Ubuntu :: Existing Rsync Running And Copying Info To Hard Drive?

Nov 30, 2010

I have a home network that includes a couple of computers {A, B, C, D}. currently, I have a cron jon that runs every minute and updates (using rsync) the hard drives of computers {B, C, D} with the contents of hard drive {A}. So far everything works great, as hard drive {A} barely has any information on it. Now, I am about to copy a lot of information (about 8 GBs) to hard drive {A}. Naturally, the cron job will run (as it runs every 1-min) and try to 'sync' the contents with hard drives {B, C, D}.

Given my network (100Mbit/sec), there is no way the cron job will be able to 'copy' the contents to hard drives {B, C, D} in one minute. It will take much more time. Does this situation create a problem? meaning, will cron re-run a new rsync instance 1min later, even though an existing rsync process is running and still copying information to hard drives {B,C,D}? Will my backups be hurt / slowed down tremendously because of this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Copying Existing 11.04 To A Flash Drive?

Aug 13, 2011

I have successfully installed 11.04 onto my existing Windows laptop as files contained in the windows system and have dual booting.I would like to copy this installation to a 5gig fast usb stick so that I can retain all my settings etc

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Debian :: Copying An Existing System To A USB Flash Drive?

Oct 21, 2010

I want to move my "currently installed Debian and its all settings" to a USB flash drive. I am wondering what methods are available out there. I looked into Remastersys but it failed on my system so I am wondering if there is another method available?

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Ubuntu :: How To Repartition Existing Hard Drive

Jan 26, 2011

I am using ubuntu 10.10 (maverick meerkat), and i am loving it. While installing, i hadn't created multiple partitions. But now i feel the need to create a few. How can i repartiton the hard drive without reinstalling?

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Ubuntu :: Copying Files To External Hard Drive?

May 19, 2010

im trying to copy a file over to my external hard drive and its a 5.8gig file and i keep getting this error saying there was a file copy error and then i click show more details and says Failed to attach the file: File too large

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Ubuntu :: Error While Copying From Hard Drive To Usb Stick?

Jul 11, 2010

when I am trying to copy any of my files to usb stick, it gives me this alert: the folder cannot be copied because you do not have permissions to create it in the destination.

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Ubuntu :: Copying Files From A Hard Drive Using Another Computer?

Aug 4, 2010

I got a problem with the motherboard of my computer and now I need to get some files out from the hard drive (an ext3 partition). I can access the files from another computer but because of the permissions of my user it doesn't let me copy the files over to another drive.

my computer was running Kubuntu 8.10 with a Vista dualboot. I also tried attaching the hard drive to another laptop, but because of the video drivers the display doesn't function properly.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Copying DVD To Hard Drive Without Compression Using K9copy

Jun 2, 2011

I finally got K9copy to work and I'm using it to extract DVDs to my hard drive. I extract a dual layer DVDs it becomes a 5GB DVD. In the settings, I have DVD size as 9GB because I assumed this would not cause any compression. When I use k9copy assistant to change the shrink factor before ripping, I can only change the shrink factor of some titles to 1.67 from 2.50. I want the shrink factor to be 1 since this seems to ensure that the output of the file is the same size as the title on the dvd. I want the copied DVD to be the same size as the original. I have no problem with hard drive space since I have 6 terrabytes of free space.

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General :: Copying Files To An External Hard Drive?

Nov 21, 2008

I want to copy a .tgz file from my computer to an external hard drive. However, I get the following message:cp: cannot create regular file `/mnt/usbkey/ws_2008/misc/minipar-0.5-W indows.tgz': ermission deniedI get this error with any file I try to copy to the external disk. rnal disk is recognized, when I mount it, I can see the files and folder I have there, but seems that I cannot copy anything to it.When I try to copy the same files from my computer to a usb flash drive, everything works

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General :: Copying Files From One External USB Hard Drive To Another?

Jul 30, 2011

I have two USB 2 external hard drives. I want to copy about 30 gigs of data from one to another. What command line command do I use ? I was thinking of using cp with the -R and -n options, but I have no idea what devices to refer to. I can't find any external hard drives in /etc/fstab and I'm not sure what /dev device each USB external hard drive uses. I just want to copy the files and the directories that they are in just as they are. There are no links and I do not want to do a backup.

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General :: Copying A Partition From One Hard Drive To The Same Partition On Another Hard Drive

Mar 23, 2010

I am trying to move a whole bunch of files from one partition on one hard drive to the same partition on another hard drive. Can I mount the same partition (same name, different drives, i.e. /data on /dev/hda1 and /data on /dev/hdb1)and copy those files? Shutdown the server, take out /dev/hda1 and boot up with the new drive and it's /data contents.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Screen Flashes With Bios Info - No Hard Drive Detected

Jan 1, 2011

I have been running Ubuntu 9.04 for the past year. Tonight decided to upgrade to 9.10 thru update manager. Every thing regarding the install seemed fine until the request to restart the computer. I hit the restart and it will not boot up. Computer goes thru the normal restart screens.

Screen flashes with bios info--no hard drive detected, then proceeds to show booting from hd, then loads grub stage 1.5 (not grub 2)and screen goes blank.

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Programming :: Bash / Perl : Copying Data From A CD/DVD To Hard Drive?

May 4, 2010

Seeking a decent Perl or Bash script or hack used to copy data from a CD/DVD to local or even remote hard drive/storage.

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Ubuntu Security :: Back Up All Systems To An External Hard-drive Using Rsync

May 20, 2011

I have an OpenBSD and a FreeBSD system and a mac. I also have a Ubuntu server. What i would like to do is back up all these systems to an external hard-drive using rsync when the external usb disk is connected to my Ubuntu box.If i format the external usb disk with cfdisk and the create a non-bootable ext3 file system on this external disk and create and put all the necessary public keys on the Linux box then from the BSD's or the mac issue the command:

Code: #rsync --progress -avhe ssh --delete / user@ubuntuBox:/usb/disk/path/dir/ Will this back up the entire systems so that they can be restored in the event of an emergency? I should store each OS just in a separate disk file of the external usb drive each time right?? Because i would rather not have to format the external usb drive for each different OS. Would this work? and would the restoration command for these BSD's be:

rsync -avze ssh UbuntuBox:/usb/disk/path / I just need to know the basics. I'm sure given that i'll be able to automate the process. I don't want to clone the disks for forensics. I just want to have a way of restoring to a clean OS. This is the most basic question:All the howto's never mention whether or not you have to have an rsync server running on the machine your backing up to. So do you just push or pull from one end of the connection only or do you have to have a client at one end and a server at the other, as is traditional?

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General :: Installing A Second Hard Drive That Has Existing Ubuntu8.04 Installed

Jul 31, 2009

I have a SATA hard drive from a crashed system that was running Ubuntu 8.04. I want to install it in a Ubuntu 8.10 system and use it for file storage. How do I install and reformat it?

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General :: Mount A Hard Drive With Pre-existing File System And Data?

Mar 23, 2010

I had a drive that kept kernel panic'ing so my data center recommended using the spare hard drive to reinstall OS on, and import the data from the old drive. (they checked the hardware, it wasn't the hardware) The new install is done, and I need to mount the old drive and get backups off it since my data center does not provide management whatsoever.

It's the same OS on both (Cent OS 5.4 32-bit) I'm an advanced user on windows, but linux gets me. I can ssh in, do basic stuff like setup IP ranges and restart services. I normally navigate the box through SFTP so I have a gui. WHM shows me my drives as such

Found Disk: hda
Found Disk: sdb

so I'm assuming SDB is my old drive and the drive I need to access. I attempted to follow instructions on


but I'm assuming FreeBSD would work differently and I wasn't totally sure what the labels of the file systems should be.

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General :: Best Script To Have Rsync Make Image File Of Hard Drive

May 9, 2011

I have never used rsync before, only DD. But from what I have been reading, rsync is better becasue it will basically mirror your hard drive, thus being able to run the cloned software from the new hard drive. My problem is I do not know what is the best commands or even the basic commands to use in rsync. I am trying to make an image from a external hard drive to a usb drive. That way my chances of messing up he original software is not as risky becasue I'll just restore the image onto another hard drive. Does anyone know the best script to have rsync make an image file of a hard drive and place it on a usb drive and then restore it?

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Software :: Rsync -avz - Connect Portable Hard Drive To Another Centos52 Machine

Jan 31, 2010

I don't understand this: I did Quote: rsync -avz --delete /media/PPT-WORDS centguy@centos52-64-dell:/media/ while I was at home connecting my portable hard drive to a desktop centos52 machine. On the next day, I came to the office and I connect my portable hard drive to another centos52 machine, do do


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General :: Rsync --link-dest Not Creating Hard Links On External Usb Drive?

Aug 24, 2009

CentOS 5.2 64bit 2.6.18-92.el5xen. Use rsync with --link-dest for nightly backups, works well. Was recently asked to start weekly backups to an external drive for off-site storage. The regular syncing works but hard linking seems to be ignored. So the backup is long with no space saving advantage. Here is an example of the command being run:

rsync --stats -axzvl --numeric-ids --delete --link-dest=/mnt/DISASTERBACKUPS/austinBackups/backups/2009-08-21 /AUSTINBACKUPS/backups/2009-08-24 /mnt/DISASTERBACKUPS/austinBackups/backups/

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General :: OpenBSD - FreeBSD- Mac - Back Up All These Systems To An External Hard-drive Using Rsync

May 20, 2011

I have an OpenBSD and a FreeBSD system and a mac. I also have a Linux server. What i would like to do is back up all these systems to an external hard-drive using rsync when the external usb disk is connected to my linux box.If i format the external usb disk with cfdisk and the create a non-bootable ext3 file system on this external disk and create and put all the necessary public keys on the Linux box then from the BSD's or the mac issue the command:


Will this back up the entire systems so that they can be restored in the event of an emergency? I should store each OS just in a separate disk file of the external usb drive each time right? Because i would rather not have to format the external usb drive for each different OS. Would this work? and would the restoration command for these BSD's be:


I just need to know the basics. I'm sure given that i'll be able to automate the process. I don't want to clone the disks for forensics. I just want to have a way of restoring to a clean OS. This is the most basic question:All the howto's never mention whether or not you have to have an rsync server running on the machine your backing up to. So do you just push or pull from one end of the connection only or do you have to have a client at one end and a server at the other, as is traditional?

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General :: Moving Install To New Hard Drive (Fc12) Mount - Grub.conf, And Rsync?

May 31, 2010

As my proficiency with Linux improves slowly, I've been trying to find the answers for myself, but in this situation I must admit I find myself rather stumped. I have a perfectly nicely working Fedora 12 install on an 80GB SATA drive, and when it hit an error and wouldn't boot last week (easily fixed with fsck from the initial command line) I panicked and ordered a new 250 GB drive. It got here and I might as well use it, I thought to myself, so I went about trying to figure out how to move my install without having to reset all of my settings, programs and so on. I didn't want to mess with dd because I'm not so so clear on resizing my partitions once the copy is done (if someone thinks this is a better idea I'm open to suggestions.) After some poking around I found this set of instructions which I attempted to follow to the letter, but hit some snags. I understand this thread I am referring to may be a bit outdated, which is why (I assume) I hit a bump here

# mount /dev/hdy1 /boot
mount returns an error demanding I specify the file system type. At a loss, I barreled on until


To summarize, I partitioned and mounted my new drive using fdfisk and the instructions provided above, then used rsync to copy over all of the files, so as far as I know the new drive is ready to go, just not yet bootable. Opening the Grub.conf file in Kwrite (as root) returns a blank page. What do I do now?

As a side note, you can see that I am not too squeamish about the terminal, so I would prefer to find a "command line only" solution to this relatively simple (?) procedure.

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Ubuntu :: No Copying Done Using Grsync Or Rsync

May 18, 2011

I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit and I'm a fairly new linux user. I've been trying to set up Grsync to to make incremental backups to my external harddrive but have some problems. In the file lists it looks like files are actually being copied but when I look at the harddrive none of the new files are actually there. As far as I can understand I'm not making a dry-run. I also found this thread: [URL] And I tried using the commands suggested in that post, with the same results.

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Ubuntu :: Running Out Of Hard Drive Space

Jun 13, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 9.10 onto my laptop and then upgraded it to Ubuntu 10.4. I've added some software packages along the way, such as MythTV and several smaller apps, but have not gone crazy in adding apps. I have a 160GB hard drive.I ran out of disk space recording a World Cup game and was surprised. I deleted all of the MythTV recordings and ran Computer Janitor and now I have only about 50GB of free space! It is not my primary computer, so I don't have a bunch of videos, music, pr pictures on it.

I did a clean install of Ubuntu 10.4 to a USB flash drive and it has only 3.7GB occupied on the drive.Any recommendations of why I have over 100GB on the hard drive and any cures on how to clear out unneeded files?

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Fedora :: Rsync Not Copying All Files?

Sep 9, 2011

My Source folder contains 424.8 GB in 502,474 files. My Destination folder was created fresh, and after the copy contains 394.0 GB in 486.514 files. I am running it as grsync with root authority. The only options are to preserve time, permissions, owner and group., and to produce a verose output and transfer progress. There are no exceptions specified to skip any files.

The rsync command is this:

rsync -r -t -p -o -g -v --progress -c -l -H -D -s /mnt/Backups/monthly.3/ /mnt/EX-Fantom/monthly.3/

I have run it again to give it a chance to get it right. Same result. The source is in an rsnapshot folder, but this is the first backup, the original, containing only whole files, not links.

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OpenSUSE :: Rsync Copying All Files Instead Of Just What's Changed

Jan 11, 2011

During my backups I'm finding that rsync is copying all files, instead of just what's changed.

I'm rsyncing between 2 USB external hard drives. One hard drive is FAT32 and one is NTFS. I've examined some of the files and believe that the difference is that there's a 1-second modtime difference developing in some of the files somehow.

Here's an example. These duplicity files were synced from /media/BACKUPHD (the NTFS drive) to /media/VIDEOHD (the FAT32 drive) only a few hours ago this morning. They have not been touched or changed since then, but that 1-second difference in their time stamps has appeared:

tim@localhost:~> stat /media/BACKUPHD/backups/duplicity/duplicity-full.20110107T145955Z.vol10.difftar.gpg File: `/media/BACKUPHD/backups/duplicity/duplicity-full.20110107T145955Z.vol10.difftar.gpg'


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Software :: Using Rsync For Copying Multiple Partitions?

Sep 1, 2009

Regularly I find myself cloning a machine using rsync. I find it understandable, reliable and fast, faster than dd, and I don't have to worry about different partition sizes etc. However, usually I partition my hard disk in a number of partitions:


When I start with a new, empty machine, I start up with a USB stick or live CD, and my new, empty hard disk becomes /dev/sdb. After creating the 4 partitions I have /dev/sdb1, /dev/sdb2... etc. My root directory is on the disk I used for booting, usually /dev/sda. So, in order to access my newly created partitions, I mount them on the /mnt/directory of my root:

mounted now later
/mnt/sdb1 /
/mnt/sdb2 /home
/mnt/sdb3 /usr
/mnt/sdb4 /var

In other words, I mount now /dev/sdb1 on /mnt/sdb1, while after copying /dev/sdb1 will become my root directory, /dev/sdb2 become my /home directory, etc. When I start the resync process to copy the image from a remote machine, I have to copy all 4 partitions separately. First the root directory, excluding /home, /usr, /var, then /home, then /usr, /var, like this:

action 1:
rsync --exclude='/home' --exclude='/var' --exclude='/usr' my.remote.machine:/ /dev/sdb1/

action 2:
rsync my.remote.machine:/home /dev/sdb2/

action 3:
rsync my.remote.machine:/usr /dev/sdb3/

action 4:
rsync my.remote.machine:/var /dev/sdb4/

That is a lot of typing and waiting. Sometimes I have a different partition scheme so it is not really feasible to write a script to use always. Now the Question: is there a smarter way of mounting the newly formatted disk (/dev/sdb1, /dev/sdb2... etc) in my root tree so I can perform the rsync copy in just one time, without all the excludes, but assuring that the correct source partitions end up on the correct destination partitions?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Running On The SD Card To The Netbook's Hard Drive?

Sep 9, 2010

I install Ubuntu from an installation of Ubuntu, rather than using the installation CD?Specifically, I have Ubuntu 10.04 installed (and bootable) on an SD card, and would like to install from Ubuntu (running on the SD card) to the netbook's hard drive.

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Ubuntu Installation :: ISO Image Of An Entire Hard Drive Running A OS?

Dec 3, 2010

Does anybody know how to or even if it's possible to create an ISO image (a snapshot, if you will) of an entire volume on a Linux box so that I can use that ISO to burn to a CD use in the future for creating an identical configuation on another box (which would have the same exact hardware)? It is to my understanding that I'd have to first create the ISO file of the entire system and then burn it to a CD and somehow mount it onto the hard drive of the identical-system-to-be.

I'm thinking that I'd have to use the "mkisofs" command but I'm not sure exactly how to do this. P.S. I do not want to use any 3rd party applications.

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General :: RSYNC Challange, Copying 800GB Via 200GB EXT HDD?

Sep 8, 2010

I've got a little rsync challange for myself, I've got lets say 800GB of data, I'm trying to get it to a mate's PC, and need to be able to copy it in 200GB chunks.What I was thinking is.... I should be able to get Rsync to keep copying until it fills the drive, and output which files it syncs. Then use that list as an exclude list the next time... Providing my directory structure doesn't change, this should work.BUT!!! How do I get rsync to do this? I know of the --include and --exclude options, but am not sure how to use them in this case.

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General :: Rsync Still Copies With Ignore Existing Option

Jul 1, 2010

I'm trying to set up rsync to only copy new songs from my computer to another. I'm using the "--ignore-existing" argument, but it appears to copy all files anyway. The client (source) is Windows 7 64-bit running DeltaCopy Client and the server (destination) is Synology DS410 (running rsyncd).

Here is the syntax:

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