Ubuntu :: E: Could Not Perform Immediate Configuration On 'util-linux'

May 15, 2010

I ran into this problem myself, and I've seen that others have had the same problem when updating from Karmic to Lucid via apt-get. There is a bug in apt for Lucid, and it has been noted on one of the Ubuntu lists

This is a simple how-to and a work-around to the upgrading with apt-get:

1) Update your sources.list file to replace all instances of 'karmic" to 'lucid' : $ sudo sed -i 's/karmic/lucid/g' /etc/apt/sources.list

2) Run apt-get update: $ sudo apt-get update

3) Run a regular upgrade; $ sudo apt-get upgrade -y

Here is where the problem comes in. Apt is looking for the util-linux package, which is part of upstart-job, but someone apparenlty forgot to write the code to tell apt-about this (whoops!)

So, you now need to install upstart-job by itself. By skipping this step you will get the error message when you try to run step 5: "E: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'util-linux'.Please see man 5 apt"

4) $ sudo apt-get install upstart-job

5) Now you can run apt-get dist-upgrade: $ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y

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Slackware :: Skype Not Working With Latest Util-linux?

May 19, 2010

I've found that my skype stopped working with recent -current updates ( around beta ... ). It was looking for a libuuid.so.1 library - on checking I found the 64-bit version but no 32-bit version - quite strange as this has been working fine since my original slackware64 13.0 installation. Anyhow, I got the 32-bit util-linux package, did the 32-bit package convert thing and skype is now working:

1. convertpkg-compat32 -i util-linux-ng-2.17.2-i486-1.txz
2. un-archive
3. copy the libuuid lib to /lib and soft-link in /usr/lib

I didn't install the whole compat package as this is not really necessary I think.

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Ubuntu :: General Error Mounting Filesystems - Error "No Such File Or Directory Fsck From Util-linux-ng 2.16"

Apr 1, 2010

My ubuntu stops when mounting system hdd. The screen display the following messages :

mountall:/etc/fstab: No such file or directory fsck from util-linux-ng 2.16 WARNING: couldn't open /etc/fstab: No such file or directory init: mountall main process (545) terminated with status 1 General error mounting filesystems. A maintenance shell will now be started. CONTROL-D will terminate this shell and re-try. udevd[560]: can not read '/etc/udev/rules.d/z80_user.rules. Ubuntu: clean, 474879/24231936 files/28016581/96898047 blocks root@i7:~# exit_

I suspect the disk manager pysdm that i had just installed today and it had crash during the previous session. The /etc/fstab file does not exist anymore and i cant rename the fstab.bak because the disk is read-only even for my root user

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Programming :: Perform Floating Point Operations In Linux Kernel?

Apr 7, 2011

how to perform floating point operations in kernel? i answered that its impossible to perform floating point operations in kernel.but he is telling that its possible but with some feature to be added.can any body know about this perfectly??

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Ubuntu Installation :: Could Not Perform Immediate Configuration (2) On Mountall

May 13, 2010

i use synaptic manager to get the updates. I tried to get the required plugins like gstreamer 0.10 plugins bad. I downloads the all the required files but at last it show the following

E: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on mountall

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Debian :: E - Can't Perform Immediate Configuration On 'perl'?

Aug 24, 2011

I'm getting the following error when I'm trying to install from 'testing' repo. E: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'perl' I'm doing apt pinning to install XFCE 4.8 on Squeeze. I've already added all the necessary sources and my /etc/apt/preferences file looks like this.

Package: *
Pin: release a=testing
Pin-Priority: 400
Package: *
Pin: release a=unstable
Pin-Priority: 300
Here is what I'm trying to install.

apt-get -t testing install xfce4 xfdesktop4 xfce4-power-manager xfce4-screenshooter xfce4-notifyd thunar thunar-archive-plugin thunar-media-tags-plugin thunar-thumbnailers gvfs-backends gvfs-bin gvfs-fuse xfce4-mixer xfburn terminator

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Debian :: Could Not Perform Immediate Configuration On 'perl'?

Aug 27, 2011

I am on a friend's box and we are atm transitioning from stable to sid on his box. Instead of doing the whole thing at one shot via update-manager we are doing it using the apt tools. Now while upgrading, I'm not able to update any of the perl 5.12 packages, perhaps due to circular dependencies or what. This is the error I'm seeing :-

$ sudo apt-get install perl
[sudo] password for shirish:
Reading package lists... Done


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Ubuntu Installation :: Error - Could Not Perform Immediate Configuration On 'libattr1'

Jul 6, 2010

I have been having trouble installing packages. Every package I try to install gives me the same error - Quote: E: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'libattr1'.Please see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details. (2)

I have tried Synaptic, the Update Manager, apt-get, and aptitude. I noticed that someone has filed a bug report on launchpad (link), for seemingly the same reason, and so far there hasn't been any changes made.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error, Could Not Perform Immediate Configuration (2) On Mountall

Nov 28, 2010

i recently got a server and it was going fantastically well, but just recently when i tried installing something using apt-get install .... ( i tried irssi, firefox/iceweseal, tightvncserver) it downloads asks for a questions i press y for yess then i get this error E: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on mountall and then it doesnt install, this is really frustrating.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error When Running Apt-get Dist-upgrade: Could Not Perform Immediate Configuration

Oct 13, 2010

Everything works well when executing:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
When executingsudo apt-get dist-upgrade
I get this


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Ubuntu :: Removed /var/lib/dpkg - "E: Could Not Perform Immediate Configuration On 'multiarch-support'

Jun 5, 2011

I did an unsuccessful update and got a lock un apt. But instead of removing /var/lib/dpkg/lock, i by accident removed /var/lib/dpkg. Yes, i don`t have backups, and i regret it very much now. I created a new /var/lib/dpkg folder but now if i do a apt-get upgrade, it tries to install all applications, because apt thinks i dont have any. Any chance to rebuild the database? Also, if i hit "yes" and try to reinstall them all, i get this error message:

Code: "E: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'multiarch-support'. Please see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details. (2)"

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Debian :: Can't Remove Wine - Apt-get Bricked - Could Not Perform Immediate Configuration On 'wine-unstable'

Feb 16, 2011

while trying to get a game to work on wine I was surprised to find out that the wine version that ships with sid is 1.0.1 released in October 2005. So I installed the latest release I found at [URL] like this :

dpkg -i wine_1.1.42~winehq1-1_amd64.deb

The install failed, I think because I hadn't remove the old wine version, and that's when the joy-ride started. Impossible to remove wine to restart properly. (apt-get remove libwine wine and apt-get -f install didn't) After some googling I tried this :

dpkg -i --force-depends wine_1.1.42~winehq1-1_amd64.deb

This did install the wine version I wanted, and the game ran fine after that. However the result was a borked apt-get. Tried to remove wine again with the above commands, resulting in apt-get failing to do so because it tried installing wine-unstable and reported errors similar to these : E: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'wine-unstable'. see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details. (2)

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Ubuntu Servers :: Hdd Hiccups - Wait At 99%, Iostat Util At 99% For NO Reason?

Jan 28, 2010

I use this machine as a samba server with one small IDE hdd for system and one large SATA hdd (1.5TB) hooked via 4xSATA PCI card. The machine has 1.5GB RAM, and is also to run 2 ktorrent clients inside two Xvncs.The problem is, that even when ktorrent is doing nothing I observe A LOT of hdd activity to the point where movies or even mp3s stored on this server played via samba on a windows machine "stutter". E.g. smplayer will repeat 5 second piece a few times before moving on to the next piece... and it goes on for a good 10 minutes, once it starts.Even browsing directories is slow to the point where it takes 5-20 seconds to show the content in Total Commander (equivalent of Midnight Commander for windows).I am not sure how I can track what is really happening. Why would ktorrent clients create a massive I/O when there's virtually no traffic to/from them? (I have total of 1kB/s down and 10kB/s up while taking the masurements below).Or is there something wrong with the hdd? I had to send back the first one I got, it had plenty of bad sectors (this one does not though, as far as I can tell no data loss occured, just performance sucks).Here's some diagnostic data, please let me know if there's anything else I should check.

root@server:/datapool/shared# iostat -x 10
Linux 2.6.31-3-generic (server) 10-01-28 _i686_ (1 CPU)


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Debian Configuration :: Cannot See Linux In Router

Jun 19, 2015

I cannot see my debian linux machine in my virgin media router>>attached devices. I can see everything else including my raspberry pi.

The box is headless but I connected up to tv temporary and did ifconfig and got the ip address. I can ssh to it and connect to minecraft server I have running on it but I would like to know why I cannot see it in the router.

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Debian :: Util To Generate Thumbnails / Contact Sheet From Video?

Apr 1, 2011

I'm looking for suggestions for a command line utility than can generate a contact sheet (e.g. jpg etc) from a video? I'm mainly interested in starting from FLV files, but i guess the solution will probably work for other formats with appropriate codecs etc. So, for example, if i have a 30 minute video, every 2 minutes through it i'd like it to generate a thumbnail and then put 15 of these in a 5 x 3 grid in a single jpg. On Windows,Media Player Classic Homecinem will do this through its ave Thumbnails command.

Ideally i'd like to do this from the command line/script in a debian server environment, rather than a desktop GUI. It doesn't have to be a single command, if a chain of steps could do it.

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Debian Configuration :: Connect To Linux Using RDP From Windows 10

Dec 23, 2015

I have Debian 8 with VBoxGuestAdditions (4.3.18). I can connect to this box from Win7 using RDP (mstsc.exe). When I connect from Windows 10 using mstsc.exe I've got error code 2308. I tried NoMachine, 2XClient, RoyalTS none worked.

W10 connecting with RDP to Linux server? If I would install xrdp onto the Linux server would it work for me?

Is it possible to connect from Win10 to Linux using RDP?

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General :: How Linux Configuration Files Work?

Feb 5, 2011

I've been struggling for a couple of days to understand how configuration files work in Linux but haven't really found any clear information regarding that.My main question, as there is not a standard configuration file format in Linux, is how the format of a configuration file is understood by a Linux program? How the program reads its configuration file and how it understands its syntax (file format)? Also, a further question is how the program knows where its configuration file is being located?

For example inittab has its own "Identifier:RunLevel:Action:Command" format. How this is recognised by the "init" process?

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Programming :: Non-static Variable $SwitchMap$com$ibot$util$Paths$OS Cannot Be Referenced?

Jul 14, 2010

When i try to compile this file:

package com.ibot.util;
import java.io.File;


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Debian Configuration :: How To Modify Traffic Between Two Interfaces In Linux

Aug 8, 2015

I have a laptop connected to internet via wlan0. I also have eth0 interface and with it I share internet. I want to modify/filter all the traffic passing by the first laptop, something like this:

Code: Select all                    *---------------------------*
                    |        LAPTOP 1           |      *--------------* ?
                    |-----*    *------*    *----*      |              |
    INTERNET<------>|wlan0|<-->|MY_APP|<-->|eth0|<---->|ANOTHER LAPTOP|
                    |-----*    *------*    *----|      |              |
                    *---------------------------*      *--------------*

I know that in FreeBSD it is possible to use ipfw for that purpose, because it build-in into kernel. We set for example rule Code: Select allipfw add divert 2000 ip from any to

and we can use our own application to process those packets, reinject them forward etc. It will work also fast, because as I said, it build into kernel.

Is there any standart Linux-based solution to do the same? I found some info about netmap-ipfw. Is this a correct solution? Or I have to use for example IP-aliases and iptables to do that?

I need to process all the IP-packets, not only TCP/UDP/etc-protocol. Solution also must be very fast.

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Debian Configuration :: Rsync From Linux Server To Planet NAS

Jan 5, 2016

After hours of struggles I'm still not able to configure a simple backup from a Debian Jessie server to a Planet branded NAS.

Configuration is as follows:
user name: user
pass: user12
share name: user. Inside that directory, there is bkp directory where stuff should go. bkp was created using Dolphin.
The NAS offers smb service and is accessible through Dolphin file manager and from Windows stations.

Server also has a user named "user" and a password "1"..

Fstab looks like this:
// /mnt/NAS cifs username=user,password=user12,iocharset=utf8 0 0

The command is: Code: Select allrsync -ahv /home/user/Desktop/ /mnt/NAS/bkp/

Errors are: Code: Select allrsync: chgrp "/mnt/NAS/bkp/." failed: Operation not permitted (1)
Code: Select allrsync: mkstemp "/mnt/NAS/bkp/.teszt.YEmVM3" failed: Operation not permitted (1) where teszt is a file created by me and YEmVM3 seems to be randomly generated character string.

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Debian Configuration :: Environment To Run Old Linux Games-template

Mar 20, 2016

I have some old linux based games and applications that require old libraries to run.But in the mists of time, I've lost the scripts on how to set up a sandbox environment to run them. Any template for that type of fiddle? I should be able to resource libraries contemporary to the games from my collection of old distros, but my web fu on this matter(jargon) is cracked. It would have to be easier that continually trying to fiddle the MS OS version to run under Wine/PlayOnLinux. I've got Myst II, Civilisation CTP and Railway Tycoon II, although I think the last app I ran was Word Perfect 8.

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Server :: Cluster Configuration On Two Node In Linux 5.3_64 Bit?

Mar 10, 2010

Newly trying cluster configuration setup on RHEL5.3_64 bit machine.Basic Requirement :Need to Configuration GFS file systemHerewith I have shared details:

System : > I have 2 HP proliant Dl385 server.
> Both system are connecting on Public network. (eth0)
> I have connected eth1 - directly each other system like a Private Network (May be I am


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Debian Configuration :: Linux Encryption On Dual Boot Windows

Sep 3, 2015

I've a Lenovo G50-80T with W8.1. I want to install Debian 8.1 in dualbooting mode. I've done this other times without problems. But this time I want encrypt the Linux partition (not the Windows partition). I'll use dm-crypt to do that. I want to know if this way is secure for protect the data on Linux partition or if I need encrypt the entire drive.

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Debian Configuration :: Changing Linux I / O Scheduler For VMware Guest

Mar 22, 2016

Following VMware recommendations on how to change linux I/O scheduler for guests, I'm trying to do it on my VM machine running Debian Wheezy. At the moment I'm running kernel backports:

Code: Select all$ uname -a
Linux brutus2 3.16.0-0.bpo.4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt20-1+deb8u3~bpo70+1 (2016-01-19) x86_64 GNU/Linux

The default I/O scheduler at the moment for device /dev/sda is CFQ, and I can change it on the fly to NOOP:

Code: Select all$ cat /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler
noop deadline [cfq]
$ echo noop > /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler
$ cat /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler
[noop] deadline cfq


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Debian Hardware :: Network Card Doesn't Turn On Linux Mint - Failed Configuration

Nov 24, 2014

My card Wifi network doesn't turn on, even at loading configuration of the system is failed. I have to wait a long time until the system itself to load.

And when I write ifconfig or iwconfig is displayed in the console interface wireless card.

And when I come in the panel on the network card, it immediately pops up a window that you can not load the network card modules.

I don't know what could have happened, I do not recall that I recently messed with the system.

Here are the pictures: [URL]....

And here I join dmesg.log file, at the end of a failed: [URL] ....

I have linux mint 17 quiana cinnamon

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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot Linux / Change Drive Space Configuration For More Space

Mar 6, 2010

I have linux and windowsxp on one machine. I have only 3gigs free on the windowxp machine and 20gigs free on the linux machine. I want to transfer space from the linux box to the windows machine.Is this possible and what steps would I need to follow to do this?

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General :: Moving From Paid Linux To Unpaid Linux CenOS - Red Hat (KVM Virtualization)

Dec 21, 2009

if anyone of you have shifted using Paid Red Hat Linux with CentOS, and what are your experiences of moving from Paid Linux to Unpaid Linux CenOS. When do you suggest a person use Paid Linux and when to use Unpaid Linux?

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Fedora :: Insert Unlock Code In Linux Using Any Linux Tool?

Apr 16, 2010

I have learnt that the network locked huawei modems may be unlocked to use any sim card bu getting a special unlock code and it should ask for it when a "foreign" SIM card is inserted. This procedure works well in Windows, but in Linux where I use wvdial, I dont get prompted for this unlock code. Does anyone know how to insert the unlock code in Linux using any Linux tool (GAMMU/GNOKII/Minicom etc)?

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General :: Verifying Qlogic FC HBA Adapter In Linux ( SUSE Linux)

May 5, 2010

i would just like to verify that the command

lspci would show the FC adapter installed

is there any other command that i can use to verify the FC adapter is being installed

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General :: Migration Of C++ Application From SuSE Linux To Red Hat Linux

Feb 12, 2010

I want to Migrate my C++ Application from SuSE Linux to Red Hat Linux.What impact analysis i should do?

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