Ubuntu :: Desktop Icons Creation And Panel Content Creation After Login Getting Slower

Nov 17, 2010

I've been running 10.04 since September on my new MSi i3 notebook and about two weeks ago I noticed that when I login after system boot, propagation of icons on my desktop and the content of my Panel have become slower and slower.If I logout and login again the propagations are not slow.

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Ubuntu :: KDE Desktop Panel Re-creation

Jul 6, 2011

New to the KDE plasma Desktop.I deleted the original desktop panel on my desktop. How do I re-create it. I deleted it when I thought I was deleting (1) of (6) WeatherLCD widgets I put on it not knowing what I was doing.

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OpenSUSE :: Automatic Folder Creation Upon First Login?

Jan 17, 2010

When I create a new user account and login the first time to Gnome a series of files and directories is created in the user's home directory. Those directories are for example:


How can I control what files and directories are created? I checked /etc/skel but none of those entries where there. In particular, I do not want to have the folders "Bilder", "Documents", "Musik", "Videos", "Vorlagen" and "�ffentlich" being created.

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Fedora Installation :: F13 User Lost After Creation - Automatic Login

Sep 28, 2010

I have a windows 7 ultimate host machine, installed oracle virtual box on it. Made a iso image to boot fr fedora. All this is fine when the installation is complete, it asks for reboot. Reboot done. Then I went to terminal. Did a SU - root to get into the root. Then I did a firstboot command to enter information. I created a user for myself and at the end rebooted the virtual box.

When it starts up, it does not show my user. It just shows "Automatic Login" and it logs in as Live System User. Even if I try to switch user then it gave me a authentication failure when I enter the credentials of the user which I created. If I try to create users manually using system administration, the user is lost after reboot. I have tried all possible steps...as instructed on the net.

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OpenSUSE :: Automatically Set Shortcuts On New User's Desktop On Account Creation?

Aug 28, 2010

I've used it recreationally in the past but am now attempting to deploy an OpenSUSE LTSP server in my wife's computer lab at her school. really like to make it easy for her to give the kids instructions for the day via a text file/pdf located on the kid's desktop. What I'd like to do since there's 500 kids that she teaches is create a shared folder for each grade that she just drops the assignment instructions into. I'd like to avoid having to add a link manually in each user's /home/*/desktop folder, so is there an easy way to do this?

In case the above isn't clear...
1) Create folder on teacher's desktop that is set to share
2) Create a link on each user's desktop to enable them to access said folder
3) Ideally, all new users will have a specific folder based on which usergroup they belong to (1st grade, 2nd grade, etc

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Ubuntu :: No Panel Or Icons After Login Of Non-first User

Sep 7, 2010

First user, everything still normal. All other users and any added users basically have no desktop now. Background and arrow are there, but no right-click no panels. Have tried every option in other similar posts including deleting .config, .gnome2, etc files. Also tried all the commands at URL..I can login user with xterm session and launch gnome-panel, which provides some functionality, but this basically sucks, because there is no window manager. I have tried changing themes and various compiz stuff, but no success yet. Even removed and reinstalled compiz.

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Ubuntu :: Adobe Pdf Creation Software?

Aug 15, 2010

Anybody know of a Linux version of Adobe Acrobat?

I've tried pdf creator which won't install and I've also tried the Open Office Draw sun-pdfimport plugin

Draw will create pdf files but only saves them in odf which is unreadable in Acrobat or Acrobat Reader..

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Ubuntu :: Bacula And Database Creation?

Oct 27, 2010

I have installed bacula which by default installed the mysql backend. Asked me for the root password of mysql but since I couldn't remember I cancelled the configuration. I checked it out afterwards and now I know it but I can't find my way back to the bacula database setup screen once again. I have read that there should be a create_bacula_database script somewhere but I can't find it. Any tips on how to set this up?

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Ubuntu :: User Account Creation In 10.10(Mav)?

Nov 14, 2010

the OEM account was created when I just installed Maverick (10.10) and now I've changed the password on that account and want to create a daily user account, cannot locate where I can do that.I want to learn Linux badly but am completely in the dark beginner right now.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: MP3 Creation From CD?

Aug 2, 2010

With reluctance I installed JRipper from Packman to rip some CD's because the KDE apps (K3B 2 and Amarok 2) on my 11.3 x86 install dont want to rip. Albeit a good ripping app I would like the KDE apps to work as intended.

K3b2 and K3b2 codecs packages are from Packman 11.3 x86 version. Amarok 2.3.1 is from the 11.3 x86 update apps openSUSE repro. LAME and transcode are also from Packman.

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Ubuntu :: List Files By Creation Date?

Aug 19, 2010

I'm looking for a terminal command that gives me the latest created folder in a directory tree.


ls -lR --sort=time --reverse

this i almost good, but a) it gives me files (rather than folders only), b) it sorts the files by folder (rather than just giving me a plain list of everything) and c) it takes way to long.

what i want:


2010-08-01 ./path/to/folder/a
2010-08-03 ./path/to/folder/b
2010-08-06 ./another/folder/c


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Ubuntu Installation :: KVM Instance Creation Fails On 10.04?

Nov 1, 2010

I'm trying to install a virtual 10.04 image on a 10.04 server host, and the method I used that worked with 9.10 now fails. For example, I try to install with the following virt-install command (as root):

virt-install --name=star3--escience --connect=qemu:///system --ram=3000 --vcpus=1 --disk path=/disk2/images/star3--escience_60GB_Ubunut10-04.qcow2,size=60 --noautoconsole --os-type=linux --os-variant=ubuntulucid --accelerate --cdrom=/home/mc321/ISOs/ubuntu-10.04.1-server-amd64.iso --network=bridge:br0 --vnc


In fact, that XtreemOS iso (a Mandriva derivative) is what I installed successfully as a quest OS on the same machine when it was running 9.10.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Permissions Upon File Creation?

Feb 8, 2011

Is ACL the best way to ensure the permissions of newly created files? Basically I have a directory: /data/department

I've done chmod g+s on it so the group is correct on new files but I want new files to also have 775 permissions so the rest of the group can access these files fully. Currently they are created with the default 755 (which I want still every where out side of /data/department ).

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Defragmentation/Partition Creation In OS X?

Mar 30, 2011

I'm trying to repartition the 60gb hd on my macbook 1,1 so that I can triple boot os x, ubuntu, and windows. When I try to repartition it all at once with diskutil resizeVolume, I get the error: "Resizing encountered error on disk disk0s2 gunton: No space left on device (2"

Everything I've found through google indicates that this means there is not enough contiguous disk space available to resize and create those partitions. I defragmented my harddrive using the online mode with idefrag, unfortunately that didn't work. I also tried boot camp to just do the windows partition first, but it says it that it cannot move system files or something, basically the same error as above.

My thought was whether or not I could either create an os x bootable cd (no dvd-r) and fully defragment it while it's offline, but a du -chs of the necessary directories was well beyond 700mb.

My next thought is the pertinent question: is there a disk defrag tool on the ubuntu live cd? if not, if i downloaded one and placed it on a usb drive, will it mount from the live cd? or is there another way to combat this partitioning problem that i'm unaware of? (i don't have an external harddrive, so i can't timemachine/reformat/restore system).

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Fedora :: Allow All Users On Creation Of A File?

Jul 15, 2009

I want to automatically allow all users read execute or write permissions on everything created by a specific user, is this possible? For example user Wendy creates an office doc, saves it on a shared folder. Then another user (usually windows log into this folder and wants to edit this file and cannot. I know I can edit the permissions on this particular doc to allow all users, but I want this to happen by default so I don.t have to keep changing permission on each doc....

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Programming :: Array Creation At Run-time In C++?

Apr 4, 2010

I have a text file from which i read a number of names with their lengths at the run-time.Now i want to created a char array having the length and name as already read from the text file at the run-time. There is no compilation involved. Every thing is happening at the run-time. I tried using STL like map along with malloc but i am unable to name an array at run-time. I can keep some type of mapping with previously created arrays

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Red Hat / Fedora :: MUltiple IP Creation With IP Redundancy

Mar 4, 2010

I have to implement hardware redundancy.I have 2 linux machine for this and each have similar configuration/hardware. Lets say two machine Linux1 and Linux2. Currenty Linux1 have one NIC and it has 4 Ip address bind on it. Now I have to down the Linux1 and up Linux2 with same Ip addresses. Could it possible to configure all the Ip (same)address on both Linux1 and Linux2 and Linux1 have eth status UP while Linux2 have eth:y status down. I am trying it but on Linux2 machine I cant able to create multiple Ip interfaces with down status.

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SUSE :: File Creation For Web Application?

Dec 2, 2010

Am using apache and php to build a web application and am trying to create the file outside my working directory but its not creating Anybody knows what is the solution for this

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General :: CentOS ISO Creation From OS Files?

May 9, 2011

I have CentOS 5.5 Operating System files copied from the DVD, it's not a ISO image. My Centos dvd is not working so, I would like to make bootable image and burn it on a DVD from the files and install CentOS on other machine. I have tried creating ISO image using mkisofs command but, it is not booting.

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Networking :: Creation & Activation Of Ad-hoc Network?

Feb 22, 2011

I am using D-Link wireless dongle on my fedora 11 machine.with commands i want to create and activate(up) an ad-hoc network.

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General :: Creation Of Initrd Manually?

Mar 14, 2011

creation of initrd manually(not using mkinitrd).

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General :: Launcher Creation For Ooo3.2.1

Jun 16, 2010

I AM USING rhel4. and having openoffice1.1.5. . Now i have installed OOO3.2.1 . BUT I AM UNABLE TO FIND THE LAUNCHER PROGRAME FOR OOO3.2.1. IS THAT soffice.so ? it is not in /opt/openoffice3.2/.

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Programming :: Get The Creation Time Of A Process Via Pid In C++

Mar 22, 2010

Scenario: ( in C++ code)

I need a process A to be able to get the start time of process B. I have the PID of the process B.

I would have thought there would be a simple system call to make by passing in the pid of Process B, but I don't thing there is??!!

So my other thought is to create a script that will be passed the pid and either I can read the file creation of /proc/<PID>/stat or I could also parse the start time of ps on the <PID>. This script can be ran from the C++ code. My difficulty is capturing this information in the C++ code. If I run exec ( or system if not a script) I need the results in a program variable....not stdout.

My only solution is write it to a tmp file and read it back into the program variable. Seems rather arguious but a least it would work.

Background - I need to port Windows code ( GetProcessTimes(creationtime,...))

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Ubuntu Installation :: Why The File System Creation Fails

Aug 8, 2010

I'm trying to install Ubuntu alongside windows 7 on my machine, and currently I am having difficulty doing so.Upon initial boot of the LiveCD,it says the installer has encountered an unrecognized error and just goes straight to desktop environment. From there, I can restart the installer just fine but here is where the trouble starts.

Currently, I have a 2TB RAID 0 array utilizing 4 500GB Seagate barracuda SATA II drives. The controller is an nForce 780a NVRaid. I currently have two NTFS partitions for windows. One 150GB primary partition for C:, and another 781GB D: for the storage of games, music and movies.When I try to manually setup the partitions in the Ubuntu installer, I do it like this.

- 200MB ext2 primary partition for /boot
- 150GB xfs logical partition for /
- approx 750GB xfs logical partition for /home (You've probably figured out I'm following the same C: and D: scheme as in windows)
- 8192 MB partition for swap

I then proceed with the install. I see the progress bar complete for the boot partition, but then at about 7% for / it stops and gives a message saying partition creation has failed. I even tried using different filesystems like ReiserFS and Ext4. Same thing every time. I am running a 64bit quadcore system BTW if that is of any importance.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Folder Creation Permissions Denied?

Jan 11, 2011

I'm trying to create a folder using the archive manager to install Resin (web server) in the usr/local folder but I get the error message 'error creating directory: Permission denied.'

Is this the easiest way to install an app--by using the Archive Manager--and if so how do I establish the correct permissions.

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Ubuntu :: Stop Automatic Thumbnail Creation And Storage?

Jan 31, 2011

I was lurking about my hidden files and noticed the ".thumbnails" directory. I had been browsing the web for about an hour and had opened some image files from my drive.HOLY CRAP! I had over 2000 thumbnails in that directory! Every time an image is displayed, a thumbnail of it is created? Really? Seriously, I don't care what the reason behind this "feature" is, how do I stop it? It is simply unnecessary and a waste of disk space.

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Ubuntu :: Changing Default File Rights On Creation?

Feb 17, 2011

My problem is that I want newly created files to be 775 but they are 644 according to ls -l tho user that created can still write to file while other user in same group can't.

Current umask is 002.

Can't findout how to get newly created files to be 775. What should i do make all new files created by a user to be 775?

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Ubuntu Installation :: File System Creation Fails At 5%?

Jun 16, 2011

net book had some issues with windows, so i had to format its hard drive. i put in the ubuntu live image (usb) (yes i md5summed it, its fine) and i tried installing it using the guided partition (using the whole disk) and i tried setting it up manually, but regardless of what i try, when it attempts to format it to the necessary filesystem, it fails at 5% without fail. even IF i use GParted.

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General :: Creation Of Swap Partition During Ubuntu 9.10 Installation

Mar 26, 2010

When I do a "clean" install of Ubuntu 9.10, Step 5 of 7 is when you choose how to partition your hard drive. My Acer Aspire Desktop has 8GB of RAM and a single 160GB SATA hard drive. If I choose to let Ubuntu do the partitioning, only three partitions are created and one of them IS a Swap partition. However, if I choose the second option to manually create my own partition tables, there is NO Swap option listed in the drop-down list of partitions to create!! Why in the world not, considering the importance of this partition and the fact that the first option DOES automatically create it? A second related (I think) is about the Live System Rescue CD and GParted 4.9. When do you use either of these utilities? After all, GParted is included System Rescue CD.

So, if I want and choose to do a manual/advanced partitioning of my hdd, the only time I can see using either utility is after the complete installation of the Ubuntu distro. Yet, choosing to manually partition my hard drive always results in an error or warning message that I haven't created a Swap partition before proceeding to Step 6 of the installation. Well, of course not since the choice isn't even possible. Good grief, what am I supposed to do when I arrive at the step where I am supposed to choose and then create the partitions for my hdd? Choose the first option, which I don't think is wise/good at all, especially with security in mind. Or choose the second option of using a program like GParted at all? It is hard enough for me to choose a partitioning scheme at all, since opinions on how many partitions are needed and what sizes they should be.

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Fedora Installation :: Post Partition Creation In F10

Jun 18, 2009

I installed Fedora on IBM desktop PC with 40 GB. During installation I only created Boot and swap partitions and remain 30 GB as free space and now I want to create partitions from 30 GB free of Harddisk and I do in Windows XP and use Administration TOOL and create an other partition. so How I can create partitions on fedora after completed installation of Fedora Desktop. Need steps of post harddisk partition tool in Fedora.

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