pause the queue until the error status is clear. I know that this printer is communicating its status in some way, as when it's connected to a windows machine, the print queue stops when the paper runs out. How to get CUPS to recognize the printer status so that I'm not losing jobs? I've tried digging through the debug logs but there doesn't seems to be much help there. I do notice that from time to time CUPS says it's discarding "unused printer status changed" and "unused job progress" events but other than that, nothing I see of interest.

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