Ubuntu Installation :: Why The File System Creation Fails

Aug 8, 2010

I'm trying to install Ubuntu alongside windows 7 on my machine, and currently I am having difficulty doing so.Upon initial boot of the LiveCD,it says the installer has encountered an unrecognized error and just goes straight to desktop environment. From there, I can restart the installer just fine but here is where the trouble starts.

Currently, I have a 2TB RAID 0 array utilizing 4 500GB Seagate barracuda SATA II drives. The controller is an nForce 780a NVRaid. I currently have two NTFS partitions for windows. One 150GB primary partition for C:, and another 781GB D: for the storage of games, music and movies.When I try to manually setup the partitions in the Ubuntu installer, I do it like this.

- 200MB ext2 primary partition for /boot
- 150GB xfs logical partition for /
- approx 750GB xfs logical partition for /home (You've probably figured out I'm following the same C: and D: scheme as in windows)
- 8192 MB partition for swap

I then proceed with the install. I see the progress bar complete for the boot partition, but then at about 7% for / it stops and gives a message saying partition creation has failed. I even tried using different filesystems like ReiserFS and Ext4. Same thing every time. I am running a 64bit quadcore system BTW if that is of any importance.

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Ubuntu Installation :: File System Creation Fails At 5%?

Jun 16, 2011

net book had some issues with windows, so i had to format its hard drive. i put in the ubuntu live image (usb) (yes i md5summed it, its fine) and i tried installing it using the guided partition (using the whole disk) and i tried setting it up manually, but regardless of what i try, when it attempts to format it to the necessary filesystem, it fails at 5% without fail. even IF i use GParted.

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Ubuntu Installation :: The Ext4 File System Creation Fails On Single Partition (no Raid)

May 14, 2010

I can't seem to get past step 6 of he installation of Ubuntu 10.04. I get the error: The ext4 file system creation failed... on single partition (no raid). I chose ' / ' as the mount point, and have tried with and without a swap drive. I'm installing on a Sony VAIO VGN-NS160D, and the HDD was previously formatted to NTFS. There's no other OS so I don't see any way of getting a command line to try a sudo fdisk..

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Ubuntu Installation :: The Ext4 File System Creation In Partition Failed?

Feb 11, 2011

I have a Dell Mini 9 netbook. The SSD took a dump, so I ordered a Super Talent 16gb replacement. I put it in yesterday, tried to install 10.10 and constantly get errors. The first error, which I haven't had since, was [ERROR 30] Read-only File System. The install obviously failed. Wondering if perhaps the file got messed up in translation, I redownloaded 10.10, reformatted the flash drive (sandisk cruizer 4gb), put 10.10 back on via the program on the Ubuntu site. No luck, but no longer the [error 30]. Tried again using Unetbootin, no luck. Rinse repeat a few times, no errors just a working cursor spinning and spinning and spinning and spinning and.. you get it.

Tried to put WinXP on it just because I was that frustrated, no luck.

Now I'm back to Ubuntu (because let's face it, who wants to deal with Windows, christ they make it so complicated). I'm currently using 10.04 because I was hoping (praying) it might just be a 10.10 thing.

No such luck, now it goes to step 7/7, starts, and 5% of the way thry "creating ext4 file system" it says "the ext4 file system creation in partition #1 (0,0,0)(sda) failed." I have checked the SSD in the Disk Utility, SMART tests are clean. I have gone to terminal and run fdisk and had a smarter person than me look at the copypasta, no errors, I have deleted all existing partitions in gparted and started fresh. I have tried the auto partitioning, I have tried manual, I am going insane. Literally insane. My preschooler thinks I've leaped off the deep end.

Could it be my flash drive? Could the SSD be defective despite the tests coming back clean? What do I need to type into terminal? Is there a way to entirely entirely entirely wipe the SSD to make it fresh-out-the-box clean? I will happily provide whatever you need if it means I can get my husband off my back about this stupid netbook with its stupid tiny keyboard.

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Ubuntu Installation :: KVM Instance Creation Fails On 10.04?

Nov 1, 2010

I'm trying to install a virtual 10.04 image on a 10.04 server host, and the method I used that worked with 9.10 now fails. For example, I try to install with the following virt-install command (as root):

virt-install --name=star3--escience --connect=qemu:///system --ram=3000 --vcpus=1 --disk path=/disk2/images/star3--escience_60GB_Ubunut10-04.qcow2,size=60 --noautoconsole --os-type=linux --os-variant=ubuntulucid --accelerate --cdrom=/home/mc321/ISOs/ubuntu-10.04.1-server-amd64.iso --network=bridge:br0 --vnc


In fact, that XtreemOS iso (a Mandriva derivative) is what I installed successfully as a quest OS on the same machine when it was running 9.10.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error "the File System Creation In Partition 1 Of Sci1 (0,0,0) (sda) Failed"

Sep 6, 2010

I have searched for answer to this question but cannot find one. I am trying to install ubuntu 8.04.2 on my Acer TravelMate 290 but when I get to the install stage I get the error message "the file system creation in partition 1 of sci1 (0,0,0) (sda) failed". I am dedicating the entire HD to ubuntu, no windows and no dual boot.

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Ubuntu :: Get An Error Message That Reads "the Ext4 File System Creation In Partition #1 Of SCSI3 (0,0,0) (sda) Failed?

May 15, 2011

When reinstalling ubuntu 10.04, I get an error message that reads "the ext4 file system creation in partition #1 of SCSI3 (0,0,0) (sda) failled.

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SUSE / Novell :: 11.2 DomU Creation On Lvm Fails

Feb 8, 2010

I got this setup:

- Asus M2N32, Athlon X2, 4G Ram, Raid 5
- dom0 on lvm, boots always
- tried to create a domU using dirinstall
- creating a volume lamp in group VGsys with 5G and ext4
- mount /dev/VGsys/lamp /var/tmp/dirinstall
- yast dirinstall: fails when calling dirinstall_finish
- tried to create a domU using vm-install
- creating a volume lamp2 in group VGsys with 5G and ext4
- vm-install fails too
- tried to make an image on susestudio, successfully, but that does not boot, failing when trying to mount the rood partition
- copied the dom0 image to a domU disk

None of these domU booted sucessfully, all of them showed the following messages:

- kernels used and kotd give same results

I am told to disable scsi subsystem in the kernel, I have compiled a kernel before, but

1) I cannot believe I am the only one having this issue or I miss something truely obvious (then what do I miss, please?)

2) dirinstall and vm-install worked in 11.1, there were issues, but recoverable, why now not in 11.2?

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Ubuntu :: File System For External Drives - Won't Get Corrupted When The Power Fails

Aug 10, 2010

I'm going to reformat my external drives to get rid of the crud that I've built up. (Crud being incremental backups, windows software, and similar things.)(I also want to get rid of the FAT32 file system that they use.) These are USB 1TB drives. The theory is that data is written to it once, but read back a number of times. (I also burn that data to DVD. If there was software that could organize 5TB of data on DVDs, I'd be using them.)

I"m trying to decide whether to use ReiserFS, Ext4, or another file system. Basically, I want something that:

* Won't get corrupted when the power fails;
* Can handle files that are 4+GB in size;
* Uses extends --- preferably without user intervention;

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General :: Red Hat 7.0 Fails At Checking Root File System

Jan 19, 2010

I have a Rad Hat 7.0 old Linux system that crashed due to power failure. On reboot the system goes to Checking Root File System and does 92.5% check and fails.

Here are the error messages I get.

I don't know what to do at this point so I say yes and it goes in some wierd mode.

SO I ran fsck manually but I get an error PARALLEIZING FSCK.

I can't fix the corrupted stuff for the system to reboot. THIS IS VITAL.

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Server :: On Boot The Fsck Of 2TB File-system Fails?

Apr 5, 2010

I have a 2TB file-system and when the machine reboots it fails the fsck, halts and goes into maintenance mode.Stats: I have have RHEL 5, 2.6.18 kernel, the file-system is an ext3. The file-system is on an EMC AX4 connected with fiber channel HBA.So far my reading tells me this should work because under 2.6 4TB is OK. Any ideas why this fails?If I take it out of the fstab file and mount it manually the boot is OK and the file-system behaves well. I can change the fsck check option in the fstab to 0 but I don't think I should have too. Everything I read says that 2TB ext3 file-systems are OK.

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Ubuntu Servers :: File Creation Error On Apache2 .cgi File?

Jan 14, 2011

I am using python as a cgi for a simple game that i'm planning to run on a website. It requires the user to enter his name and age. This is saved in a file newly created in his/her name. However, I'm getting this error The above is a description of an error in a Python program, formatted

63 for a Web browser because the 'cgitb' module was enabled. In case you
64 are not reading this in a Web browser, here is the original traceback:
66 Traceback (most recent call last):
67 File "/var/www/webprog.cgi", line 51, in <module>
68 main()
69 File "/var/www/webprog.cgi", line 44, in main


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Ubuntu :: Desktop Icons Creation And Panel Content Creation After Login Getting Slower

Nov 17, 2010

I've been running 10.04 since September on my new MSi i3 notebook and about two weeks ago I noticed that when I login after system boot, propagation of icons on my desktop and the content of my Panel have become slower and slower.If I logout and login again the propagations are not slow.

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: File System Check Fails On Boot - Device Busy

Jul 20, 2009

The server comes up after rebooting and after setting the hostname it starts setting up logical volume management. It says that 2 logical volume(s) in volume group "VolGroupOO" now active But then it starts to check the file system and errors with fsck.ext3: Device or resource busy while trying to open /dev/sdb1 [failed]

***An error occured during the file system check
***Droppping you to a shell, the system will reboot when you leave the shell
Give root password for maintenace

After I log in with the root I get the message mesg: error tty device is not owned by group 'tty' Can the forum tell me how to troubleshoot this issue so I can boot back up again? I have 2 harddrives in this server and only 1 drive was detected when I first installed CentOS. The error first appeared when I mounted the 2nd drive at the mount point /UserGeneratedData. drive was formatted with ext3 before mounting and did not have any data on it I don't want any software RAID if thats what seems to be going on with "VolGroup00"

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OpenSUSE Install :: System / Application Account Creation

Apr 25, 2010

I use the Basic System for Co-operative Work (BSCW) to implement a collaboration environment in Apache. In previous versions of SuSE, I had created a BSCW user and group. The UID and GID that I had used is now assigned to some other system/application.Can someone refresh my memory on how to create a UID and GID in the 100-200 range?

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Software :: Rebuilt RAID Array With Old Mount Points Present - File System Check Fails On Boot

Dec 2, 2009

I have one hard disk for my root partition and a disk array on a separate mount point. I rebuilt my disk array, but I didn't delete my original mount points beforehand because I was hoping it would just "pick up". So now when I boot up, the OS tells me that the filesytem check fails because it can't find the array to map to the mount point. I know that I need to edit my /etc/fstab and remove the line that defines my mount point on the disk array. But it appears to be read only filesystem when I am in repair mode. I can't force the write with vi.

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Ubuntu Installation :: System / Fails Due To It's Failure Of Identifying The Packet Id?

Sep 1, 2011

Ubuntu has been reporting a System error problem but when it try's send a report to your servers, it fails due to it's failure of identifying the packet id, i honestly have no idea of how to go about fixing this problem or even identifying the packet that's broken, please do help, as now my Apache server's not working properly, and a couple of other programs are getting affected by this, event installing and updating s an issue.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Permissions Upon File Creation?

Feb 8, 2011

Is ACL the best way to ensure the permissions of newly created files? Basically I have a directory: /data/department

I've done chmod g+s on it so the group is correct on new files but I want new files to also have 775 permissions so the rest of the group can access these files fully. Currently they are created with the default 755 (which I want still every where out side of /data/department ).

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Ubuntu :: Changing Default File Rights On Creation?

Feb 17, 2011

My problem is that I want newly created files to be 775 but they are 644 according to ls -l tho user that created can still write to file while other user in same group can't.

Current umask is 002.

Can't findout how to get newly created files to be 775. What should i do make all new files created by a user to be 775?

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Debian Installation :: System Going Down - Install Fails Every Time

Apr 27, 2015

When I try to install Debian 8 on my laptop I get this rather odd error. The install fails every time. I've managed to get as far as choosing which Desktop Environment I want and the shortly after it shuts off. It shows 4 messages

Code: Select allSystem is going down!
Sending Termsignal
Sending Killsignal
Requesting Machine Poweroff

The machine I'm trying to install on is a Gateway NV53, 4gb of RAM, AMD Athlon II x64.

At first I thought it might be my disc so I burnt another DVD using the 4.3GB DVD image I had downloaded. I checked the disc and it verified with the image and so I tried again with the same results as above. Any clue what might be causing this? I'm sure it isn't my hardware, Arch has been running fine for almost 6 months and never seemed to care.

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OpenSUSE Install :: System Reboot Fails During 11.3 Installation

Aug 3, 2010

I am trying to update my OS from Opensuse 11.2 to 11.3 using the installation DVD (checked OK). Everything is OK during the installation process until the message "System is going to reboot" is displayed with a countdown : when the countdown is finished, the screen becomes black and the screensaver starts, but the system does not reboot. When I reboot manually, after selecting "Opensuse 11.3 desktop" on the first menu, the screen becomes black and the screensaver starts.

So the installation seems incomplete and I do not know how to finalize it. When I select the failsafe option on the first menu, it seems to work but some behaviours are quite "strange"... When I choose update instead of installation at the beginning, the behaviour is the same.

I do not know if it is linked but the firmware tests started from the installation DVD show the following errors :

Memory tests are OK.

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Fedora Installation :: 15 Installation Fails With Grub Error - File Not Found

May 24, 2011

Ive installed about 50+ boxes with ubuntu/mint/fedora/etc but f15 is giving me a real headache...

I tried a fresh install over f14 with this drive (sdb, sda is my backup disk)

Installed obviously in part7

After rebooting (successful copied live image on hdd)


After another couple of installs (with lvm & w/o lvm) & even disconnecting the second harddrive -> same issue

Typing 'ls' in the rescue grub prompt returns


Cant 'ls /' into a single them - unknown filesystem (grub is installed in mbr of sdb) 'linux rescue' (wanted to try manual grub installation) command didnt work either.

Now again on fedora 14, same installation procedure, works fine. (and i wont bother doing a full distro upgrade from f14)

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Fedora :: Allow All Users On Creation Of A File?

Jul 15, 2009

I want to automatically allow all users read execute or write permissions on everything created by a specific user, is this possible? For example user Wendy creates an office doc, saves it on a shared folder. Then another user (usually windows log into this folder and wants to edit this file and cannot. I know I can edit the permissions on this particular doc to allow all users, but I want this to happen by default so I don.t have to keep changing permission on each doc....

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SUSE :: File Creation For Web Application?

Dec 2, 2010

Am using apache and php to build a web application and am trying to create the file outside my working directory but its not creating Anybody knows what is the solution for this

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Fedora :: CIFS Bad Performance On File Creation?

Sep 28, 2010

I am experiencing poor performance when using cifs share.Such poor performance occur only in the creation of files on the share but not in the rewrite.This is what i do:

#mount -t cifs -o guest,user=<user> // /mnt/winshare/
# time dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/winshare/b.avi bs=1024 count=10000


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General :: Create File With 751 Permissions At Creation

Apr 5, 2011

I keep creating practice perl scripts in a linux directory using vi <filename> and need to chmod 751 <filename> before I can run it as I wish to. I'm sure there is a simple way to default my permissions or config them at creation, but I'm not familiar with it ayuda me por favor.

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General :: Extract The File Creation Time?

Nov 23, 2010

I want to extract the file creation time. How to get it. I am using fedora core 4

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General :: Add Some Starting Information In A File While Creation?

Apr 7, 2010

I want to add some starting information in a file while creation. like if I type vi test.sh

will be added automatically.

Somebosy suggest me how to do this ??

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CentOS 5 :: Allowing TFTP File Creation?

Aug 4, 2010

Is there a trick to allowing a TFTP connection to create a file? I can successfully tftfp (from a cisco router) if I touch the file first, but otherwise, (/tftpboot has been chmoded to 777) I get [TFTP: error code 2 received - 20334]

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Debian Installation :: USB Stick Install Fails - Missing Operating System

Nov 18, 2014

I want to try Debian on my Asus Eee netbook and I'm trying to follow the instructions in URL... But just copying the ISO file to the USB drive then trying to boot from it doesn't seem to work. I just get "Missing operating system".

The Eee can use an external optical drive as well but that failed also. I'm sure I need to do more to prepare the USB drive or CD? Can I prepare the USB Drive or CD on my Windows system, and make it boot on the netbook (which has another Linux distro on it now)?

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