Ubuntu :: Connecting To PostSQL?

Oct 2, 2010

i think i'm some of the way there to connecting to PostgresSQL- i dont know what it is or what it does but it is required for another program that i want to run. anyway when i run the program i get the error: "unable to connect to this database, please check the configuration". i am not entirely sure what the problem is and this might be a bigger problem than i am capable of dealing with right now as my skills in operating the terminal are not that great. so i have set up a new user and password by the terminal which im pretty sure i have done correctly.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 9.10 Not Connecting To Internet At Home But Connecting From Work

Feb 9, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 9.10 and its great. However when I connect to the internet at home it shows that the connection has been established but I still cant connect to the internet. My flatmates are all able to connect. However, I am able to connect from work both wirelessly and through an ethernet cable.

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Ubuntu :: Connecting To The Web Using N97?

May 8, 2010

I'm running linux mint 8...(since it's based on ubuntu, I thought thats the place...)
I wanted to ask, how can I connect my N97 to the linux... and surf the web with it? 3G and stuff?

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Ubuntu :: UbuntuOne Not Connecting

Apr 6, 2010

Every time I upload files into the web onto my ubuntuone account the ubuntuone folder can't connect and synchronize my data. In the folder when I click connect, it does not work.

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To See Who Is Connecting

Jun 23, 2010

I would just like to know how many page hits i am getting and to see where the IP is. How to i go about seeing this on the server ( i dont want to add a page counter or anything all i want is to see a list of IP's times when they made the connection and what they viewed ) Is there a command to see this?

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Ubuntu :: Not Connecting To Internet?

Jul 3, 2010

I created a Live CD with Ubuntu 10.4 Desktop, in which everything seems to work except Firefox, or internet connections in general. I've tried several other Linux distros with the same results. The DSL modem is on and working (USB Westell Wirespeed duel connect modem), works with Windows XP (native OS on this computer) but not with this live cd.

Ive been inside the network manager, and have only one connection setup which is DSL and automatically connect. But when it looks for a connection, none is found (the tab on the upper right corner of the desktop with the exclamation mark).

The live cd connects at work, but it's through a server and connected to that via ethernet, so that's a completely different setup.

I've seen countless other instances of connectivity issues, and it all seems to involve hours of testing, command line editing, and other things that more often than not produce no results.

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Ubuntu :: Run Script Before Connecting To Vpn

Jul 4, 2010

I am trying to run a script before starting to connect to a vpn (when clicking in the network manager applet). I googled: if-down.d if-post-down.d if-pre-up.d if-up.d But couldn't find any good info, only bug reports. And as I understand those will run when an interface (which one?) is upped|etc... I need to run the script BEFORE the vpn starts because it uses the command "host" and if the vpn has already started I cant access internet. The script setup routes for a list of host, so I would need to run another script to remove them after disconnecting the vpn or my normal connection wont work.

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Ubuntu :: Not Connecting To All XP Computers?

Sep 4, 2010

I have configured Ubuntu 10.04 to work on a Windows XP network that has 2 other XP desktops (wired to same router). Ubuntu sees the icons for each computer in the "network" tab of "places" and can access the shared files 1 of those desktops, no problem, but trying to access the other one gets the error "Unable to mount location-failed to retrieve share list from server" I have checked the XP computers and can't find what may be different about them.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 64 Bit - Wireless Not Connecting ?

Nov 30, 2010

I have 10.10 32 bit and 64 bit live CDs. Using the 32 bit, I can easily connect to my wireless router. However, the 64 bit CD, while recognizing the wireless connection, will not connect. My computer is 64 bit capable (I ran Karmic and Lucid using 64 bit). I have a 802.11 WiFi using the rt2800pci driver. Any ideas on how to get the wireless working for 10.10 64 bit? I would like to install it, just leery of wireless problems.

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Ubuntu :: Hipporemote Not Connecting To 10.10?

Dec 12, 2010

I recently got an app called Hipporemote and I'm trying to get it connected to my computer. Now I know that the VNC connection isn't good with security, but when you spend about 3 bucks on this software, you want it to work. Anyway, the Hipporemote sees my computer, but when I try to connect to it it keeps on saying that it doesn't have a VNC server installed, which it is by the way. how You installed or got this app working in ubuntu 10.10?

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Ubuntu :: Connecting To MS-RDS Via SSL Gateway?

Dec 21, 2010

I use Ubuntu 10.10 x64 at home. My company uses Microsoft RDS (remote desktop services, aka terminal services) at work and I'd like to know if it's possible to connect from home.

On a Windows machine, there is an extra tab in the remote desktop client that allows you to specify a secure gateway to connect through - this means you don't need to establish a VPN connection beforehand, it simply just connects straight away via an SSL tunnel.

I've looked at quite a few Ubuntu RDP clients and none of them seem to have this option.

Does anyone know if it can be done? Either that or I'd like to get my hands on a copy of the 64 bit linux Cisco VPN client that works. I've found a few copies around the internet but they always fail to install.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Win 7 And 10.10 Not Connecting?

Feb 24, 2011

Forgive me if this has been answered, but searches have been un-fruitful. I recently built a 64 bit Ubuntu 10.10 pc. It is sitting right next to my Windows 7 Premium 64 bit machine. They can't see each other. I disabled Homegroup on my network. Now, when I try to access Ubuntu from Windows, I am prompted for a username and password. Both systems have the SAME UW and PW. It doesn't connect.When I go from Ubuntu to connect to Windows, I am prompted or Workgroup passwords.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connecting To VPN Via SSH

Apr 28, 2011

I was wondering if it is possible to SSH into my home PC and enable the VPN I have already set up there? After loads of Googling I have been unable to find the command!

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General :: Connecting Net In Ubuntu?

Feb 16, 2011

I started usin ubuntu 10.4 only a week ago. I use reliance MG880+ for internet connection. The problem is that the modem sometimes connects and most of the times( usually when i put the system in hibernation and switch it back on or something like that) it doesn't.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connecting To The Internet On 9.10?

Jan 19, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 Live CD and I can't connect to the internet. I click on System --> Preferences --> Network connections and under the tab DSL I click Add. After i fill the information I click to connect to the new connection and after a while it shows me a baloon which says "Wired network: Disconnected - you are now offline".

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Ubuntu Networking :: Different IP Address When Connecting To SSH?

Feb 5, 2010

I have often connected to my machine's remotely through ssh. Today I noticed that when I connect, the "last login" IP seems a little weird to me. I'm on my home network, so I connect directly with the IP of the computer within the router. But after the IP I get this XXX.XX.X.XXX.dedicated.neoviatelecom.com.br What is the neoviatelecom part? Is that normal? I don't remember ever seeing that there before. If I connect a couple of times from my win7 laptop (through cygwin) I get the correct IP address, but followed with the other part. If I connect with my other desktop (running Karmi 9.10) I get the same neoviatelecom thing as above.

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Ubuntu :: Wireless Not Connecting Automatically?

Feb 13, 2010

After installing 9.10 (clean install of the OS), each time I restart my laptop I have to "OK" the wireless connection prompt in order for it to activate. The prompt that appears is the 'wireless security' tab of the 'network connection' window--with EVERYTHING filled in as it should be.YES, I DEFINITELY have "connect automatically" checked.

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Ubuntu :: Get Hi Fi Quality Sound By Connecting One?

Feb 14, 2010

I have put my record collection onto disc (Ubuntu+Audacity+Rythmbox) I would now like to play the MP3 files through my Hi-Fi. Is there a "media player" unit that can connect to a MONITOR? Note I do NOT have a TV and it looks as though these using can only connect via TV. I presume a cheap laptop would do the job but would I get Hi Fi quality sound by connecting one?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Connecting But Not Doing Anything?

Mar 4, 2010

Installed Ubuntu 9.1 - Linksys WUSB600 connects but no network access. I get "server not found", so no data being xmtted. It worked fine in ver 9.04 but not in 9.1

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Ubuntu Networking :: Not Connecting To Wireless

Mar 28, 2010

I recently installed the latest version of Kubuntu in a dual boot system with Windows XP on a Dell laptop. The dell laptop has a broadcom wireless device, and I was able to set up the driver and get wireless working. Then I booted into windows XP to make a whole bunch of updates/driver installations, and when I booted back into Kubuntu it would not connect to the wireless network. I am pretty sure the device is still active, because it picks up on the wireless networks in the area. But KWallet does not open to ask for my password on booting. Something is not set right, but I can't tell what.

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Ubuntu :: Connecting PHP To Sybase Database?

Apr 13, 2010

At work we have a Sybase Adaptiver Server 9.0 database running, it has to stay there for now, and we are developing a web application that will connect to it using PHP.I was already able to make it work using ODBC on Windows and using odbc_connect on PHP.But now we are moving to Ubuntu, and we are trying to get it to work on it.I already have Apache2 and PHP5 up and running.There are two ways (I can think of) we can do this, one is using ODBC and then use "odbc_connect" and the other is making "sybase_connect" work on PHP. Being the latter probably the best one since you wouldn't have ODBC as an intermediary.

Either way, as long as it works I'm happy. ODBC would be fine to meet our requirements for now.I already have ODBC Data Source Administrator but no idea how to create/include/add the Sybase driver.We also tried setting freetds up, but that didn't work either, we might be missing something.

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Ubuntu :: IPod Is Connecting But Not Actually Making Any Changes?

May 6, 2010

I have an iPod nano (3rd generation), and I'm having issues in 10.04 (not sure if its closed to 10.04 as I cannot test on older vers.): The iPod is detecting fine and all programs recognize the iPod (Banshee, Rhythmbox and the file manager) with all the files. But when I go to delete music, the program will delete the files on the programs manager but not on my iPod. iPod is connecting but not actually making any changes?

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Ubuntu :: Connecting 2 Computers Via Crossover?

May 9, 2010

I'm trying to connect 2 Ubuntu computers with a crossover cable (ethernet). I found the following thread:


Its says to go to:

1. In System > Preferences > Network Connections

and under IPv4 tab, change Method to Link-Local Only.

The problem for me is I'm using Xubuntu 9.04 (on 1 of them) and I don't have "Network Connections". Is there a way to get this utility in Xubuntu 9.04 so I can set the method to 'Link local only' ?

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Ubuntu :: Connecting Wireless Using LEAP

May 10, 2010

I'm using ubuntu for about 3 years, and I update my machine each 6 months with the latest version. In the past, in order to be able to connect to IBM wireless network (LEAP) I had to enabled a restricted driver in the "System>Admin>Hardware Drivers" restricted drivers manager. I think it was Intrepid, or (Hardy), that since then the restricted driver to the wireless card is not appear in the restricted drivers manager. I'm using Thinkpad T60, Ubuntu 10.04, the Ethernet controller is Atheros Communications Inc. AR5212 802.11abg NIC (rev 01) (attached the output of lspci command) BTW - I have no problems connecting to regular wifi networks.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 9.10 Not Connecting To XP On Wired LAN?

May 16, 2010

Situation: I can access Ubuntu from Windows XP but not XP from Ubuntu. When I try to access XP from Ubuntu I get message "Unable to mount location Failed to retrieve share list from server"

In System/Administration/Network Tools using Network device: Loopback Interface (lo) I can ping the IP address of the XP machine. Also, using Network device: Ethernet Interface (eth0) I can ping the XP by using its computer name.

In System/Preferences/Network Connections it shows under the Wired tab: Auto eth0 never used

Below are the settings in my smb.conf file.

## Browsing/Identification ###
workgroup = MSHOME
wins support = no
wins server = w.x.y.z
dns proxy = no


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 10.04 - Connecting Computer To CRT TV

May 24, 2010

Not the best idea to dive into the Linux world on my first ever HTPC build. Anyway, here I am. I am trying to connect my computer with a fresh copy of Ubuntu 10.04 to an older CRT TV. My video card has (2) DVI ports as well as an S-Audio port. The TV has S-Audio and the white-yellow-red RCA's. I bought an S-Audio cable today but I cannot get the "detect monitor" option in system>preferences>monitor to detect anything other than the actual monitor I also have hooked up at the moment. I haven't even begun to focus on audio yet, but I expect that to be much smoother than the video side of it.

PC specs just in case:
Gigabyte P35-DS3L
Intel E8400
Generic (2) 2GB RAM
XFX 8800gts Alpha Dog
Razer Barracuda AC-1
WD 500GB

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Ubuntu :: Difficulty Connecting To Internet?

Jun 16, 2010

A few months back my previous computer went west and I've only just got a replacement, and having had enough of Windoze to last me a lifetime, I decided on Linux and and selected Ubuntu, keeping the Internet account current in the interim with a couple of topups done from Internet cafes. Problem. I'm on mobile broadband, Virgin to be exact. The machine recognizes the modem; the Virgin icon is plainly visible on the desktop, but that's as far as it goes, I simply can't connect, though I think the machine is trying to.I set up a mobile broadband connection and I've edited it every whichaway, but to no avail. It's only Basic though, I haven't tried Advanced. Should I try Advanced, and while I'm at it, what else could causing my problems?

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Freezes When Connecting To Network

Jun 17, 2010

Every time I connect my notebook to a network (wired or wireless) it freezes. I have no clue what might be causing this.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connecting With AT&T 3G Card?

Jun 25, 2010

A group I'm working with recently got new netbooks with Ubuntu Netbook Edition 10.04 and some AT&T LaptopConnect (3G) cards. When I hook them into the usb port, the cards light begins blinking, but nothing shows up to indicate ubuntu has recognized the new card, nor am I able to connect to the internet. My searches for help have indicated no one else has had any difficulty with this and that the card usually pops up and installs some drivers automatically or something.

I'm not sure at the moment the model of the 3G card other than very new, but I can check on that in a bit. The netbooks are HP Mini 210s.

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Ubuntu :: Connecting To File Server?

Jun 26, 2010

My next problem is: how in hell do you connect to a file server in Ubuntu???I have a plain little 1/2TB file server connected to my router. My Mac has no problems connecting to it.My Win 7 laptop has no trouble connecting to it. BUT... Ubuntu can't seem to find it at all. I have tried every bloody thing I can think of to tell it the server... name, Mac address, IP Address.

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