Ubuntu :: Embedded Flash Objects Unresponsive To Mouse Input

Mar 5, 2010

I have installed Flash (via Synaptic Package manager, �flashplugin-installer� and flashplugin-nonfree) on Ubuntu 9.10, 64-bit. When I attempt to view / interact with embedded flash objects in HTML pages using FireFox 3.5.8 I find that they are unresponsive to my mouse clicks (though mouse-over seems to work). For example, if I would like to start an embedded flash movie, I cannot click the play button, nor can I control any of the other mouse-click controls. Also, on occasion, the entire flash object will not display at all but will instead just leave a big white space on the web page.

I do not have any flash-blocking ad-ons installed. When I first installed flash I experienced this problem but was able to temporarily fix it by downloading the 64-bit version of flash 10 from Adobe, [URL] and manually copy-pasting this file into FireFox's Plugins folder (which I had to create myself in the mozilla folder). Immediately after doing this flash objects work properly in FireFox, but upon restarting my computer I find that the almost always problem re-occurs and I have to remove and then re-copy the 64-bit plugin into the plugins folder again to get it to work. FireFox is my primary browser, but on occasion I will use Google Chrome and have not experienced this same problem with viewing flash objects.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Video When Flash Block Unblocks Flash Objects In Firefox?

Oct 23, 2010

i'm in 64 bit kubuntu, with the the nswrapper in 10.10http://www.metacafe.comin firefox i get the sound but not the video in metacafe, when the video is unblocked by flash block. Others have the same problem?

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Fedora :: Flash Objects In Firefox - Hangs For 30 Seconds Or So

Aug 12, 2010

I'm having a few problems with flash objects in Firefox. When I load a page with flash - ..... for example - the flash object is just a grey box and firefox hangs for 30 seconds or so. When firefox finally responds again all that's left of the flash object is a black box. Does anybody know what the problem is? And even better - what I can do to fix it!

For background info - flash was working fine in F12 before I updated to F13. Used the install DVD for F13 to perform the update. I'm running F13 64bit with KDE, Firefox is showing Shockwave Flash in the addons list. Originally installed the flash plugin using the instructions from mjm wired:

[mirandam@charon Download]$ sudo yum install nspluginwrapper.{i686,x86_64} alsa-plugins-pulseaudio.i686
[mirandam@charon Download]$ sudo yum install flash-plugin I've tried removing those packages and reinstalling but no luck.

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Ubuntu :: Flickering With Flash - Some Of The Objects And Graphics In The Game Randomly Flicker

Apr 24, 2010

i was wondering if anyone else was experiencing any flickering with flash? for instance, if you're playing a game, some of the objects and graphics in the game randomly flicker, or if you're watching a video on videos with annotations, the annotations frequently flicker.

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Ubuntu :: Get Unresponsive Mouse Clicking/scrolling Ever?

Oct 18, 2010

I dont know why this is happening to me. Maybe it's because I have so many things running, but its mainly just browsers and stuff that hardly require cpu usage. Sometimes (and its getting worse now) when i try to highlight the text on a web page, it wont work, the mouse pointer will be the arrow instead of the "I" like symbol which signifies the possibility for text highlighting. Then after a little while it will become the "I" symbol so I can highlight the text. It will switch on and off like that and make it really hard for me to do things.

Also, sometimes I cannot scroll down, it wont work when i hold the side bar thing and scroll it down, but after a few seconds it may work. This happens on my browser as well as amarok so far. I hope someone has experienced something like this because its getting frustrating.

UPDATE: Happens on KMess too. I cant type in the convo box sometimes. So I have to minimize and maximize it in order for it to work. Also if I have a browser up in the background while a Kmess convo box is infront, I cant click to the browser when its right there, even though I can click on it in the taskbar, if you know what i mean.

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Ubuntu :: Computer Becomes Unresponsive To Mouse Clicks?

Dec 13, 2010

I'll move around the mouse and see that docky is moving around (computer is not frozen, nautilius desktop environment is unresponsive) how do i fix this without restarting the computer.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Random Flash/Shockwave Objects Refuse To Work In Firefox

Jan 6, 2010

i run ubuntu 9.10 64-bit, using firefox 3.5.6 (courtesy of ubuntuzilla) as my web browser. i've had a problem with some flash and/or shockwave objects simply refusing to work inside firefox, despite having 64-bit flash player and all necessary plugins/addons/extras etc. installed.

there is no pattern to the problems, other than all of them being flash or shockwave objects that won't play. the majority of videos videos do play, including hd ones. however, this morning i encountered a pair of videos clips that simply would not play. i could load the page they were on, but all i ever saw was a black box, with no audio, where the video should have been.

i also noticed that on some of the videos that do play, the flash player's built-in volume control does nothing. i can slide it up or down or mute it entirely, but the sound from the flash video is unaffected.

i'll post urls of the problem videos later, so others can try them.

meanwhile i was able to watch other videos videos without issue, on another tab, aside from the broken flash player volume control.

i've also had a problem with the [url] player for a radio station, which i believe uses shockwave. i like to listen to atlanta, ga's wsb 750 am radio in the mornings before work, but so far i have to do it on a virtual windows xp machine running firefox 3.5.6, under virtualbox. if i try to open the player in firefox 3.5.6 running in the host os (ubuntu 9.10), i get only a blank popup window. url is [url]; click the "listen live" box at upper left to try it.

both machines, the host ubuntu 9.10 install and the guest windows xp machine, use exactly the same ad-blocking hosts file. i use the noscript addon in the host os install of firefox, but i allow any and all scripts when visiting the radio station's website.

since the streaming radio works on the virtual xp machine, i'm pretty sure my network configuration, hosts file etc. have nothing to do with this.

has anyone else had this problem? the flash content really should be agnostic with respect to the host os and browser, shouldn't it?

i guess it could be some random problem with the 64-bit vs. the 32-bit version of the flash plugin, so i may try instaling 32-bit ubuntu on a virtual machine to find out whether there's a difference.

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Ubuntu :: Mouse Cursor Becoming Unresponsive At Random Intervals

Jun 21, 2010

Once every, say, 12 hours of use, I find that the mouse cursor spontaneously becomes unresponsive. The rest of the system is fine, and it responds to the keyboard, but the mouse does nothing. I'm pretty sure this isn't a problem with the mouse itself, because when it happens I've tried unplugging the mouse and plugging in a different one, and the problem persists. The problem doesn't seem to be correlated with any particular program or type of activity. I realize that this probably isn't much to go on. The next time it happens, is there at least anything I can do by way of diagnosis?

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard / Mouse Unresponsive For 1st Minute Of Start Up - Cause Of It?

Jul 29, 2010

This just started happening recently on an older install of Linux Mint 9, 32 bit, Gnome with Compiz using a Logitech wireless keyboard and mouse.

I noticed another problem about the same time and I don't know if it is related but now when I restart I get the "default keyring login" pop up message. The keyboard and mouse are unresponsive for at least 60-90 seconds after everything has opened. It only recently started to do this and is not a result of old/slower hardware.

I don't know where to start looking for a cause or what section to post this in.

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Fedora Installation :: KB And Mouse Unresponsive @ Login

Jul 4, 2010

When I boot fedora off a live cd i can edit some boot options just fine with my mouse & Keyboard, but when I get to the login screen I cannot use them at all.

Now a year back I had same problem with Ubuntu. I had to enter some command can't remember if it was acpi nolapic noapic or whatever. I'd like to know what to type into my boot options to fix this issue.

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Ubuntu :: Unresponsive Commands On Flash Videos?

May 15, 2010

I am using Firefox 3.6.3 on Ubuntu 10.04. I am experiencing a weird problem on Flash-based videos. I can see videos normally, but if I want to change volume level of if I try to choose another point of the video, I can't do that.Simply, the video goes on as if I wasn't do anything. I have installed Adobe Flash player plugin.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Desktop Seems To Be Unresponsive To Mouse Right Or Left Clicks After Upgrade To 11.4

Jun 11, 2011

After I have upgraded from 10.10 to 11.4 I have a very strange problem. My desktop seems to be unresponsitve to mouse right or left clicks. The file browser only starts if I use thunar. Nautilus will not run at all. I am not sure if they are tied together but everytime I reboot i get the error message the file browser is still open. If my iphone is plugged in i get a metacity error. I am booting into classic with no effects. I can work kinda but mostly starting everything from inside a terminal. Also Nautilus only will run if I start it under sudo...

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Hardware :: Mouse Froze - OS Completely Unresponsive - PC's HD Led Was Fully On Without Blinking

Mar 18, 2011

I wanted to have a partition with Debian, but after lots of unsolved errors I went to the more compatible Ubuntu. To my demise, he suffered from errors too. Without counting on the numerous errors and bugs experienced with other linuxes and windows. Given my computer's history of failing, I'd like to know what's wrong with him, and I'll take the opportunity to see if I can make Ubuntu work allright, so I'll describe his last error.

Actually more like a first error. Right after the instalation process (Ubuntu 10.10), I ran apt-get upgrade, and went to Firefox to waste time. Soon after, everything but the mouse froze, OS completely unresponsive. One strange thing was that the PC's HD led was fully on, without blinking.

Stranger is that this also happened at Windows XP, but at the time, he wasn't accessing the HD, and it didn't froze, just got excruciatingly slow. And it stayed like that on every boot. At least I was able to do some tasks and install SliTaz on my pendrive so I could use the computer. But suddenly it came back to normal.

As I'm talking about windows, I'll add that he bluescreens seldomly, always refering to some winsomething.dll .

The HD is almost brand new.
The RAM is not too old.
The oldest in my computer is the mobo and the processor.
It's not overheating because the power supply's fan is not working, so the computer always run with a home fan in it.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: X Becomes Unresponsive When Playing Flash Video In Browser

Oct 23, 2010

I have an ATI 4650 HD and using flgrx via jockey, on 10.10.X becomes unresponsive when I play flash videos inside a browser. The image freezes, and the audio track loops, with a loop length of around 0.5 seconds. The only thing I can is reboot my computer. The xorg log file contains no indication that something went wrong. The last entries in it are the monitor display modes.

I cannot switch to the open source ATI driver, as my monitor screen goes blank after booting.I have tried a fresh system install, but that hasn't worked either.

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard Input Unresponsive Till Booted Ubuntu

Apr 26, 2011

My keyboard has stopped responding till automatically landed at Ubuntu's login screen. I cannot access BIOS with F2 key. I cannot choose Win 7 from first boot menu (EasyBCD.) I cannot, again choose, Win 7 from secondary boot menu (GRUB.) I am left wondering if this is due to recent Ubuntu software updates?I am running Ubuntu 10.10 & my keyboard is a PS/2 Unicomp Customizer 105.

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Ubuntu :: Chromium Doesn't Open Embedded Flash Always

Jun 26, 2011

By a fifty fifty chance chromium doesn't open embedded flash elements. Audio works but the embedded flash element shows just black.

Refreshing the page fix this again by %50 chance.

But there's no problem with Firefox because I think it uses the Adobe Flash Player (the one in the repo) but Chromium uses the an built-in flash player.

Is there a way to fix this problem? Or a way to disable Chromium's built-in flash player and use the Adobe's flash player?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Embedded Flash Not Showing On Specific Site

Nov 4, 2010

I'm running xubuntu 10.04 32bit on this particular machine, and have embedded flash video from blip.tv not showing in my browsers (Chromium daily, and Firefox). The site in question is [URL] These videos show on my other machines, including other Ubuntu 10.04 installs, however nothing loads on my machine. By inspecting the element is still see it in the source code:

Code: <embed src="http://blip.tv/play/AYH_gXQC" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="400" height="294" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" wmode="transparent">

Just doesn't display. I'm using the standard flashplugin-installer package, and have tried reinstalling it with no luck. I've also tried going directly to blip.tv and they do not display either. Embedded videos from other sites play fine, it's just blip.tv. They also do not display or load on the blip.tv site.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Sound From Embedded Flash Video In PDF By Adobe Reader

Feb 17, 2011

Originally, the embedded flash video played just fine on Ubuntu 9.10 by Adobe Reader 9.0. However, when the same video was replayed on an upgraded Ubuntu 10.10, the video part was fine fine while the audio couldn't be heard. Anyone encountered the same problem? Anyway to fix it?

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Debian Multimedia :: Embedded Flash Videos Crashing Every Browser

Nov 20, 2015

Iceweasel, Konqueror, makes no difference. Embedded flash videos make them crash every time. I had to install Flash Control on Iceweasel just to make it usable.

[pid 9417] --- SIGALRM {si_signo=SIGALRM, si_code=SI_KERNEL, si_value={int=1851877730, ptr=0x6e616962}} ---
[pid 9520] <... close resumed> ) = ? <unavailable>
[pid 9446] +++ killed by SIGALRM +++
[pid 9444] +++ killed by SIGALRM +++
[pid 9520] +++ killed by SIGALRM +++
[pid 9447] +++ killed by SIGALRM +++
+++ killed by SIGALRM +++

The kicker is I can't recall ever installing flash support in the first place.

I'm bitterly regretting the upgrade to 8.2. It's just one damn thing after another.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Adobe Flash Local Settings Not Available For Facebook Embedded Video / Webcam

Jul 27, 2011

In [URL] I can right-click on a flash video and have the option to access "local settings" under "Settings" to specify configuration for webcam, mic, etc. But in Facebook I need to adjust a setting and the "Setting" option for local config is gray-ed out, I can't access it.

I'm running OpenSUSE 11.4, and I've seen this in GNOME and KDE within Firefox.

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General :: Embedded Webserver (mysql) On A Compact Flash: Reduce Read / Write Operations?

Jul 7, 2011

I've developed a tiny webserver for home automation out of an ALIX 1D, and based on a debian lenny. It runs very smoothly and is now able to operate quite a lot of different equipment from a webapp. But i'm not sure how I should handle the compact flash, regarding read/write limitations. From what I've read the partitioning should be ext2, which would disallow the journalisation of the system. A utility to 'flatten' the repartition of write cycles exists, would it be relevant to use if the partition is ext2 ?

I will also disable all logging in execution mode (a debug mode will provide the logs). Is there any other parameters I have to take into account for maximum reliability (i.e. does the system randomly write in some files for various and potentially turned off purposes)? As for the mysql database, it's not important data, and it's actually reconstructed every time the server boots. Given this, is there a way to store the db in RAM rather than in a file? I'm not sure it's the right place to ask, but I sometimes see redirection to here from stack overflow.

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Ubuntu :: No Reaction To Mouse Input?

May 17, 2010

I have a pc here, that after it has been running for some time (5 - 10min) stops reacting to mouse input.You can still move the mouse around, but nothing happens when clicking, the exception being that I can still put the cursor into the gnome shell. The keyboard still works. If I restart the gnome session, everything is fine again for a few minutes, before the problem starts again. The pc has a Nvidia 8800gtx pro card. I know that there were some issues with this cards and Lucid Linx, but I didnt find anything helpful on this particular problem. I did reinstall the proprietary drivers, but the problem persists.Something else that might be worth mentioning: At some startups there is a message displayed:"Gave up waiting for root device..." There is more, but I forgot to write it down last time it happened.

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Ubuntu :: Add Guides In GIMP Kills Mouse Input?

Jun 17, 2011

Using 11.04 and GIMP 2.6.11. When I click the rulers to add a guide, no guide is added and clicking becomes unresponsive throughout gimp. Additionally, gimp steals all keyboard input from all other applications. I found out I can restore keyboard/mouse input to normal by simply minimizing the gimp main window.

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Ubuntu :: Numeric Keypad Controls Mouse - No Digit Input

May 21, 2010

I've noticed a bit of a problem here in the last few days...after some point, my numeric keypad stops being a numeric keypad; instead, it controls the mouse (5 right clicks, and the outer keys move the cursor in the appropriate direction). It doesn't appear to happen on boot, as I generally type the numeric bits of my password with the keypad, but some point after. The only common events I can think of where this has occurred is either after connecting to the system via SSH, or after swapping to tty1 (which usually requires re-enabling of numberlock for the terminal to recognize digits, again for the password). No matter what state the NumLock is in (off or on) at this point, the keypad fails to function as a keypad.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Get Any Keyboard/mouse Input To Register On Screen?

Dec 19, 2010

I installed Ubuntu a couple of months ago using the Wubi installer.Today, I went to restart my PC, but soon after hitting 'Restart' the computer became unresponsive. I couldn't get any keyboard/mouse input to register on screen, so I did a force shut down by holding down the power button. When I turned the computer back on, I selected Ubuntu from the boot menu. The computer printed some messages that passed by relatively quickly so I'm not sure exactly what they said, but it was something along the lines of "NTFS3: wubibuilder failed to load", and then it went straight back to the boot menu. Tried again and again with no success, so I loaded my Windows 7 install to investigate from there. I found a link to Explore2fs on these forums, so I loaded it up, but it apparently can't locate my Ubuntu partition, or at least I don't see my files. I ran the Wubi installer again to see what it would say, and it tells me that a previous installation was detected, and gives me the option to uninstall. Does anyone have an idea of what went wrong,

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Ubuntu :: Restore Dead Mouse And Keyboard Input From Live Cd?

Jan 1, 2011

how I restore dead mouse and keyboard input from the live cd. Basically what happened was I was updating the machine and decided to let them run in the background while my sister's 6 year old son played some tux computer games, when he was finished he switched the entire computer off at the power button and it was still updating in the background. Now there is no mouse or keyboard input, I cannot get into the recovery console, nor can I control a terminal from the login screen in order to successfully complete the update. This means basically the only option to fix it would be to re-install or fix the human user interface device drivers (keyboard and mouse) via the live cd, I am in need of some advice or instructions on how to go about fixing this issue.

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Ubuntu :: Remove Mouse Feature In /proc/bus/input/devices

Jan 7, 2011

ubuntu 10.10

I have a remote control (imon --> Harmony) that acts like a mouse. My goal is to remove that feature. Iam using lirc with Linux input layer (/dev/input/eventX) because Imon driver doesn't work at all. To get Linux input layer to work you need to choose the imon device.

cat /proc/bus/input/devices
I: Bus=0003 Vendor=15c2 Product=ffdc Version=0000
N: Name="iMON Remote (15c2:ffdc)"
P: Phys=usb-0000:00:12.1-2/input0


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Ubuntu :: Keyboard Input Disabled In Flash

Mar 10, 2010

The issue I've been having is with Flash on websites; most notably, Livestream's Flash-based browser viewer, and Adult Swim's flash-based games. Clicking works perfectly fine, but the keyboard input is entirely disabled for the Flash area. Text boxes, or game controls, won't respond at all, even when everything else is still working.The only way to input any text into Flash-based text boxes is to write it somewhere else (Firefox's URL or Search bar, or in GEDIT), then copy+paste into the tect box (again, Ctrl+V won't work, only right-clicking and pasting will go through).

I've tried multiple versions of the Adobe Flash player, including the installer directly from Adobe's site, the adobe-flashplugin package in Synaptic, the flashplugin-installer package, and I believe I tried GNASH as well (although I'm not sure if that did anything).I haven't had a chance to attempt to downgrade either one yet, however, nor have I been able to test another browser.I've seen a few other issues of this sort pop up here before, but they've all either gotten no solutions, or they're a year or two old, or they're running into 64-bit-specific issues. Hopefully this is posted in the correct location, and fingers crossed someone has an answer (or better yet, a solution).

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Ubuntu :: Flash Input Not Working In Karmic ?

Nov 12, 2009

when i updated to 9.10, flash stopped working properly. essentially, it wouldn't accept any clicks. i could press spacebar to pause videos videos, but anything involving the mouse wouldn't work. "on hover" functions seem to work (the play/pause button glows when i hover the cursor over it), but the "on release" functions do nothing.

i tried using the fix from this website--


but it didn't do anything at all. then i tried this script--


but now firefox crashes with a segfault every time flash is used.

is there a way i can downgrade back to 9.04 as easily as i upgraded to 9.10?

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Software :: Disable Any Keyboard/mouse Input In GRUB?

Jan 11, 2011

I've found that my USB mouse causes some I/O bug BIOS, but in operation system it works fine. Problem is freezing GRUB caused by fake input from the mouse. Possible decision is disabling any input for grub, but I don't know how to do it.

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