Ubuntu :: External Backup HD Sharing With Win 7 And OS Files

Nov 18, 2010

I am a beginner to Ubuntu / linux. I plan to partition my laptop (HP pavilion) for Windows 7 and Linux (Ubuntu). Can I backup both Linux and Windows 7 files to a single external USB hard drive? (Obviously, they will be in separate directories). If yes, how do I do that? If not, what are my alternatives?

I assume Ubuntu will recognize a USB hard drive as an external flash drive, right? I also notice external SATA hard drive docking stations with USB interface are available, and I have not use them before. The devices takes internal SATA hard drive. If you have use them before, let me know how did you format it using Ubuntu or Windows7 while the drive is attached to the station.

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Ubuntu :: Sharing Files From External Drive?

Jul 4, 2011

I have a problem with sharing files from external harddrive. If I create a share from my ubuntu home folder, I can access to it from my Windows 7 laptop. I also see shares created from external drive, but windows says I dont have permission to access in there.

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Ubuntu :: Sharing Files Off A External Hard Drive Over A Network?

Jan 8, 2010

when I try to share files off of my external hard drive over my network; it says it is shared on my ubuntu machine but when I try to access the file on my windows machine it says I do not have permission.

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Ubuntu :: External Hard Drive Will Not Let Backup Files?

Jan 10, 2010

I've been working at this for the past 2 days now. My computer got some kind of virus or something that has caused it to loop at startup and continually reset. I run an XP OS on a Gateway. I desperately need to backup my files, because the person who had my backup absently deleted my stuff. I was able to boot up using an Ubuntu disc and I'm in it right now, I've found my files, I have an external hard drive. The problem:First, it wont let me paste into the hard drive. If I drag, it says "Error while copying to "/media/FreeAgent Drive". You do not have permissions to write to this folder." I've mounted the external drive, nothing changes.

I've gone in to properties, is says under permissions that the owner is root, folder access is "Access files" and at the bottom is says "You are not the owner, so you can't change these permissions." The drop downs where I need to change permissions is in gray, so I can;t change it.So next, I tried "gksu nautilus", went to the drive through there, and it let me use the drop down selection under permissions. I tried to change the folder access and I got this message: "The permissions could not be changed. Couldn't change the permissions of "FreeAgent Drive" because it is on a read-only disk." So I tried changing the file access to Read and Write. It didn't give an error, so I thought perhaps it finally worked. I hit apply, and tried to put my files in. Once again I got the message from before that said I didn't have permission. I tried to change the owner so it was no longer root and I got "The owner could not be changed. Couldn't change the owner of "FreeAgent Drive" because it is on a read-only disk."I'm getting so frustrated right now. These files are VERY important to me! The hard drive I have is a Seagate FreeAgent desk 500GB

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General :: Using Luckybackup To Backup Files To An External Hard Drive In Ubuntu 10.10?

May 11, 2011

I have installed luckybackup software on my ubuntu 10.10 notebook edition. But I don't know how to use it to backup files to an external hard drive. The Hard Drive is a 1 TB Seagate. I don't think that the Destination Drop down menu in luckybackup even shows the External HD.

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OpenSUSE :: Backup All System & Files To External Hard Drive?

Sep 30, 2010

How I can backup all my system & files to external hard drive?

I am using OpenSuse 11.3 32bit - Gnome

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can Client PC Sharing Key With Access Files / If Not File Sharing?

Jul 7, 2011

Im using WPA with a TKIP pre-shared key...Can a client pc im sharing my key with access my files if im not file sharing? Router config?

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Ubuntu :: Restore Backup Server - Where Is The Location Backup Snapshots Or Files Are Saving

May 10, 2011

I install and tested Restore EE Backup server on a test PC with basic configuration and its working fine.


The issue i have is where is the location these backup snapshots or files are saving? I want to add a separate Storage to save the backup?

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General :: Backup Windows Sharing In Fedora

May 16, 2011

I like a script for backup of windows 10 shares for an external hd in fedora?

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General :: Mount Point For Backup Drive - Partition To Backup The Important Files On My Main HDD

May 21, 2011

I'm just setting up a partition on a seperate HDD in my system. I plan to use the partition to backup the important files on my main HDD (to guard against HD crash).

The question I have is about where would be the typical location to auto mount this partition? Which would it be normal to go for:

1. /backup/
2. /media/backup/
3. /mnt/backup/
4. /home/chris/backup/

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Software :: Multi-Platform Backup / File Sharing

Jul 15, 2010

I have installed Ubuntu Server 10.04 on a newish computer. 1 internal HD for OS, 2 internal HD for Backup purposes. I am not sure what to format the "BackUp" drives as, use partitioning, use Raid etc.?). I am also attaching a Sans-Digital TR8M-B, 8 bay eSata Enclosure with 4 2TB HD's (again, not sure what format or raid to use). My initial thoughts for their respective usages are to backup desktops/server(s) to the "Back Up" disk and use the external Enclosure for various file sharing/streaming requirements.One of the last pieces that I'm trying to put together in my install and make sense of is the right backup and file sharing solution. I have 3 kids with laptops, my wife has a laptop and there 3-5 other desktop/devices that will require backing up. All OS's are either Win7 or Ubuntu Desktop/Server in various forms.

In a perfect world, I'd love to have an application or launcher installed on the Win7 machines for my kids and wife that will give them point in time/automatic/scheduled back up's and easy access to the shares. I've read about these types of solutions, but have gone cross eyed trying to find the right combination of tools for my environment. As an Fyi.I am the only one currently using Linux and can probably cover off all my needs manually if need be.

This is my first entry into the personal server environment. It probably goes without saying that the majority of our data usage will be for various types of digital media storage. I'm really trying to make this as simple, automated, painless and stable as possible.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Sharing External USB Drives?

May 1, 2011

Just moved my Mac Server to Ubuntu Server 10.10. I have two external USB drives that need to be shared on the network and be available on the internet for sensitive file transfer. What would be the most secure way to do it ? Some users are mobile and some not. The mobile users can access the network through a vpn running on that same server. The server is serving DNS and Proxy as well. I thought about creating a SAMBA share but the two disks are 1TB each. Then I went for proftpd but after reading some doc, it appears not very secure.

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Ubuntu :: External Hardrive - Sharing With Other Users On The Same Computer

Jan 17, 2010

I am having issues with sharing an external hard drive with other users on a computer. For example if I reboot and login with user A and then logout and login with user B, I am not able to mount the external hard drive. If I reboot and login with user B first, I can then access the external hard drive with user B but not user A. Is there a way that both users can use the drive without having to reboot every time?

I am assuming this is some sort of security issue. If I login with the second user and go to /mnt/external harddrive I get a permission error."You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "External Drive"." If I login with the first user and try to set the permission it doesn't give me the ability?

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Debian :: Sharing External USB Drive To Everyone

Mar 4, 2016

I have a little ODROID C1+ ARM box with Debian Jesse installed on a SD card. I am trying to share an entire external USB NTFS drive to all clients (Windows 7, Android) on my network. I had this working until a few days ago when I reflashed an updated distro. Now I can't remember what black magic was involved. iptables is not installed and no firewall is active.I have installed Samba and Caja-share. I have edited the fstab

Code: Select all#4TB Seagate
0 0

with the understanding that this would allow permissions to be assigned and saved for NTFS partitions. I then used chmod to assign everything on the drive to nobody:nogroup as I recalled this was necessary from when I last got it to work.SMB.config is currently set as

Code: Select allworkgroup = *edited*
[Seagate 4TB]
path = "/media/odroid/Seagate 4TB"
writable = yes
force user = nobody

with no other changes. The folder /media/odroid/Seagate 4TB has been created. I have right-clicked this folder and shared with Caja-share

Code: Select all[x] Share this folder
Share name: Seagate 4TB
[x] Allow others to create and delete files in this folder
[x] Guest access (for people without a user account)

but so far all I get in Windows when I try to access the share is a prompt for credentials, which is what I want to avoid.

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Ubuntu :: Sharing External NTFS Drive Across Multiple Users?

May 26, 2010

I have an external USB hard drive at /dev/sdb1 (NTFS)

2 users: johnny, audio

for some reason this drive is mounted at /media/TREKSTOR_ with johnny as the owner. I can't seem to chown the drive to audio. If I unmount the device, and remount it, the owner is set to johnny again. I need to access this drive from the audio account.It's a 1TB drive, so I wouldn't be able to reformat it to EXT3 easily as it's almost 60% full.

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Ubuntu :: Backup Dual Boot HD To External HD?

Mar 28, 2010

I am dual booting windows and ubuntu. I bought a external hard drive to use as a backup solution. I like the idea of my external HD being an exact copy of my internal one so that if my internal one completely fails I can just plug my external one in and carry on (it's an internal drive in an enclosure).

I notice a lot of people use rsync to backup their home directory. Can I use rsync (or something else) to back up the whole drive including the Windows partition.

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Ubuntu :: Backup Folder Contents To External HDD Using TAR

Apr 19, 2011

I'm trying to create a very simple back up script to back up the contents of one folder on my system to an NTFS formatted external hdd. I want to keep the ownerships and permissions of the files I'm backing up intact so I'm putting them into a tar archive. Compression is not necessary as I have plenty of space for the backup.

I have created the initial backup with the following command:
tar -cpf $bupath/backup.tar $sourcepath
This seemed to work quite well with the resulting file being about 170gb and took about 5hrs. For subsequent backups, the files are probably only going to change by about 10% at most so it seems inefficient to create a whole new backup from scratch. I would like to be able to just update my existing archive with any new/altered files.

I have tried using the update mode (-u) with tar like so:Code:
tar -upf $bupath/backup.tar $sourcepath

So far this has been running for about 10hrs and the archive has grown to approx 220gb! What's going wrong here? I was expecting the update to take 30mins max and there be no significant change in the archive size. Am I perhaps misinterpreting the purpose of update mode in tar, or is there something wrong with my command? Is there a better/easy way to accomplish this?

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Fedora Networking :: Sharing An External Hard Drive Using Samba?

Aug 9, 2011

I installed Fedora 15 5 days ago after using debian-based distros for a few years, and until now I've had the habit of sharing many files (mostly multimedia) on my home network, except since I'm the only one using Linux, I have to do it using Samba.In Ubuntu, Xubuntu and Linux Mint, this worked like a charm.

Two things have changed this week: I switched to Fedora 15 like I said before, and I bought a new USB external HDD. I previously used a 500 GB Western Digital, and changed for a 1.5 TB SAMSUNG which is linked to my station via USB. The drive works well and I cp'd the 450 gigs of the ancient drive within the new one without a problem.

Ever since I managed to set up fedora and GNOME 3 as I would like it, I've been trying to setup the network sharing via Samba, and that's a genuine 4-day long headache now.Thing is, yesterday, it worked. After setting everything right, creating an automount of the external HDD in a maybe-too-much permissive folder, allowing Samba through the firewall, getting to know that buddy called SELinux I had never met before and which I struggled to tame ; after setting everything up, it worked seamlessly, I streamed music from the Windows PCs of my network and began watching a film.

Except I had a problem which had nothing to do with Linux: letting the USB drive plugged in on startup prevented the BIOS phase from going well, and my station was stuck on my motherboard splashscreen. To fix this, I had to disable the USB Legacy in my BIOS. Did the trick. Yesterday night, I rebooted like that, and everything was fine.This morning, Fedora wouldn't boot. Since the new BIOS parameters didn't switch the drive on on startup, fstab was trying to mount a drive which wasn't there, and thus crashed, switching to emergency mode.Had to remove the ftsab line concerning the USB drive for Fedora to boot again.

Alrite, that's fixed, I thought ; I just changed the fstab options adding noauto,user, etc. and I thought it would be ok, but it ain't.It's now been 3 hours without me finding any clue as to how to get this working.

IMO, the problem comes from the fact that Samba is missing the right to access the drive. Samba seems to be OK: from the Windows station I can see my Linux station on the network map, I can access it entering the Smbuser I created for this, and the "ext-hdd" dir is present (that's the alias I used in the Samba config files), but when I try to access it, Windows says it can't access it.

I'll try to add as many pieces of information as possible that might be useful:

SELinux config:

[norfen@norfens-station ~]$ getsebool -a | grep samba
samba_create_home_dirs --> on
samba_domain_controller --> on
samba_enable_home_dirs --> off

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General :: Sharing An Ext3/ext4 Partition On External Drive?

Aug 30, 2011

is there a way of sharing an ext3/ext4 formatted partition on an external USB drive between different users (uids) on different Linux machines without creating a group for this purpose, setting the group ownership of the partition to this group and adding each respective user to the group on every machine?This would mean that I need to have root privileges on every machine... which I may not have in some cases.I'm using the partition to store the code I'm developing on Linux and I would like the option to be safe... if possible.I could use a vfat partition but then I have no control of the rw rights + I cannot develop directly in the dir: I would always have to tar.gz the directory, extract, work, tar.gz, copy to the external drive.

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Ubuntu :: Need Software That Backup To A NTFS External Disc

Oct 1, 2010

I need backup software that will backup to a NTFS external disc. Do any/all of the back up softwares work (ie resync)

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Ubuntu :: Make A Backup To External Hard Disk?

Jan 16, 2011

My ubuntu login window seems to be chrased and seems no way to restore it. I was planning to move ahead with reinstalling it but could any1 tell me how can i copy data to external hard disk. I am in Mannual restore section with promt staying at root@ubuntu :/#

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Ubuntu Servers :: Backup Fileserver To External HDD, EXT3 Or NTFS?

Jan 23, 2010

After a near miss with my 1.5TB, RAID5 file server, I have decided that I need to backup my data to an external hardrive periodically.I have been looking at rsync but the question I have is: Do I format the external hard drive in EXT3 (the sameas my fileserver) or NTFS?All my main machines are Windoze, but the file server is Ubuntu with a samba share.If my server ever went belly up, I would like to be able to access my data from the external hard drive. I guess if it's in EXT3 then windows would be clueless... I would either need to fix the server pronto or access it with a live CD or something.What would I lose if I used NTFS instead of EXT3? I think I would lose permissions and possibly ownerhsip information - are there any other issues?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Cron Job Backup - External HD No Longer Mounted

Dec 23, 2010

I'm running a cron job every night to dump a MySQL database to an external hard drive. It works, however when I check on it the following morning the external is no longer mounted and the XFS log file is corrupted. If I run

xfs_repair -L /dev/sdf1
It works, but then I get these issues:
XFS: Filesystem sdf1 has duplicate UUID - can't mount
I can reset the UUID, but it's difficult to have to do this every day.

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Ubuntu Security :: Scanning External Windows Backup Drive?

Feb 15, 2011

I've been struggling with the problem of scanning an external drive that is used to store the backup from a Windows 7 machine. The Windows 7 machine was infected but the user continued to backup to the external drive. He has since formatted his machine and reinstalled Windows 7, but now he would like restore whatever he can from the backup on the external drive. I've been attempting to scan the external drive for viruses using ClamTK by connecting it to my laptop running Ubuntu 10.04, but it has not worked. There is supposed to be about 10 gigs of backed up data, but I haven't seen any. I don't know why it is not mounted.

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General :: Backup On To An External Hard Drive?

Mar 18, 2011

but I have literally just starting using Linux (Centos) in the last week or so. I am using a standalone PC that is not networked, and as I will be downloading and generating a lot of data on this machine, I would like to regularly backup onto an external hard driveIdeally I would likethis to happen automatically as there will be other people using the machine.There seem to be many different ways of doing this, and I am getting a bit confused about the best method to use.

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Ubuntu :: Backup Software That Is Aware When External Hard Drives Are Plugged In

Dec 1, 2010

Because a lot of users are using laptops now, and many want externals hard drives for backups, is there a program in Ubuntu (cross-platform with Windows would be nice) that backs up files to an external hard drive when the external drive is plugged in or on a timely basis? All backup systems seem to have a timed system, but these systems have annoying pop ups if your backup location is non-existant (e.g. Deja Dup).

Use case 1: I plug in my external, the program recognizes that and starts a backup.

Use case 2: I leave my external in all day and every 6 hours, my laptop backs up my files to it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Accessing The L-TO-4 SAS External Tape Drive And Backup Data On It?

Feb 28, 2011

I am running Ubuntu 10.04, and i recently purchased an tandberg LTO-4 SAS tape drive. I want to access it and backup data on it. Do I simply just connect plug it into the server,and I should be able to backup/transfer data to the tape drive? Or are there intermediate steps before I can do that. Here are some results from commands that I have typed:


ls /dev/tape/


ls -lt /dev/tape/by-id/
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 2011-02-25 14:54 scsi-3500110a00145553e -> ../../st0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2011-02-25 14:54 scsi-3500110a00145553e-nst -> ../../nst0


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Ubuntu :: Make A Backup Of Ext4 Partition Via Clonezilla - Messed Up External Disk

Mar 13, 2010

Tuesday night I wanted to make a backup of my Ubuntu ext4 partition via Clonezilla so I configured that an image had to be made and it would be saved on the NTFS external disk. But it said it needed 23 hours to create a 5gb backup, so I resetted my computer as this took too long. But after this, Ubuntu nor Windows recognized my drive.

I called Seagate and they told me after troubleshooting 30 minutes, that there is no option of fixing the drive and I had to send it to RMA. What could be wrong? Clonezilla works via a bootable ISO on Debian. The disk drive is still spinning. I already rebooted the external drive, but it's not working. In Linux the disk is no longer mounted and cannot be mounted:

brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 16 2010-03-12 00:50 /dev/sdb
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 32 2010-03-12 00:50 /dev/sdc
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 48 2010-03-12 00:50 /dev/sdd
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 64 2010-03-12 00:50 /dev/sde

What could have happened? Would the data still be accessible on the internal drive? Did I just loose 1.5TB data that was stored on the external disk?

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Fedora :: Cron Backup Permission Denied On External Drive?

Aug 28, 2010

I have a cron backup scheme in which I rsync, then tar, then copy files on my internal hard drives to an external (USB) drive. When it works, it works. But I often get a "Permission Denied" message for all of these tasks. how the external drive is auto-mounted so I edited the etc/fstab so that the owner of the cron job is also the owner of the external drive (I think. Unfortunately, I'm not at that machine right now (it's at work), I can't give the exact fstab line (I will post it as an update to this thread next time I am at the machine).) BUT, I still get times when the cron backup runs fine and other times I get the Permission Denied. This is a shared machine that is dual-booted, so what I *think* is going on is that when the machine is rebooted to Fedora, but nobody logs in, I get a Permission Denied for the cron backup. It seems like on days when someone has logged in as the main user and left without logging out that the cron backup runs fine.

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General :: Back Up Initial State Of External Backup Drive?

Jan 1, 2011

I've picked up an HP Simplesave external drive. It comes with some fancy software that is of no use to me because I don't use Windows. Like many current consumer-targeted backup drives, the backup software is actually contained on the drive itself. I'd like to save the drive's initial state so that I can restore it if I decide to sell it.

The backup box itself is somewhat customized: in addition to the hard drive device, it presents a CDROM-like device on /dev/sr0. I gather that the purpose of this cdrom device is to bootstrap via Windows autoplay the backup application which lives on the disk itself. I wouldn't suppose any guarantees about how it does this, so it seems important to preserve the exact state of the disk.

The drive is formatted with a single 500GB NTFS partition. My initial thought was to use dd to dump the disk (/dev/sdb) itself, but this proved impractical, as the resulting file was not sparse. This seemed to be because the NTFS empty space is not filled with zeroes, but with a repeating series of 16 bytes.

I tried gzipping the output of dd. This reduced to the file to a manageable size — the first 18GB was compressed to 81MB, versus 47MB to tarball the contents of the mounted filesystem — but it was very slow on my admittedly somewhat derelict Pentium M processor. The time to do that first 18GB was about 30 minutes.


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