Ubuntu :: How To Find Out What The Bootloader Configuration File Is Named

Apr 30, 2011

How do you find out what the bootloader configuration file is named? I am setting file permissions...would it be wise to set the entire boot directory to 700?

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Software :: File /var/lib/named/var/named/reverse/named.zero Failed: File Not Found

Mar 14, 2009

Mandriva 2009, BIND 9.5.0-P2. Named will start however I'm getting the above error as well as these:

14-Mar-2009 15:45:37.084 general: error: zone 0.in-addr.arpa/IN: loading from master file /var/lib/named/var/named/reverse/named.zero failed: file not found
14-Mar-2009 15:45:37.084 general: error: zone 0.0.127.in-addr.arpa/IN: loading from master file /var/lib/named/var/named/reverse/named.local failed: file not found


Named shows to be running but with the errors above I know it's not running correctly. I also copied the above dir's over to /var/lib/named/var/lib/named which is where I 'believe' it's chroot'd at, though I could be wrong since I'm unfamiliar with chroot.

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Server :: /etc/named.conf:57: Open: /etc/named.root.hints: File Not Found

Apr 1, 2011

I am using Cent OS 5.5 and i want configure DNS, but while configuring bind i am getting below error.

#/etc/init.d/named restart Stopping named: [ OK ]
Starting named:
Error in named configuration:
/etc/named.conf:57: open: /etc/named.root.hints: file not found[FAILED]

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General :: What Is The Configuration Of Wind River - Can't Find The Configuration File

Feb 22, 2011

I want to see what is the configuration of my Wind River Linux (actually I want to see what modules are installed in it when it was built). I can't find the configuration file.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Cannot Find The Named.conf

Mar 14, 2011

I have Red-Hat 5.6 , bind package and chroot installed, but i did not find the file named.conf in /etc !!!

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General :: Why Are Folders For Configuration Files Always Named *.d

Jan 7, 2011

In linux, why are folders for configuration files always named *.d?

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General :: Find A List Of Files That Are Named Duplicates ?

Jul 2, 2010

How can I find a list of files that are named duplicates i.e. have same name but in different case that exist in the same directory?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Couldn't Find Live Image Configuration File

Aug 12, 2010

I'm getting this error trying to install Live GNOME 32bit v11.3 or 11.4 build 11:

Couldn't find Live image configuration file

I'm installing from a USB stick. I can install v11.2 the same way no problem. USB stick created using SUSE Studio Image Writer and Win32DiskImager give same results.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error - The Boot Configuration Data Store Could Not Be Opened - The System Cannot Find The File Specified

May 24, 2011

every-time i try to install, i get this

Error executing command
>>command=C:Windowssysnativecdedit.exe /create/d Ubuntu/application bootsector
>>stderr=The boot configuration data store could not be opened
The system cannot find the file specified

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Fedora :: Apply Bootloader Configuration Settings?

Jan 27, 2011

It looks like the F14 Bootloader Configuration GUI is missing "OK" button.

So far the only way to configure the F14 Bootloader is by editing /boot/grub/grub.conf.

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Fedora :: FC13 - XP Bootloader Cannot Find Virtual Disk

Jun 9, 2010

I've set up FC13 64bit on a machine with an intel i7 and 4G memory. I'm trying to get a simple virtualisation to work. I followed the instructions here -> [URL]. The install of XP runs fine but when it reboots to run the GUI part of the install I get this message in the VM's console:-
Booting from Hard Disk:
A disk read error occurred
Press Ctrl-Alt-Del to restart
It almost seems that the XP boot loader can't find the virtual disk. I must have missed something obvious - but what?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installer Stuck At 92% / Saving Bootloader Configuration

Jul 19, 2010

OpenSUSE 11.3 x86_64 Live USB disk only one HDD with OpenSUSE as the only OS.the HDD is fine so i know it is not a hardware problem.this is different from my other (grub) problem as this is a different PC.the installer has been stuck for over an hour at 92%/Saving Bootloader configuration.maybe i can try the installer in text mode to get more info? is there a text mode for the installer?

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Ubuntu :: Upload There ( In / Directory ) A File Named App.log Using Curl?

Aug 1, 2010

I have a site's url. I have it's ftp admin username and passwd..How can I upload there ( in / directory ) a file named app.log using curl ?I read the manual but I understood nothing

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Debian Configuration :: Completely Removing Microsoft Bootloader From UEFI System

Jul 16, 2015

I have a Debian testing system on a laptop that used to have Windows 8 on it. I kept the EFI boatloader and its partition, but now every time the system boots, it first tries to boot into Windows (which isn't there anymore). Removing /boot/efi/EFI/Microsoft just leads to an error message when booting, with some component of Windows still trying to load and not finding those files.

The workaround for now is to go into the UEFI boot menu on every boot and selecting the "debian" entry, which works but is a bit cumbersome.How can I get rid of the Microsoft loader completely? I find a lot about repairing or re-adding the Windows bootloader, but nothing about removing it.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Backup MySQL To A Date Named File?

Sep 23, 2010

I am manually backing up my server now with mysqldump and that works but I was wondering about mechanizing the process.

Nirvana would be to dump to a file named with the date

This way I have backups going back over time

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General :: Copy File Named Starting With A Dot?

Mar 31, 2011

I am trying to copy all files under directory A to directory B. All files under directory A are starting with dot, for example:


which I found if I use: cp A/* B, always get error:

cp: cannot stat 'A/*': no such file or directory

It seems there is no option for cp as ls to handle entries started with dot

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Programming :: Read From A File Named MatrixA?

Mar 10, 2011

I am trying to read from a file named matrixA.dat that contains a matrix formatted like this:

2 x 3
1 0 2 -1 3 1

I am reading the lines in, and this is the source that I have so far: Code: #include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define DATALIMIT 17
#define DIMLIMIT 5
#define NAMELIMIT 40


was stored in dataA, so when I print it all I get is a newline. Why didn't it grab the 1 0 2 -1 3 1 line?

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OpenSUSE Network :: How To Remove A Double Named File

Apr 10, 2011

how do I remove a double file like " New File" look through everything I own no explantion.

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General :: Created A Script File Named Myscript.sh?

Apr 17, 2010

i created a script file named myscript.shi ran this by typing sh myscript.sh and i got my outputbut,when i tried to execute by typing ./myscript.sh i received permission denied errori gave permission as chmod 777 myscript.shthen i executed by typing ./myscript.sh . It worked fineso i wanted to know whether using sh and ./ with permissions are same.. ?or did it work for only this.. are there any differences

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General :: What Is Meaning That File Is Named Pipe (FIFO)?

Jul 12, 2011

What is a pipe? and why a file is a named pipe? I am just learning linux.

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Server :: Ubuntu And Bind - Named Log File Is Not Logging Info After Syslogd Restarts

May 7, 2009

Ubuntu ver 8.04.1 and Bind ver 9.4.2

I've set this up as a primary dns server, Bind is the only thing running on it, no gui, etc. I followed the default settings so I have a named.conf, named.conf.options, and named.conf.local file.

I have a log file I labeled as named.log in this path /var/log/bind. I'm using logrotate to rotate out the file.

My problem is that after syslogd restarts in the morning. My named.log file don't start logging info until I restart Bind. The new named.log file gets created and the old files rotate out and compress. All of the other log files in /var/log, syslog, messages, mail, etc, rotate out and compress like they should, after syslogd restarts.

I know that I could restart Bind using Cron but I shouldn't have to.

Below are snips of the files I'm using.

I named this one 'bind' and it's in the directory /etc/logrotate.d

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General :: Feed Text To File Editor From Named Pipe

Apr 24, 2011

Does any one know how can i input text by reading from a named pipe to any popular GUI based text editor?

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General :: Made A File Named * In My Home Directory / Remove It?

Oct 19, 2009

how do i remove it?

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General :: Create A File In The Current Directory Named '5' With The Number '2'?

Aug 24, 2010

$ echo 2 * 3 > 5 is a valid inequality. This will create a file in the current directory named '5' with the number '2' in it, the names of all the files in the current directory, followed by the number '3' and 'is a valid inequality.'

What I do not understand is why 'is a valid inequality' gets written to this file. I thought it would write '2', all the file names in the current directory, then '3' into the file called '5'. Why does the 'is a valid inequality.' get written to the file also?

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Programming :: Orrect Command To Create A Named Pipe File?

Apr 22, 2010

My question deals with me creating a name pipe (file) in the my /group directory called chat.I then have to write a script to read from the named pipe and save data into a file called chat.log until the words End of File are passed to the program.

-When I created the named pipe file (chat) I used the mknod chat p command..Is this the correct command to create a named pipe file? -Then I'm having trouble with my script and how to make it run until the words End of File are entered in. This is what I have so far.

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Fedora :: Find A Configuration File Where "metacity" Is Located?

Dec 6, 2009

I have Fedora 11, x86_64, fresh install four days ago on newly formatted disk. Gnome desktop.

I have been installing and configuring things, rebooting after every few application installations. I have been rebooting so often because this is the fifth distro that I have tried. In the previous four I ended up lacking a window manager, and in two cases I lost the gnome-panel as well. At first I was blaming the latest version of Gnome, which is why I installed Fedora 11 instead of 12. But yesterday I got bitten by the same bug again. In the present instance only metacity is missing. I can function just fine if I just start metacity from a command line after logging in (which is how I am running at the moment.

Something is making metacity not load after I log in.

In an effort to fix this I created a new user. The new user has the standard Gnome desktop, complete with metacity. So the question is, what does the new user have or not have that is different from my real user?

I was pretty sure the problem was in Gnome, not X, so I started polluting the new user's installation by copying config files from my real installation. I started with .gconf, then .gconfd, then .gnome2. I logged out and back in again after each folder was copied, hoping to track down the offending one.

I finally found it - the ~/.local folder. As soon as I copied my ~/.local folder to the new user the new user lost metacity after logging in.

Of course, before copying one of my folders to the new user I renamed the new user's folder by appending -original to it. I ran diff on the two folders, and there are lots of differences. Mostly the new user doesn't have many application launchers in ~/.local/share/applications/, but I don't think those would make a difference.

I was hoping to find a configuration file where "metacity" is located in the -original file and missing in the new one. So far I have not been successful. Yet for sure *something* in that folder is the culprit. Does anyone have any knowledge of what Gnome does with this folder?

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General :: Find Out Kernal Version And Kernal Configuration File Location

Aug 24, 2010

I am using redhat linux enterprise linux 5, how to find out the linux kernal version and kernal configuration file location .

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Ubuntu :: Use Nautilus To View The Contents Of The Bootloader File?

Apr 6, 2010

Is there somewhere that I can view the contents of the bootloader using nautilus?

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Fedora Installation :: Identify Partition Location - Getting The FEDORA Bootloader To Find The PREUPGRADE Kernel

May 29, 2010

Going from Fedora 12 to 13. Got to the point where I have to reboot to install, system reboots to 12. This is a triple boot system with Open Suse and Mint, and the grub2 bootloader from Mint is the bootloader for the whole shebang. In the "how to use preupgrade" instructions there's a line that says "dentify the drive and partition of your Fedora /boot folder." How? If that sounds odd, consider that in my set up "computer" shows 4 partitions (and with just three operating systems..?). I can mount them, but have a problem telling which sytem is Fedora, Suse or Mint. And getting the FEDORA bootloader to find the PREUPGRADE kernel ... Momma said there'd be days like this.

cat /etc/fstab just returned /dev/sda1 on /boot. I installed Fedora first, before Suse or Mint, so being on the first drive or partition sounds right, but the multiple drives throws me, and "just guessing" doesn't seem like the way to go.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Named Won't Start \ Named Stop But Does Not Start Again?

Oct 28, 2009

i've made a big update of almost 300Mb.I'had a working DNS server.Now, when i boot the box, named works and it resolves all the clients.If i make any change (enter a new client for example) and of course i restart named (service named restart), named stop but does not start again !!!In order to get a working named, i 'm obliged to reboot the box?

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