Ubuntu :: How To Reset Tilde Key

Jul 24, 2010

So I've made a bit of a mess of things. I installed Tilda and had it working like a charm.I bound it to the tilde key (shares a key with ~, maybe it's called grave?) and it was great.I also have a Logitech MX Revolution mouse and decided to use xbindkeys to fix the thumb wheel which is the only set of actions that doesn't work out of the box. I decided to set the wheel press action to the tilde key, hoping to have a button on my mouse to open Tilda.

After fumbling around trying to figure out how to identify the tilde key I somehow managed to bind it to xterm. This wouldn't do. So in an effort to clear the binding to default I bound it to "". Well now the key does nothing unless I use it in conjunction with the shift key, in which case it produces the normal ~.So here's my question: how do I restore that key to it's default function? I should point out that I just started using Ubuntu 10.04 exclusively a day ago and have had limited experience on Linux before this.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Use Mac Tilde Key (~)

Nov 27, 2010

I have installed Ubuntu 10.10 meerkat on My Macbook 5,1 and all is ok so far.One thing I have noticed is I cannot type the tilde key how I normally do using SHIFT and then the button to the right of shift on my macbook keyboard. I have tried the UK and USA Macintosh keyboard option with no luck.As you can see my forum login uses the tilde key. I have to copy and paste the character. I cannot even see it in the character map.

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Ubuntu :: What Is The Other Symbol On The Tilde Key?

Mar 3, 2010

I'm trying to remap my Nostromo N52 using pystromo, but can't figure out how assign the key with the ~ tilde on it. Everyone knows and refers to this key as the tilde key, but I can't for the life of me find the real name of it, since the primary symbol on it is not tilde but [URL]...

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Ubuntu :: What Does ~ (tilde Symbol) Mean?

Mar 27, 2010

I'm absolute beginner to Linux for the most part. What does the tilde mean in this situation? Code: mkdir ~/.somedir...I know the / means root directory and the dot means from here. Does the tilde mean hidden?

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Ubuntu :: How To Write Tilde Symbol?

Feb 8, 2011

i want to learn to use the terminalbut i am using a spanish keyboard and i don t know how to tipe the tilde � symbol.In windows i tiped boy de ALT + ascii code, but in ubuntu i don know how to do it.

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Ubuntu :: Disable Tilde Key Press-twice Feature

Aug 7, 2010

I have noticed quite often that the tilde key only works when I press it twice. I've searched a while and found out that it can be used for accented characters like with the n (can't do that on Windows here anyway). I only know of the tilde-n from Spanish, I've never seen all of the other tilde-characters. And I do not need any of then ever. But I do need to type in my home directory (~) quite often and I want that to work the first time I press that key. Especially when it works through a PuTTY/SSH shell from Windows, but not directly in Gnome Terminal. The system preferences for the keyboard mapping don't help me out.

So how can I disable that double-press feature for the tilde key? It's allright for the accent keys, the � and ` accents alone are invalid characters and should never be used anyway (there's real quotation characters for that) (except for shell backtick expressions) and I don't need the ^ symbol (for coding only) often on Linux.Using Ubuntu 10.4 with German keyboard mapping (de), directly at the machine or via NX/VNC.

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General :: Using Tilde And Spaces

May 26, 2010

I'm trying to use a tilde '~' for a filename. This works fine normally Code: rm ~/File
But when I have a file with a space in in and enclose it in quotes it takes it literally.If a word begins with an unquoted tilde character (�~�), all of the characters up to the first unquoted slash (or all characters, if there is no unquoted slash) are considered a tilde-prefix.

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General :: Editing, Vim Creates Another By The Same Name With A Tilde?

Jul 19, 2011

Here's what is going on; I'll open any file in vim to edit, and then when I'm finished and I enter ":wq", instead of saving the file I was editing, vim creates another by the same name with a tilde.

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Fedora :: Unable To Reset Using Either The Reset Option In Gnome Shell Or The Command Using A Terminal?

Jun 3, 2011

I'm unable to reset using either the reset option in gnome shell or the command using a terminal. When I select it the shell exits and displays the graphic "exploding" and then it just sits there. Shutdown works fine; just no reset. Any ideas? I've installed from the DVD. I booted the live CD and it resets just fine so I know it's no my hardware

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General :: Ubuntu And Apple Aluminium Keyboard: Remap Greater/less With Tilde

Feb 12, 2011

I have an Apple Aluminium keyboard. To the left of 1 key I have the less/greater (< >) key, not grave/tilde (` ~). xmodmap does not work for me: layout switching (done with setxkbmap) resets my xmodmap changes. .Xmodmap file does not help either. How do I remap the tilde key?

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General :: File Names And Tilde--not For Home Directory--in Bash?

Jun 6, 2011

I understand the tilde (~) at the end of a file displayed in bash is a backup file in the Linux file system. Is there a way to keep these hidden when listing the contents of a directory?

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Ubuntu :: How To Reset A Password

Jun 13, 2010

Anyone know how to reset a Ubuntu password? I've pulled up the "recovery mode", but when it gets to "Starting Ent Vol Mgmt Sys" the open fails, and then I get a series of timeout-resettings. I really just need to get into the recovery menu, but I can't get past this.

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Ubuntu :: How To Reset Plymouth

Sep 5, 2010

The default ubuntu plymouth theme looked like it was realy small and stretched and made it look weird. anyway i tried to fix that problem by installing another theme This theme now when i reboot my computer it is still small and stretched and the colours are not correct. How can i reset plymouth to how it was by default.

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Ubuntu :: Is There A Way To 'Reset' When Installed It?

Apr 7, 2011

Is there a way to "reset" ubuntu to when you installed it? My Ubuntu won't let me install packages. I get an error that says it cannot find the selected packages and then I click okay and it says "installed" but obviously, it wasn't.

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Ubuntu :: How To Reset Language

Mar 26, 2010

Ubuntu 9.10 server 64bit
without X

On running
$ sudo aptitude dist-upgrade Code: Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree


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Ubuntu Security :: How To Reset The Iptables

Jan 14, 2010

i ran this


iptables -N rate-limit
iptables -A rate-limit -p tcp -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -m limit --limit 3/min --limit-burst 3 -j RETURN
iptables -A rate-limit -j DROP
iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport 22 -j rate-limit

i am no longer able to ssh in to the machine , how can i reset iptables and firestarted back to default?

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Ubuntu :: Terminal Gives Only List - How To Reset

May 4, 2010

All of a sudden my terminal output changed from the traditional looks to giving only lists(one item per line) as output to "ls" command. Because of this, when there is a large number of files in a directory, I have to scroll up and down to see all files. A link to the screen shot is given below.


I tried "reset" and did not make any difference.

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Ubuntu :: Grub Configuration Reset

Jun 2, 2010

Whenever there is a kernel upgrade, "update-grub" is run and my customized "/boot/grub/grub.cfg" is gone. is there any way to prevent this?

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Ubuntu :: How To Reset The Monitor Resolution

Aug 26, 2010

just installed ubuntu10.04 has set monitor resolution to 800x600 i need 1920x1080 i have been at this for two days now and getting absolutely no where , i could set this on windows in 5 minutes , why does it need to be so hard on ubuntu, i really prefer ubuntu to windows but problems like this really can drive one to despair. i have tried so many different web sites and follow instructions but keep getting command not found which i dont understand why. here is an example of something i tried in terminal xrandr --output VGA --mode 1920�1080 --rate 50 i get warning: output VGA not found; ignoring.many other things i have tried come up with command not found .

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Ubuntu :: Reset Username And Password?

Oct 3, 2010

just got a secondhand laptop that already has ubuntu loaded on it but ithas been registered to the previous owner can i reset to my username and password or do i have to reinstall it thanks mark

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Ubuntu :: Bios Reset After Use Of Pendrive?

Dec 6, 2010

I used to have Ubuntu 8.04 LTS on my old IBM Thinkpad R40e. I upgraded to 9.04 LTS and seem to have updated to the 10.04 LTS kernel - didn't know about that until now.

Recently I created an Ubuntu 10.10 Persistence Pendrive. I tried to readjust the booting sequence in order to boot from my USB stick Ubuntu 10.10. It somehow failed. - actually I know what to do in a BIOS

My computer still only boots via the harddisk - it does not boot via the Ubuntu-Pendrive nor does it boot if I insert an Ubuntu 10.10 CD. Further I cannot access my BIOS.

Is there any possibility to reset my BIOS manually - I know that some Dell computers have such an option? Any other way to update to Ubuntu 10.10.

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Ubuntu :: Permissions - Reset To Defaults ?

Jan 31, 2011

After a regrettable typo, I reset all the permissions in my filesystem. What is the easiest way to restore my permissions to how they were? Is there a list where i can find the recommended permission settings for each directory?

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Ubuntu :: How To Reset Settings In Sysinfo 0.7

Feb 5, 2011

I installed Sysinfo 0.7, unfortunately I set 'Section to start in' to System. As some of you probably already know, and I didn't, is that there's a bug in Sysinfo, that crashes the app, when System is selected[URL]... What this means, is that I can't run Sysinfo anymore, because it crashes on startup. Starting it as superuser works, but since I use Gnome Do, I would like to launch it w/o having to go through the terminal.

What I've tried: Did a complete removal from Synaptics, thinking this would delete settings as well. It didn't. Ran locate sysinfo from terminal, looking for a settings file. no luck

My question (finally): How to I delete og change the current settings in Sysinfo for my user?

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Ubuntu :: Way To Reset 11.04 To Default Settings?

May 3, 2011

I recently installed the new 11.04 release and was messing around with the Compiz settings on Ubuntu Classic. I tried logging on to regular Ubuntu and everything crashed. When I start up there is no log in screen, only text shows. (I enter my log in information then type 'startx' in the terminal to show my desktop.)

The desktop shows a messed up version of my custom configuration with Cairo-Dock all weird and everything in the wrong place. Also my custom start-up screen that I installed is distorted, and the GRUB screen shows up in purple.

If there was a way to reset Ubuntu 11.04 to the default settings? I tried typing 'unity --reset' in the terminal but it gets stuck at the line 'Setting Update "fullscreen_visual_bell"'.

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Ubuntu :: Cant Reset User Password?

May 7, 2011

I was given an old computer running Ubuntu but the guy that gave me the computer didn't know the user name or password. So I booted into full root shell and did ls /home and the computer responded with mskbxI then did passwd mskbxand it responded withpasswd: unknown user mskbx

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Ubuntu :: Reset A Kerberos Password?

Aug 5, 2011

We have an employee that left our place of business on bad terms and his computer has been locked out since. The comp runs Ubuntu 10.10.

We have followed the regular password reset methods online but the Kerberos password seems to be getting in the way. We have no idea was this password is and it seems impossible to work around. Does anybody know a way?

Were were about to gain access as the root user but cannot access other user accounts as the root user.

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General :: How To Reset Passwords In Ubuntu 10.10?

Nov 9, 2010

How Do I reset passwords in Ubuntu 10.10?

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Ubuntu :: Non-US Keyboard Layout Gets Reset To US After Reboot

Jan 9, 2010

I am using a fresh Ubuntu 9.10 installation with english-only language but with a German keyboard.

So, once booted into my (only) account, I use the Keyboard Preferences app to change my Layout from US to German. Which works. I also remove the US keyboard so that the only layout left is German.

But upon a reboot, not only the US kbd is back in the layouts list, but the kbd also has defaulted back to US, so that I have to open the Kbd Prefs to again remove the US layout to get my German layout active again.

I also tried "Apply System-wide" and even logged in as root to make the same changes, but the system always goes back to US layout after a reboot.

This is also a problem when logging in after a reboot - I want the system to use German layout there, too.

So, how do I change the layout globally so that even at the login page I have my German layout already active?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Get The Root Password Or Reset?

Jan 21, 2010

I've installed UBUNTU 9.10 on ( windows 7 ) when I was interested to discover Linux, now I began to understand this AWESOME system and I began to get ride of Microsoft " Windows " .. But I face a problem that when I installed It I created only one account with a password, but It's not the root, when I tried to login as root, I didn't success, It tells Failure authentication because of the wrong password, because I enter my account password which I entered when I installed the system, Now I want to know how to solve this ISSUE, how to get the root password or how to reset It

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Ubuntu :: Reset Wine To It's Original State?

Mar 2, 2010

Got a Windows virus

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