Debian :: Running Command After Delay (On Login)?

Mar 13, 2011

I want to run a command on startup (Via startup applications) that has to wait for another program to run first.I don't seem to be able to use sleep to delay the command as it is stored in a .desktop file.How do I make it run later, preferably without having to create a script just for this one command.Also, how do I make the system start with compiz? Change "/desktop/gnome/session/required_components/windowmanager" ? Or do it the clean way by (Somehow) configuring gnome to use compiz?

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Debian Multimedia :: Xdm Long Delay Before Login

Jan 26, 2016

Im experiencing a long delay before the gdm login screen appears in debian jessie with kernel 4.4 and also with the distro kernel 3.16

there in the Xorg.log
Code: Select allX.Org X Server 1.16.4
Release Date: 2014-12-20
[    22.516] X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
[    22.516] Build Operating System: Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 x86_64 Debian


they claim to have fixed the issue after kernel 3.4 so i must have some missconfiguration causing this loop.

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Debian Configuration :: OpenSSH - Sshd Returns Login Prompt With Delay

Jul 11, 2011

On a Debian 5.0.8 I have a problem with OpenSSH server (sshd): when connecting to it from another host there is always a 10 seconds delay before sshd gives login prompt to the client. After the connection is established the communication goes on without any interruption. This long delay started to happen a few months ago and sshd_config was not changed at that time.

Here is a short description of the conversation between the putty client (on MS Windows) and sshd:
- putty client starts connection to sshd
- 10 s delay
- sshd returns "login as:"
- user types username in putty window
- sshd returns "password:"
- user types password in putty window
- sshd returns MotD and shell prompt

Here is a short description of the conversation between the OpenSSH client (on a Debian 6) and sshd:
- client does "ssh"
- 10 s delay
- sshd returns "Password:"
- user types password
- sshd returns MotD and shell prompt

I tried connecting from:
- local host - NO DELAY
- a host on the same subnet - delay exists
- a host on another subnet - delay exists

I've found the following suggestions but to no avail (of course I restarted sshd after changing its configuration):
- on server put "UseDNS no" at the end of /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- in /etc/hosts on the server define mappings between IP addresses and host names for the ssh clients
- on client use "GSSAPIAuthentication no" in /etc/ssh/ssh_config

Here are some logs and configurations:

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Login Delay - Receive 30 To 40 Seconds Lag

Sep 15, 2010

When I log into my ubuntu 10.04 after booting my computer, I receive a 30-40 second lag before I can actually log in. During this lag, I can move the cursor and the login background is shown, but the computer seems to be doing nothing. It is as if there is a sleep command before I even log in. I am using a Sager 2096 computer but I got this computer for free and it did not come with the specs. I had installed a 64-bit version of Ubuntu because this computer has a 64-bit architecture. However, whenever I install software, it always has to install the x86 version because the x64 is "not supported." Perhaps I have a mix of 32 and 64 bit programs and that is what is screwing it up?

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Security :: Failed Login Delay Parameter

Apr 27, 2010

Does anyone know a method for setting the timeout period for failed logins on Linux RHEL5.x systems? Linux docs say to set the failed login delay paramter in /etc/login.defs to the desired seconds. I did this, but the settings have no effect, ie weather set to 2,4,10, etc, the actuall failed login timeout period(which I verified with a stopwatch), never changes.

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Debian :: Running A Script On Login?

Jun 7, 2011

How can I have it so a script can run as soon as a user logs on with gdm?

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General :: Eliminate Ssh Login Delay Without Touching Sshd?

Mar 11, 2011

Whenever I login to a certain server using SSH I get a very long delay before a prompt appears. Everything I looked up on this issue says that it's a DNS issue and that I should disable reverse DNS lookups on the server.

But, the remote server is a shared webhosting server. I e-mailed the sysadmins but they say they have no DNS issue and that they won't change the server configuration. So, how can I fix this issue from my side (client side)? I have a static IP address and a hostname that points to it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Login Delay After Lucid Upgrade

Apr 30, 2010

Right after I type in my username and password and hear the usual login sound I have to wait about 15 to 20 seconds to get the X desktop. The system load average monitor is at its max and starts to become lower.If I log out and in again I dont get that delay. It only happens with logging in after a reboot/power on.I tried to open a console (Ctrl+Alt+F1) before I log in, move back to X and login then jump to console and use htop to see what's eating up my resources during that time with no luck. Everything seems to be normal.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Delay In Startup / Ffy1 Login To Start GUI

Dec 29, 2010

I've recently installed ubuntu 10.10 again and when I boot it starts in ffy1 console, in which I need to login.After the login in console version it will display the error after this it takes ~30 seconds till the normal graphical login screen I've searching the forum about this problem but haven't encountered the solution anywhere nor the problem itself.And yes I do see the disk errors but that would be during the login on the graphical screen.

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Fedora :: F12: Ten-second 'DNS' Delay For Command-line Apps?

Dec 15, 2009

I'm experiencing a peculiar problem with Fedora 12. There is a ten-second delay when various command-line applications (e.g. ssh, wget) connect to remote machines for the first time. The delay is also seen when the remote machine name does not exist.Subsequent connections to the same remote machine are immediate.This isn't a DNS delay - the host and dig commands return immediately, for both existing and non-existant hostnames. It's not a reverse DNS lookup by the remote machine either: other Fedora 10 machines do not experience this delay and neither did my two Fedora 12 machines when they were running Fedora 10.

time this was something to do with nscd, the name service caching daemon. Stopping nscd changes the delay to five seconds, but subsequent connections are no longer immediate - there is again a 5 second delay. This implies that nscd is caching the names correctly.The delays are always precisely 10 seconds, or 5 seconds when nscd is not running. I have confirmed this with the time command. There appears to be no odd network traffic (tested with tcpdump) and nscd appears to be running normally. I've confirmed this with a Fedora 12 live CD as well - nscd is not started at boot, but once started, the machine behaves in exactly the way described above.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Delay Before Command Execution?

Jan 8, 2010

Problem started after installing a new firewall in my network. originally after installing the firewall there would be a 10 second delay after entering a command before it was processed, the command would be executed however there would be an error, i forget what it said, something about not being able to resolve my domain name (and it would give my domain name). i realized this was a problem with my NAT, so i configured DNS forwarding on my firewall so that any attempt to access my server using my domain name from inside the network would point back at my server. after setting up the DNS forwarding i no longer receive the error about my domain name being unreachable, however there is approximately a 30s delay between entering a command and its execution.

the problem is hardly critical i do not see any more serious problems, it is just a pain to do any work when every time i try to do something i have to wait for it to execute.

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Ubuntu :: Delay A Script Command Until Network Connected?

Mar 20, 2011

I have a script with a command that requires a network connection.
It worked fine with an ethernet connection but on changing to a wireless one, its stopped working.

Question: how can I delay a script command until the network is connected?

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Debian :: Running Apt-setup But The Command Isn't Recognised?

Jul 12, 2011

apt-get install startxwould sort this out but no joy. I don't seem to actually be able to get anything using apt-getI've tried running apt-setup but the command isn't recognised.I'm sure I'm connected up to the internet (I'm using a wired connection I run dhclient eth0 and check with ifconfig and eth0 seems all happy and connected up). I'm also trying to install mpg321 or mpg123 as it would be nice to have some tunes but I get the same "package not found" error message

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Ubuntu Installation :: Post-GRUB 2 Delay - Troubleshoot This And Determine What Is Causing The Delay

May 11, 2011

After GRUB 2 comes up (I'm running Ubuntu 10.10) and I choose the OS to boot, there is about a 5 second delay where nothing appears to happen after I make the selection -- no disk activity. It happens consistently every time I boot. Again, this is after I choose the OS to boot, so it shouldn't have anything to do with the standard delay to allow me to choose the appropriate OS.Is there a good way to troubleshoot this and determine what is causing the delay?

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Debian :: Monitor Running Process And Execute A Command When Change?

Jan 31, 2010

I want to monitor the process running and execute a command if some new process start. For example send a mail if any new process start.

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Debian Configuration :: Can't Login With New User (useradd Command)

Sep 5, 2015

I created a new user with command useradd (as root) :

Code: Select alluseradd razer123

And then set a password with command passwd (as root):

Code: Select allpasswd razer123
No Error!

When I logged out and tried to login with new user, I coulden't! (even after restart!)

I looked into /etc/passwd :

Code: Select allcat /etc/passwd | grep razer123


Code: Select allrazer123:x:1002:1002::/home/razer123:/bin/bash

There is no home folder in the path!

# I have debian 8 and MATE desktop.

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Debian Multimedia :: Command Line Login To 8.0 64bit Gnome Classical?

Nov 12, 2015

debian 8 64bit
gnome classical gui
user is dd
psswd is word
adm psswd is adword
unlock crypt psswd is crypto

This is how I start debian. I can choose between debian gnulinux and advanced options. I select debian.

Then 'please unlock crypt' shoIws. I enter 'crypto'.

Then debian gui login screen shows. I enter 'dd' and 'word'.

Debian 8 gnome classical starts.

Can I login to debian 8 gnome classical by entering 'dd' and 'word' in a command line?

I do not want to login by debian gui login screen. But by command line.

If I select advanced options. Then recovery mode, I can get a command line. If I can login there, then I do not know how to.

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Ubuntu :: Long Delay Between "pink Screen" And Login Dialog

Aug 5, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu Lucid Lynx (kernel 2.6.31-24). After booting, when the "pink screen" comes up, the login dialog doesn't appear for about a minute, and the KB and mouse are frozen. It takes another 30 seconds before the KB and mouse unfreeze and I can type in my password.

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Debian :: SSH Password Prompt Delay In Lenny

Feb 22, 2010

Before upgrading to Lenny there was no noticeable delay between entering a username & the prompt for a password when logging in via ssh. Now there is about a 5-second delay which is rather annoying. There is no delay when logging in through the Gnome UI. Anyone know why the delay is there? Is it something about ssh under Lenny? Is there a setting that can be changed?

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Debian :: Delay Mediatomb Services Start

Mar 4, 2015

I have moved from a raspberry pi to an olimex LIME A20. I have managed to get everything working correctly except mediatomb. I have a USB drive attached, I believe that mediatomb is trying to read the drive before it's mounted leaving me with an empty database.

After boot I can create the mediatomb database which works until I reboot the computer. What can I try to delay the mediatomb services start?

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Debian :: Server Delay To Execute Commands?

Sep 1, 2010

I have debian lenny, when I run an application is slow to load (example: iceweacel open and it takes, I can hold him iceweacel work normally), I tried to change from gnome to another and the same thing, went down some services (samba, squid) and nothing. I open a terminal and it takes, I want to duplicate it and do it fast. From a terminal without X (tty1) with root run mc and moves quickly, also run as root "sudo mc" and takes to boot.Any action done with sudo it takes to run.Can not be what it takes to make starting the applications, not the PC because it is new, and from one moment to another I began to pass this

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Debian :: Slight Delay In Root Terminal (inside X)

Jan 26, 2011

When I'm in OpenBox, I often have a termianl (lxterminal) open in the background. The terminals responds quickly when logged in as my standard user. If I, however, use su to switch to root, there's about a 2 or 3 second delay on the output for any command I type. This delay goes away if I type another character or tap the spacebar. That input is read as normal -- I've accidentally answered 'y' to prompts before.

My machine is an ASUS Eee PC 1001P (1GB of RAM, Atom 450) with an 40GB Intel SSD.

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Debian :: Instant Menus Required - How To Remove Delay

Mar 22, 2011

The applications menu editor allows the editing of the menu though not it's settings so how do I remove the menu delay? I want instant menus.

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Debian Multimedia :: Shutdown Delay Time - How To Change It

Jan 18, 2015

I have Linux debian 7.7.0 i386-amd64 under VBox 4.3.20 and here is the problem:::

When I open the menu from Linux's top-right corner and click SHUT DOWN..., it shows the dialog with choices, and that Linux guest will automatically shutdown after 60 seconds and I need to change that delay value to 3 seconds. Of course I could just re-click Shut Down -button again, but I don't want to do it. Period.

By Googling I found these "instructions" for UBUNTU:

None of this worked on my 13.04 system. In the end I re-compiled gnome-session.

In gsm_shell.c and gsm_logout_dialog.c change #define AUTOMATIC_ACTION_TIMEOUT from 60 to 5

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Debian :: Delay Init.d Script Until Network Filesystem Is Available?

Oct 27, 2010

I'm having some difficulty starting a service from an init.d script. It relies on the availability of a network filesystem (glusterfs) which is mounted from fstab. The service starts before the filesystem is up, and crashes.I've tried adding "# Required-Start: remote_fs" to the service init.d script, and delaying it by changing the ordering with "update-rc.d service defaults 90", but neither seems to work. If I add a "sleep 10" to the script, that works, but it feels wrong.Is there some way to get the ordering right? To delay starting the service until after everything in fstab is ready to g

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Debian Configuration :: Running Command "lvcreate" Failed ?

Mar 5, 2011

I follow the guide at the ink [url] to build xen on Debian squeeze.

At the step

I get the following error message.

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Server :: Running A Command On A Remote Server Asks For Password (debian)

Jul 8, 2011

I am not seeing what i am doing wrong here, but here goes:

From my server I need to run a command for backup on 25 remote servers (through a script). Now I have pushed the public keys for remote ssh connectivity on all of them and it works ( I can push files using rsync without the need to enter passwords on the remote servers), howver, I need to run the following command:

ssh odsadmin@ 'cp -a /var/www/life /var/www/life-v4'

when I run this command, I keep getting asked to enter the password, I even tried putting sudo in front of the cp, but still get the request to enter the password.

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Debian Configuration :: Server Services Delay After Wakeup From Suspend

Oct 4, 2015

I'm trying to lower consumption of my server/HTPC. After wakeup from pm-suspend server/HTPC is ready to use in 1 or 2 seconds .For example if I suspend it while watching movie in KODI, after resume movie starts playing instantly. But some services (SSH and SAMBA) are not running. I thought it was network problem so I change configuration to static (not DHCP). SAMBA and SSH starts like 15 seconds after wakeup.

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Debian Configuration :: CIFS Mount Causes 90-sec Timeout Delay During Shutdown

Nov 17, 2015

I'm using Debian 8.2 from a very recent download of the latest NetInst (less than 2 weeks). I'm sort of new to Linux - More accurately, I've used Unix and Linux extensively in the past, so most of my knowledge is dated. In particular, the whole systemd / systemctl paradigm is completely new to me.

Problem: I've added an entry to /etc/fstab to mount a NAS drive as CIFS. When I do a system shutdown or reboot, the system hangs for 90 seconds trying to unmount the NAS. If I manually umount the NAS prior to shutdown / reboot everything works fine.

I've done a fair amount of investigation and web searches, but haven't found a fix yet. Apparently several people were encountering similar problems about a year back, and it seems pretty clear that the root cause what ordering of steps in the shutdown process, e.g., WLAN being turned off before unmounting filesystems. This seems to have been resolved for most users (no one is discussing it any more), but I'm now running into the same issue. Ugh.

I tried to add a shell script to /etc/rc0.d to umount the NAS first in the shutdown process. This had no effect. I assume this is because the new systemd / systemctl paradigm supplants the old /etc/rc model of runlevel control, though it is rather baffling (to me, at least) as to why /etc/rc* still exists if the system is no longer using it...?

Here's some things I'd like to try, but how to proceed:

1. In the new systemd / systemctl paradigm, how do I examine and change the ordering of steps in the shutdown process? I've seen a lot of documentation on systemd, but nothing tells me how to do what I used to be able to do with /etc/rc with a simple rename of a symlink. If I knew how to look at the order of shutdown and change that ordering, I'm fairly certain I could identify and resolve this issue.

2. Is there some other way to mount my CIFS NAS other than editing /etc/fstab? Is it possible that my manual edit to /etc/fstab is the cause of this issue? My research into systemd indicates that it IS supposed to be compatible with /etc/fstab. I have not yet found documentation describing how to mount a filesystem at boot WITHOUT editing /etc/fstab ...

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Debian Configuration :: Long Delay In Accessing SAMBA Shares

Jan 27, 2016

When I boot up, or come out of standby, etc, it takes about a minute for my Windows shares on Win 7 to show up under Network. Is there anything I can try that will make this initial connection faster? Either on Debian or the Win7 machine? I have the latest Debian vanilla. This is over wifi. My other devices list the shares right away.

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