Ubuntu :: Gnome And Startx Wouldn't Load / Solve This?

Aug 24, 2010

I am a newbie to Ubuntu and I am having problem with loading Gnome and startx. I have ubuntu 9.1 installed on my Dell Inspiron E1505 system. The problem started when gnome-power-manager started giving error regarding configuration settings not installed properly. I tried to google it and after lot of searching I figured out that my root directory is almost full. Moving some folders helped me solve the problem. But in the meantime I think I have screwed up some where. Now my Gnome or startx wouldnt load. Ubuntu logins my user profile and after that just sits that with the cursor revolving. When I press ctrl+Alt+F1 it gives no errors. Then I stop gdm by code...

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General :: Ubuntu Gnome And Startx Wouldn't Load

Aug 24, 2010

I am a newbie to Ubuntu and I am having problem with loading Gnome and startx. I have ubuntu 9.1 installed on my Dell Inspiron E1505 system. The problem started when gnome-power-manager started giving error regarding configuration settings not installed properly. I tried to google it and after lot of searching I figured out that my root directory is almost full. Moving some folders helped me solve the problem. But in the meantime I think I have screwed up some where. Now my Gnome or startx wouldnt load. Ubuntu logins my user profile and after that just sits that with the cursor revolving. When I press ctrl+Alt+F1 it gives no errors. Then I stop gdm by
"sudo service gdm stop" and start startx by "startx" seems like Startx also doesnt start. checking again by Ctrl+Alt+F1 shows that its still running giving message like

setting master
stopping master..

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Ubuntu :: The Page Wouldn't Load Tried To Get Into Firewall, And Couldn't Figure Out?

Dec 27, 2010

I have been having a couple of problems with various programs, and though I have read some threads that addressed the issues, they haven't solved myproblems.Keeping in mind for this, I have the 10.04 lucid version of Ubuntu.Now, a few days ago, Transmission decided to stop downloading songs. Transmission says that a port is closed, and I'm not entirely sure that that is the problem. Still, I attempted to go into my modem, and it didn't work. The page wouldn't load. I tried to get into my firewall, and I couldn't figure out how. A friend of mine who also has Ubuntu gave his Transmission a try, and it worked. When he checked the port, it also said that it was closed. So, I have no idea what the problem could be.Second, I have a Creative Zen Mosaic EZ300, and have been trying to get software to use it on my computer. I can sync to it, and add songs, but I can't delete or edit anything. I tried gnome, but it didn't recognize the player.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 - Wouldn't Load Just Brought Up The GRUB Loader With A Terminal Prompt

Nov 22, 2010

I just got a Tablet PC, and I installed Ubuntu on it. But, problem is, I tried to install 10.10, and it would install properly, but it wouldn't load, just brought up the GRUB loader with a terminal prompt. I ended up having to install 7.04, and it works great. but I'd like to upgrade it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Flash Player - Video Streaming Seased - Wouldn't Load It Stays Searching Forever

Jan 20, 2011

I have been using this thread for a couple of days and just getting exposed to the vast world of ubuntu after succesfully partitoning the hard drive through a live cd. (a copy of linux for dummies book)So naturally after getting adjusted to the new os I started seeking for downloadable media and applications.Started with flashplayer last night and installed after watching some videos.But when I tried the same thing with vlc through the terminal command; sudo apt-get vlc

The video streaming seased because they wouldn't load it stays searching forever! Now ..... doesn't work.I am afraid that by tampering with the command it also affected the flash player file.This is an ethernet connection , 100 mb/s, netgear router.

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Fedora Installation :: GUI Does Not Load With StartX - No Screens Found

Mar 4, 2009

Just downloaded f10 last night. Install goes fine, but when I boot it goes to root command line. I enter in startx and recieve and error.

(EE)Unable to locate/open config file
(EE)open /dev/fb0: no such file or directory
(EE)No devices detected

Fatal Server Error:
no screens found
xinit: no such file or directory (errno 2): unable to connect to X server
xinit: no such process (errno 3): server error

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General :: Errors In .bash_profile And Startx Does Not Load Automatically?

Sep 4, 2010

I have installed Damn Small Linux on an old laptop.very boot reports that the SSH has loaded as I have configured it to do so but does not load startx as instructed in .bash_profile.After bootup, the following is reported by the system.-bash: /home/dsl/.bash_profile: line 12: syntax error: unexpected end of fileThis is the content of the .bash_profile

export DISPLAY=:0


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Ubuntu :: Startx Freezes My Gnome

Jun 22, 2010

All open-source fanatics out there like me hate industry and large companies for being on such a high horse all the time. Well, some of us have stooped to their level (towards ubuntu noobs).

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General :: Difference Between GDM And The Gnome Desktop When Using Startx?

Jul 19, 2011

I came along the comment (when you type startx => you won't go to KDM or GDM but directly to your standart desktop= KDE,GNOME,...) at [URL] and would like to know what the difference is if any.

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CentOS 5 :: GUI Is Not Loading Correctly - Startx - Gnome

Oct 26, 2009

I tried to kind of beautify my CentOS 5.3. So I kind of break some rules ( like compiling tar balls.. ). To cut it short, I installed avant window navigator ( source, compile, etc ). Before that I also installed compiz ( which made my desktop kind of much more *alive* ). Problem is there are some bugs on AWN, then I think my webcam got affected too ( not showing proper display ). I then decided to uninstall compiz thru YUM. After this, restarted my system, then whooppss my Gnome, won't load properly. the AWN was gone, then the bottom part of my desktop was just black. I only got a top menu, which whatever application I open there's no top bar on it ( where you see the name of the window ). Also every application just shows up on my upper left corner of the screen. So I definitely broke it. So I switched to another session ( Ctrl Alt F2 ) then went into a terminal. I tried to load again another X Session ( Ctrl Alt F8/F9 ), but nothing comes up, am I doing that wrong?

Now in cases like this where the GUI is not loading correctly, what work-arounds are usually made? I did some tweaks by guessing everything will kind of reset by renaming my gnome hidden folders, but no luck. What to do on this situations? Is it possible to kind of switch to pure terminal session, uninstall whole Gnome package there, remove some settings, reinstall Gnome and everything will be ok again? Or is it possible if Gnome is broke like kind of start a KDE session? How's this things relate to XOrg11.conf something? Could anyone just give like some overview like which sits on top of what.

Since I can't fix my problem yesterday I just reformatted laptop and reinstalled 5.3 with Virtualization checked, and I noticed my kernel says "xen". I thought of trying this builtin virtualization software because I had problems with VMWare before also.

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Software :: Unable To Load Module I810 / Solve This?

Mar 18, 2010

I am using ubuntu 9.10,when i bootup my system, it gives the error that "You are using very low level of grapics and system is unable to load module i810;
solution how to fix it

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Ubuntu :: Maverick Fails To Load Grahical Display After NV Driver Deactivated / Solve It?

Nov 11, 2010

I am able to login to the system. code...

Are there any logs that you would like me to post?

I have tried reinstalling the NV display driver via "additional drivers" in the live CD, but they do not appear to be being retained on the HD version of Ubuntu. When I go back into the live cd the driver is not installed.

How can I switch the proprietary driver back on in the hard disk when I am running the live disk.

Is there a repair system program?

If not is there a way of forcing an upgrade on an upgraded system so that missing files are reinstalled?

If that does not work what should I do next to get the GDM to load?

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Ubuntu :: Won't Load Desktop - Switches To Black Screen And "sudo Startx" Gives Error Log

Feb 21, 2010

Few days after installing Ubunto 9.10, during installation of gstreamer, the installation utility got stuck, and with it the whole desktop icons. (I think the gstreamer has nothing to do with it). When I tried to execute some icon, like the terminal, it will not open. After restarting the computer, I get a tty1 login terminal and not the graphical one (tty7). When pressing Ctrl+Alt+F7, nothing happens. It switches to a black screen. "sudo startx", gives some error log. I already reinstalled the X-server, ubuntu desktop and other stuff.

What can be the problem? Is it related to my video card (nvidia 7600 GT)? I didn't install any nvidia specific driver. This happened to me earlier and I reinstalled Ubunto. I think maybe I should move to some other distribution.

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Fedora Installation :: Gnome 3 - No Login Screen / Solve This?

May 28, 2011

I have recently upgraded my System from F13 to F15.

I use an ATOM Board with an Intel N10 graphic chip. It worked without any issue with F13.

F15 boots up, I can see the blue screen with the Fedora Logo. Then it changes to the background picture of gnome and thats is. No login screen. I checked the logs but I am unable to find any hint, why gnome does not boot up completley.

btw: With TigerVNC I am able to login.

What can I do, to solve this problem?

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OpenSUSE :: Gnome Won't Load On 11.2

Apr 16, 2010

I installed 11.2 from the live install, choosing Gnome. I ran the updates, then uninstalled several pieces of software that came pre-loaded. Then I noticed that the menu Gnome editor didn't work all of a sudden. I noticed that the "desktop background" right-click didn't bring up the appearance preferences dialog. Then I couldn't add anything to the panel. I never logged in as root or anything like this, or did anything other than install updates/uninstall a few applications (Evolution, etc) So, I rebooted.Then, instead of getting into Gnome, IceWM login screen loaded. Then IceWM. I guess this is a fail-safe in case the DE doesn't load

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - Takes Time To Load Gnome Menu

Jun 1, 2010

I installed ubuntu 10.04. After logging in,it's taking time to load the gnome menus.

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CentOS 5 :: Unable To Load Gnome GUI

Mar 7, 2009

The problem I am having is when I start up my system which is using CentOS 5, it got some errors and it cannot go into the GUI.

It had some errors like "touch" and I cannot start up my xserver.

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Ubuntu :: Multiple Applications Segmentation Faults After GNOME Load

May 4, 2010

some users [ possibly ATI card owners running fglrx default ubuntu driver ] have issues having compiz enabled and trying to change the mouse pointer to a larger size. It actually doesn't get resized at all, expect when moved over Firefox and OpenOffice.I was fiddling in trying to get a workaround for this when suddenly Nautilus started to crash and respawn in an infinite loop. Everything then started to fail. gnome-terminal wouldn't open, xterm wouldn't open, menus wouldn't respond. Etc.The entire GNOME desktop was inoperable.

Logging out and choosing Fluxbox and KDE didn't help. I was sent right back to the GDM login screen. Hmm... seems not related entirely to GNOME... if it all.From a terminal, I could see constant crashes, segfaults on libc6-2.11.1..While at it, I logged on another account (my wife's) and everything was perfectly FINE, with no issues at all. Creating them another account and initializing, it also didn't happen any segfaults. However, everytime I logged in my own account, everything would happen again... nautilus respawning, no terminal, nothing, not even logout would work. Either I hit a MAJOR BUG in libc6 current ubuntu compile, or a setting file inside my home dir got really corrupted and screwed up. It was very frustrating, because this bug was a show stopper. For those who concern, my mobo is an Asus M3A78-EM running a ATI HD 3200 IGP, and I have ubuntu-default fglrx running.

I had run memtest+ overnight and no errors whatsoever. The fact that this was an "account specific" issue deems that there is no hardware fault. I had to migrate my old account to a newly created account, it was hard work because of my 100GB files. Setting ownership in each of them, etc. Everything is OK now, but I really wished to know what dimmed out my bright Lucid Lynx experience yesterday. And I just hope this doesn't happen again.

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Ubuntu :: Gnome Failsafe Login - Desktop Not Load Properly

Jan 28, 2011

Recently I changes settings on Ubuntu Desktop and I choose gnome failsafe login, hence everything loads nice except when the user accounts is load it only appears the background and the terminal. Is there anyway to have the desktop back the way it was with the complete gui interface?

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Debian Multimedia :: Gnome Does Not Load If KMS Is Enabled

Mar 8, 2010

Gnome loads without problems when Kernel Mode Setting is enabled. Original message

Daily updated Debian Testing | Custom Gnome installation
Intel GS45 chipset | Intel GMA 4500HD graphic card

The title is rather vague because I haven't been able to identify the cause of the problem. I installed Debian Testing using the daily builds of March 6th and 7th with the same results: the system fails to load the Gnome desktop after the log in. Instead, a pale blue background is shown. No panels, no window manager, nothing. I can move the cursor but there's no context menu and the key bindings don't work, turning the session useless. The problem exists in all accounts, and persists even when the dot-files are deleted after the first Gnome start.

After trial and error, I found out that if I changed to a virtual console (VC1 to VC6) and go back to VC7 (sometimes VC8), the Gnome desktop loads as expected. The pale blue background is shown over/instead of the actual background and I need to cover ("paint") it with a window to show the actual one. This pointed me to a Gnome Session or a graphics card error. Indeed, if I disable Gnome Session, the Gnome desktop loads after the log in. Of course, no interface settings are set. I checked the Gnome Session's bug list without luck and the error messages in .xsession-errors aren't conclusive, for they appear in other cases.

About the graphics card: the video settings work (screen settings, 3D accelaration, recovery after suspend to RAM/disk) but Xorg's log shows several erros and warnings when setting up the system (mostly related to the video and touchpad settings). Right now, I'm building a custom xorg.conf file to try to decreases udev's errors and see if it affects the Gnome problem. I've spent hours trying to solve this problem. It's annoying to lose interface settings after closing the session (key bindings and brightness settings, for example).

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Debian Hardware :: Gnome 3 Failed To Load?

Aug 21, 2014

I've just bought this laptop Asus G750JZ with Intel Haswell i72.4 GHz and Nividia GTX 880. I have this problem with Debian: after i install the OS it says that Gnome 3 could not be loaded. I guess it doesnt recognize my video cards(Intel HD 4600 and NVidia 880). How to make Debian running in optimal condition on my laptop.

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Fedora :: Gnome 3 Failed To Load In VisualBox

May 27, 2011

As someone says,I install fedora 15 in VisualBox,and before installing I choose "Enable 3D acceleration",but when entering the desktop,I just see "Gnome 3 failed to load".Earlier of today,I try this in VMware Workstation,there is the same question. Why this happens?Is that means I will miss the Gnome 3 in VisualBox and VMware Workstation.....for God's seek...

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Fedora :: GNOME 3 Load To White Screen

May 31, 2011

On attempting to load GNOME 3 with Gnome shell, the screen fades to white, stalls for a minute, then gives an error and asks to log out. "Classic Gnome with Compiz" has numerous graphical glitches such as the background not refreshing (think Windows 95), among other things. How can I get GNOME Shell working again?

Gnome shell and classic gnome load fine under other users.

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OpenSUSE Install :: GNOME Desktop Won't Load On 11.2

Dec 22, 2010

I am trying to get OpenSUSE 11.2 working. Everytime I install it, it installs with errors but when the user I setup auto logs in to the GNOME desktop, the desktop never loads. I can get into failsafe mode sometimes. I've replaced the harddrive and installed it again = same issue. I've redownloaded and burned a different DVD, verifying the checksum, and running the "check media" option = same issue. I've done a repair install = same issue. I've removed the added Ethernet and modem cards and reinstalled = same issue. I've deleted all partitions from previous install and reinstalled = same issue. Currently, I just defraged the HDD on a windows machine and am running the install once more (one a completely different machine) but what's going on here? I need 11.2 for Clonezilla SE (not 11.3)

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Ubuntu :: What's The Command To Initiate The Gnome System Tray For When It Fails To Load

May 14, 2010

what the command is for the System Tray, so thought I'd ask here. Note I am not asking how to put a system tray on the panel - I know I can add a notification area, but when I reboot there will be 2 of them, so this is not what I want.

I just need to be able to initialise it when it fails to load. Since my upgrade to Lucid, this has happened a couple of times, so expect it will happen again soon enough.

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Fedora :: Disable GNOME 3 Failed To Load Dialog

Jul 5, 2011

I have built my own custom Fedora 15 spin, the problem is that every time it show me GNOME 3 Failed to Load message dialog with the following message: "Unfortunately GNOME 3 failed to start properly and started in the fallback mode ....." Is there anyway to disable this dialoag?

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 Gnome Will Not Load (sometimes) On Lenovo Y550

Dec 15, 2009

I just bought a brand new Lenovo Y550 Ideapad with the following specs:

Intel Centrino 2 2.53ghz
4gb DDR
GEFORCE GT 240M 1GB video card

I bought it blank and installed Opensuse 11.2 Gnome 64bit as the main OS (using it right now). Using the "long method" instructions found on this website, I installed the Nvidia 190.42 graphics driver from the Nvidia website. It is working perfectly. My OS worked great for a while (love it), but now I am unable to boot up completely into Gnome. The bootscreen goes fine until I get past the automatic login screen for gnome, then the display stays on the default green background. My lights indicate that my computer is working, but no panels or icons load onto the desktop. After about two minutes, a notification pops up saying that I am connected to the wireless network, but there are still no panels or icons on the desktop. My mouse pointer works fine, so I know that the display is not frozen. I end up having to shut off my computer and restart it. Usually this takes two tries before the Gnome desktop completely loads and I am able to use my computer. I'm relatively new to Linux, so if I need to do anything "fancy", you'll probably have to be patient with me and walk me through it

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OpenSUSE Install :: Gnome 3 Failed To Load - Error

Apr 12, 2011

I just installed opensuse 11.4 64 bit. Compiz and everything was working fine on my ati card (mobility 2600) with the default radeon drivers. I added the gnome 3 stable repo, updated fine. But when I rebooted I get booted into the fallback with no 3d effects and it says "gnome 3 failed to load" What gives? The drivers were working fine with full acceleration. I know gnome 3 works on this card, I tested it on the fedora live cd just fine.

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Ubuntu :: Gnome Panel Bug, Power/user Switcher Applet Does Not Load On Startup

May 6, 2010

I'm having a weird issue with Lucid. On startup the power/user switcher applet doesn't load correctly, instead I see the me menu applet twice. I don't think I'm explaining this very well, so here's a screenshot.


After killing gnome-panel, this corrects itself.

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SUSE :: Failing To Load The Gnome Session - GTK Warning - Cannot Open Display

Apr 27, 2010

I am using SLES 10 SP3(x86_64). I was trying to install gtk/wxwidget through yast.

After that i rebooted my system, now system is failing to load in GUI mode.

If i can give the log of last few lines are as follows

Then it asks for login, only shell is available for me. How to login to gui mode..

I tried using the command gnome-session it gives error (gnome-session: 4101): Gtk-Warning **: cannot open display:

Also i tried using init 5, but again it prompts the my servername.

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