Software :: File /var/lib/named/var/named/reverse/ Failed: File Not Found
Mar 14, 2009
Mandriva 2009, BIND 9.5.0-P2. Named will start however I'm getting the above error as well as these:
14-Mar-2009 15:45:37.084 general: error: zone loading from master file /var/lib/named/var/named/reverse/ failed: file not found
14-Mar-2009 15:45:37.084 general: error: zone loading from master file /var/lib/named/var/named/reverse/named.local failed: file not found
Named shows to be running but with the errors above I know it's not running correctly. I also copied the above dir's over to /var/lib/named/var/lib/named which is where I 'believe' it's chroot'd at, though I could be wrong since I'm unfamiliar with chroot.
I am using Cent OS 5.5 and i want configure DNS, but while configuring bind i am getting below error.
#/etc/init.d/named restart Stopping named: [ OK ] Starting named: Error in named configuration: /etc/named.conf:57: open: /etc/named.root.hints: file not found[FAILED]
i've made a big update of almost 300Mb.I'had a working DNS server.Now, when i boot the box, named works and it resolves all the clients.If i make any change (enter a new client for example) and of course i restart named (service named restart), named stop but does not start again !!!In order to get a working named, i 'm obliged to reboot the box?
I am trying to read from a file named matrixA.dat that contains a matrix formatted like this:
2 x 3 1 0 2 -1 3 1
I am reading the lines in, and this is the source that I have so far: Code: #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define DATALIMIT 17 #define DIMLIMIT 5 #define NAMELIMIT 40
was stored in dataA, so when I print it all I get is a newline. Why didn't it grab the 1 0 2 -1 3 1 line?
I have a site's url. I have it's ftp admin username and passwd..How can I upload there ( in / directory ) a file named app.log using curl ?I read the manual but I understood nothing
How do you find out what the bootloader configuration file is named? I am setting file permissions...would it be wise to set the entire boot directory to 700?
i created a script file named myscript.shi ran this by typing sh and i got my outputbut,when i tried to execute by typing ./ i received permission denied errori gave permission as chmod 777 myscript.shthen i executed by typing ./ . It worked fineso i wanted to know whether using sh and ./ with permissions are same.. ?or did it work for only this.. are there any differences
Code: $ echo 2 * 3 > 5 is a valid inequality. This will create a file in the current directory named '5' with the number '2' in it, the names of all the files in the current directory, followed by the number '3' and 'is a valid inequality.'
What I do not understand is why 'is a valid inequality' gets written to this file. I thought it would write '2', all the file names in the current directory, then '3' into the file called '5'. Why does the 'is a valid inequality.' get written to the file also?
My question deals with me creating a name pipe (file) in the my /group directory called chat.I then have to write a script to read from the named pipe and save data into a file called chat.log until the words End of File are passed to the program.
-When I created the named pipe file (chat) I used the mknod chat p command..Is this the correct command to create a named pipe file? -Then I'm having trouble with my script and how to make it run until the words End of File are entered in. This is what I have so far.
I've set this up as a primary dns server, Bind is the only thing running on it, no gui, etc. I followed the default settings so I have a named.conf, named.conf.options, and named.conf.local file.
I have a log file I labeled as named.log in this path /var/log/bind. I'm using logrotate to rotate out the file.
My problem is that after syslogd restarts in the morning. My named.log file don't start logging info until I restart Bind. The new named.log file gets created and the old files rotate out and compress. All of the other log files in /var/log, syslog, messages, mail, etc, rotate out and compress like they should, after syslogd restarts.
I know that I could restart Bind using Cron but I shouldn't have to.
Below are snips of the files I'm using.
I named this one 'bind' and it's in the directory /etc/logrotate.d
I got CentOS 5.4 with LAMP. Installed Plesk, tried to configure it, and then error - Quote:Unable to restart Named: dnsmng failed: dnsmng failed: dnsmng: Service /etc/init.d/named failed to restart
I just made a fresh installation of Ubuntu Karmic, but I can't set up my screen resolution correctly. My monitor resolution (1680 x 1050) is not listed in 'Display Preferences' or in my card's proprietary software (ATI Catalyst). The maximum resolution I can select is 1440 x 900.xrandr detects a maximum resolution of 1440 x 1440 and displays the same list of screen resolutions as 'Display Preferences'.
X Error of failed request: BadName (named color or font does not exist) Major opcode of failed request: 156 (RANDR) Minor opcode of failed request: 16 (RRCreateMode)
So I just recently moves a lot of data from ubuntu to a pc with windows XP. I do a lot of html editing and I noticed, for many of the HTML documents I have, a duplicate was created that is named with a "~" at the end. What are these files? Is it safe for me to delete them?
Iam currently having a security issue due to a uninvited intrusion happen few days back. I've been checking the server for any possible backdoor but i could not find any. anyway i've finally found a weird SSH login logger which will log any successful SSH connection"id & password" (scary). The file was located under /dev/ and named "httpd". Im totally blank now. Dont know where to start troubleshooting.
I found a file in a directory named "." Not the "." indicating the directory but an actual file with content in it. This, as you can imagine is causing all sorts of problems. The problem is I can't figure out how to remove it. How would I remove a file named "." without deleting the entire current directory. Here is a listing just to show you:
You can see the directory (.) but you can also see the file owned by "user1" named "." of file size 2287. How would I remove this? (Running RHEL 4.6).
I reinstall my ubuntu 10.04 server yesterday. Before this server run Adempiere 360 Application The Setup complite, but when I run the application this error come out.
20:07:33,865 ERROR [STDERR] log4j:ERROR A "org.jboss.logging.appender.FileAppender" object is not assignable to a "org.apache.log4j.Appender" variable. 20:07:33,866 ERROR [STDERR] log4j:ERROR The class "org.apache.log4j.Appender" was loaded by 20:07:33,866 ERROR [STDERR] log4j:ERROR [WebappClassLoader delegate: false repositories: /WEB-INF/classes/
20:07:33,866 ERROR [STDERR] log4j:ERROR Could not instantiate appender named "FILE".
I'm trying to separate DNS log entries from messages and have them write to their own log file "named.log". I'd like this file to end up as /var/log/named.log
I'm reading up on some DNS and this section mentioned a /etc/named.d directory. I can't seem to find it - i have bind installed and i've searched on this directory, and the only realistic mention of it is from a post in a blog from 2001. I'm working in a FC12 environment...
I am trying to encrypt a file on-the-fly, redirecting the output to a named pipe [fifo]. I SSH into my server and run the command:mcrypt -k key < file > named_pipethen from my laptop I try to scp it:$ scp me@server:~/dir/named_pipe d it says scp:users/home/me/dir/named_pipe: not a regular file
I've got a few processes running on my machine called simply '3'. I don't know what they are or where they have come from but all I know is that I don't want them there. I have to periodically type killall 3. This is the output from top, all processes listed are of this '3' type.
4804 tom 20 0 3356 752 656 R 2.3 0.0 3:40.75 3 4837 tom 20 0 3356 748 656 R 2.3 0.0 2:55.98 3 4844 tom 20 0 3356 752 656 R 2.3 0.0 2:50.06 3