General :: CentOS ISO Creation From OS Files?
May 9, 2011
I have CentOS 5.5 Operating System files copied from the DVD, it's not a ISO image. My Centos dvd is not working so, I would like to make bootable image and burn it on a DVD from the files and install CentOS on other machine. I have tried creating ISO image using mkisofs command but, it is not booting.
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Jan 17, 2011
How to configure Samaba Server on CentOS 5.5 and how to synchronize with my Windows Server-2003.
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Sep 17, 2010
I have some basic experiencing creating simple scripts/making directories/changing permissions/etc. but I'm stumped on this one.
I have two linux boxes. I have a script set up on box 'A' to SCP into box 'B', grab a copy of a database backup and store it on box 'A'. It looks like this:
scp root@X.X.X.X:/blah/blah/blah/dump.23.gz /home/blah/DB_Backups/
I have generated a public key on box 'A' and placed it into the authorized_keys file on box 'B', so a password is not required and the file copies over successfully when the script is run. On to my problem...
I need to know what date the 'dump.23.gz' file was originally created when I'm viewing it after it's been copied to box 'A'. If I ls -l on box 'A' it only shows me the date it was created on box 'A' when it was copied.
What would I need to add to my script to append the backup's original creation date on box 'B' to the filename so that when it gets copied to box 'A' I know when the backup was created on box 'B'. I'm sure this is probably confusing. I've done lots of searching and can only find information on how to append the current date and time to a file name. I need to append it's original creation timestamp to the filename when it copies over.
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Oct 4, 2010
I have a folder with hundreds of .txt files (logs of some java application) that I have to merge in to one single .txt file. This application produces a new log file everyday:
day1: logFriday10September2010.txt
day2: logSaturday11September2010.txt
day8: logFriday17September2010.txt
and so on...
I could merge the files easily with "cat" and ">>" however, the problem is that I have to do it by taking into account the date (creation or modification) of the file.
If I simple use the cat command the output file will receive for example, all Fridays in a row, then all Saturdays, etc. and in that way I'm not considering the date.
I've searched for the options of the find command, since the files after creation are not modified...I try to use this for example:
$ find . -newer <some old file>
but that lists me all files after that <old file> and not by correct date.
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Jun 14, 2010
I have an application that creates temp files and quickly deletes them. But I'd like to keep those files, is there a way to do that in Linux?
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Jun 19, 2011
Under a Linux shell, how can I change the creation time of all a folder's files to the current time?
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Nov 17, 2010
I've been running 10.04 since September on my new MSi i3 notebook and about two weeks ago I noticed that when I login after system boot, propagation of icons on my desktop and the content of my Panel have become slower and slower.If I logout and login again the propagations are not slow.
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Sep 2, 2009
I have a list of .jpg files from two cellphones that I would like to rename to the file creation date... but so far I can't seem to find a suitable script (or anything remotely close to what I need).
These are jpg's snapped on cellphone cameras, so no EXIF data exists.
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Aug 19, 2010
I'm looking for a terminal command that gives me the latest created folder in a directory tree.
ls -lR --sort=time --reverse
this i almost good, but a) it gives me files (rather than folders only), b) it sorts the files by folder (rather than just giving me a plain list of everything) and c) it takes way to long.
what i want:
2010-08-01 ./path/to/folder/a
2010-08-03 ./path/to/folder/b
2010-08-06 ./another/folder/c
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Sep 25, 2010
What I am trying to to is set up a cluster as follows:
- There are four nodes
- Nodes three and four have large amounts of storage that will be used for storing user data.
- Nodes one and two will be running a couple of network services.
I'd like have nodes one and two to have a clustered filesystem just between them to store data for the services run only by it possible to share one filesystem between two nodes and another filesystem between two other nodes? The cluster seems to try to make the storage changes across all nodes. They will not be able to spend the extra money to get the same storage in all four nodes. Here is what I have done. I am using CentOS 5.5. After installing CentOS, I did this:
On all nodes:
[root@node1 ~]# yum groupinstall "Clustering"
[root@node1 ~]# yum groupinstall "Cluster Storage"
[root@node1 ~]# chkconfig ricci on
...which I think makes sense because the cluster was supposed to create the PV and the volume group, but did not. I don't even think it tries. The first time it tries to do anything to another node is when I create a logical volume.
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May 10, 2009
Are there any general recommendations on skipping creation of swap partition on servers? If I am sure that server will be ok with it's RAM is there any benefit in skipping swap partition creation or making it the least size possible other than saving disk space?
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Aug 4, 2010
Is there a trick to allowing a TFTP connection to create a file? I can successfully tftfp (from a cisco router) if I touch the file first, but otherwise, (/tftpboot has been chmoded to 777) I get [TFTP: error code 2 received - 20334]
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Jul 7, 2010
But I want to get the files in order which they created like file, file1 and file2
Any way to obtain this?
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Mar 26, 2011
1. Evince is somehow screwing up font creation when displaying dvi files. I can preview the dvi file fine under xdvi. When I try with evince, I kicks off a slew of metafont font-creation runs, then shows me totally garbled pages -- the layout is correct, but none of the characters are right. This happens for documents that primarily use Times Roman fonts.
2. *Every* time evince comes up, it insists on starting in continuous / "fit page width" mode. I don't want either one. I want continuous-mode*off* and the window in the "best fit" view. So I have to click, drag, click, click, drag, release *every* time I pop up a file. It's very annoying. There doesn't appear to be any key in the gnome gconf config database I can set to affect these things. How do I fix this?...
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Feb 18, 2010
I'm trying to setup a Samba share for our work. I have it almost complete, however I can't successfully share editable files between users. The issue I'm having is that say User1 create a file test.txt, because of the 755 permissions, then User2, who has "writable" rights as per the smb.conf file, cannot edit that test.txt file.
Whevener I create a file with a user, its locked by that user. Is there a way I can set it that every folder/file a user creates is 777 ? I firgured that there's still security because of the "Valid users = " field in the smb.conf file.
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Sep 22, 2010
I'm looking for a method for modifying some jpg photo files last modification date with the corresponding timestamp creation date of each file.The reason is that shotwell import pictures in folders according to last modification date which is stupid on my opinion.
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Mar 14, 2011
creation of initrd manually(not using mkinitrd).
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Jun 16, 2010
I AM USING rhel4. and having openoffice1.1.5. . Now i have installed OOO3.2.1 . BUT I AM UNABLE TO FIND THE LAUNCHER PROGRAME FOR OOO3.2.1. IS THAT ? it is not in /opt/openoffice3.2/.
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Apr 5, 2011
I keep creating practice perl scripts in a linux directory using vi <filename> and need to chmod 751 <filename> before I can run it as I wish to. I'm sure there is a simple way to default my permissions or config them at creation, but I'm not familiar with it ayuda me por favor.
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Nov 23, 2010
I want to extract the file creation time. How to get it. I am using fedora core 4
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Apr 28, 2010
I need assistance in linux shared object installation. I have created a .so library for my code,copied it to /usr/lib/ directory & created the symbolic link for it but when I try to compile my code with option -l it gives errors like header files are missing...class has not been declared. actually these all are includede in .so file. I am compiling my code for cross platform PowerPC & using simulater to run that. I have also included this .so in to the file system of powerpc simulater but still same problem...
real name :
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Nov 26, 2010
I have newly created filesystem on one of my partitions. After that I am not able to paste anything into it. What is the reason?Even after mounting it also?
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Apr 13, 2011
We are creating PDFs from different sources using PHP, Zend_PDF class and Zend server (based on apache2). Developping on windows the PDFs are OK. If we deploy the application on testing server running SuseLinux the special characters ( ) don't show. We use 1 of the standard fonts, HELVETICA and have tested without success COURIER.
The system
Do you have an idea what to do or try?
OK - it turned out to be a coding question. I had thought that some system variable might cause the problem but we simply had to clean the input data and got it working.
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Apr 20, 2010
the things i've tried:
1. Created an asm bootloader code that calls a c function which just prints a hello message.
2. Compiled both and linked them using LD command using a .ld file available.
Steps followed from get a kernel.bin file which is of ELF format. I've set up a tftp server using tftpd32 tool and created the necessary pxelinux.cfg files.
Now how do i create a bootable kernel image out of the elf file. The steps given in the above website to create an image doesn't help.
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Apr 7, 2010
I want to add some starting information in a file while creation. like if I type vi
will be added automatically.
Somebosy suggest me how to do this ??
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Oct 29, 2010
I would like to start with simple example:
1. Create a "Hello world" executable.
2. Attach files to it.
3. Add the code in in "Hello" executable to extract the files to a custom location.
1st is simple.
For second, above mentioned article suggest that CArchive can be created using Python. It means you can create a CArchive using "hello" executable and other files. How do you do that using Python?
For 3rd, I need more info about the implementation using C.
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Feb 3, 2011
I need to create a user with least permission on the production server. He should only be able to read or execute the files that to be specific. For example: I just need to give him a set of commands to run.Besides those command execution He should be prevented to run any other command and He should not able to create any files(write permission).
How would i proceed about this.
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Nov 19, 2010
How I can tell tar to assign a new creation date to extracted files? Let's say I have an archive filled with old files of varying ages. Upon extraction I want all files to have the same time stamp (that of the time of the extraction).
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Jan 14, 2011
I'm a big fan of the NSLU2-Linux project so I've been doing some developments for this platform for the last three years. In order for the end users to test my applications, I initially created an USB image with everything bundled into it. Then, they only had to download the image and decompress (dd) it into an USB pendrive with capacity equal or greater than 4 GB. The fact is that this has brought me lots of problems in the practice since my Web server hardly accepts long file transfers.
Moreover, flash spaces beyond 4GB are wasted. As result, I'm now considering a different approach as I don't know how to do it. Well, I've thought that I could maybe create an USB disk image only with the root file system partition. Then, the first time a script runs, it creates a home partition and formats it into the rest of the space available in the pendrive. There is maybe some command-line alternative to fdisk without having the user to interact during the format process... ??
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Mar 26, 2010
When I do a "clean" install of Ubuntu 9.10, Step 5 of 7 is when you choose how to partition your hard drive. My Acer Aspire Desktop has 8GB of RAM and a single 160GB SATA hard drive. If I choose to let Ubuntu do the partitioning, only three partitions are created and one of them IS a Swap partition. However, if I choose the second option to manually create my own partition tables, there is NO Swap option listed in the drop-down list of partitions to create!! Why in the world not, considering the importance of this partition and the fact that the first option DOES automatically create it? A second related (I think) is about the Live System Rescue CD and GParted 4.9. When do you use either of these utilities? After all, GParted is included System Rescue CD.
So, if I want and choose to do a manual/advanced partitioning of my hdd, the only time I can see using either utility is after the complete installation of the Ubuntu distro. Yet, choosing to manually partition my hard drive always results in an error or warning message that I haven't created a Swap partition before proceeding to Step 6 of the installation. Well, of course not since the choice isn't even possible. Good grief, what am I supposed to do when I arrive at the step where I am supposed to choose and then create the partitions for my hdd? Choose the first option, which I don't think is wise/good at all, especially with security in mind. Or choose the second option of using a program like GParted at all? It is hard enough for me to choose a partitioning scheme at all, since opinions on how many partitions are needed and what sizes they should be.
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