Ubuntu :: File Names Not Displaying Correctly In Its Chooser When Language Telugu / Fix It?
Aug 3, 2010
Actually i am working on an application in which i want to select the files from a File Chooser where the application language is set to Telugu. But when i want to view the files through the File Chooser, all the names of the files in the system are displaying as boxes. This problem occurs only when i change the language to Telugu.This problem doesn't appear with any other languages. So please direct me towards the solution for this problem.
GDM don't support theming, but I found tutorial to change it very well also in Lucid when you have users without password. Than you cant see language chooser (keyboard also). As it is possible to add additional applications to GDM (panel or dock - e.g. Cairo), question is next: - What is the command for GDM language chooser (to create launcher in dock, panel, or GDM desktop)?
I have bunch Chinese/Japanese movies/music/txt files.Some of the name are properly displayed while others is just error code.Here's two example:http://img217.imageshack.us/i/mediaplayerj.png/http://img263.imageshack.us/i/exaile.png/also when i plug in my WD passport HD i can see the folder/file name but when i try to open the txt file it all error code
I don't exactly know how to describe the problem, that's why I included a screenshot of the desktop wallpaper. You can see a small copy of the desktop image on the left corner and the whole desktop with the same image. I changed the desktop and the same thing happened.
I have been having some issues with the browsers, I use firefox and I have noticed that many of the websites I visit don't display correctly. I have attached some examples..not all sites display like that but many do.
I am running Cent0S 5.2 and am trying to get the gui running from startx at the console. When it loads half the screen is scrambled and I can see parts of the desk top. it looks like a video driver issue. I ran system-config-display --reconfig --set-depth=16 --set-resolution=1024x768 and then tried system-config-display --reconfig --set-depth=16 --set-resolution=800x600. It came out a little better but still half scrambled.
I've been through the forums, and can't seem to find the answers. Thanks to EVERYONE who has posted fuppes related advice though, you've filled my last 3 days with so much fun! I'm a complete newbie with linux. I had a half hearted fiddle about 6 years ago, but nothing since. But I've decided I want rid of the horror that is Windows, and stumbled upon Ubuntu. Installled it last week. First priority, videos and music to the XBox (can't lose Microsoft!). I'm using Ubuntu 9.10.
So, after much, much, much reinstalling and playing with config files, I now have Fuppes streaming to my XBox. I can stream both audio and video, and I'm even happy with the folder structure in the Video section too! (Eventually! ).
The line before is repeated lots and lots of times before it gives up. However, it still seems to have created the database, because all I then have to do is start Fuppes up and rebuild the folder structure and it works.
2) I spent ages trawling through the forums to get this far, and I did get music sorted by artist, album, etc. However, when sorted by album, each album shows lots of times. Is there a way to stop this? I only want each album to show once. Seems to mainly affect compilation albums with multiple artists.
For anyone who hasn't got as far as me, persist! You'll get there eventually. I'll attach my fuppes.cfg and vfolder.cfg. I am using version 0.660, and used a mixture of advice from all the tutorials to get here. Use this guide:[URL] but later on in that guide in someone's reply, there's a link to the new version.
I also had to install some additional packages (this was guess work...using Synaptic Package Manager), to ensure that during the ./configure, the Taglib and mpeg4ip/mp4v2 are both enabled, otherwise you have no hope of your XBox sorting your music. if you edit your config files in the fuppes directory, open a terminal and run the following to put them in the place fuppes actually looks for them!:
I have installed both Fedora and Ubuntu with Gnome Desktops and it displays the information an inch to the left, this problem may have to do with the fact that the display comes up as unknown.
I'm sure this is just a simple configuration issue, but not sure what to configure:
When I try to open a file from within an application (eg Open Office) and I choose "Open", a file browser pops up that allows navigation of the file system. Rather annoyingly, it shows all the dot files (and directories). There was a time when it did not, and I'm not sure what changed to make it do this.
Where do I configure this behaviour? I don't know what the file browsing thing is called. If I get a listing from ps before and after calling up the file opening tool, there is nothing extra showing.
In both Slackware 12.2 (gtk 2.12.12) and Slackware 13.1 (gtk 2.18.9), the left-hand side panel of the GTK file chooser (File Open and Save) dialog box displays three sections. The first section contains two options: Search and Recently Used. The second section contains several options. The third section are personal bookmarks I have created and stored in $HOME/.gtk-bookmarks.
Modifying the bookmarks section is straightforward, but I am searching for ways to modify the first and second sections.
1. In both 12.2 and 13.1, the second section shows the following: $HOME directory, Desktop, File System. In 13.1, several mount points now appear. I think the criterion being used is the mount point being outside the main root tree. Several of these mount points are configured in fstab with the noauto option and are user mounted only as necessary. I do not want any of these volumes appearing in that section nor the Desktop option. Is there a way to exclude those volumes and options?
2. In that same second section are two mounted volumes from a second internal drive. Those two partitions are part of my bookmarks. In 12.2 those two partitions appeared in the bookmarks section. In 13.1 those two bookmarks are ignored and instead appear in the second section. I prefer those two points appear in my bookmarks section because I prefer my own labels rather than mount point names. Is there a way to do that?
3. Is there an option in $HOME/.config/gtk-2.0/filechooser.ini to control the width of the side panel?
There are these shortcuts in the GTK3 file chooser: [URL] ....
With the exception of "desktop" which I included in the red box by mistake, I don't want those shorcuts to be there. I've even deleted most of those folders from my home directory because I have no use for them, but the shortcuts remain even after the folders are gone.
How to remove/disable these shortcuts? And while I'm at it, I notice that it's not using my selected icon theme for those icons. Any way to make it use my choice of icon theme?
I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 11 and a few days later my ecryptfs filesystem began misbehaving in a weird way. In my home directory, many subdirectory names are duplicated verbatim. Here's an ls -F excerpt:
I can no longer access files in those directories (if I ls the directory, it appears empty; I can cd to it, but there's nothing inside). Not all of the directories are duplicated/damaged like this, but most are. A few non-directory files are also duplicated in this fashion, so for example:
I am looking for an application that will read the file names in a folder and generate a comma delimited file. I want then to import the comma delimited file contests to a spread sheet such as open office.I hava a number of PDF files generated from a scanner, each file with its own scaner generated file name. I want to put these into a data base so I can add the title and other reference information to provide a data base.
I am supposed to take some small files, and print them to a specific printer, such that the small files are concatenated into one file. The file name has to be included in the file that gets printed.
Should I be looking to concatenate the files into one file with the file names included, and then print them?
In case that NFS client of fedora is set to cache nfs file handle, where is the cache stored such as /var/lib/nfs?If it's stored in memory instead of directory tree, what command can I know the combination of file names and file handles with?OS in my test environment: Fedora Core 6
I have a considerable number of files in a subdirectory (some fascinating old military clips from archive.org - search on Big Picture if interested). Anyhow, I am downloading them using Internet Download Manager running in an XP virtual machine in VMWare on my Ubuntu 10.04 PC (due to the queuing, restart and speed capabilities of IDM). But I digress - the files are being saved on the host (Samba share) without a file extension. So I have a collection of files with names like
The Douglas MacArthur Story THEY WERE THERE (1960)
I wish to add the extension ".mp4" In Windows this is simply done with the command
rename *. *.mp4
This of course does not work in Linux. I have researched the Linux rename command and reviewed a lot of examples. However, I have not found a way to add an extension to a batch of files which are named with no extension to start with. The spaces in the file names also seem to present an issue. At the moment I am renaming them from the Windows VM while they are sitting on the Samba share using the ancient File Manager program from Windows NT which works great on XP. I have experimented with the file rename facility in Gnome Commander however, it does not seem to want to do something so simple.
Just before the computer boots into the grub menu, I noticed a message on the prompt saying that a file was not found. I had reinstalled Ubuntu 10.04 prior to this. Maybe the grub was not configured properly but I don't know how to fix or find the missing file. I also noticed that I don't have /boot/grub/grub.cfg.
I use the awesome todo.txt cli tool for my todo list. I want to find a way to display this on my desktop, and have it update every time I update the file. Is there an easy way to do this? Does conky do stuff like this?
I have some music in another language, but when I open the songs in Banshee, their song names just come up as weird characters (like μ).I went to [System --> Administration --> Language Support] and installed support for that language, but the songs still come up like μ. (But in Nautilus, their proper names show).
I know the solution is to change my whole system language to that language, but I don't want to do that, as I am not very fluent in it. Is there any way to enable support for that language while keeping English as the language used to display my desktop?
One computer .... three users .... three languages. How do you make that happen? User A speaks English and is happy with English. No problem. User B needs to use Chinese and would like the full system in Chinese. User C needs to use Thai and Chinese. They would prefer their menus to be in Thai and can use iBus for Chinese entry. How do you set up the system so that each user can select their system language when they login?
I have a file which is in .txt .And has written inside , with a different language than the ubuntu.o Now i open it , and it shows to me like this > $)IR""RJU((AF < how can i change the format ?In windows we have the regional settings and we change them to unicode , and everything are fixed.
I am running debian lenny running apache (latest) i am trying to make a webserver. i put the index.html file in my www folder. it shows up when i go to my site (localhost) i put an index.php file in my www folder and when i try to go to my site it Downloads the index.php file instead of showing it.
When using rsync to copy from one NFS mounted filesystem to another mounted NFS, rsync displays "stale NFS file handle" while attempting to issue a chmod after each file is copied. The files appear to be written successfully but the owner and group show up as "99." The source file system is mount USB ext3 drive and the target is a Buffalo TeraStation TS-XL/R5.
While installing Ubuntu 10.10 I chose the wrong language for my keyboard. I tried to fix this in keyboard preferences and it seemed to work. The correct one I need is USA (and don't know exactly the difference between USA and USA alternative international). But every time I boot my laptop I get the old language back (Dutch) while USA is above the others in my preferences.
I would like to use the command line to compare two directories against each other. I have two folders called music collection that have evolved over the last year on two separate computers. 90% of the two folders are the same, but there are small differences. I would like a solution that will print out all the differences so I can analyze them and choose what I want to do with them, before merging the two folders. for example.I would like some kind of output that shows the differences and where its located.
comparing MusicCollection1 and MusicCollection2 dif1.mp3 located in MC1/folder1 (this one I might want to keep and merge over) dif2.mp3 located in MC2/folder3 (while this one I might realize does not exist in both folders because I deleted it for a reason)
I've looked at sort, uniq, and even tried scripting my own solution, but haven't come up with an elegant solution thus far. Its important that it is recursive because there are about 15 folders in Music collection and more folders under those 15.
I'm running Ubuntu Server 11.04 (no desktop installed). I'm wondering how I install the necessary support for Japanese text because I have numerous files with Japanese file names and they all show up as garble. I would also like Icecast to broadcast the proper song names with Japanese characters.
I have bash script for converting files. I have a problem. If file name is "corrupted" then mv command for that file will not work. For example file with "-" in front of the name.
Is there a way to check if in some folder (subfolder) all the files have correct file names or they don't?
If they are all correct -> OK proceed with execution of the script!
If they are not all correct -> NOT OK stop with execution of the script!