Ubuntu :: Best And Full Feature Editor - Open All Files In A Folder When Drag And Drop The Folder On It
Jun 21, 2011
when i used windows there was this wonderful editor named Notepad++.it was perfect(it still is) some of its best and useful features of it (for me) was:
1-open all files in a folder when drag and drop the folder on it
2-search and replace a statement in all open files
3-have an extended mode which include special characters like
and so on.. i want to know if there is an editor with this feature in ubuntu?
After upgrading to 11.04, I noticed something strange, being that when I want to drag a file or folder from one Nautilus folder window to another which is not visible, I can no longer hold the item over said folder's taskbar button and wait for it to appear. It just shows the + for copy, and when I let go (which I have no choice but to eventually do), it creates a launcher to that item (I assume it's doing that, and not actually copying there, but the + has me unsure).
I've looked in Nautilus's preferences to see if this is some new behaviour that I can revert back to, but could find nothing there.
I'm of course using the Classic desktop with bottom panel being the taskbar. If you know how I can rectify this, please let me know, as the times I would want to create a file or folder launcher without the usual hassle would be rare, but I am constantly dragging stuff from one folder to another, and it would be a real pain to have to line up source and destination folders each time.
With a default 11.4 (64bit) installation with Gnome - and using the 11.4 one click installer on VideoLAN - VLC: Free streaming and multimedia solutions for all OS! - the 11.3 integration seems to have worked better.
The first issue is that it's no longer automatically integrated into the right click context menu of movie files.
This integration happened in 11.3.
The second, which I think is user error but I really cannot get it to work is dragging and dropping files does not work.
-> Open Nautilus -> Navigate to folder with movie files -> Open VLC -> Click on a file in Nautilus and try and drag it onto VLC
The VLC is hidden during the file click and drag, so a drag to the bottom panel is required to try and activate VLC - however, VLC is never activated. I have tried different positions on screen but still over the VLC entry to try and activate it, but nothing happens.
This same sequence on 11.3 correctly activates VLC so I can drag and drop.
A workaround on 11.4 is to make VLC "Always on top" via the right click menu on the VLC title bar.
I basically am hoping for a line of bash script I can put into "Open With" for folders so I can get a terminal with the right path. I hate manually typing in paths to places when I am looking right at them in nautilus. "gnome-terminal" doesn't work - it just opens a terminal to ~.
I cant open xls files in a shared folder using open office 3.1. Its all started when i install a new open office version. when im using open office 3.0.8 i can open all the files but now i cant even open it. Its always display untitled documents.
i want make a bash panel and i want he will copy files from orginal folder to $user folder i mean when for explame i type i want install some server he say cp: cannot stat 'root/Desktop/2/files/beckup/sa-mp-steam': No such file or directory.
In Linux bash shell, for a given directory, how can I list:The create date for that directory The number of files in that directory The number of subdirectories in that directory.
How would i go about copying all .jpg or .JPG files from a folder and all its subfolders to my /usr/name/pictures folder? I'm guessing I'd have to use some sort of .[jJ][pP][gG] to get all the pictures from other examples i've seen, but really not sure how to use that in a recursive cp.
I've looked all over the internet for an answer to this problem. Maybe I am the only one experiencing it. I am running ubuntu 10.10 and have problems getting pictures from my camera using any photo program (f-spot, picasa, etc). When I plug in the camera, it shows up in "Places" and under "Computer", it even brings up f-spot or whatever I have set to open under media handling in the nautilus preferences, however, when f-spot or picasa open, the camera is listed, but there are no pictures detected. I have removed and re-installed f-spot and picasa with the same results. I believe I even removed the config files for them before re-installing them.
I can open the camera in nautilus and drag them to a folder from the card. If I remove the card from the camera and use a card reader I can import the photos using fspot, picasa or any other photo program. I just cant figure out why f-spot or picasa cant get them from the camera as they have in past verisons. This is not limited to one camera, it happens with a canon and a Nikon. I hope thats not too much info and is not too confusing. The camera(s) show up in lsusb.
I've using RedHat/Fedora for years now, and every now and then I encounter the following situation :
I open a folder and it's empty. The folder was containing files and I'm 100% sure I didn't deleted them myself. Each time the folder is deep inside the hierarchy and is among other untouched folders. Sometimes it's a folder I never use, sometimes it's a folder I use almost everyday. The missing content is not large (a few regular files).
I'm currently running F13 but I've seen this behavior before on previous versions. This is kind of scary all my work is there and my backups are also done on a a linux backup server.
I'm puzzled, I cannot see any specificities to these folders, I had no crash or cold reboot, nothing I see can explain that. Could it be related to ext3?
I got a folder that I transfer stuff to all the time. the folder is in chmod 775 but when i upload folders and files, they are given chmod 700, but i want it chmod 775 everytime i upload something. so far i have logged in to my linux computer and did a chmod -R 775 to the folder every time i uploaded something to it. is there a function somewhere to make it 775 everytime i upload or can i have something run a script, so i don't have to go in and write it everytime i upload something?
when we do enter on a folder it take some time for loading the folder depending on the no of entries in the folder . If the folder has more entries it take more time to load and if less no of entries then correspondingly less time . the delay in loading the folder varies due to reading of the folder entries in advance . SO what i want to know is that what is the MAX no of entries read in advance while opening a folder in linux and also how can we calculate this
i have a problem with th home folder button. When I click the button from the drop down ''PLACES'' menu i get this "Error File not found'' but if i go to places>computer>home folder, then it opens. If i type in ''CWD" i get this "/home/piepie''.so the home folder does exist, and if i type /home/piepie is a directory.
When I click on a folder in "Places" the appearance editor starts up and says that for example "Home Folder" or "Documents" does not appear to be a valid theme. XDG-open has the same results. Folders on the desktop open fine. I am at a loss here, I can't figure out what I did.
i was just wondering, that, is there a way to permanently display a full folder in desktop, in gnome.for example, there is a home folder displayed in kubuntu desktop, always
if there was a way, to add a folder to a hard disk which was full of symlinks to a CD drive. This would primarily be a way to store offline media and a way to access it. I would still be able to browse the folder structure and see the files (but possibly not the sizes). I imagine something like this:
Therefore I can see what files I have available, and I know which media to insert (in this case cd1) and I would then be able to view the files? Or if anyone has a better idea I'm open to it. Just to mention I don't have a GUI on this server, it is completely headless so any solution needs to be console based
Is it possible to share one folder between 2 users with full RW access without sharing every other directory they own outside that folder?
This seems straight forward enough to me. I've just asked it on #linux at irc.freenode.net but when we tried it became apparent that no one there could tell me how it was done.
Just installed latest ubuntu netbook remix (for my eeepc).I can't customise the desktop the way I like it. On Debian I used to drag/drop the top panel and place it to the right. With this install the top panel is locked on top, gconf 'locked' checkbox is unlocked.Is this a bug or a feature? can we work around.
The GUI on nautilus is painfully slow to work with. Every time I drag and drop a file I have to wait for the nautilus to slowly shade the whole file window . . . . . . . before it stops and lets me drop the file. I searched for a way to turn off this "animation", but found nothing.
I've tried pcman, but it wouldn't open my files. Thunar insists on copying files instead of just moving them.
I have been using Ubuntu 10.04 (32 bit) as a headless workstation, running a VNC screen. Worked perfectly for about 3 weeks, then suddenly, I lost the Drag and Drop capability, for all applications.
For example:
Dragging and dropping to move items on the desktop does not work. The item simply pops back to the original location. Dragging and dropping to move items from one folder to another does not work. Same behavior -- the item just pops back to the original location. Dragging and dropping Bookmarks in Firefox does not work. The attempted Drag and Drop is ignored. Copy and paste still works fine. The problem does NOT occur when using an attached monitor (primary display screen :0).
I suspected that the changed behavior was caused by an update (from Ubuntu Update Manager). I confirmed this with the following:
Reinstalled Ubuntu 10.04 fresh from the live cd. Configured minimal networking and installed VNC server. Tested Drag and drop -- works okay Applied pending updates (116) from Ubuntu Update Manager Tested Drag and drop -- not working
I am using vnc4server and openssh-server installed from the repositories using Synaptic.
can nautilus be set up in a way, that it has the same right-click drag & drop behaviour like windows ? i mean, i want to drag & drop using the right mouse button, and then i want a pop-up menue like the one i get using the left mouse button and ALT.
I have just installed ubuntu 10.04 after using 8.10 until now. I have two sepparate screens (NOT Xinerama). The problems is that I cannot drag and drop icons on the desktop betwen the 2 screens. On ubuntu 8.10 this was working perfectly.
I do not want to use Xinerama because it is not what I want - when I change workspaces, it changes on both screens, one one screen I have to click exactly on taskbar to minimize/maximize application, so I do not whant to use Xinerama.
So do you have any ideeea how I can have back the feature from 8.10 to be able to drag and drop icons from one screen to another ? I have a sepparate home partition and old settings were loaded into this ubuntu, i erased settings from .gnome, .nautilus etc and still doesn work.
I want to do is use a partition other than the one the OS is installed on for my data files. Before I installed 10.10 I set up a separate partition for this purpose and formatted it as ext 4. It shows under Places as a "131GB Filesystem". It contains a folder called "lost+found.
When I try to set up folders/directories to use for data using Ctrl+Shift+n nothing happens. The File menu does not have the option to create new directories. I cannot drag and drop anything onto it. The properties shows root as the owner. how to make the partition usable or direct me to where the instructions might be? After going through 400+ pages of a book on using the command line, I haven't found anything to deal with this.
Using xfce. I plug in my USB storage device and try to 'drag 'n drop' copy from home File Manager window and the USB disk window and immediately get a "Permission Denied" window. I check permissions and all seem ok. All users have read/write privileges to USB disk. I can even use terminal and cp from home to /media/disk/<what ever>. I can even create a new USB disk folder using the file manager menu. Just can't drag 'n drop between manager windows.
I'm a new user for oracle,tried to install oracle 10g on redhat linux 5 but gettinh the same error message. response/ runInstaller [oracle2@localhost database_10201]$ sh runInstaller_runInstaller: line 54: /tmp/database_10201/install/.oui: Permission denied_
how to give full set of permisions to an user in linux to access a folder?