OpenSUSE :: Automatically Set Shortcuts On New User's Desktop On Account Creation?

Aug 28, 2010

I've used it recreationally in the past but am now attempting to deploy an OpenSUSE LTSP server in my wife's computer lab at her school. really like to make it easy for her to give the kids instructions for the day via a text file/pdf located on the kid's desktop. What I'd like to do since there's 500 kids that she teaches is create a shared folder for each grade that she just drops the assignment instructions into. I'd like to avoid having to add a link manually in each user's /home/*/desktop folder, so is there an easy way to do this?

In case the above isn't clear...
1) Create folder on teacher's desktop that is set to share
2) Create a link on each user's desktop to enable them to access said folder
3) Ideally, all new users will have a specific folder based on which usergroup they belong to (1st grade, 2nd grade, etc

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Ubuntu :: User Account Creation In 10.10(Mav)?

Nov 14, 2010

the OEM account was created when I just installed Maverick (10.10) and now I've changed the password on that account and want to create a daily user account, cannot locate where I can do that.I want to learn Linux badly but am completely in the dark beginner right now.

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General :: Consisten User Account Creation/Maint - Script?

Jan 29, 2010

I would like to create a script for consistent user account creation and maintenance.

Current situation:
Server A
user1:11111:15:USER USER:...
user2:22222:15:USER USER:...
Server B
user1:33333:15:USER USER:..


Now i would like to make uid consistent on all servers for each user. Next time if user1 needs to be created on Server D it should automatically pick the particular uid.

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OpenSUSE Install :: System / Application Account Creation

Apr 25, 2010

I use the Basic System for Co-operative Work (BSCW) to implement a collaboration environment in Apache. In previous versions of SuSE, I had created a BSCW user and group. The UID and GID that I had used is now assigned to some other system/application.Can someone refresh my memory on how to create a UID and GID in the 100-200 range?

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Ubuntu Security :: Set Automatically Log In To A Specific User Account And At The Same Time Lock The Screen?

Jul 6, 2011

Is there a way to set Linux to automatically log in to a specific user account and at the same time lock the screen? I want to save time and trigger various software that always should start up on boot, while leaving the computer unattended during startup (extra important and practical for remote control boots), by enforcing a 'screen lock' so that no-one can see what happens behind the login screen without entering the login credentials.

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Icons Creation And Panel Content Creation After Login Getting Slower

Nov 17, 2010

I've been running 10.04 since September on my new MSi i3 notebook and about two weeks ago I noticed that when I login after system boot, propagation of icons on my desktop and the content of my Panel have become slower and slower.If I logout and login again the propagations are not slow.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache User_dir Mod And Home Directories - Automatically Set When User Account Created?

May 28, 2010

I want to automaticly set the group ownership of user home directories to a group that the user is not part of. This is so that Apache can be part of this group and can access user public HTML directory, but other users are not able to access in any way the files in the users home directory. What I have seen that works manually is adding the user and then changing the group for the home directory. But I want to automatically set this when the user account is created. WHat I see happening is that when /etc/skel is copied, it automatically sets the group and ownership of everything to the users default group and ownership. I've seen some suggestions on setting permissions, but these don't seem to work because it seems that users are able to cd into a directory and not list it, but if they know the file name they can access the file.

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OpenSUSE :: 11.4 Konqueror User Account Bug New Account No Bug

Jul 16, 2011

I have a problem with the Google search box top right corner in Konqueror, when entering search I recieve an error page "Unsupported Protocol" Google asks for ioslave or kioslave. Also when highlighting text on a page and right clicking with the mouse no search option is given. I created a new user and all works as it should for the new user. What is wrong with my user account? I have reset default values in Konqueror setup.

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OpenSUSE :: Ekiga Don't Re-register Automatically A SIP Account

Aug 11, 2010

After timeout is over a SIP account does not register again automaticaly, manualy can be unregistered and registered again. Changing timeout seconds does not make any difference, re-registering does not happen. Is there is a way ekiga can be forced to re-registered itself automaticaly?

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OpenSUSE :: Placing Shortcuts On KDE Desktop?

Nov 14, 2010

I'm running 11.3 KDE 64 bit and I can't figure how to paste files on the desktop. I know there's some setting in KDE to allow dragging files to the desktop. How is it done?

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Fedora :: Non-root User Cannot Launch 'shortcuts' From The File Manager / Plasma Desktop Manager

Aug 3, 2011

Non-root user cannot launch "shortcuts" (sorry I grew up on windows, don't know the right term) from the file manager or plasma desktop manager.They have full permissions to the shortcuts, even ones they create do not work.If I log in with root permissions they work fine

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OpenSUSE :: Unable To Create New User Account?

Mar 25, 2010

i m not able to create new user account to my new install of 11.2 don't know whether it occured due to update problem or some installation failure. when creation a new profile through yast it gives a warning sub-domain not started and quits however a new user get added through cli but with no profile of its own. that user cant log into gui enviroment and when he/she logs through cli it automatically tranfers it profile to "/"(i.e root) i m using kde4.3

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OpenSUSE Install :: Super User Account List

Mar 22, 2011

Yast->Users and Group Administration->set filter: system users.I get a very long list, including an account called "nobody".

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OpenSUSE Install :: User Account Refuses Keyboard Input?

Dec 18, 2009

openSuse v11.1
Linux x86_64
VirtualBox v3.1.0

One user account completely ignores all keyboard input. No other account demonstrates this bizarre behavior. The faulty account has had occasional keyboard difficulty but it has always been related to the Virtual Machines (VirtualBox); the hosting account always functioned correctly.

Then the ban on keyboard input. Poof! "Keyboard? What keyboard? I don't see no stinking keyboard!"

It is not the physical keyboard. Three different hardware exhibit the same fault. It is not the motherboard; two mb's show the same fault. It is only that one account. And I even took the Windows route of re-installing the OS (what a waste of time that was).

If something changed, I am not aware of it (although something must have).

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OpenSUSE Install :: Cannot Log In To Any User Account Including Root After Logging Out In 11.4

Apr 17, 2011

My install of 11.4 has been running perfectly for for several weeks now. But- (always a but) today it started acting up. I cannot log in to any user account including Root after logging out. After a cold boot I can log in again anywhere but after logging out I have to reboot again then I can get back in to any account once. After logging out any attempted log in causes the splash screen to blank for a few seconds and then it comes back with the previous successful user name log in but typing in the password blanks the screen a few seconds again. Clicking on a user account also blanks the screen a few seconds and then it again comes back with the previous log in users name.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Hide User Account In Login Screen?

May 8, 2011

When opensuse boots up and shows the login screen. The login screen shows all configured user accounts to select from.

How would I hide these accounts for opensuse 11.3 with KDE and opensuse 11.4 with LXDE.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Cannot Log In To Normal User Account After Shutting Down The Power

Sep 10, 2011

I cannot log into the normal user account after shutting down the OPENSUSE 11.1 system by cutting off electricity. The system always returns to the login page which requires to choose account id and enter passwd even when I type in correct normal user id and passwd. The root account can be used.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Mobile Broadband - Only Connected In Root, Not User Account?

Dec 30, 2009

I manage to get my mobile broadband working (connected, I mean) in both root & user account. However, my web browser, IM etc only work in root account.In user, knetworkmanager does show that my Huawei E160G is working fine, connected but I still can't surf the net & chat. I've included the dialout & uucp group for user account but that still doesn't resolve the problem

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OpenSUSE :: User Gets Logged Out Automatically In Gnome 3 - 11.4

Jun 16, 2011

I have recently installed Opensuse 11.4 on my desktop. And also upgraded my gnome-2 to gnome-3. Its works nice and I am enjoying it. Only the biggest problem I am facing is, if I lock the screen and leave my desk for couple of hours then user gets logged out automatically. Which is resulting all the documents and applications gets closed. I am unable to work in my desktop now.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Automatically Adding Local User To Xhost List?

Jun 8, 2011

On Ubuntu, the local user is automatically added the xhost list when logging in (via a script in /etc/X11/Xsession.d).

Is there a way to enable this in OpenSUSE?

(My original problem is that I cannot interact with a running X session when loggin in via SSH, since newer GDM versions don't create $HOME/.Xauthority any longer.)

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OpenSUSE :: Plasma Desktop Is Loaded Automatically After KDE 3.5 Has Started?

Aug 22, 2010

I just updated both my KDE 3.5.10 and KDE 4.5 today (OpenSuse 1.11). The problem that I have now is that the Plasma Desktop is loaded automatically after KDE 3.5 has started. So, depending on where I click or what I do, plasma and kdesktop fight for the control of my desktop.

I searched in every corners of my KDE 3.5 --and a bit in KDE 4 since somebody forced kdm4 on me-- but I haven't found who or what starts "plasma-desktop". Definitively not me! I can kill it safely but that's very irritating.

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Ubuntu :: Access User Account 1 Home Directory From User 2 Work Space?

Jun 16, 2011

Do you think there is a way of accessing different user data from another account which I have set up.

Ie. user 1 = account has messed up

user 2 = account works fine

access user account 1 home directory from user 2 work space?

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Server :: Rsync Using Www As User Gives Ssh Error - User Www Not Allowed Because Account Locked

Feb 11, 2011

Apache is run as www as is all the files/folders. People are uploading via FTP, scp, so the problem is if I chmod so everyone can read, then rsync as a user it works until new files are added which then my ; if rsync fails with a permission denied. Now I can add a chmod in the script so everyone can read, but since www can already read, I figured I would just change my script to use www. I added the ssh key to his authorized_keys file, but when I try to just ssh in I see this in the secure file;

server sshd[29539]: User www not allowed because account is locked
sshd[29539]: Failed none for invalid user www from ip port 54983 ssh2

Now I read a few places already saying I need to add a password to the account, etc. but before I jump and try all I read, 1st major one, will this now break apache? Will this affect any startup things, etc. and .... will that unlock that user for ssh in or is there another preferred method?

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General :: User Creation (with Only Read Only Access)

Feb 3, 2011

I need to create a user with least permission on the production server. He should only be able to read or execute the files that to be specific. For example: I just need to give him a set of commands to run.Besides those command execution He should be prevented to run any other command and He should not able to create any files(write permission).

How would i proceed about this.

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Ubuntu :: User Account Control And User Rights Assignment?

Sep 29, 2010

I have a user account which is required to run as part of the operating system and as a service. I am currently attempting to install my companies software on an Ubuntu desktop via wine just for the purpose of finding out if it's do-able.

Is there a way, in Ubuntu, for a user account to be given the local rights assignment to act as part of the operating system and to function as a service in the background?

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Ubuntu :: KDE Desktop Panel Re-creation

Jul 6, 2011

New to the KDE plasma Desktop.I deleted the original desktop panel on my desktop. How do I re-create it. I deleted it when I thought I was deleting (1) of (6) WeatherLCD widgets I put on it not knowing what I was doing.

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OpenSUSE :: Icons In Desktop In Random Positions - Unable To Mount Usb Automatically

Nov 9, 2010

- The icons in my desktop is always changing randomly upon startup
- Evince can't remember the last page i read before quitting
- Unable to mount usb automatically (have to do 'mount /dev/sdc1/ /media/usb' and 'df -h' every startup)

All of these problems happened just recently. I thought they were coming from unresolved packaging but after upgrading and distro-upgrading from packman only, and gnome, the problems still persist. If it helps, here's my zypper lr -d


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Fedora Installation :: F13 User Lost After Creation - Automatic Login

Sep 28, 2010

I have a windows 7 ultimate host machine, installed oracle virtual box on it. Made a iso image to boot fr fedora. All this is fine when the installation is complete, it asks for reboot. Reboot done. Then I went to terminal. Did a SU - root to get into the root. Then I did a firstboot command to enter information. I created a user for myself and at the end rebooted the virtual box.

When it starts up, it does not show my user. It just shows "Automatic Login" and it logs in as Live System User. Even if I try to switch user then it gave me a authentication failure when I enter the credentials of the user which I created. If I try to create users manually using system administration, the user is lost after reboot. I have tried all possible instructed on the net.

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Programming :: Get A Password In A Bash Script For Mysql User Creation?

Apr 25, 2010

I'm trying to get a password in a bash script for mysql user creation. But sometimes a get a non-alphanumeric character(s) in the password, and mysql failes with that. I tryed with apg -EO0Il1`~!@#$%^&*()_+-=[];./{}|:"'<>? but failed. I tryed with sed 's/[^a-zA-Z2-9]//g' , but at that moment the minimum password lenght failed. I'm also fine when there is a better alternative then apg.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Get Root Privileges On User Account Without Using Root Login?

Feb 5, 2011

i am having problems with privileges i have created a new user with my name, but i cant get root privileges on it. i need the same privileges as the root profile.

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