Ubuntu :: Extremely Unstable Maverick Install

Nov 7, 2010

As was requested, I installed ubuntu maverick on a desktop computer that was having problems. I installed maverick (32-bit), and it crashes usually during or after software installation.

The specs of the computer:
Pentium D processor
Intel integrated graphics card
160GB HDD, 40GB ext4 ubuntu partition

The only problem I can think of is that I've had stability issues on ext4. I *think* Pentium D's might be 64-bit, but I don't think that'd be an issue. If I can get this sorted out, the install will count as an epic win, first time I've ever experienced complete out of the box hardware support, printer included, plus compiz on an intel integrated graphics card.

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Ubuntu :: Unstable Maverick Meerkat Installation

Dec 21, 2010

I've been running Ubuntu on an IBM Thinkpad T42 for about 3 years and have never had any instability but my Meerkat upgrade 10.10 about a week ago has never been right and seems to be getting worse. It's almost impossible to use the Internet. Whether Epiphany or Firefox, the screen keeps going grey and regularly freezes the computer completely so that NO keyboard commands work and only a hard restart will do. I also have problems streaming audio feeds with RP 11 or VLC. VLC is more of a problem which I find odd as it is solid in Windoze.

PS The instability isn't only Internet related. There are lots of strange little things like authentication windows not closing after I enter password and hit Enter or click OK, not being able to paste in Terminal (sometimes not others), toolbard in apps appearing differently sometimes, stuff like that.

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General :: Cant Install Ubuntu 10.10 - Extremely Agitated?

Dec 11, 2010

its been 10 days since i have been trying to install Ubuntu 10.10. i tried every option single boot, dual boot, windows installer but nothing works single/ dual boot gives an i/o error related to cd and HDD and windows installer installs fine but my pc will hang when booting. and the biggest problem is that i dont know where the problem lies. is it my hardware or software. xp runs just fine.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Switch From Unstable Kde 4.5 To Kde 4.4.1?

Mar 5, 2010

I am using some unstable set of kde packages with opensuse 11.2-i586, at the moment the version number is

KDE 4.4.62 (KDE 4.5 >= 20100203).

That I have these packages is due to some misconfiguration / error, and I would like to replace them with something stable, say kde 4.4.1. I had a look into yast, found an option like "use these (kde 4.4) packages as system packages", but run into numerous compatability issues afterwards so that I can't make the switch.

So my question is: How can I replace the unstable kde 4.5 packages with kde 4.4.1? I don't know suse very well, so if there is some step-by-step description available somewhere

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04 Fresh Install No Wireless Getting Extremely Frustrated?

Jul 26, 2011

I've had so many issues with 11.04 Natty that could not be solved I just fresh installed Ubuntu 10.04 from a USB as my netbook does not have a CD drive. Well, after installing and restarting I have no wireless. I ran iwconfig and I got pan0 no wireless extensions. How do I fix this?lspci says

ken@ken-laptop:~$ lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation N10 Family DMI Bridge
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation N10 Family Integrated Graphics


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OpenSUSE Install :: Extremely High CPU Usage?

Mar 18, 2011

However, I would like to ask if anyone else is experiencing Higher than normal CPU usage with openSuSE 11.4 PR?? My system, which is probably similar to others, increases the air flow with the fan on the CPU when it is working hard. Mine gets rather noisy. (don't have it on the floor, but right next to me) This fan speed increase has been lots more prevalent in the newest version of openSuSE.

Have also used 'top' and it looks like xorg is one of the biggest hogs. However, when I use VMware it goes into hyper drive a lot.

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CentOS 5 :: X Windows Extremely Dim Screen On Laptop After 5.5 X64 Install

Jun 4, 2010

I've got the latest CENTOS v5.5 (disk 1 of 2) x86_64 that I've fully installed on a brand new Dell Inspiron 1749 laptop (less than 30 days old). I specifically tested the media at the beginning of the install, and it was good. I'd also verified the md5sum before burning it to disc. During installation from the DVD the X Windows GUI won't appear brightly lit and easliy viewable, the screen remains (seemingly -- more on this in a moment) blank. I experienced this when hitting enter at the install boot prompt. After a subsequent text-based install (which went fine), from runlevel 3, I ensured the X Windows group was fully installed, and tried "startx". Same blank (dim!) screen behavior.

Now the seemingly blank screen has a weird twist. In changing the light in my work room (for other reasons) I noticed that there was a dim, barely visible X desktop on the screen. It is extremely faint, most definitely unusable, cannot see anything clearly enough to make out setting or try to change anything. Unable to see any mouse movement, etc... Suprisingly, a flashlight helps to make out bits and pieces, though nowhere near enough to be usable. Killing X by any method doesn't bring back the brightness, though the console is usable again as such (i.e. reboot works). I've tried the <Ctrl><Alt><F2> and the like as part of the troubleshooting, it works funcionally, but doesn't return the (normal?) screen brightness along the way.

The system came from Dell with Micro$loth Windoze 7 x64 bit and operated normal (well, as normal as Windoze can). When system-config-display is ran from the commandline, the screen clears and brings up that utility. I can point a flashlight at the screen and see some elements of what looks like a functional/working utility. I cannot visually discern the mouse to try and select anything. I've floated around the screen a lot, but haven't seen anything I can leverage to make a change to the screen/monitor being used. I believe the video is an integrated (into the CPU) graphics chip/card/whatever.

P.S. System specific details are below.

lspci gives the following output:

00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Core Processor DRAM Controller (rev 02)
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02 )
00:16.0 Communication controller: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset HECI Controller (rev 06)


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Ubuntu Networking :: Fresh Install, Clean Logs, Downloads Extremely Slow?

Mar 19, 2011

I just did a fresh install of 10.04 on my system and everything runs perfect and exremely smooth, however the update manager and firefox are taking forever to load (the progress meter reads something like 2d 17hr 23m), however the internet connection is very fast.the logs are all insanely clean with the fewest errors I've ever seen, so this shouldn't be too terribly difficult to solve. Also I seem to be having a problem with the font on Firefox, every fourth letter or so has a bright streak in it. Anyway, that might be related or not but my main concern right now is getting my download speed up to par?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Upgrade Via DVD/zypper Extremely Cumbersome, Unworkable And Thus Unacceptable?

Sep 5, 2011

Currently running openSUSE 11.2.

Obtained the 11.3 and 11.4 DVD(s) and tried to run an upgrade/update via the DVD(s). Both generate an enormous list with "conflicts". It starts with the first screen with 3 conflicts and after the choices have been made the next screen shows up with an effectively unmanageable list of conflicts.Worse, the DVD upgrade procedures touch and change files on the system in the /etc directory without consent!

Decided to try to upgrade to 11.4 via zypper as described here:
SDB:System upgrade - openSUSE

The description is good, however the description does not even mention the possibility of "conflicts" that have to be resolved. The word "conflict" does not even appear on the page. It appears to me that these "tested" upgrades have been tried on a pristine 11.2 and a pristine 11.3! If so, it would be good to mention this!

After effectively wasting hours trying to resolve conflicts, searching through forums and Internet to find a solution the general impression is that "upgrade" although supposedly supported url does not ***REALLY*** work as seamless as pretended. Several posts on the forum suggest a clean install as "upgrades are quirky".Needless to say... Clean installs (even when all data remains in place) are unacceptable!

I have run openSUSE now for a number of years for desktop solutions. Within a version 11.0, 11.1, 11.2 YaST and zypper seem to perform well upgrading those versions. However, upgrading versions alike 11.0->11.1 has caused serious headaches and/or required complete reinstalls.

When I compare this to FreeBSD The FreeBSD Project, where through a described upgrade process of cvsup->build->install I have upgraded systems alike 5.2->5.3->5.4->6.2->6.3->6.4->7.2->7.3 without a hitch the upgrade solutions for openSUSE just do not cut it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Compaq Presario F700 Extremely Slow Boot After 10.10 Install [5 Minutes Bootup]?

Feb 16, 2011

I made a clean install of Ubunto 10.10 on my Compaq Presarion F700, nVida graphics, AMD Turion 64x2.Installation was fine.When I boot, it takes a lot of time, 5 minutes or more.Also, after the system loads I get those applet errors I've attached. Sometimes I get all the applet errors and sometimes it get few of them.I tried several configs of "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT" but still no luck.

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Ubuntu :: Upgrade Lucid To Maverick By Using Maverick Live Cd?

Oct 17, 2010

can we upgrade lucid to maverick by using maverick live cd. what are the other methods for upgradation

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Ubuntu :: Can't Install Libgtk2.0-dev On New Maverick Install?

Feb 28, 2011

I can't install libgtk2.0-dev, or many of its dependencies, on a new-ish install of 10.10. Synaptic returns:

Depends: libglib2.0-dev but it is not going to be installed
Depends: libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev but it is not going to be installed
Depends: libpango1.0-dev but it is not going to be installed
Depends: libatk1.0-dev but it is not going to be installed


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Ubuntu Installation :: Creating An Extremely Minimal Version Of Xubuntu Using XFCE - Go With Mini.iso Or The Xubuntu Alternate Install CD ?

Jan 12, 2010

I was thinking of creating an extremely minimal version of Xubuntu using XFCE. I have a Dell Mini 9, a netbook that uses a wireless-g card requiring bcmwl-kernel-source to work.What I would like to do is use either the alternate CD or mini.iso minimal install file to perform a command line install-style installation of the system.So far, what I am thinking (from reading this [url].... article:

HTML Code:

http:[url].....is to start off with these packages to begin with:

slim (if possible with 9.10, unsure if it is still available. in short, i want to use a lightweight display manager)

My opening questions are: Should I go with mini.iso or the Xubuntu Alternate Install CD (or the Ubuntu one)? If so, which one? What additional packages will I need to make the hardware accessible and fully functional? All I can think of so far would be sound (I'd like to stay away from PulseAudio if possible, it wreaks havoc with my computer), my webcam, and the memory card slot, if additional packages are needed for it?What other "core" packages should I include in this list? Should I include Synaptic, or other packages, and why?What do I need to take into consideration, since this is both a directly- and battery-powered computer?

HTML Code:
post regarding a "Ubuntu-Desktop-Minimal"-type system.

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Internet After Maverick Install?

Oct 16, 2010

I just installed Maverick on my netbook (Lenovo S10-2) and am having network issues. I had to plug in to the ethernet port before installing to get extra packages and updates. I was going to get the Broadcom STA wireless driver after it was complete. Installing the OS worked fine and it downloaded everything it needed to. But when I restarted, it didn't recognize when I plugged in the ethernet cable, making getting the wireless driver impossible. I reinstalling twice. Same story.

I tried different cables and none of them worked. Also, I tried to compile the wireless driver myself so I could put it on without having internet.

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Ubuntu :: Status Of Gimpshop / Install On Maverick 10.10?

Oct 20, 2010

Is Gimpshop still being maintained and developed? It vaguely appears to be stagnant from outward appearances. It seems like a great idea (and I have used in the past), but I am not sure it is being actively maintained. Was this project abandoned, and if so do you know why?I would like to install on Ubuntu Maverick 10.10 in an AMD64 situation. Is that possible? It really solves quite a few issues for people trained on Photoshop.True you could try to relearn with GIMP, but every time I work with the program, a lot of stuff seems like a pain in the *** way to complete a task. Gimpshop on the other hand seemed to fix a lot of that.

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Ubuntu :: Install An Older Kernel In Maverick?

Nov 13, 2010

I'm looking to install an older kernel in Maverick - something like 2.6.32 maybe? Just wondering if there's a way to do it without compiling myself. I upgraded my system without checking everything. I use it as a MythTV box and the 2.6.35 kernel breaks my remote control in a manner that appears to be unfixable at the moment, if the forums on the problem are right. I figure an older kernel will get me out of the jam, but I'm not sure how to go about it (there aren't any in the standard repos).

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Ubuntu :: How To Install Old Netbook Interface On Maverick

Dec 5, 2010

Unity is too slow and buggy for me right now and I really really loved the old netbook remix interface (I wish they would make that one the default instead of Unity).Anyways, I read somewhere that I can still install it in maverick with a simple package install but I've looked everywhere for it and couldn't find the exact package.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Install Packages In Maverick (10.10)?

Feb 4, 2011

I decided to give a new download of Ubuntu 10.10 a chance. It went on fine,I even installed VirtualBox with noi problem, But I am light on assessories,particularly gimp. I tried the Ubuntu Software Center, then I tried the Synaptic Package Manager for this and other packages, and guess what? I kept getting errors like this:dpkg: failed to read on buffer copy for copy info file `/var/lib/dpkg/available': Input/output error
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)I even found a link that showed how to include gimp on 10.04 or 10.10 with a few command line statement, and I thought that would fly, but I got the same error again. Another problem is that my monitor keeps fading to a sort of blue-gray color indicating the processor is having trouble keeping up, but I have only FireFox running, and the keyboard locks up after after just a a smaill handful of charactrers are typed, then after about 10 seconds or so, the keyboard buffer flushes to the screen.

This certainly is not typical of earlier Ubuntu versions, and I wonder if anybody else has similar problems or knows the cause and cure.I am down to the point of asking myself, what is so urgent with the Ubuntu developers that we are having more and more conflicts between hardware and software to resolve with each new release? And that they are pulling more and more packages out of the LiveCD in order to make room for something that is bulking up in some other manner? What are you people up to, make Ubuntu more like Windows with coming releases? If I wanted Windows, I would stick with or get a newer version of Windows.

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General :: Trying To Install Aegir - Get The "unstable" Repository

Apr 4, 2011

Clean Debian lenny installation having a tough time installing aegir [URL] Specifically configuring backports: Adding backports You should also configure backports repositories, for Drush. 4.4 is now in unstable and 3.3 is in squeeze and lenny-backports. I want to have drush 4.4 so I have to add the repository for "unstable" Debian make it easy to add squeeze and lenny backports as seen here [URL] What line do I add to my sources list to get the "unstable" repository?

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Ubuntu :: Maverick With Ati X1650 Driver Wont Install

Oct 16, 2010

i need help on installing ati x1650 pro driver. ubuntu hardware driver is not showing any driver for it and i tried to install it manually from ati linux driver and i'm getting errors.

buzzmandt@main:~/Downloads$ sudo sh ./ati-driver-installer-9-3-x86.x86_64.run
[sudo] password for buzzmandt:
Created directory fglrx-install.wYeDwa
Verifying archive integrity... All good.


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Ubuntu :: Install A Custom Icon Theme In Maverick?

Dec 10, 2010

In past versions of Ubuntu, I've used a customized version of oxygen-refit-red. This time, however, there is no apparent option to install the theme from a tar.bz2 file.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Install Ruby Ripper In Maverick

Mar 18, 2011

I'm trying to install Rubyripper into Maverick using these guidelines: [URL]

But I get this error message in terminal:

W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/aheck/ppa/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/source/Sources.gz 404 Not Found
W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/aheck/ppa/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found

E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead. Presumably because it can't find the package. But what do I do next? or is there an alternative way to install?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install TinyOS Package On Maverick?

Mar 18, 2011

Im trying to install TinyOS package on Ubuntu Maverick. However during installation, I get the following error Quote:

E: /var/cache/apt/archives/avr-gcc-tinyos_4.1.2-20080806_i386.deb: trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/avr-cpp', which is also in package gcc-avr 1
E: /var/cache/apt/archives/binutils-avr_2.20.1-1ubuntu2_i386.deb: trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/avr-size', which is also in package avr-binutils-tinyos 2.17-20080806


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Ubuntu :: Persistence In Maverick Flash Install VERY Slow

Jan 15, 2011

I've been butting heads with a problem for about a week now. For a while I've been running a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) off a 4 GB Kingston DataTraveller Flash Drive. Using partimage, I've managed to install this Maverick Ubuntu and load it with Audio Stuff from UbuntuStudio....plus wineasio and some Windohs audio software, then save the images of the partition usb stick (win32 livecd partition and casper-rw persistence partition).I've also done the same thing with a linuxaudio distro called pure:dyne. I restore and use either according to my needs. Obviously 4GB isn't a lot of space....so over the holidays I went out and bought the 8GB version of the DataTraveller. Two weeks later I'm still trying to get things to work right.

The problem is that when I create the casper-rw partition and boot into Ubuntu things slow to a snail's pace. Ubuntu takes over 5 minutes to boot up. Installing anything with Synaptic or whatever takes 5x as long as with the 4GB version of the flash drive. Everything works rather well....although multitasking is laborious, if possible at all. At first I thought it was the usb-key itself. After returning it (twice) I realised this just wasn't the case. 3 different flash drives had performed exactly the same way. Googling around over the last few days I found I'm not the only one to come across this problem...but still no solution.

What makes things weirder is that today I installed pure:dyne on that same stick and it works perfectly...running as smoothly (almost) as from a normal harddrive. Weirder still is the fact that pure:dyne is built from ubuntu itself...the only difference (as far as the whole usb-creation business goes) is that the persistence file/partition is named "live-rw" instead of "casper-rw".

I'd settle for pure:dyne...except it's built on "lucid" not "maverick"....two of my 3 computers have graphics driver issues with pure:dyne and the soundcard support is spotty (which is strange for a distro specialising in audio production) and wine (and therefore vst/i support) is not nearly as good. If anyone has any clue what goes on here I'd be very interested. In the meantime I'll run pure:dyne on the one computer that likes it.

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General :: Unable To Install Gnome-shell On Ubuntu Maverick 10.10

Aug 9, 2010

mojo@mojo:~/Downloads$ sudo apt-get install gnome-shell
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done

Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or been moved out of Incoming. The following packages have unmet dependencies: gnome-shell : Depends: mutter but it is not going to be installed it asks for mutter, yet mutter is already installed. I think it asks for different version of mutter.

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Ubuntu :: Install Xubuntu 10.10 Maverick As Dual Boot On Laptop?

Oct 19, 2010

I tried to install Xubuntu 10.10 Maverick as dual boot on my laptop. However when xubuntu is on, I can't find a way to connect to internet. When I try the 2 arrows on the up-right corner the option for wireless is deemed.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Maverick Meerkat Over Lucid System?

Oct 20, 2010

Is it possible to install the Maverick Meerkat over Lucid Lynx without losing third party programs and Document data on my Laptop?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Why Is Natty Minimal Install So Much Bigger Than On Maverick?

May 25, 2011

I have a couple of 64bit Maverick installs from the minimal CD.They each have about 1100 packages installed. When I started to upgrade one to Natty with the Upgrade Manager, it told me it wanted to install 205 new packages (along with upgrading 877).205 new packages seems like a lot of growth in the minimal install.Why do I need those 205 packages?Then I looked at the minimal CD page where I saw that the minimal CD itself (which has lists of packages not the packages) grew from 15.6 to 22MB.So, did the minimal install just bloat up with Natty or what? Is there an even-more-minimal install?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Install Command-line Version Of Maverick From Alternate CD

Oct 2, 2010

I'm attempting to install a command-line version of Maverick, from the alternate CD. I'm using the 64-bit version. The installation has gone fine - however, I'm having troubles getting the wireless to work. I've installed wireless-tools by carting the *.deb archive over from another computer - this seemed to go fine, and iwconfig shows my wireless card as "wlan0". However, even after setting the essid and the WEP key I can't connect to the internet (tested this using apt-get). I know that this wireless card requires the "rtl8187se" module, which automatically loads with the desktop version of Maverick - however, it isn't working on the command-line. Running "sudo modprobe rtl8187se" pings back an error message saying that the module can't be found. Is there a way for me to manually install it or "find" it?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: NVIDIA GeForce FX 5500 Driver Install Failed On Maverick

Oct 13, 2010

tried to install drivers for FX 5500 today, the one that Ubuntu recommended (173) and the current version (260). Both installs failed when it tried to set up python-support. Returned an exit status of "10". I don't know what that means. I could really use some help, because I just installed UT2K4, and without the driver, I can't play it. I'm running the latest release, as noted in the thread title. Dunno if it helps, but it was a clean install, because an alternate iso upgrade failed and mucked up 10.04.

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