Debian Configuration :: Cannot See Linux In Router

Jun 19, 2015

I cannot see my debian linux machine in my virgin media router>>attached devices. I can see everything else including my raspberry pi.

The box is headless but I connected up to tv temporary and did ifconfig and got the ip address. I can ssh to it and connect to minecraft server I have running on it but I would like to know why I cannot see it in the router.

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Networking :: Linux Router / Configure Linux CentOS 5 As A Router Using Iptable?

Nov 27, 2009

I want to configure linux CentOS 5 as a router using iptable, .Im new in linux so I need the steps to do that

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Networking :: Linux Router / Make A Router By Linux?

Mar 26, 2010

How do I make a router by Linux?In other words you want your Linux to work as a router.

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Networking :: Setting Up Linux Box As IPv6 Router To Replace Netgear WNR1000 Wireless Router?

Jun 18, 2011

I want to set up a Linux box as a wireless router to replace our existing Netgear WNR1000 router, as I believe the Netgear does not support the coming IPv6 protocol. Unfortunately, it is not flashable with OpenWRT or DD-WRT presently.

As we have Comcast, our cable modem acts as a dumb modem according to the customer support guy I talked to, and our router is the one that asks for the IP address from DHCP. Thus, when Comcast switches over to IPv6, I don't believe my existing router would work, correct?

My idea is to take a Linux box and put two NICs and a wireless adapter in it, using IPCop or Smoothwall to set up a router. I could then enable IPv6 support for when we have IPv6 with Comcast. Is that possible? Would there be a way to get BIND to hand out private IP addresses in the same subnet on the both the LAN NIC and the wireless card?

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Networking :: Linux As A Router / Bring 147 & 148 IP Online Without Router?

Mar 26, 2009

These r IP provided by my ISP that i've put on Fedora 8:

WAN (eth0)

Valid static(public) IP set of 2: & 148 (eth1, eth2)

i want to run as a web server & as a ftp server. but I'm able to ping only IP) from outside world. Can any1 tell me that how can i bring my 147 & 148 IP online without router.

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Debian Configuration :: Connect To Linux Using RDP From Windows 10

Dec 23, 2015

I have Debian 8 with VBoxGuestAdditions (4.3.18). I can connect to this box from Win7 using RDP (mstsc.exe). When I connect from Windows 10 using mstsc.exe I've got error code 2308. I tried NoMachine, 2XClient, RoyalTS none worked.

W10 connecting with RDP to Linux server? If I would install xrdp onto the Linux server would it work for me?

Is it possible to connect from Win10 to Linux using RDP?

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Debian Configuration :: How To Modify Traffic Between Two Interfaces In Linux

Aug 8, 2015

I have a laptop connected to internet via wlan0. I also have eth0 interface and with it I share internet. I want to modify/filter all the traffic passing by the first laptop, something like this:

Code: Select all                    *---------------------------*
                    |        LAPTOP 1           |      *--------------* ?
                    |-----*    *------*    *----*      |              |
    INTERNET<------>|wlan0|<-->|MY_APP|<-->|eth0|<---->|ANOTHER LAPTOP|
                    |-----*    *------*    *----|      |              |
                    *---------------------------*      *--------------*

I know that in FreeBSD it is possible to use ipfw for that purpose, because it build-in into kernel. We set for example rule Code: Select allipfw add divert 2000 ip from any to

and we can use our own application to process those packets, reinject them forward etc. It will work also fast, because as I said, it build into kernel.

Is there any standart Linux-based solution to do the same? I found some info about netmap-ipfw. Is this a correct solution? Or I have to use for example IP-aliases and iptables to do that?

I need to process all the IP-packets, not only TCP/UDP/etc-protocol. Solution also must be very fast.

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Debian Configuration :: Rsync From Linux Server To Planet NAS

Jan 5, 2016

After hours of struggles I'm still not able to configure a simple backup from a Debian Jessie server to a Planet branded NAS.

Configuration is as follows:
user name: user
pass: user12
share name: user. Inside that directory, there is bkp directory where stuff should go. bkp was created using Dolphin.
The NAS offers smb service and is accessible through Dolphin file manager and from Windows stations.

Server also has a user named "user" and a password "1"..

Fstab looks like this:
// /mnt/NAS cifs username=user,password=user12,iocharset=utf8 0 0

The command is: Code: Select allrsync -ahv /home/user/Desktop/ /mnt/NAS/bkp/

Errors are: Code: Select allrsync: chgrp "/mnt/NAS/bkp/." failed: Operation not permitted (1)
Code: Select allrsync: mkstemp "/mnt/NAS/bkp/.teszt.YEmVM3" failed: Operation not permitted (1) where teszt is a file created by me and YEmVM3 seems to be randomly generated character string.

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Debian Configuration :: Environment To Run Old Linux Games-template

Mar 20, 2016

I have some old linux based games and applications that require old libraries to run.But in the mists of time, I've lost the scripts on how to set up a sandbox environment to run them. Any template for that type of fiddle? I should be able to resource libraries contemporary to the games from my collection of old distros, but my web fu on this matter(jargon) is cracked. It would have to be easier that continually trying to fiddle the MS OS version to run under Wine/PlayOnLinux. I've got Myst II, Civilisation CTP and Railway Tycoon II, although I think the last app I ran was Word Perfect 8.

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Debian Configuration :: Linux Encryption On Dual Boot Windows

Sep 3, 2015

I've a Lenovo G50-80T with W8.1. I want to install Debian 8.1 in dualbooting mode. I've done this other times without problems. But this time I want encrypt the Linux partition (not the Windows partition). I'll use dm-crypt to do that. I want to know if this way is secure for protect the data on Linux partition or if I need encrypt the entire drive.

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Debian Configuration :: Changing Linux I / O Scheduler For VMware Guest

Mar 22, 2016

Following VMware recommendations on how to change linux I/O scheduler for guests, I'm trying to do it on my VM machine running Debian Wheezy. At the moment I'm running kernel backports:

Code: Select all$ uname -a
Linux brutus2 3.16.0-0.bpo.4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt20-1+deb8u3~bpo70+1 (2016-01-19) x86_64 GNU/Linux

The default I/O scheduler at the moment for device /dev/sda is CFQ, and I can change it on the fly to NOOP:

Code: Select all$ cat /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler
noop deadline [cfq]
$ echo noop > /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler
$ cat /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler
[noop] deadline cfq


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Debian :: Router Configuration And Certificates Warnings?

Apr 19, 2011

I've just bought a Linksys WRT610N router and I ran through various problems during the configuration, that brought some questions.Here is what I did to configure it (following the short manual that I got with the router)1. plugged the router in my modem and in my computer via ethernet cables2. entered its IP address (given on the manual) on my browser and logged in with the factory login3. changed the login passwordAfter this the problems that I have encountered are that:I set up the administration of the router to be disabled via wireless and enabled locally via https, but when saving those settings I either lost the connection (the browser telling me the server was not accessible) or asked confirm a security certificate after being (logically) redirected to the https version of the administration pageafter trying to loggin again, I wasn't able to login via https but only via http even if after logging those parameters were still as I set them (wireless administrative login disabled and local administrative login enabled only via https)

via https when getting something else than "the server is not responding or could be too busy", I was prompted the untrusted connection site, saying that" uses an invalid security certificate.The certificate is not trusted because it is self-signed.The certificate is only valid for Linksys.The certificate expired on 01/01/71 01:21. The current time is 19/04/11 22:56.(Error code:sec_error_expired_issuer_certificate)"I noticed that after loosing the connection and not being able to reach the router either with http or https, the only way I was then able to reconnect to it was to go into (I am using firefox 4 on squeeze) edit > preferences > advanced > encryption > view certificates > servers and delete the linksys certificate

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Debian Configuration :: How To Connect To Hostnames Over LAN That Router Assigns

Sep 29, 2015

So I have a router that I've gotten from my ISP, which seems to run a hardened, custom version of OpenWRT. By that I mean it's read-only and has a lot of files mostly in RAM. So putting custom firmware on it is not an option for me right now, as it's by only router. Actually, it's not just a router, it's an Actiontek modem/router combo.

So anyway, lets say I have a machine on my LAN and I want to basically SSH into a box by hostname. Now the thing is, I prefer using OpenDNS (previously OpenNIC) as my DNS, and so I don't use my router as my nameserver, though I could do that.

So how do I connect to my machine by hostname? I would prefer a solution that does not use Avahi/Zeroconf or editing the hosts file. People have said setting up a local DNS server might be okay, but I'd have to do that for every machine I'd want added to my network. Kind of almost as bad as editing a static hosts file. I use really want to use DHCP over static IP assigning, and the one on my router is not as advanced, so I can't use my hosts file. And also,

So is Zeroconf the only solution? I'm not sure how to set up Zeroconf. Do you just install Avahi?

I want a simple, almost Arch-linux solution, lean and clean, using only the most minimal software. I don't care how much configuring I'd have to do, as long as it's going to stay reliable as well.

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Debian Configuration :: How To Set Up Remote Login Behind Netgear Router

May 25, 2011

I have just setup a debian box, and I want to be able to login to the machine remotely.Currently I have the following setup:Cable Modem -> Netgear Router (DHCP to outside world) -> Debian Box (DHCP for internal network)As I under stand it I have to set my Debian Box to use a static IP, but from there I di not know where to go.Also since my cable modem IP is dynamic, is there some way to have that the debian box get the IP address for the outside world, and e-mail it to my gmail account when it changes, or least every X hours?

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Debian Hardware :: Network Card Doesn't Turn On Linux Mint - Failed Configuration

Nov 24, 2014

My card Wifi network doesn't turn on, even at loading configuration of the system is failed. I have to wait a long time until the system itself to load.

And when I write ifconfig or iwconfig is displayed in the console interface wireless card.

And when I come in the panel on the network card, it immediately pops up a window that you can not load the network card modules.

I don't know what could have happened, I do not recall that I recently messed with the system.

Here are the pictures: [URL]....

And here I join dmesg.log file, at the end of a failed: [URL] ....

I have linux mint 17 quiana cinnamon

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Debian Configuration :: Using WiFi Router On Eth1 Bridged To Eth0

Dec 13, 2015

I am running : Linux ics385 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt11-1+deb8u6 (2015-11-09) x86_64 GNU/Linux

Here's the situation

1. I'm trying to configure a WLAN using a D-Link DLR655 wifi router that is connected to eth1.

2. eth0 is connected to the ISP's DHCP router and has the IP

3. I've bridged eth0 to eth1 such that eth1 has the static IP

4. I've manually configured the router and it uses the as the WAN address with its subnet on the 192.168.10.* address space.

5. I can connect a laptop to the D-Link using wifi and ping but I can't ssh to it or to anything beyond it from the laptop.

6. If I'm on the server ( I can ssh into either or but not if I'm on the laptop. I conclude from this that ssh is not the problem but the laptop says ssh: connect to port 22: connection refused.

So, am I conceptually confused or is it that I have to open ssh up to the other sub-net address spaces or something like that?

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Debian Configuration :: ADSL - Router Should Handle Everything Automatically And Transparently

Feb 3, 2010

The router should handle everything automatically and transparently. All you need to do is make sure that the wireless Ethernet adapters in the laptops can "talk" to the wireless router.

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Debian Configuration :: Adding Router For Mail Service Function?

Jun 10, 2011

I'm building a Debian based router, I want to add to this router a mail service function. I don't want mail to be sent outside of the network, what I want is the ability for services to send mail to the Debian server and for me to then pick them up from this server via pop3 into my normal mail application. Given I'm not looking for mail to be sent outside of the network and its strictly for services to log notifications via. What of the various mail applications should I setup? i.e. just looking for SMTP + POP3 internally.

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Debian Configuration :: Unable To Get Intel Pro/wireless 3945abg Connected To Router

Mar 2, 2010

I am unable to get my intel pro/wireless 3945abg connected to my router. The firmware has been installed and at first was even able to connect, but now the access point doesn't even show up in network manager. I am currently able to connect using a USB wireless adapter, but for certain reasons, would prefer to use the former. I've looked over this page with no results.

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Debian Configuration :: How To TFTP Router Configurations To A Server In The Same Local Networ

Jul 27, 2010

I'm trying to TFTP router configurations to a server in the same local network without having to first make files in the server's TFTP directory . The transfer of a config file from router to server works perfectly if I make a file with touch and then chmod the file with 777. I found information that says to use the -c or --create option in the TFTP configuration file (/etc/default/tftpd-hpa) if you want TFTP to work without having to create the files first. The problem is, I have set this parameter and restarted TFTP , but it is not working.

Here is my /etc/default/tftpd-hpa file:

# /etc/default/tftpd-hpa


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Debian Configuration :: WiFi Router Doesn't Give Internet To Other Devices Connected

Oct 21, 2015

When I connect my Debian PC to my WiFi router my PC doesn't get internet if other devices are connected to it .

When i disconnect those devices and connect my Debian PC only then my PC connects to internet but other devices connected to it later do not get inernet connection.

When I connect my Debian PC using LAN Cable to the same router all devices work fine.

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Networking :: Configure ACL In Linux Based Router?

Jun 30, 2009

I want to configure a ACL Permit/ Deny, what steps I need to keep in consideration.

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Networking :: Linux OS As Router / Surf The Web Both On Computer And On Laptop?

Feb 20, 2011

I have two network cards in my computer (Debian). One (eth0) is connected to the router which is connected to the internet, the other one (eth1) is connected to my laptop (Gentoo). Now I want to surf the web both on my computer and on my laptop. I obeyed some tutorials "Linux as router":

1. On my Debian system IP-Forwarding is on:


takada:/home/sam# sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1

2. Laptop has IP and this is the output of 'cat /etc/network/interfaces' on my computer:


takada:/etc/network# cat interfaces
# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
# The loopback network interface

But a ping from my laptop to (router to internet) still gives:

connect: Network is unreachable

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Networking :: Old Router Behind New Router - Configuration ?

Oct 30, 2010

I've moved a linuxbox from being my gateway (nat, etc) to behind a new gateway (a DD-wrt router). For transparency purposes, I'd like to continue using the old box services, and just have the gateway in front of it.

Here's what I did:

The newgateway is setup for class C,

This configuration works, but sometimes it doesn't and I haven't figured out why yet.

At sometimes, clients on the LAN get throughput rates with very little speed loss (using speakeasy speed test). They will run at 33M on the LAN, running through both the newgateway, and the oldbox, and get about 35M with directly connected to the cable modem.

Other times, it seems nothing can talk with anyone, and I am not sure why.

I know what I have done is a little unconventional, but it's a transitional thing, and I am not sure it is the cause of the problem, although it was the last things changed.

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Networking :: Linux Router / Config Should Be Done On The Box So That IPs Inside The LAN Can Be Ping From The Internet?

Mar 4, 2010

I am using centos box as a router. WAN side has a public ip and lan side also using a public ip. I configured dhcp server on the LAN side and it is working perfectly, pcs on the LAN side can able to access the internet.

Problem: Considering the fact that LAN IPs is using Public IP and it is presumed that from the internet it can be able to ping IPs inside the LAN but, alas, it couldn't.

No firewall has been config!

Question: What config should be done on the box so that IPs inside the LAN can be ping from the internet?

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Networking :: Setting Up Squid Proxy To Virtual Linux Soho Router?

Mar 31, 2011

i must make this work with the use of virtual pc's. I have vm player and installed fedora ( the latest version ) and one xp . So i have 2 virtual pc's. I'm making it simple for start so i can add more pc's when i see that it is working. I have setup a dhcp server at the fedora virtual pc. The fedora virtual pc is like a soho router. The xp pc is getting ip from dhcp while the fedora one has a static one.

My pc is behind an adsl router. Both virtual pc's can see each other which means i have no connectivity issues.Im trying to setup a squid proxy ( transparent one ) so for example the xp pc can access porn sites and such. I used all required configuration for the squid to work and started the service. Ive also inserted with iptables the commands to forward all incoming port 80 packets to port 3128 ( the squid ). It doesnt seems to be working and i thik i know why but i dont know how to fix it.

Because the xp has a gateway at ( the adsl router ) packets go directly to it and not to the soho router ( fedora virtual pc as i intend to do) What can i do to solve this problem ? How can i forward all packets to go to the fedora virtual pc first and then the fedora pc to forward them (if necessary) to the adsl router? PS. I used Bridged connection on the networking configutration on the vmware player ! If you also want i can post the code for squid or iptables if needed !

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Debian Configuration :: New Router, Now "no DHCPOFFERS Received"?

Oct 22, 2010

I'm getting some odd behavior from a new router (netgear wg614 i believe). It appears that it won't assign an IP address to any machine running linux, but it WILL assign an IP address just fine to windows machines. my laptop is running debian lenny, but it isn't just my laptop - other linux (or linux based) machines can't get an IP address from it, either (including my wii). yet my old windows desktop gets an IP address just fine, as do my friend's windows laptops. i did not have this problem with my old router. nor do i have this problem when i bring my laptop other places. i have this problem ONLY with this new router.

the workaround is to assign a static IP address to my laptop and my wii, which is fine, but... i still want to get to the bottom of it. my laptop is definitely associated with the router (iwconfig output confirms this), so it's not a problem with the card or the driver (right?). i can log into the router administration from my laptop. the router just won't give it an IP address. how can this be? considering:-the only thing that has changed is the router-the problem occurs with all non-windows machines-my laptop and wii both worked fine with my old router (and others), and the settings have not, is there something fundamentally different about how linux and windows request an IP address from a DHCP server? My knowledge of both linux and DHCP are "medium", and they don't overlap enough for me to figure this out, i guess.

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Networking :: Network Configuration: Server - Router Vs Router-server

Aug 14, 2010

I am thinking of moving the router behind a server and connecting the server directly to the internet via a modem. Are there any security issues related to doing this? or other things I should be aware of. Iptables are implemented on the server blocking access on unused ports.

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Ubuntu :: How To Set Up Asus RT-N16 Wireless Router In Linux Ubuntu And/or Other Distros

Jul 18, 2010

Hey, why doesn't anyone ever answer my questions about Linux support for routers?

Can someone please tell me how to set it up. The setup software that comes with it is specifically for Windows.

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Ubuntu :: E: Could Not Perform Immediate Configuration On 'util-linux'

May 15, 2010

I ran into this problem myself, and I've seen that others have had the same problem when updating from Karmic to Lucid via apt-get. There is a bug in apt for Lucid, and it has been noted on one of the Ubuntu lists

This is a simple how-to and a work-around to the upgrading with apt-get:

1) Update your sources.list file to replace all instances of 'karmic" to 'lucid' : $ sudo sed -i 's/karmic/lucid/g' /etc/apt/sources.list

2) Run apt-get update: $ sudo apt-get update

3) Run a regular upgrade; $ sudo apt-get upgrade -y

Here is where the problem comes in. Apt is looking for the util-linux package, which is part of upstart-job, but someone apparenlty forgot to write the code to tell apt-about this (whoops!)

So, you now need to install upstart-job by itself. By skipping this step you will get the error message when you try to run step 5: "E: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'util-linux'.Please see man 5 apt"

4) $ sudo apt-get install upstart-job

5) Now you can run apt-get dist-upgrade: $ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y

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