Ubuntu :: Delay A Script Command Until Network Connected?

Mar 20, 2011

I have a script with a command that requires a network connection.
It worked fine with an ethernet connection but on changing to a wireless one, its stopped working.

Question: how can I delay a script command until the network is connected?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Which Command Can Check If Network Card Is Connected With Media

Nov 26, 2009

Suppose that it is not convenient to go behind a machine to have a look.So I want to use a command to show whether the cable is plugged into network card. (Media connected or not)Can ifconfig do this? Or another one?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Delay Before Command Execution?

Jan 8, 2010

Problem started after installing a new firewall in my network. originally after installing the firewall there would be a 10 second delay after entering a command before it was processed, the command would be executed however there would be an error, i forget what it said, something about not being able to resolve my domain name (and it would give my domain name). i realized this was a problem with my NAT, so i configured DNS forwarding on my firewall so that any attempt to access my server using my domain name from inside the network would point back at my server. after setting up the DNS forwarding i no longer receive the error about my domain name being unreachable, however there is approximately a 30s delay between entering a command and its execution.

the problem is hardly critical i do not see any more serious problems, it is just a pain to do any work when every time i try to do something i have to wait for it to execute.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Post-GRUB 2 Delay - Troubleshoot This And Determine What Is Causing The Delay

May 11, 2011

After GRUB 2 comes up (I'm running Ubuntu 10.10) and I choose the OS to boot, there is about a 5 second delay where nothing appears to happen after I make the selection -- no disk activity. It happens consistently every time I boot. Again, this is after I choose the OS to boot, so it shouldn't have anything to do with the standard delay to allow me to choose the appropriate OS.Is there a good way to troubleshoot this and determine what is causing the delay?

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Debian :: Running Command After Delay (On Login)?

Mar 13, 2011

I want to run a command on startup (Via startup applications) that has to wait for another program to run first.I don't seem to be able to use sleep to delay the command as it is stored in a .desktop file.How do I make it run later, preferably without having to create a script just for this one command.Also, how do I make the system start with compiz? Change "/desktop/gnome/session/required_components/windowmanager" ? Or do it the clean way by (Somehow) configuring gnome to use compiz?

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Fedora :: F12: Ten-second 'DNS' Delay For Command-line Apps?

Dec 15, 2009

I'm experiencing a peculiar problem with Fedora 12. There is a ten-second delay when various command-line applications (e.g. ssh, wget) connect to remote machines for the first time. The delay is also seen when the remote machine name does not exist.Subsequent connections to the same remote machine are immediate.This isn't a DNS delay - the host and dig commands return immediately, for both existing and non-existant hostnames. It's not a reverse DNS lookup by the remote machine either: other Fedora 10 machines do not experience this delay and neither did my two Fedora 12 machines when they were running Fedora 10.

time this was something to do with nscd, the name service caching daemon. Stopping nscd changes the delay to five seconds, but subsequent connections are no longer immediate - there is again a 5 second delay. This implies that nscd is caching the names correctly.The delays are always precisely 10 seconds, or 5 seconds when nscd is not running. I have confirmed this with the time command. There appears to be no odd network traffic (tested with tcpdump) and nscd appears to be running normally. I've confirmed this with a Fedora 12 live CD as well - nscd is not started at boot, but once started, the machine behaves in exactly the way described above.

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Software :: NS2.27 (Delay Tolerant Network)

Mar 12, 2011

Instructions for installing ns-allinone ns2-version 2.27 to the network can be simulated DTN (delay tolerant network).

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Networking :: Ubuntu 10.04 Delay Mounting Network Shares In Fstab?

Jun 14, 2010

Using Xubuntu 10.04 to connect to some Windows XP shares by adding lines to fstab. The network shares are not mounted at boot, but can be mounted from the command line, after the OS has booted and everything is up. I am suspecting the network isn't up yet, when fstab is processed. I tried adding the option "_netdev" to the relevant network share lines in fstab, but the shares still don't mount automatically at boot up. I read that this option only works for NFS and I am using CIFS. Can someone confirm that _netdev only works for NFS ?

I've seen solutions involving running a mount script after the OS is fully loaded, or running a cron job to periodically check the status of the share and mount if needed. Good workaround but doesn't address the root cause. Is there any other way (besides the _netdev option) to delay mounting of network shares that appear in fstab until the network interface is up ?

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Debian :: Delay Init.d Script Until Network Filesystem Is Available?

Oct 27, 2010

I'm having some difficulty starting a service from an init.d script. It relies on the availability of a network filesystem (glusterfs) which is mounted from fstab. The service starts before the filesystem is up, and crashes.I've tried adding "# Required-Start: remote_fs" to the service init.d script, and delaying it by changing the ordering with "update-rc.d service defaults 90", but neither seems to work. If I add a "sleep 10" to the script, that works, but it feels wrong.Is there some way to get the ordering right? To delay starting the service until after everything in fstab is ready to g

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General :: Networking - Network Card - Connected To Network - Given Access Point - No Connection?

Apr 3, 2010

I installed the driver for my network card. iwconfig and ifconfig are all responsive to connecting to the network, I'm given an access point address. Then, I try to connect to a website and no dice. ping www.google.com yields no result. What gives?

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Debian :: NetworkManager Applet Shows No Network While Connected - Wired Network Device Not Managed

Oct 30, 2010

I'm running Squeeze and I'm looking 3 days now for a solution in some weird problem. The NetworkManager Applet shows that there isn't connection although I am connected. The icon has this small "x" and when mouseover it says "No network conncection". Moreover when left clicking it, it says

"Wired Network Device not managed"

While I was looking for the solution a came across this post by an Ubuntu developer who says:network-manager-applet displays the connectivity state of network-manager's managed interfaces not every interface. So the title "network manager says disconnected but is connected and working" is actually misleading. The interface is connected and working but not from network-manager's point of view since it is not managing the interface. Additionally, in Lucid now network-manager applet displays nothing now for non-managed interfaces so is less misleading. You can check to see whether or not an interface is managed by network-manager by using the command line too nm-tool. You'll see "State: unmanaged" for unmanaged interfaces.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Connected To Internet And Also Connected Pcs Might Want To Use Internet?

Aug 21, 2010

I want to set a up a network of inter connected pcs, for example on pc A linux is installed.now pcs B, C , D, etc should connect to A and do there work, for example A want to do C/C++, development, whereas B wants to do some PERL development or whatever, this is just an example, 2 different pc users might do same work also, and the connecting pcs may have Windows or linux or bsd.OSes now what h/w or s/w is required and what steps are required to set up this network, main pc would be connected to internet and also connected pcs might want to use internet also..have installed opensuse edulife , and use this as PC A for testing.. and I use bridged dsl Broadband connection to connect to internet , by the username and password provided by the ISP, in windows its easy to setup this connection, however not able to do on linux,

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Is Not Connected To A Network

Mar 9, 2010

I just got Kubuntu loaded on my system, and this seems to be the closest forum for it. I have two simple questions:

1) What types of packages does Kubuntu use for installing programs and what's the package manager's name? (I don't remember from when I played with it last)

2) My desktop is not connected to a network (yet), so once I download the programs from a different computer and get them onto the desktop, how exactly do I get the programs loaded? I'm unsure if I can use the package manager to deal with files, or if it needs to pull from its own site.

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Ubuntu :: Connected To Wireless Network But No Internet?

Mar 2, 2010

I have a compaq cq40-133tu laptop. I have windows vista ultimate and ubuntu 9.10 parallely installed. Most of the time i use Ubuntu for programming purpose. But for internet connection i have to go to windows. This is because ubuntu is getting connected to the network but is unable to access internet, whereas the windows can. I want to totally abandon windows. Recently i got internet connection in ubuntu for just 15 minutes or so when i ticked the option AVAILABLE TO ALL USERS. but after that the same story continues and iam not able to access internet. Details about Internet connection: This is not my connection, these signals come from nearby building. Its a wifi open public network.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connected To Network But No Internet / Get That?

Feb 24, 2011

On the 25th of January, one of my computers randomly stopped being able to connect to the Internet. It was running a dual boot (Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS & Windows XP SP2), and is connected to the network via an ethernet cable (no wireless). According to the Network Manager, everything is working okay (there was no change from when I was able to access the Internet).

When I would use Firefox, I would get the message "Waiting for (page)...". However, this is not a Firefox only problem, as every program requiring Internet access (e.g. Evolution) is unable to connect to the Internet.

I compared the Internet settings to those of my father's Windows XP SP1 computer, which is able to connect to the Internet. There was no difference, except for the IP Address and Hardware Address. Because of this, I incorrectly deduced that either the actual Ethernet cable or the wall plug was faulty. I tried using a different cable and connecting to the Ethernet wall plug used by the aforementioned computer. Nothing changed. I was still unable to connect.

I didn't worry about it until Tuesday, when my other computer had exactly the same problem. It is running a triple boot between Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS, Ubuntu 9.04 and Windows XP SP2, and I am unable to obtain Internet access using any partition. As with the previous case, my computer showed no change in the Internet settings, and the computer also shows it as being connected to the network. It is also connected via an Ethernet cable.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.10 Connected To Network But No Internet

Mar 13, 2011

I have a Toshiba Satellite L505D-GS6000, and I installed Ubuntu before and it worked flawlessly until I decided that I had to go back to Win7 because of certain program compatibility issues.I'm back here trying to set it up and am having no issues except for with my wireless. I can see all of the SSID's, I am able to connect to my wireless, and it displays that I have been assigned an IP and all of the other settings given by DHCP.

I have been trying to fix this for hours, googled, searched these forums, and have spent time with some people on the Ubuntu IRC channel and we are unable to come up with a fix.

Print out of sudo lshw -C network:


description: Wireless interface
product: RTL8191SEvB Wireless LAN Controller
vendor: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.


The strange thing is that although nothing will load when I try to visit facebook.com, google.com, or any other website... I opened the update manager and I noticed that it would download for 30ish seconds, stop and do nothing for 60ish seconds, resume for another 30, stop, resume, etc. until it finished. I am able to ping my router, and, but I am unable to ping [URL].

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Ubuntu Networking :: Loopback Won't Work When Not Connected To Any Network?

May 6, 2010

I'm using Wordpress on Apache localy to keep a diary (it's convenient because of the tags).
When I'm connected to any network (be it wired or wireless) my Apache (and Wordpress, of course) works just fine. But as soon as I go offline, I can't access the web server neither through browser nor by telneting to the 80th port. Pinging localhost works just fine.Here is my ifconfig when offline and when online:Online:

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:24:54:6f:07:aa


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Ubuntu :: Home Folder Disappear When Connected To Network

May 28, 2010

I recently upgraded to ubuntu10.04 LTS via update manager. Previous version was 10.04 beta. After upgrading I am facing very strange problem.

1) If I start my laptop with network connection then all the folder under /home get disappear. When I do ls -l /home it says no folder found. As all the folder under home is disappearing it is giving so many errors when I login and as a result of this I am not able to start the gnome UI.
I tried to mkdir under home and it says cannot create directory.
I tried with root login but same error.

2) But it if I start my laptop without any network connection then I am able to see all the folders under /home and able to login successfully without any error.
I tried to mkdir under home and it was successfully.

3) I also tried this option, first start the laptop without any network connection and login successfully ( Able to see all folder under /home) but as soon as I plug the network cable and once it is connected all folder under /home disappear and system starts failing.

How to recover that user as I am having that user since ubuntu8.04 and lots of data and customization is there. My previous 10.04 beta version was working perfectly.

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Ubuntu Servers :: 10.4 Needs Connected To Local Network And Internet?

Jul 2, 2010

I jsut installed 10.4 Server. I want to hook it to the network. I want to hook up through wlan0. my router is WPA and is my DHCP.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Ping Localhost When Not Connected To Network

Jul 8, 2010

I'm having trouble pinging localhost, specifically, pinging localhost when I'm not connected to a network. When I try it keeps telling me the operation is not permitted:


matt@mubuntu:~$ ping localhost
PING localhost ( 56(84) bytes of data.
ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted
ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted

if I connect to the network, start pinging then disconnect it continues pinging. Google seems to think it could be something to do with my iptables setup:


matt@mubuntu:~$ sudo iptables -L
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination


When not connected to network


matt@mubuntu:~$ route -n
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface U 0 0 0 lo

But as far as I can tell there isn't anything in there which would stop me connecting to the localhost (I also can't connect to my local apache instance when offline)... (It's worth mentioning that a couple of weeks ago I had the pc setup to share it's internet connection with a laptop, ala this guide, however I've since disabled the iptables rules and disabled ip forwarding.)

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Network Detected But Not Getting Connected

Aug 15, 2010

I've installed Ubuntu 10.04 32 bit version(dual OS) on my 64 bit Pentium core2 duo 2.2GHz processor. Everything seems to be working fine except it's not getting connected to wireless network, although it's detected the network .It was working fine(got connected to wireless network) when I had installed the same OS via virtual machine.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.10: Connected To My Wireless Network, But No Internet?

Nov 9, 2010

I upgraded to 10.10 the day it came out, and haven't had any problems with internet stuff. My wireless card works without any proprietary drivers. Last night, the computer stopped connecting to the internet. I am still connected to my wifi network, but I can't do anything online. I had assumed that my internet connection was just down in general, and tried resetting the computer, shutting down the computer and then turning it on again, and rebooting the modem, but then my Xbox connected, and my laptop running 10.04 connected, so I'm confused as to what is going in. Any ideas?

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Ubuntu :: Connected To Wireless Network But Pages Does Not Load

Jul 20, 2011

I just installed 11.04 on my Samsung n130.

It does connect to the router, but when I open a page it does not load it...

It works ok with the ethernet cable.

Edit: after restoring from sleeping mode, it does not see any wireless network, I have to reboot.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Auto Eth0 Connected But No Network

Jul 21, 2011

I am using BSNL broadband ISP and I am able to get network on windows os but not on my ubuntu.( I have a dual boot). I see Auto eth0 connected from the notification but when i am pinging [URL]... it says unknown host.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Printing To Network Printer Connected To Mac

Aug 8, 2011

I've run into issue on my Linux machine (running 10.04) when I want to print. When I go to System>Administration> Printing, I cannot find the printer connected to the network through my dad's computer, running OS X 10.7.

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Networking :: "ping" Shows Different Delay From Two Computer On The Same Network?

Jul 20, 2010

I am using "ping" on 2 computers on the same wifi network.One of them shows a bigger delay than the other consistently.I am trying to find out what may be the problem.. Can someone suggesta way to investigate this issue or isolate the problem?Both of them sending "ping" at almost the same time.First laptop (much newer laptop model)

PING www.l.google.com ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=48 time=1011 ms


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Fedora Servers :: PC Connected To Network / But Can't See Other PCs Or Mac

Jan 11, 2011

I just loaded F14 and want to use it as a file server. Not even certain where to get started. PC connected to the network, but can't see other PCs or Mac. thoughts?

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Ubuntu :: Print On A Toshiba 2820c Which Is Connected To The Local Network?

Jan 12, 2010

I just came up with Linux/Xubuntu so I hope you I hope you'll excuse my "noobishness". I've Xubuntu 9.04 running on a laptop along with cups 1.3.9. I'd like to print on a toshiba 2820c which is connected to the local network. I tried to install it via localhost:631 what seemed to be working quite well since the toshiba is automatically detected and the driver (according to the printers manuel it's the same as for the 4520c) is already included. So I finish the installation and whenever I try to print something I am told that the job is sent and done but the printer doesn't even realise, that there was somebody trying to print something, at least there is nothing in the logs. I also tried to use the ppd-file from the toshiba-support but it failed again.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Network Connected, But No Internet Access?

Mar 24, 2010

Background infoMy laptop (MySN MG6.c) is dual-booted with Windows 7 and Ubuntu 9.10, and connected to the internet through a router (Digitus DN-11004-O), which is set-up to use DHCP. The internet connection works fine under Windows, and my previous laptop, which also ran Ubuntu 9.10, had no problems connecting to the internet through that router.The network adapter is an Atheros AR8131 PCI-E (also detected as Attansic under Ubuntu)stem infoResults from running various diagnostics (I have removed the output that relate to the wireless connection, as I don't use it):

$ uname -a
Linux valyria 2.6.31-14-generic-pae #48-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 16 15:22:42 UTC 2009 i686


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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Does Not Work (gets Connected To Network Successfully)

Jun 10, 2010

I just upgraded to 10.04 from 9.10 and I ran into few issues.

Laptop - Dell Vostro 1520
OS - Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit

Issue - My wifi connects to the network properly and shows connection established. But I am not able to browse. I tried ping and I didn't got any response. But I was able to get response when I use ethernet (wired connection) and I am able to browse. No issues with wifi card as my wifi is working properly from Windows and with the same network. I did a complete update again before posting this and it is yet to be resolved. Here are the output of some commonly asked outputs with wifi enabled and connected:

1. sudo lshw -C network


description: Ethernet interface
product: RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller
vendor: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.


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