Fedora :: Find A Configuration File Where "metacity" Is Located?

Dec 6, 2009

I have Fedora 11, x86_64, fresh install four days ago on newly formatted disk. Gnome desktop.

I have been installing and configuring things, rebooting after every few application installations. I have been rebooting so often because this is the fifth distro that I have tried. In the previous four I ended up lacking a window manager, and in two cases I lost the gnome-panel as well. At first I was blaming the latest version of Gnome, which is why I installed Fedora 11 instead of 12. But yesterday I got bitten by the same bug again. In the present instance only metacity is missing. I can function just fine if I just start metacity from a command line after logging in (which is how I am running at the moment.

Something is making metacity not load after I log in.

In an effort to fix this I created a new user. The new user has the standard Gnome desktop, complete with metacity. So the question is, what does the new user have or not have that is different from my real user?

I was pretty sure the problem was in Gnome, not X, so I started polluting the new user's installation by copying config files from my real installation. I started with .gconf, then .gconfd, then .gnome2. I logged out and back in again after each folder was copied, hoping to track down the offending one.

I finally found it - the ~/.local folder. As soon as I copied my ~/.local folder to the new user the new user lost metacity after logging in.

Of course, before copying one of my folders to the new user I renamed the new user's folder by appending -original to it. I ran diff on the two folders, and there are lots of differences. Mostly the new user doesn't have many application launchers in ~/.local/share/applications/, but I don't think those would make a difference.

I was hoping to find a configuration file where "metacity" is located in the -original file and missing in the new one. So far I have not been successful. Yet for sure *something* in that folder is the culprit. Does anyone have any knowledge of what Gnome does with this folder?

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Mar 26, 2009

in Which File DNS address is Located in Fedora 10 ? in Which File IP ?

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Feb 22, 2011

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Ubuntu :: How To Find Where Fonts Are Located

Jun 20, 2010

I have been playing with my desktop and I've found that I prefer Nimbus Sans L to Arial for my default desktop font. Was going to put it on my "shared" folder so that other people in the house (not all running Linux) could try it if they liked. I can't find it! It doesn't appear to be in usr/share/fonts as you would expect. (I did find the other font that I wanted to share, Inconsolata...) However Nimbus Sans L does appear in the font selection menus for gnome, Oo.o, Firefox, Thunderbird, etc. Is there a way to find where the .ttf is located so that I can share it? It does appear to be properly installed, as it is distinct from the other Helvetica-like fonts that I have.

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Aug 5, 2011

Below are few of my questions that i am worried about.

1. alias command will list me all aliases. How to find where these aliases are located?

2. Please suggest me few resources on XWindows

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Nov 9, 2010

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Jun 7, 2011

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May 18, 2011

shell scripting in Fedora14I want a script"Find in curent folder for files, and it copy first file he find with name gived by user, if name already exist then echo error message and finish"command usage " bash scriptname copyASname"

smthing like Code: #!/bin/bash
for files in /home/user/*


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OpenSUSE Install :: Couldn't Find Live Image Configuration File

Aug 12, 2010

I'm getting this error trying to install Live GNOME 32bit v11.3 or 11.4 build 11:

Couldn't find Live image configuration file

I'm installing from a USB stick. I can install v11.2 the same way no problem. USB stick created using SUSE Studio Image Writer and Win32DiskImager give same results.

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Oct 25, 2010

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Jul 17, 2010

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General :: Get The Error That The File Is Not Located In Root And Can Not Run

May 20, 2011

this i am sure is a very newbie question i have been using linux for a while now Fedora 14 and am still stuck on one issue even though i have trolled the internet for hours. i want to install the 7300 gs driver however when i go to terminal and type: sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-260.19.12.run i get the error you must be root. so simple i type su --login add my password then when typing the run command i get the error that the file is not located in root and can not run. so my question is how do i do it. if i cd to home i loose root permissions if i try sudo sh file.run i get the error it is not one of the sudoes.

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Fedora :: Can't Disable Compositing In Metacity?

May 24, 2010

I was installing cairo-deck and to get rid of the black rectangle i enabled compositing.I got bored of it so I uninstalled it but compositing was still there! I tried to disable it with

gconftool-2 -s '/apps/metacity/general/compositing_manager' --type bool false
but all i get is
# gconftool-2 -s '/apps/metacity/general/compositing_manager' --type bool false

Error setting value: Failed to contact configuration server; some possible causes are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due to a system crash. See [URL]... (Details - 1: Failed to get connection to session: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.) I'm using fedora 12 32-bit full upgraded

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Nov 23, 2010

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error - The Boot Configuration Data Store Could Not Be Opened - The System Cannot Find The File Specified

May 24, 2011

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Error executing command
>>command=C:Windowssysnativecdedit.exe /create/d Ubuntu/application bootsector
>>stderr=The boot configuration data store could not be opened
The system cannot find the file specified

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Apr 26, 2011

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Btw, I know I can go back to gdm, but I'd rather understand how to theme this, before. I might just.I'm using compiz, btw, if that makes any difference.

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Aug 7, 2011

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I'm having trouble finding a program that will extract it.

Lzip - fails
file-roller fails

How to extract it?

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Jan 11, 2010

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Debian Configuration :: Script "test" Is Executable And Located In /etc/init.d?

Feb 11, 2011

brand new Squeeze box built toady - I'm trying to install a init script and I want it to start last and only in runlevel 2...

The script "test" is executable and located in /etc/init.d

so I run update-rc.d -f test start 2 95 - I expect /etc/rc2.d/S95test but instead get S01test

On my Lenny boxes symlinks in /etc/rc2.d are in the S10 - S99 range but the Squeeze box has the same services in the S01-S06 range?

Did something change in Squeeze?

I also tried creating the symlinks in rc2.d manually but the script never ran...

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Aug 24, 2010

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Mar 30, 2009

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Sep 6, 2010

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May 18, 2011

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Error Prompt On Virtual Manager - Package Not Located

Jun 3, 2011

In red hat linux server 6. I start up virtual manager and I get below error prompt:
Package required for KVM usage. The following packages are not installed
These are required to create KVM guests locally. Would you like to install them now.
I press yes but the package cannot located ...
So, I have install the qemu-kvn- already.
I use command rpm -ivh XXX.rpm to install.

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Aug 28, 2010

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Cannot Find Tomecat .jar File

Jan 13, 2010

I've downloaded Tomcat it's in the same directory as eclipse. The problem is When I'm creating a new project it asks for this

Code: lib/jasper-el.jar.file

and I've search in whole of Tomcat 6.0.20 directories and files I can NOT see anywhere.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Can't Find The File System

Jul 24, 2010

while organizing my HD (windows) i ran across a file that i couldnt open. i check the file type, and the only thing it said was 'file'..so i made it an image and mounted it on my linux VM (cant seem to find, or mount the host OS HD) ..but i dont know the command to find out what's the file system type so i can read whats in it (i'm thinking its a registry bac-up from windows? but it's like 4g's..the modification date is from 2008..so i'm curious to find out what i saved)

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Fedora :: Could Not Find The File System Drv/root

Oct 11, 2009

well i was messing with the Gparted live disk and i deleted a small partition of about 6 megs (yes megs). trying to be efficient doing some cleanup of course. but when i rebooted my Fedora 10 i get the black screen saying," could not find the file system. /dev/root". ok, i am useing the fedora 10 live cd now. can i copy that file to my hard drive from the cd? or do i need to reinstall Fedora?

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