Ubuntu :: What Does ~ (tilde Symbol) Mean?

Mar 27, 2010

I'm absolute beginner to Linux for the most part. What does the tilde mean in this situation? Code: mkdir ~/.somedir...I know the / means root directory and the dot means from here. Does the tilde mean hidden?

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Ubuntu :: What Is The Other Symbol On The Tilde Key?

Mar 3, 2010

I'm trying to remap my Nostromo N52 using pystromo, but can't figure out how assign the key with the ~ tilde on it. Everyone knows and refers to this key as the tilde key, but I can't for the life of me find the real name of it, since the primary symbol on it is not tilde but [URL]...

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Ubuntu :: How To Write Tilde Symbol?

Feb 8, 2011

i want to learn to use the terminalbut i am using a spanish keyboard and i don t know how to tipe the tilde � symbol.In windows i tiped boy de ALT + ascii code, but in ubuntu i don know how to do it.

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Ubuntu :: Skype: Symbol Lookup Error: /usr/lib32/libQtDBus.so.4: Undefined Symbol

Jan 17, 2010

ive made a slight mistake on my Ubuntu 9.10 64bit. I was trying to get Voodoo Motion Tracking software to work, and it was having trouble locating some Qt Libs, so I decided it was a good idea to move its included libs into /user/lib32 directory. Voodoo now works, but Skype instead comes up with:


skype: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib32/libQtDBus.so.4: undefined symbol: _ZN14QObjectPrivate15checkWindowRoleEv Skype was installed using their own provided 64bit .deb - it was previously working fine.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Symbol Lookup Error: /usr/lib/libnssutil3.so.1d: Undefined Symbol: PL_ClearArenaPool

Oct 21, 2010

The most recent update impacted my thunderbird-3.0. When launched I get these error messages

/usr/lib/thunderbird-3.0.3pre/thunderbird-bin: Symbol `SSL_ImplementedCiphers' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking
/usr/lib/thunderbird-3.0.3pre/thunderbird-bin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libnssutil3.so.1d: undefined symbol: PL_ClearArenaPool

I can only assume the libnssutil3 library was upgraded and this broke the library call in the thunderbird-3.0.

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Ubuntu :: Mixxx: Symbol Lookup Error: /usr/lib/libQtNetwork.so.4: Undefined Symbol

Dec 6, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 and was looking for software to mix mp3's. I want to try mixxx (found here) I installed the most recent package by using the ppa of the project (as described here) Install seems to be ok (no error messages)But when I try to run mixxx from the menu nothing happens. Nothing. Running it from the terminal with the command



I get this error message:


mixxx: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libQtNetwork.so.4: undefined symbol: _ZN16QIODevicePrivate4peekEPcx

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OpenSUSE :: Symbol Lookup Error: /usr/lib64/libedit.so.0: Undefined Symbol: Tgetent

Dec 15, 2009

Apache doesn't start with libedit.so.0.0.34 ( from libedit0-3.0.snap20090923-4.1.x86_64 ).


[Tue Dec 15 16:20:51 2009] [warn] Init: Session Cache is not configured [hint: SSLSessionCache]
PHP Warning: Directive 'register_long_arrays' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in Unknown on line 0
/usr/sbin/httpd2-prefork: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/libedit.so.0: undefined symbol: tgetent
Solution: I copied /usr/lib64/libedit.so.0.0.27 from a previous install and symlinked /usr/lib64/libedit.so.0 to it.

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CentOS 5 :: /opt/dmz/bin/httpd: Symbol Lookup Error: /lib/libssl.so.5: Undefined Symbol: OPENSSL_init

Sep 21, 2010

I performed a yum update and now my yum is not working and I am unable to start my apache processes (in a dmz configuration).This is the error I am getting from yum.

yum clean
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/yum", line 4, in ?
import yum


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Debian Multimedia :: Pidgin: Symbol Lookup Error: Pidgin: Undefined Symbol: Purple_media_element_info_get_type

Aug 1, 2010

Previously after doing aptitude upgrade, my pidgin seems broken with no gui shown. So I decided to download the latest source from pidgin website and build it from source, but I think I made situation worse because it then complained that ssl lib was needed. Then I removed the libpurple (e.g. aptitude purge libpurple0 libpurple-bin libpurple-dev) and reinstalled pidgin (aptitude install pidgin). Now it shows the error

pidgin: symbol lookup error: pidgin: undefined symbol: purple_media_element_info_get_type

I searched on the internet and can not find a solution. The clues on the internet says that's because the piding I use is the older version of libpurple. But I think I've removed all with purge and reinstalled it. Maybe some legacy binary is referenced. What or where it might be? Or where there may contain related information.

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Fedora Networking :: /usr/bin/perl: Symbol Lookup Error: /usr/bin/perl: Undefined Symbol: PL_use_safe_putenv

Apr 8, 2009

I am trying to setup the wlan access for my Fedora 9 system. I installed ndiswrapper. But when I run


ndiswrapper -l

i am getting the error


/usr/bin/perl: symbol lookup error: /usr/bin/perl: undefined symbol: PL_use_safe_putenv

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Use Mac Tilde Key (~)

Nov 27, 2010

I have installed Ubuntu 10.10 meerkat on My Macbook 5,1 and all is ok so far.One thing I have noticed is I cannot type the tilde key how I normally do using SHIFT and then the button to the right of shift on my macbook keyboard. I have tried the UK and USA Macintosh keyboard option with no luck.As you can see my forum login uses the tilde key. I have to copy and paste the character. I cannot even see it in the character map.

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Ubuntu :: How To Reset Tilde Key

Jul 24, 2010

So I've made a bit of a mess of things. I installed Tilda and had it working like a charm.I bound it to the tilde key (shares a key with ~, maybe it's called grave?) and it was great.I also have a Logitech MX Revolution mouse and decided to use xbindkeys to fix the thumb wheel which is the only set of actions that doesn't work out of the box. I decided to set the wheel press action to the tilde key, hoping to have a button on my mouse to open Tilda.

After fumbling around trying to figure out how to identify the tilde key I somehow managed to bind it to xterm. This wouldn't do. So in an effort to clear the binding to default I bound it to "". Well now the key does nothing unless I use it in conjunction with the shift key, in which case it produces the normal ~.So here's my question: how do I restore that key to it's default function? I should point out that I just started using Ubuntu 10.04 exclusively a day ago and have had limited experience on Linux before this.

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Ubuntu :: Disable Tilde Key Press-twice Feature

Aug 7, 2010

I have noticed quite often that the tilde key only works when I press it twice. I've searched a while and found out that it can be used for accented characters like with the n (can't do that on Windows here anyway). I only know of the tilde-n from Spanish, I've never seen all of the other tilde-characters. And I do not need any of then ever. But I do need to type in my home directory (~) quite often and I want that to work the first time I press that key. Especially when it works through a PuTTY/SSH shell from Windows, but not directly in Gnome Terminal. The system preferences for the keyboard mapping don't help me out.

So how can I disable that double-press feature for the tilde key? It's allright for the accent keys, the � and ` accents alone are invalid characters and should never be used anyway (there's real quotation characters for that) (except for shell backtick expressions) and I don't need the ^ symbol (for coding only) often on Linux.Using Ubuntu 10.4 with German keyboard mapping (de), directly at the machine or via NX/VNC.

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General :: Using Tilde And Spaces

May 26, 2010

I'm trying to use a tilde '~' for a filename. This works fine normally Code: rm ~/File
But when I have a file with a space in in and enclose it in quotes it takes it literally.If a word begins with an unquoted tilde character (�~�), all of the characters up to the first unquoted slash (or all characters, if there is no unquoted slash) are considered a tilde-prefix.

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General :: Editing, Vim Creates Another By The Same Name With A Tilde?

Jul 19, 2011

Here's what is going on; I'll open any file in vim to edit, and then when I'm finished and I enter ":wq", instead of saving the file I was editing, vim creates another by the same name with a tilde.

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General :: Ubuntu And Apple Aluminium Keyboard: Remap Greater/less With Tilde

Feb 12, 2011

I have an Apple Aluminium keyboard. To the left of 1 key I have the less/greater (< >) key, not grave/tilde (` ~). xmodmap does not work for me: layout switching (done with setxkbmap) resets my xmodmap changes. .Xmodmap file does not help either. How do I remap the tilde key?

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General :: File Names And Tilde--not For Home Directory--in Bash?

Jun 6, 2011

I understand the tilde (~) at the end of a file displayed in bash is a backup file in the Linux file system. Is there a way to keep these hidden when listing the contents of a directory?

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Ubuntu :: The Symbol Grub_device_open Not Found?

Jun 13, 2010

Saturday June 5, completely stable Ubuntu 9.2 system. Shut the system down cleanly and went on vacation for a week. Came home yesterday, booted the system, and it was running very slowly. I see at the bottom the Update Manager was open, and it had several updates available. Rebooted system and it immediately goes to a console with the error:

error: the symbol 'grub_device_open' not found
grub rescue>

I have researched some about the grub rescue console, and it appears there are a lot of commands that do not work, such as ls. A 'set' tells me the following:


I'm at a loss as to where to go from here to get back into Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Enter @ Symbol In Password

Oct 30, 2010

After upgrading from 10.04 to 10.10, my laptop wouldn't boot into the GUI. I followed some steps that someone had posted at was able to get X back and working. Now, my laptop lost power without being shut down. I let it fix my disks, and I'm now back in the command line and can't get X working. Here's the weird thing...in the command line, I can enter my username ok, but it won't accept my password. I've figured out that it is the @ symbol in my password that messes things up. (I figured this out because when I typed something in the username, like "test" and then hit the @ key, it erases "test". I imagine it does the same thing and erases my password.)

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Ubuntu :: Does Unity Have A Symbol Or Emblem

Apr 24, 2011

Does Unity have a symbol or emblem? I know Gnome has the little foot with "gnome", but does unity have one of those? If not, can we make one? I propose we/I make a thread were people post their own ideas for a symbol. If one becomes popular should we adopt it?

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Ubuntu :: Error: The Symbol 'grub_puts' Not Found?

Jan 18, 2010

About 1 week ago, one of my PC's Hard Drives had stopped working. Because of that, I replaced the HD with a 2-set of Hard Disks from a earlier PC (whose Pentium 4 CPU failed). Because of a failed attempt in dual-booting with M$ WINDOW$, the MBR and Linux are separated between the hard drives. The computer booted up fine on first try (and even got into KDE), but it's internet didn't work (didn't even show eth0 on ifconfig). I decided to install some software via my old 8.04 LiveCD (I can't afford to format that PC for I have critical data on it, 0 DVDs, and no Flash drive), mounting it then chrooting it remembering to mount dev/pts sys and proc. Because the system was something old (Debian Squeeze from ~1 month ago), It had a kernel and GRUB upgrades which I missed among the ~600 others. Naturally, it failed to upgrade because of the missing /dev. Finally, I restarted my computer hoping for a upgraded PC with the programs. However, I instead got this:

| Sec. Slave Disk : LBA,SATA, 160GB


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Ubuntu :: Laptop Lost Shift3 As GBP Symbol?

Feb 9, 2010

All of a sudden, my elderly laptop keyboard lost its ability to reproduce the GBP symbol in text when using the normal Shift 3 combination. All the other Shift Number symbols are fine. I have looked at System-Preferences-Keyboard and have tried to select 102, 104 & 105 UK versions but all give the same response. It is not a case of a US version creeping in nor the alternative of the Euro sign. All I get is the figure 3. I have also looked at dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg which does not help either.

Now I get a sort of error message on the desktop suggesting an XKB Config malfunction and quotes an X.Org Foundation 10400090 reference number which is meaningless to me. The page also recommends sending the output of the following, if a bug report is to be made, Xprop -root- grep XKB and gconfigtool-2 -R /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/kbd.

All this is above my head so if any Bright Spark out there can tell me how to proceed this bunny will be very happy. I sincerely hope that it is software and not a dodgy keyboard, I do not want to loose a dear friend!

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Ubuntu :: Getting Rootuser Terminal Symbol Differentiation?

Mar 31, 2010

I ve installed ubuntu 9.10. Am doing my project. I need to be the root user for doing my project. I use Command "sudo" for being the root user and password is the normal user password.I need to execute the commands as rootuser. when i am the normal user, "$" is the terminal symbol and when i use sudo and become root user ,even then the symbol is $.is that right? Its perfectly fine for some commands.But i need to have a different represention when i am root user??? How do i make it happen? I would also want to know if super user and root user are one and the same?

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Ubuntu :: Lock Symbol Won't Go Away, Even After 'chown' Exec?

Jan 27, 2011

I did the chown task, as root, and the file icon still has the lock symbol on it. I did it on another file on my desktop just before that, and the symbol went away.I checked 'Properties', and it shows me as owner.It's an ISO on my desktop, copied from LXF Magazine DVD.

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Ubuntu :: Error: /usr/lib/libQtDBus.so.4: Undefined Symbol

Mar 13, 2011

I am using Ubuntu 10.10 I get the following massage. Admin@Ubuntu21:~$ skype: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libQtDBus.so.4: undefined symbol: _ZN14QObjectPrivate15checkWindowRoleEv I have tried reinstalling it but still the same problem.

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Ubuntu :: Open Office Symbol - Can't Read Some Of The Things

Mar 4, 2010

I loaded something on open office, but i can't read some of the things on it because i'm guessing i don't have a certain font or a certain symbol installed? what i see instead are some squares with question marks in them.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Gconftool-2 Undefined Symbol Error

Mar 11, 2010

Yesterday my gnome gui locked up during startup. there is a problem with the "gnome power manager" package.

I get a pop-up saying "The configuration defaults for GNOME Power Manager have not been installed correctly. Please contact your computer administrator."


When trying to reinstall the gnome-power-manager package, I get the following error: gconftool-2 symbol lookup error: gconftool-2 undefined symbol gconf_schema_set_gettext_domain

Only the terminal works>

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error: The Symbol 'grub_puts_' Not Found

Mar 27, 2010

I am running Ubuntu both native and on virtualbox on windows XP host. The problem apeared when upgraded from Ubuntu 9.10 to 10.04. System boots perfectly WinXP and Ubuntu. But the problem appears when I try to boot linux on virtual box. Following is the grub error:

GRUB loading.
error: the symbol 'grub_puts_' not found
grub rescue> _

I've tried to boot from alternate CD and "update-grub2" but the problem still appears.

On my office Notebook (which is absolutely the same HP nc6320) I've installed ubuntu 10.04 from scratch and it is working.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Access Share By Symbol Link?

Mar 31, 2010

Ubuntu server 8.04
Samba version 3.0.28a


1) I created 2 shares in Samba, one is "/home/aaa" and the other is "/home/bbb". Both have the same owner, say "jack", with permission 775

2) I created one link named "pubshare" in "aaa" pointing to "bbb". "ln -s /home/bbb pubshare"

Problem: I connected to aaa from a Winxp client with account "jack" and access pubshare, (say cd pubshare), it prompts "access denied"

Experiment I've done

1) login local machine with account jack, cd /home/aaa, then cd pubshare. It works fine. (So I believe link works fine and permission of bbb is correct)

2) connect directly to /home/bbb with account jack from the Winxp client. It works fine too. (So I believe the samba config is correct)

3) I did not face this problem until I used "apt-get ugrade" several days ago.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error:the Symbol 'grub_puts_' Not Foundfollowed By

May 2, 2010

I just upgraded to Lucid and everything went fine until reboot.

I got to:
"GRUB loading"followed by:
error:the symbol 'grub_puts_' not foundfollowed by:
grub rescue>At that point, everything hangs and I can't boot.

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